Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 815: You missed an opportunity to create an era together

Latest URL: Frix died in the end, and was subsequently rendered harmless.

In the relevant population management department of the United States, Fricks is a missing person.

There are too many missing persons in the United States, with an annual number of almost 100,000.

That is to say, nearly 100,000 people were walking on the road, or watching movies in the park or shopping mall, and suddenly he disappeared.

No one knows where he went.

Because the number of missing people is very large, the relevant departments in the United States only open a case for this matter, and they will not take the initiative to search for it. Sometimes they even do not even open a case. I think this is a very normal thing.

Frix's disappearance and death went unnoticed.

He will slowly disappear in the memory of relatives and friends over time.

And the experiments at Fort Detrick's biological lab won't stop.

Labs have so far only produced viruses capable of infecting combined colonies through blood.

But this virus cannot be transmitted through breathing or water (after entering the human body through these two methods, the virus will be killed by the body's immune system).

So the lab will go to great lengths to find more extreme ways.

It is best to be able to spread the disease through the air.

In this way, those patients who have undergone Changtian Technology's colony treatment will face a major crisis, which will deal a heavy blow to the entire medical system of Changtian Technology.

The relevant personnel of the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory continued to look for subjects that could be used as experiments.

The risk of directly making the other party disappear like Frix is ​​relatively high.

So the lab took an even more extreme approach.

In the name of the foundation, they will search for patients in South America who are in urgent need of treatment.

Most of these patients come from the slums of South American countries, especially Mexico and Pakistan.

These patients in the slums do not have money for treatment, but they are also eager to survive.

If the foundation can give some money and access to treatment, these civilians are very happy to cooperate.

After they finished treatment in the intensive care center, they might be secretly sent to Fort Detrick's biological laboratory and become new experimental subjects.

As for the family members of these poor people, even if they know that their relatives are missing, thinking that their relatives are seriously ill, and there is no money in the family, they will not bother to find them.

Everything is so natural and logical.

Why is biomedicine so developed in the United States? Many drugs can be developed before other countries in the world?

In addition to the biomedical team in the United States, which indeed has the best talents in the world, the United States has the most advanced biological laboratories in the world.

The most critical point is that there are endless test subjects in the back garden of the United States.

Although the relevant laws of the United States stipulate that from the research and development of drugs to the final clinical application, it is necessary to go through a long process of animal experiments and human experiments.

But because this process is very long and the cost is very terrible, many American pharmaceutical companies will not follow the relevant laws and regulations at all.

They will find the relevant legal use of the labyrinth, and cheaper experimental consumables.

These experimental consumables are the poor in the slums of South America, and the black households who tried to immigrate to the United States but did not have a formal green card. It doesn’t matter if the poor and black households are dead recently, because no one will care, and no one will pursue legal responsibility.

How can those developed countries be so glamorous on the surface? It's just a kind of strong perfume and powder to make herself more beautiful.

But the related actions of Fort Detrick's biological laboratory are not so secretive.

Changtian Technology also found some problems.

The overseas intensive care center of Longsky Technology and the domestic intensive care center are two completely different categories.

Because the domestic intensive care center has the treatment fund of Changtian Technology, no matter whether you are rich or poor, you have the opportunity to receive treatment.

But foreign countries are completely different. The cost of treatment abroad is very expensive, and the beds and treatment opportunities are very tight.

The so-called philanthropists in foreign countries don’t even want their face. They may give leftovers to some poor people, but when faced with the few treatments in the intensive care center, these philanthropists will never give up. .

But recently there was a very strange thing that was monitored by Changtian Technology.

Because many poor people also entered the intensive care center in Mexico City for treatment.

Where does the money for the treatment of these poor people come from?

Who is behind the funding?

What is the purpose?

With such rare opportunities for treatment, Changtian Technology will not think that any foundation is so kind as to give the opportunity to these poor people.

In addition, there are some patients who have already undergone treatment, and in the early stage after treatment, they will stably purchase culture fluid in the middle-level treatment center, but in the later stage, these patients seem to disappear from the world.

Huang Ling, the head of the intensive care center, has also studied this particularly strange phenomenon.

They analyzed the data of these patients (Changtian Technology has a very strong monitoring of overseas intensive care centers, not only dispatched technicians to station for a long time, but also collected all the data of the patients), and found that the life expectancy of these patients should be Is between 10 and 25 years.

That is to say, after they underwent surgery in the intensive care center, it is absolutely impossible for them to die from the same disease again.

But suddenly some patients disappeared, which is very strange.

The only possibility is accidental death.

And there are so many intensive care centers around the world.

Europe and Asia are fine.

The problem is the United States and the country in the back garden of the United States.

After Huang Ling reported this matter to Chen Xiao with her own analysis.

Chen Xiao also felt strange.

He immediately asked Huang Ling to arrange relevant personnel to secretly visit the family members of these patients and inquire about the specific situation.

In the end, Changtian Technology got a chilling fact - most of these patients who did not come for follow-up, did not get culture fluid and patients from poor families had disappeared.

Their family members are either unwilling to accept home visits from Changtian Technology at all (the agent or intermediary agency of Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory has given them enough hush money), or they don’t care about their family members at all. Whether it is dead or alive, even those who care more and call the police have no follow-up.

The relevant departments in the United States don't pay much attention to this kind of thing, but Changtian Technology attaches great importance to it.

What does this mean?

It means that those patients who have been treated by the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center have become the prey of some forces (although it is a very small part), which is very troublesome.

Changtian Technology immediately took measures.

Patient information is strictly confidential.

But Chen Xiao knew that it was useless.

If a country's laws are useless, there is really no way.

Because for some forces, patients who received treatment at the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center are prey.

For some other forces, those beautiful girls or children are also prey.

If some patients do not accept the treatment of Changtian Technology because they are afraid that they will become prey, it is absolutely impossible for many families to fear that their children will become prey and choose not to have girls or not to have children.

It's impossible for Chen Xiao to set up a law enforcement team locally.

Chen Xiao was thinking, where did these disappearing patients go?

There are two possibilities.

One is that they really disappear by accident.

The second type is more likely to be caught by some institutions or laboratories and used for experiments.

The purpose of the experiment is to test the Changtian technology combined with the colony treatment method or the totipotency of the cells.

This test also serves two purposes.

The first is to hope to imitate the treatment method of Changtian Technology. If so, the treatment of those patients may be better.

The 2nd kind is very scary.

The opponent's hidden enemies hope to find out the loopholes of the joint colony.

As long as it is a biological body, there must be flaws.

No matter how strong the body is, people will catch a cold, that's the reason.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling could only sit on the sofa and let out a long sigh.

When developing the joint colony, Chen Xiao also considered this issue.

Because this is a new species synthesized in the laboratory, it is basically invincible in nature.

That is to say, the existing viruses or bacteria that humans have mastered basically do not pose a threat to the joint colony.

If medical institutions around the world cooperate with Changtian Technology, Changtian Technology is more willing to promote the treatment methods in the intensive care center and treat more patients.

In this way, the life expectancy of human beings will be greatly improved, and diseases that seem difficult now will also be cured.

But the country on the other side of the ocean is simply carcinogenic to humans.

It's always what you don't have, and no one else wants to have it.

Either grab other people's things, or destroy other people's things.

If their biological laboratory is really developing something against the ethics of the joint colony of Changtian Technology, it will only restrict the development of human technology and spend a lot of time on human infighting.

However, Chen Xiao already knew the character of the country on the other side of the ocean.

It is reasonable for them to be able to do such a thing.

Of course, Changtian Technology will not sit still.

Chen Xiao immediately arranged life science and medical laboratories to monitor the physical condition of every patient who has received treatment in the intensive care center.

Every time those patients are re-examined, the intensive care center of Changtian Technology will check the career conditions of these patients and the survival of the combined colonies.

If any abnormality is found, the laboratory will take immediate measures.

At this moment, Xia Guo's netizens are focusing on one thing - this year's Nobel Prize winners are about to be selected.

Because there was already enough news, Chen Xiao was not only nominated this time, but was also included in the final list.

Very likely to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

In recent years, the news that Chen Xiao was able to win the Nobel Prize has been circulating.

But every time it was nominated, it was finally rejected for various reasons.

So this has been running with me.

Chen Xiao didn't care about it, but Xia Guo's netizens did.

It's not that the Nobel Prize is so great, but Xia Guo's education has been promoting the greatness of the Nobel Prize in recent decades, and linked it to the country's comprehensive scientific research capabilities.

In the classroom, the teachers would always say, ah, you see, there are dozens of awards from Americans, and many from the East, but there are no awards from Xia people in the scientific research category (Tu Youyou won the award in 2015).

This kind of education makes Xia people care a lot, but many Xia people actually don't know that the Nobel Prize is not only linked to your scientific research strength, but also linked to what team you are in.

If you stand on the side of the West, if there is no award, you must try to create one for you.

If you stand on the opposite side of the West, then I am really embarrassed.

Netizens are discussing on forums and Weibo.

"Chen Xiao has been running with him for several years. Changtian Technology has achieved such remarkable achievements, why not give him an award?"

"I heard that the fundamental reason for not awarding him an award is that Changtian Technology is unwilling to publish papers in Western academic journals, but this year there is great hope!"

"I hope Changtian Technology can make history and Chen Xiao can make history!"

"Chen Xiao's odds of winning the Nobel Prize are decreasing rapidly, which shows that he is very likely to win."

Royal Karolinska Institute, Sweden.

The jury of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is discussing and studying the list of candidates for this year's project award and their representative achievements.

At this time, there are four candidates in front of the jury, namely John O'Keeffe, Mybritt Moser, Edward Moser and Chen Xiao.

The three people are jointly researching a topic, which is the "GPS" spatial conception and positioning ability of the human brain.

Why do humans have a sense of space? Why do you know where you are, where is this information reflected and processed?

The trio's work sheds light on this question, which can guide our spatial orientation and provide the cellular basis for higher cognitive functions.

Do you want to say that this research is very important or very profound?

In fact, not necessarily.

But because this is a brand new field, it is also eligible to decide the final Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

The fourth person is Chen Xiao.

This is the Nth year that Chen Xiao has accompanied her on the run.

Every year, for one reason or another (the most important reason is that he is a native of Xia, a staunch patriot, and extremely arrogant to Western academic circles) and finally loses the election.

But this year is different.

In the past two years, the combined bacterial colony therapy developed by Chen Xiao has not only made significant progress, but also has been promoted on a large scale in the clinic. More importantly, Changtian Technology has developed a cell totipotent therapy.

The therapy not only cured Jobs, but also treated tens of thousands of patients so saved countless cancer patients.

And this year, Changtian Technology has also developed the artificial cultivation and sales of human organs.

This is definitely the beginning of the history of human biology.

Sometimes you hate him, but his achievements are indeed very eye-catching, and he keeps appearing in the center of the technology stage, so you can't help but pay attention to him.

When Liam, a well-known biologist at the Karin Rowlina School of Medicine, a doctoral supervisor of the school, and a tenured professor, announced the achievements of the deal in life medicine, the judging panel fell into silence.

One of the judges said: "I disagree. This time the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Chen Xiao, but his achievements are indeed very great, but all these achievements have not been recognized by the West. Chen Xiao Xiao is not even willing to publish the paper in a Western academic journal."

"I don't agree either!" said another judge.

(end of this chapter)

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