Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 814: some people should go to hell

The latest website: After the biological power plant completed the test, Chen Xiao immediately arranged for Gao Miao to continue to expand the scale of the microbial reaction pool in the northwest region.

And turn the test factory directly into a permanent factory.

Changtian Technology's Xinghe Energy Company will continue to expand the scope of the factory with Shuimu County as the center.

Gao Miao, who had just returned to Changzezhou from the northwest region, only stayed in Changzezhou for three days before returning to the northwest region immediately.

It's not that the construction of biological pools and factories requires Gao Miao to sit there in person and keep an eye on the quality of the project.

Rather, Gao Miao had a very important task to go to the Northwest this time - to acquire land.

She will try her best to determine the ownership of the land to be used by the future factory in accordance with Changtian Technology's plan.

Chen Xiao never does uncertain things, and most things require planning and prediction.

The deserts and Gobi deserts in the Northwest are indeed neglected, and no one else wants to give them to others.

However, it is not ruled out that there are some people with ulterior motives who learned that Changtian Technology opened its mouth to the Lions of Changtian Technology or made some unreasonable demands when they learned that Changtian Technology was using the unique vision and advantages of Northwest China to do energy projects, which would affect Changtian Technology. progress of the project.

So before that, Chen Xiao had to get most of the land ownership.

Watching Gao Miao get on the special plane of Changtian Technology again, Wang Xiang said to Chen Xiao with some emotion: "Miao Miao has been working hard in the past few years. Strong, very unfriendly to girls."

"Do you think there should be another boy in the project department?"

Of course, Chen Xiao had considered the question Wang Xiang raised.

Gao Miao is a few years older than himself, and he is 35 this year.

In the past few years at Changtian Technology, Gao Miao's emotional life has been blank.

Chen Xiao was also concerned about this matter.

But Gao Miao didn't care about such things at all.

Or, in Gao Miao's position, it doesn't matter whether they fall in love, get married and have children.

It also benefits from the very advanced technology of Changtian Technology's biological and medical laboratories.

Three years ago, the laboratory developed a biological skin care product using the totipotency of cells.

It can ensure that the user's skin is always in a particularly healthy state.

Therefore, Takamiao's current state of appearance is not much different from that of a twenty-five or six-year-old girl.

But the northwest region is indeed too difficult for girls.

Chen Xiao considered substituting.

It's just that the project in the northwest region is related to the lifeline of Changtian Technology's development in the next few decades, so Chen Xiao can only send his most trusted people to do it.

Tall Miao is a unique choice.

Chen Xiao said to Wang Xiang: "After Sister Miao Miao settles the land use right in the northwest region, I will withdraw her back."

Gao Miao has already gone to the northwest region, and Qu Ping is not idle here either.

Chen Xiao asked the biological and medical laboratory and Galaxy Energy to jointly study how to modularize and scale up the use of bio-batteries.

Qu Ping immediately thought that the whole school of Chen Xiao might want to apply this technology in a wider life.

And the first to bear the brunt should be the car.

In response to this problem, Qu Ping had actually thought about it.

As far as the conversion of energy blocks into electrical energy is concerned, the current laboratory can do it on a car.

However, neither of the two theoretical methods involved has been tried in practice, so it is impossible to know which method is better.

The first method is to produce countless small bio-batteries similar to mobile phone bio-batteries, connect these small bio-batteries in series and install them on the car, and connect them to the motor.

Let the small bio-battery generate electricity at the same time, and the final powerful electricity can drive the motor to rotate, so as to ensure that the car has kinetic energy to move forward.

The advantage of this method is that countless small batteries work in series, which can best play the role of each battery, ensure that each cubic centimeter of colony can "work hard", and also ensure that the car has strong power.

But this method involves many relatively small technical problems.

For example, when all the battery energy is exhausted, how to quickly replenish energy for all the small batteries?

Another example is that each battery is an independent biological reaction structure, and its production cost will be relatively high.

The second way is to build a larger bio-battery inside the car.

The generator is independently powered by the bio-battery.

The advantage of this scheme is that the structure is relatively simple, and maintenance and repair are relatively convenient.

But there are also shortcomings. Changtian Technology has never produced a whole large-scale bio-battery, and it still needs to be explored technically.

And if the volume of the bio-battery is large, the silk wall will cause the internal bacterial colony to have no way to absorb energy blocks in a balanced manner and generate electricity.

Then the power generation efficiency of the bio-battery is not as high as that of the small-scale bio-battery.

There is no problem at all in theory.

The next step is to look at the experiment.

After Qu Ping took the order, she immediately worked with the technicians of Galaxy Energy Company to study together.

Now Changtian Technology has encountered a very difficult matter.

That is, there are more and more intersections between disciplines.

For example, the research and development of biological chips requires the cooperation of biological laboratories and chip laboratories.

But the application of batteries in automobiles also requires the cooperation of Galaxy Energy and biological laboratories.

Both parties are departments at the same level, and sometimes there will be some problems and contradictions in communication and cooperation.

Of course, the problem here is very contradictory. It is not a personal grievance or a power struggle, but a technical intransigence.

Most of the time, Chen Xiao needs to come forward in person.

But in many cases, Chen Xiao simply didn't have the extra time to deal with the disputes between departments.

Chen Xiao was thinking that he should set up a coordination office at the head office level, and arrange relevant authority personnel to serve as the director of the office, so as to coordinate the conflicts between the two parties.

The person arranged must be a veteran of Changtian Technology, so that he will have authority.

He doesn't need to have strong professional technical knowledge, but he must have very strong and muddy abilities (because the battle between technologies will be finally compromised by continuous attempts under the framework).

At this time, Chen Xiao found a perfect candidate - the retired Zhou Linghua.

Zhou Linghua is definitely a veteran of Changtian Technology.

His qualifications are even half a year earlier than Wang Xiang's.

After all, Wang Xiang was locked up for a period of time because of the counterfeit motherboard.

After retirement, Zhou Linghua returned to Jiangzhou City and lived in the villa purchased by Changtian Technology.

In order to repay this old partner and old friend who fought with him, Chen Xiao also specially arranged medical staff and meal nurses to serve him.

Zhou Linghua's body is also very good. In addition, he used Changtian Technology's skin care products, and the maintenance is also very good. He looks like a middle-aged man in his 50s, without looking old at all.

And Chen Xiao also heard about his countless affairs.

There seem to be several Merry Sons out there.

Several times Zhou Linghua joked to Chen Xiao that Chen Xiao was a monk.

Wood got sex.

Chen Xiao smiled.

Everyone has their own personality, not everyone is perfect.

Therefore, Chen Xiao would not interfere too much with Zhou Linghua's private affairs.

Anyway, Zhou Linghua is bored in Jiangzhou, so let's use his spare time.

When Chen Xiao called Zhou Linghua to prove the establishment of the coordination office, Zhou Linghua refused ten thousand times.

In the end, after talking badly, he agreed.

To take care of old comrades.

The coordinating office will use cloud negotiation.

Zhou Linghua only needs to be in Jiangzhou, and doesn't need to come to Changzezhou. Of course, he can also work in Changzezhou if he wants to.

After arranging this matter, Chen Xiao felt relieved and devoted himself to the research of biochips and artificial intelligence.

And at this moment, in the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory in the United States.

After repeated experiments, although the laboratory finally failed to find a way to reproduce the joint colony or the pluripotency of the cells, it finally achieved some results.

They call it a major breakthrough.

This result is - destruction!

The Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory found a virus in nature, and made some improvements to the virus, making it highly contagious against joint colonies, but ineffective against ordinary people.

After the virus invades the cell body of the joint colony, it will directly kill the joint colony.

If some patients have undergone combined colony lung therapy, or other organ regeneration and transplant surgery, then they will definitely be recruited.

If the colonies in those regenerated organs die, the organs fail.

Organ failure can also lead to immediate death.

The laboratory assumes that if a large number of patients who have used the medical technology of Changtian Technology die due to this natural virus, it will definitely make patients around the world have doubts about the technology of Changtian Technology, and they will also have doubts about the technology of Changtian Technology. Reputation takes a devastating toll.

Doing so will not only save the biomedical industry in the United States, but also save the semiconductor and consumer electronics industries in the United States from the side.

Fort Detrick Biology, Underground Lab.

Flix lay on the cold hospital bed.

If it weren't for the vital signs, there were still some traces, and everyone thought he was already dead.

One patient, Flix, who had been missing to his family, had endured a brutal six months in the laboratory.

Some kind of fluid had been injected into his body a week earlier.

In the liquid, there is a large amount of virus that destroys the associated colonies.

He had completed the combined colony replacement lung treatment and the colony started dying in large numbers.

The dead colony had been metabolically out of balance, causing severe inflammation in the tissues and organs where he had planted the combined colony.

Immediately afterwards, it began to fester and stink, and the body's immune system collapsed, forming sepsis.

The above vital signs showed that Flix's heartbeat had reached 140 beats per minute, which was a heartbeat close to death.

Although Flix couldn't move his whole body, his mind was clear.

This time he felt short of breath, and every cell in his body was starved of oxygen.

This feeling was his first since completing joint colony treatment for lung disease.

Phryx knew he was going to die.

A weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is the second generation of Dutch immigrants. His father came to the other side of the ocean because of his dream.

He also gave a lot for this country.

But Flix didn't expect that this land, which looks glamorous on the surface, is so dirty and decayed inside.

Let him disappear from the world as a living citizen, and no one will respond.

Fort Detrick creature, the experiment on Fryx is almost over.

This living human experiment sample no longer has any value of use.

But in the last item of the laboratory, there is still a thought response data to fill in.

It is to fill in how Flix actually feels at this moment after the virus invades and the colony dies in large numbers.

The ruthless experimenters wore thick protective clothing, and they came to Fryx with emotionless facial expressions.

The experimenter lowered his head and asked Frix very coldly: "Sir, how do you feel now?"

"Do you feel that your body is deprived of oxygen or is there pain?"

Then the experimenter took out a pen and paper and prepared to record what Frix said.

Frix felt extremely sad in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

He didn't expect that before his own death, the remaining value of the last place would be squeezed out.

The other party actually wanted to record his feelings before his death.

"Youll_go_to_hell," Fricks said in a hoarse, low voice.

"What did you say? Please speak clearly!"

The experimenters disliked the fact that the protective clothing was soundproof and couldn't hear what the other party said, and they knew that the virus carried by Fricks was only effective against joint colonies and had no effect on ordinary people.

So in order to complete the task faster, the experimenter took off the protective cap, lowered his head and ears, and leaned close to Frix, "Say it again, sir, what are you talking about?"

Frix exhausted all his strength to spit blood mixed with phlegm from his lungs, throat and mouth onto the experimenter's face.

Then said loudly: "youll_go_to_hell."

"You bastard! Damn you bastard!"

The experimenter was shocked and disgusted, so he quickly wiped his face with the sheet. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

After saying this.

Fricks finally breathed his last and fell on the bed dead.

In the monitoring room of the laboratory.

The person in charge of the experimental project in a suit shook his head helplessly watching this scene.

"We have worked hard for a long time, but we have only reached this point."

"But it is a pity that the virus cannot be transmitted through breathing or saliva (after the virus enters the human body through breathing and saliva, it will be killed by the human immune system), it can only be transmitted through blood."

"It is difficult for us to spread the virus on a large scale to patients who have been in contact with the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center."

"We still need more experimental samples, our virus is not virulent enough."

82 Chinese Network

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