Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 818: will become more invincible

The $30 billion is just part of the biopower station and a few bioenergy blocks.

And as long as electricity is generated, the energy block will continue to be used.

Therefore, after the bio-discharge station is built here, Lion City will definitely import Xia Kingdom's bio-energy blocks continuously.

This means that Changtian Technology's energy blocks in the northwest region can continuously export energy blocks.

In terms of production cost and selling price, the profit from exporting energy blocks can be much better than exporting coal, oil and other non-renewable resources.

Galaxy Energy Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Changtian Technology, but it also has independent legal entities and senior executives of the company.

So whether to cooperate with overseas, it all depends on the wisdom of the top management of the subsidiary.

After a detailed negotiation between Gao Miao and the relevant representatives of the Lion City, they decided to cooperate with the Lion City.

Galaxy Energy will build three bio-power stations in the Lion City, and has agreed to sell the bio-energy blocks to the Lion City at a price of 850 meters per ton.

This price is actually a discount.

The Lion City side is quite happy.

After the two parties signed the agreement, they immediately put the relevant funds on Galaxy Energy's account.

And set up a special working group to connect with experts from Galaxy Energy, and chartered a special plane to transport Galaxy Energy's technicians and related equipment directly to Lion City.

The Lion City is very generous.

Originally, in the contract between the two parties, there was no agreement on the basic necessities of the technicians.

The Lion City side directly bears all of it.

Such generous treatment is enough to show that teachers and students attach great importance to biological personnel.

However, in addition to some cooperation methods agreed in the contract, Changtian Technology also put forward other requirements.

Changtian Technology also has a large number of products exported to Southeast Asia and Europe.

The cheapest mode of transportation is also by sea.

If you want to go by sea, you must go through the Strait of Malacca.

Therefore, the Lion City is the first pass that cannot be bypassed.

In the past, it was basically a high fee levied on the commodities of the Xia Kingdom and the cargo ships going and going.

Because he has decided to eat, you have higher cost in other places besides Malacca.

This is monopolistic ocean shipping.

Some domestic transportation companies, in order to avoid such high costs, originally belonged to the cargo ship of the Xia Kingdom, and had to change their nationality to Balama or South Korea.

This time, Changtian Technology requires Lion City to offer a 40% discount on the original charges for all products that involve Changtian Technology.

This can greatly save the transportation cost of prenatal technology.

Of course, Lion City fully agreed, and also verified the fees previously paid by Changtian Technology, and implemented a refund system for some shipping costs.

Some are happy and some are sad.

After Changtian Technology agreed to build a bio-power station in Lion City and exported bio-energy blocks to Lion City, Lion City immediately stopped the electricity import cooperation agreement with Thailand.


You can be content with your own electricity right away, and you should buy electricity from Thailand.

Lion City leads the companies that purchase electricity in Thailand and the companies in Thailand, but they hate Changtian Technology.

Because both parties have to sign a contract.

Changtian Technology is completely taking food from the tiger's mouth.

If Gao Miao knew, many companies hated him so much that they didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Because his cooperation with Lion City was not the initiative of Galaxy Energy, but was approached by Lion City.

During this time, many environmentalists in the Lion City held some protests.

Protests in the Lion City will take the nuclear power plant into account in the entire energy strategy.

When these Lion City protesters learned about the introduction of very environmentally friendly bio-power technology, the protest turned into a celebration.

Looking at the cooperation agreement signed between Galaxy Energy and Lion City from a distance, Dongyang is also very anxious.

As the only country in the world to be levelled twice.

Toyo's state of mind at this time is very tangled.

They acted in two directions.

On the one hand, it continues to seek negotiations with Galaxy Energy, hoping to introduce microbial power generation technology and energy blocks into Toyo's power generation system as soon as possible.

On the other hand, he is reluctant to admit the fact that Changtian Technology is also leading in bioenergy, and tries every means to conquer this technology like Changtian Technology.

Regarding the cooperation agreement of Dongyang, Gao Miao has a different view.

Toyo and Lion City are not the same.

A country of yellow skin and white heart at the Lion City Lab.

But there is no fundamental strategic conflict with Xia Guo.

He has both sides and plays very well. To a certain extent, he can act as a lubricant in the seas of Southeast Asia and the southern Xia Kingdom.

But Toyo has always had wolf ambitions.

And Dongyang's mentality is very bad.

In the 19th century, Toyo surpassed Xia and became the most powerful country in East Asia.

With the prosperity of the Xia Kingdom in the 20th century, the comprehensive strength of Toyo began to lag behind the Xia Kingdom again.

This mentality gap usually leads to mental distortion.

Gao Miao doesn't mind that Galaxy Energy exports biopower technology and energy blocks to Toyo, but the time is not now.

The ghost knows what kind of mess Toyo will make after getting this technology.

And in the energy sector.

The two sides had conflicts more than 10 or 20 years ago.

In the end, even if Toyo Tokyo Electric Power Company sent a representative to negotiate with Galaxy Energy repeatedly.

Gao Miao declined Toyo's request due to the current lack of technical capabilities and equipment of Galaxy Energy.

But Toyo still didn't give up.

Again and again, I hope that Galaxy Energy can sell myself some energy blocks.

Gao Miao felt that it didn't matter.

So he sold 100 tons of energy blocks to Toyo at a price of 900 meters per ton.

The safety and confidence of such a product is still there.

Changtian Technology will never be able to not sell its own products for fear of others stealing your technology.

It's just that Gao Miao doesn't understand something.

Dongyang has neither a microbial power station nor a Hanhai mobile phone. What do they buy so many energy blocks and take them back?

If doing research, the only thing worth studying about an energy block is its calorific value.

If you can't get the core technology of Changtian Technology, it is very difficult to reproduce this kind of energy block.

Of course, Dongyang wouldn't tell Gao Miao what they were going to do with the energy.

After buying the energy block, Toyo immediately packaged a special plane to take off directly from Lanshi, and transported the energy block back to the Tokyo Electric Power Company.

Tokyo Electric Power Company has not only nuclear power plants, but also tidal power plants and thermal power plants.

In addition to leaving some of these energy blocks as research, most of them were sent to the thermal power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company.

They use these energy blocks to generate electricity. Of course, it is not consumed by biological decomposition, but directly thrown into the combustion furnace like coal to directly burn and generate electricity.

The purpose is to see, if traditional thermal power generation is used, how much calorific value can the biomass energy block utilize?

After the burn, the technicians at TEPCO were about to cry.

It is because the calorific value of the energy block is too high.

The energy of the same volume and the same energy is basically the energy to completely explode the coal.

Of course, because of the thermal energy conversion efficiency of thermal power stations, it is definitely not cost-effective to use the biomass for combustion.

But this at least also illustrates a very important point.

If this technology can be promoted in Xiaguo, as planned by Changtian Technology, energy factories will be built in sunny places in the northwest.

Then there is basically no need to worry about Xia Guo's energy.

This feeling made Toyo very scared.

Xia State wants to become an energy-rich country.

Global integration today.

Each country in the world actually has its own division of labor.

For example, the United States is responsible for technology export, while Toyo and South Korea are responsible for the production and design of the high-end semiconductor industry.

Most European countries are simultaneously mature in industrial production and design.

Xia Guo is a worldwide factory, responsible for the production and assembly of various products.

In addition to the design and production countries, there are still some countries that basically make money lying around.

That is the resource country.

Such as those local tyrants in West Asia and Russia.

Of course, there are also some countries that mix poorly.

Without resources and products, there is only the fate of being acquired.

But if any of the above-mentioned roles account for one, they can get along better in the world.

The light and heavy industries in the Xia Kingdom are perfect and can become a world-wide factory, but the energy is relatively scarce.

This also restricts the development of the Xia Kingdom.

Therefore, you will often see news that which country has a bad relationship with us and stops exporting ore to us.

And perhaps the Western media instigated on the side, making the people of those resource-rich countries in Africa feel that we are stealing their resources.

If Changtian can solve the problem of fuel energy.

Our attack attribute must increase by at least 70 and our defense attribute by at least 100.

Basically invincible.

And energy blocks are unlimited renewable energy resources.

As long as the earth does not explode and the solar system is not destroyed, energy can be produced continuously.

This is not invincible what is it?

Toyo's experts in the energy industry were shocked, but they dared not speak.

Because they were afraid of revealing this fact, Changtian Technology and his country suddenly realized that they became more powerful, and they were more reluctant to sell their technology to Toyo.

Toyo believes that the Xia Kingdom is about to become invincible.

Even more invincible than in the Tang Dynasty.

And in the country of Xia.

This new technology of Changtian Technology has made those coal mine owners in Xia Guo feel some crisis.

However, the mentality of the coal mine owner is that the future energy of Changtian Technology is likely to replace the coal mine, but this must be a very long process.

And the volume of Changtian Technology is much larger than these coal bosses.

So these coal bosses didn't think too much.

Other energy industries in the world just feel that this technology of Changtian Technology has indeed surpassed the current level of human technology.

But he just wanted the energy block to be a substitute for coal, and didn't think about it too much.

There is no more energy block to move closer to the aspect of oil energy.

Therefore, all the bosses thought was that the coal market demand in Xia Guo was so great, and the energy center of Changtian Technology, but it had just been established in the northwest region, it was impossible to swallow the entire energy market in one go.

These people did not wake up.

Also lost the best and last chance to transform.

After the Lion City's more than 20 billion meters of knives were obtained.

Gao Miao asked the construction department of Galaxy Energy to discuss with Shuimu County.

Galaxy Energy will directly invest in the municipal infrastructure of Shuimu County.

The purpose of doing this is not only to reciprocate the relationship between the two parties, but also to facilitate the cooperation with Galaxy Energy.

And domestic real estate developers seem to sense business opportunities.

I feel that Changtian Technology has invested heavily in Shuimu County, so it must be the same as when the country invested in oil drilling and coal mining in the northwest region decades ago.

It will surely form a great city with one resource.

There must be a huge influx of people here.

And there are many high-skilled and high-paid intellectuals among them.

Therefore, real estate developers have settled in Shuimu County one after another. In this small city that was previously unknown in Shuimu County, a large number of real estate investments were made.

If you invest in real estate, you will definitely buy land and make the environment around the real estate very beautiful.

The local people already have houses, so the real estate company's investment now has no impact on them, but feels that the environment is more beautiful.

Shuimu County is of course happy.

In the past, they couldn't get the investment they wanted, but now these investments are all coming to Shuimu County.

Changtian Technology is too lazy to intervene in this matter. As long as it does not touch the interests of Changtian Technology, it doesn't matter how others want to play.

Of course, the one who benefits the most is Xia Yusheng.

Xia Yusheng has made great contributions to attracting Changtian Technology to invest in Shuimu County (at least that's what the above thinks).

It was established as a model for the development of the entire western region of the Xia Kingdom.

Many managers from neighboring counties came to inspect and learn from the experience, and immediately went to their county to tap the surrounding sunshine resources, attracting Changtian Technology to invest in their county.

Gao Miao couldn't help but laugh at this.

However, Xia Yusheng's stage is obviously not only in Shuimu County. The managers above believe that Xia Yusheng should go to a higher platform to use his experience and the friendly relationship between Changtian Technology, so he was promoted like a rocket. Just went to Gan Province to work and lead the project investment.

The main content of the project investment is of course the investment in the bioenergy industry of Changtian Technology.

Under the leadership of Xia Yusheng, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com Gan Province immediately introduced a package of measures for long-term scientific and technological bioenergy investment.

Including fee reduction and tax reduction, providing policy support, special green window for handling affairs, and talent support strategy, etc.

Lanshi University in Lanzhou has also actively connected with Changtian Technology, hoping that the school can achieve school-enterprise cooperation with Changtian Technology.

Lanshi University's construction in the desert and Gobi is their specialty.

Therefore, Lanshi hopes to cooperate with Changtian Technology, and at the same time develop its own advantages in architecture and biology to support Changtian Technology's projects in the northwest region.

Chen Xiao also quickly signed the relevant campus cooperation agreement.

Lanshi University has become the third institution of higher learning that has reached a comprehensive school-enterprise cooperation with Changtian Technology after Jiangzhou University and Suhang University, and its prestige and ranking have greatly increased.

(End of this chapter)

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