Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 816: Large-scale "money printing machine" started

The latest website: "I also disagree. Various technologies are strictly blocked by Changtian Technology. All the information we have obtained is published by Changtian Technology. But their treatment process must be kept strictly confidential, and it is difficult for us to confirm whether this technology is the same as the paper published by Changtian Technology."

Among the judges, nearly half of them have expressed their opinions.

As in previous years, they will exclude Chen Xiao from the Nobel-related awards.

The reason is the same as before.

Chen Xiao's non-transparency and non-disclosure are not friendly to the West.

But Rubesi, a professor who has just served as a judge this year and has three months of academic visiting experience in Xiaguo, said: "But none of this is a reason to deny the greatest biotechnology in human history."

"We shouldn't use this reason to deny Chen Xiao's medical and biological research! This is extremely important to human beings."

"In Chen Xiao's view, human beings are constantly challenging the traditional field of biology, and even constantly challenging the limits of human biology!"

"Although Chen Xiao's research on biology and medicine has not been published in Western academic weekly journals, and the scientific research results have not invited Western experts, scholars and scientific research institutions to conduct joint research, but this cannot deny his greatness. Achievement."

"I personally think that the achievements of many studies led by Chen Xiao have far surpassed the research on the brain conducted by John O'Keeffe and others."

"So I think we should vote for Xiao Chen."

Rubesi was once a staunch Occidentalist.

The so-called Occidentalists believe that the center of human science and technology is in the West, radiating outward from the United States and Europe.

Countries close to the radiation circle have relatively high technological level and literacy, while countries far away from the radiation circle have relatively low technological level and literacy.

For example, South Korea and Japan are both on the first line of the radiation circle. So their science and technology is also one of the best in the world.

Because Xia Kingdom is located on the periphery of the radiation circle, Lubesi believes that Xia Kingdom's science and technology have been at the middle and lower levels of the world for a long time.

But after Changtian Technology appeared, especially after Lu Beixi went to Xiaguo for several months of academic exchanges, he completely overturned his own view.

There is no absolute scientific core.

The achievements of Changtian Technology have far surpassed most countries in the West.

The judges couldn't agree more and couldn't form a unified opinion.

So in the end the host can only ask the judges to vote.

Candidates who receive more than half of the votes will win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

As a result, except for Rubesy, most of the judges voted for John O'Keeffe and the other three.

The result is beyond doubt.

John O'Keefe and three others won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Seeing that the result turned out to be like this, Lu Beixi was very sorry.

But he knew that with his own strength, there was no way to change this situation.

After the voting ended, Lu Beixi's tone was still relatively mild, but the content of his speech was relatively blunt.

"I'm not a fellow traveler of Changtian Technology, let alone Chen Xiao's friend. I just think that if these several Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine are evaluated in this way, it may make the Nobel, a hall of human science, a hall of human science. second-rate institution."

"When Chen Xiao, who has contributed to the development of human science and technology history, is not eligible for the Nobel Prize, then the golden age of science and technology belonging to the West will really end."

With those words, Rubesi left medical school.

Soon the news that John O'Keefe and others won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine spread like wildfire and became the global headlines of the day.

For the West, the Nobel Prize only has a certain influence in academia.

Ordinary people don't even know who Nobel is, let alone what a Nobel Prize is.

This phenomenon is actually very normal. Don't overestimate the knowledge level of the Western people, especially the knowledge level of the American people.

When you interview a citizen of the United States on the street, give him a map and ask him where is the country of Xia?

He might even point you to Antarctica.

Of course, if you ask him where the country of Xia is, this question is more difficult. You can ask him where is the country of Mi?

If he is only in Africa or Asia, then don’t be overly surprised, this is their real knowledge level, which is also the normal performance of the elite society in the United States and the West (important performance of elite society: the elite class is very good, knowledge level and scientific research Ability to lead the world, ordinary people are only a little better than fools.).

So this matter is just a piece of news that was posted on the webpage, and it did not attract much attention from the Western people.

But in Xia Kingdom, because the people have received a series of education similar to Xia Guo, there has never been a Nobel Prize winner, and winning a Nobel Prize can prove a country's strong scientific research strength and so on.

So the public, especially the netizens, responded very strongly.

On the Internet, news is constantly being discussed, and voices are also mixed.

"Did Chen Xiao not win the prize this time?"

"No way, he even developed cell pluripotency and commercialized large-scale cultured organs and tissues, and saved countless critically ill patients. Isn't that worthy of an award?"

"Are you kidding around the world? Countless cancer patients have gained a new life because of the technology developed by Chen Xiao. This is a major event in the history of human medicine and biology for nearly a thousand years. This is not an award, it is definitely a double standard!"

"I completely agree with the statement above. I just checked John O'Keeffe's award-winning scientific research results. Whether it is the volume of research or the contribution to the history of human medicine, it is not as good as 1% of Chen Xiao's. I firmly refuse to accept it!"

"Trash Nobel Prize!"

"I just saw your heated discussions on the Internet and thought you were a little funny. The Nobel Prize is rubbish. Its political attributes are far stronger than its technological attributes. Only Xia people are so superstitious about it."

However, the last comment is only a minority, and most people still attach great importance to it.

Chen Xiao didn't care about this matter at all, but that didn't mean that other people didn't care.

The Weibo of Changtian Technology has been compromised by netizens.

Most of the people left messages expressing their support for Chen Xiao.

So after reporting this matter to Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao suddenly laughed.

He said to Song Yi: "It's better not to respond to this matter. After all, I did not take the initiative to participate in the selection of the Nobel Prize, and no one told me that I would be nominated for the Nobel Prize."

Does winning matter?

To Chen Xiao, it didn't matter at all.

But Song Yi said from the perspective of the company's publicity and influence: "My personal suggestion is to respond. If we keep silent and don't respond, others will think we are sulking and pretending to be cold."

Xiaguo netizens are the cutest group, and Chen Xiao knows their personalities quite well.

The most important thing in dealing with netizens is to communicate and understand each other.

When you encounter a problem that everyone is concerned about, it is always better to explain it well than to say nothing.

Because everyone can understand after the explanation.

Chen Xiao said casually: "Then you can respond like this. In the future, the global scientific research center will be in Xia Guo, and now the global scientific research staff including Xia Guo are far more difficult than the Nobel Prize at that time. We don't need to prove it in the name of Nobel."

This sentence was originally spoken by Chen Xiao casually, but Song Yi simply sent this sentence to the comrade in charge of the public relations department of Changtian Technology Headquarters.

The comrade in charge of the public relations department posted this sentence on Changtian Technology's Weibo, which was a response to the countless netizens who cared about Chen Xiao.

But when everyone didn't expect it, after this reply came out, the entire Xia Kingdom's Internet exploded, and this Weibo instantly became the number one most searched topic of the day.

Countless Xia Guo netizens who love the country and love science are quite excited to see this Weibo.

"Changtian Technology's words are very good. Today's Xia Kingdom is no longer what it was a hundred years ago. I don't need a foreigner to prove our achievements. We only need to prove ourselves."

"Support Changtian Technology and support Chen Xiao! The sewers built by the Germans will never be blocked, the elementary school students in Dongyang read books seriously in their spare time at the train station, and there is no **** in the stands after the game. This kind of packaging news It should be thrown into the dustbin of history."

"We have to be ourselves! Not to compare with anyone."

"Strongly support Changtian Technology! Strongly support Chen Xiao!"

The selection of the Nobel Prize, which many Xia Guo netizens attach great importance to, is not mentioned at all by Chen Xiao.

If we really want to talk about the selection of the Nobel Prize, Changtian Technology is more willing to invest in the establishment of its own scientific research award review mechanism, so as to encourage more Xia Guo scientific research workers to forge ahead and make new breakthroughs in the scientific research field.

Chen Xiao is now focusing on the research of biochips and the vast factory in the northwest region.

The speed of Gao Miao over there is very fast. At the end of 2014, the construction of the first phase of the microbial reaction pool has been completed.

According to Chen Xiao's promise to Shuimu County, the factory will recruit a large number of local workers in Shuimu County.

And the salary is the same as the treatment of Changtian Technology's factory workers in other places.

This condition is very favorable.

An ordinary microbial pool worker, deducting five social insurances and one housing fund plus year-end bonuses a month, has an average of 8,000 yuan in hand.

If you have been working for more than three years and have mastered some job skills, the average salary you get is more than 10,000 yuan.

In 2014, the average monthly salary (including social security provident fund, etc.) of private units (civil servants and state-owned enterprises and institutions) in Northwest China was only more than 3,900 yuan.

If an ordinary worker can work for Changtian Technology's Xinghe Energy Company, then his salary is more than twice that of a civil servant in the local provincial capital city.

This condition is very attractive.

There are many migrant workers in Shuimu County. After learning about such recruitment information, they immediately returned to their hometowns.

There are many Gobi and deserts in Northwest China. It is a good place for tourism in the eyes of outsiders, but it is not a good place for long-term living.

But for those who grew up here, the Northwest Territories is home.

If you can work in your hometown, get a high salary and take care of your family, why not do it?

With the influx of people, those local residents who have no chance to work for Changtian Technology Galaxy Energy Company can also engage in some small businesses in the local area.

Restaurants, hotels, tea farms, supermarkets, etc., everyone's business is extremely hot, it seems to have returned to decades ago.

And all the residents know that this kind of popularity is not temporary, as long as the factory of Changtian Technology is here, then this kind of popularity will be permanent.

This is how cities grow, naturally.

Even if Shuimu County did not collect a penny of tax from Changtian Technology, the people's income increased and the population increased, and the city became alive again.

Not only that, most of the labor force in the townships and county towns around Shuimu County also poured into Shuimu County.

As for Lanshi, the capital city of the province, there are many graduates and talents from colleges and universities in the local area. They also gave up the opportunity to work in the provincial capital city and came to Shuimu County instead.

Being able to work in Changtian Science and Technology is much more comfortable than entering the institutional work in the northwest region.

Entering Changtian Technology is the dream choice of many students.

Shuimu County has vaguely become the most dynamic county in the region.

After the project was completed, a large number of standard energy blocks were produced.

These light yellow solids contained endless energy.

Under Gao Miao's suggestion, Chen Xiao approved the construction of a large biological power plant on the outskirts of Shuimu County.

There are two reasons why the power plant is located here.

One is that Shuimu County used to be a coal resource-based city. A large-scale thermal power station was built here more than 20 years ago. If there is a thermal power station, of course there is a transmission network. The electricity in Shuimu County can be input to the national grid in a low-loss manner.

The second reason is that it is very close to the energy block production factory, which reduces the loss and time of transportation.

It is possible to generate electricity very cheaply.

Changtian Technology has always said what it does, and it is very aggressive.

The biomass power plant planned in Shuimu County has an installed capacity of 10,000mw, and the entire plant is divided into five phases of construction.

2000mw per period

At the end of January 2015, a small number of units of the first phase of the biomass power plant project were built to supply power to the outside world.

The electricity produced in Shuimu County can not only supply the jellyfish line and more than 10 surrounding counties, but can also be sold for a lot of money.

Gao Miao made a rough statistic here. According to the current grid-connected electricity price, the first phase of the power station partially built can earn nearly 30 million for the power station a If the entire large-scale biological power station After the construction is completed, this place will become the money printing machine of Changtian Technology, and the daily income can reach more than 100 million yuan.

Chen Xiao is also very loyal.

As long as you can fully support the development of Changtian Technology, Changtian Technology will never treat you badly.

Starting from the partial operation of the power station, Changtian Technology will pay 2 million ecological maintenance funds to Shuimu County every month, and this amount will increase with the construction of energy plants and power plants.

The investment of more than half a year has paid off immediately.

When Xia Yusheng saw the 2 million remitted by Changtian Technology, he smiled and cried.

The miracle from the Northwest Territory immediately attracted the attention of the global media.

Look at Rebirth 1999: Start the era of black technology and remember the domain name: .w.8.2...m for the first release. 82 Chinese mobile phone domain name:

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