Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 819: A new era of new energy is coming

In the vagueness, Shuimu County has the potential to become the most prosperous city in the Northwest.

After Lanshi University and Changtian Technology cooperated, immediately before the Spring Festival, the first batch of students were sent to Shuimu County for internships.

Internships are mainly divided into three majors.

The main reason for studying geology is to go to Shuimo County to investigate the land properties of the desert in the northwest region, and to come up with a theoretical basis for construction.

Not to mention civil engineering, the internship is to figure out how to build the necessary factories and permanent buildings faster, better and safer in the northwest region.

The third major is to study biology. They will actively participate in the microbial factory of Changtian Technology, learn how to cultivate and maintain the survival of microorganisms, and how to increase the production capacity of energy blocks.

Those students who study geology and civil engineering have also interned with companies in the Northwest Territories.

The projects that these companies are engaged in are basically the construction of railways or mines in the northwest region.

Everyone looked at the yellow sand and the Gobi Desert that covered the mountains and plains.

I feel like this day is going well, it's really miserable.

After doing internships in these companies, many students hurriedly carried their bags and started running without even paying for the internship.

Many students also choose to change careers immediately because of these internships.

But this time, although the environment was equally difficult, none of the students wanted to run away with their bags after their internship in Changtian Technology Galaxy Energy Company.

The most important thing is that they can see their future hope in Galaxy Energy Company.

Assuming that he can become a member of Galaxy Energy Company, he is considered to be a regular employee of a subsidiary of Changtian Technology.

Whether it is wages or those invisible benefits, they are far higher than civil servants in the northwest region, and even higher than other private enterprises.

Entering Changtian Technology, as long as you work hard and earnestly, you will basically be carefree in your life. In this case, their internship opportunity is actually an opportunity to express yourself. Really have a chance to stay.

On the French power station side, because of the expansion of the biological power station in the past two years, a lot of domestic waste has been unable to meet the power generation needs of the French side.

In order to make better use of the biological power station, France also imported energy blocks at a preferential price from Changtian Technology.

Bio-energy blocks with high calorific value have played their role as soon as they came to France.

The unit capacity of the biological power station was quickly filled up.

This will make the French electric company happy.

The electricity produced can not only provide electricity for the greater Paris area, but also meet the electricity consumption of most of France.

France became the most comfortable country in the whole of Europe.

Only relying on its own nuclear energy and the introduction of biological power stations from Changtian Technology can basically meet the domestic and industrial electricity consumption of the whole country.

And it's low-cost electricity.

This has greatly promoted French industrial enterprises.

In contrast, the next-door neighbor, Deutsche, was unhappy.

Deutsche's current electricity costs are also very low.

Because they import cheap natural gas from Russia and use cheap natural gas to generate electricity.

But this resource belongs to someone else after all. If one day the situation in Europe is turbulent, the polar bear's head is convulsed and the supply of natural gas is stopped, then Germany will be miserable.

However, the domestic energy companies in Germany are too deeply bound to natural gas. Even some people in Germany who are relatively open to the public, like learning from France, introduced the microbial power station of Changtian Technology, but they were also extremely obstructed by these conservative forces.

A country's demand for energy is in a dynamic balance.

The more you need microbial electricity, the less you need to rely on natural gas.

So these conservative forces think this is a life-and-death war, and there is no win-win situation.

Deutsche also missed an excellent opportunity to introduce innovative technology biopower plants.

Changtian Technology is vigorously doing its business in the northwest region, and it has also attracted great attention from relevant state departments.

Relevant departments sent a research team headed by the energy industry to conduct in-depth research on energy factories in the northwest region.

After the research, the research team formed a research article of more than 20,000 words.

The core interest of the article is that there is only one.

Xia Guo must support this renewable energy technology and make it one of the basic energy sources for Xia Guo in the future.

After this report was handed over to the relevant departments, the relevant provinces and cities in Xiaguo with sunshine resources all over the country actively contacted Changtian Technology, and also hoped that Changtian Technology could build local energy factories to help local economic development.

Among them is a county called Tongbaxing County, which is also an extremely poor area under Gansu City.

Compared with Shuimu County, this place is not so rich in sunlight resources, and the air is dry and cold.

For such an area, Gaomiao also asked Galaxy Energy to invest in it.

It will be built into a huge warehouse for the energy blocks produced by the Galaxy Energy Company.

The climate here is ideal for storing energy blocks.

It's a natural warehouse.

Galaxy Energy built the warehouse here, and the storage cost is also very low.

Bioenergy has become the same strategic resource as fossil coal energy.

It's not that you have to use as much to produce as much.

Rather, there must be surpluses and stocks to deal with climate or global turbulence.

And in Qu Ping's life science and medical laboratory, there is a new definition of energy blocks.

The complete energy block produced can be used to generate electricity in a bio-power station, and cannot be used for food.

But these energy blocks can form carbohydrates that humans can eat through some simple chemical reactions.

That is to say, energy blocks can be used as a reserve food when necessary (severe wars and famines).

This is great.

Reserving energy blocks in Baxing County is actually a strategic reserve for emergencies.

In the spring of Changze Island, flowers are blooming and the air is fresh.

With the development of Changzezhou in recent years, the area around Changzezhou has developed into a new science and technology area in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Companies and businesses here have sprung up like mushrooms.

Most of the companies are supporting companies of Changtian Technology - such as software applications.

The commercial body includes people's clothing, food, housing and transportation, and can meet the needs of the staff in and around Changzezhou.

The people who live and work here belong to the elite class in the world.

Both living standards and consumption levels are at the forefront of the country.

Suzhou and Hangzhou are also planning to establish Changze District here, as the new and most prosperous area in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Many people come here to work, and they also like to travel to youth in spring.

The best scenery is of course Changze Island.

Chen Xiao was also very open-minded, and opened the park to those tourists.

Everyone is welcome to come to Changze Island to check in and take pictures.

Compared with the coastal areas, other companies have strict access control systems. Changtian Technology has integrated itself into this city and this area, and has been welcomed and favored by everyone.

Everywhere in the park is bustling with people.

For the internal environment and safety of the park, Changtian Technology allows people to come in, but does not allow everyone to drive in.

Therefore, during this period, Changtian Technology also introduced more than 30 electric sightseeing vehicles from enterprises specializing in electric tourism vehicles.

Although the spring day was beautiful, Chen Xiao was not idle.

The new energy-driven project jointly created by Galaxy Energy and the Biological Laboratory has achieved some results.

Today is when the sun is shining, and Qu Ping showed this achievement to the company's executives - an electric vehicle driven entirely by energy blocks.

In fact, the whole principle is not complicated, but some details need to be dealt with.

This time the lab designed a battery pack consisting of four larger biological cells.

Each of the four cells is constructed in the form of a hierarchical grid.

This solves the problem of feeding the NG-03 colonies in the battery with food (energy blocks).

The grille on each floor has an automatic feeding button and a monitoring chip.

As long as some values ​​related to biological metabolism in the biological battery detected by the chip are at a low level, the battery will be automatically fed.

Each battery pack also has an exhaust port, which not only discharges the carbon dioxide produced during metabolism, but also some water.

Qu Ping said: "This is a simple attempt, so our design is not so meticulous."

"This set of aftermarket batteries can provide 200 kilowatts of power to the car when connected to a motor we purchased from a motor factory."

Torque or something related to the motor is not within the scope of this discussion.

"We supplement the energy block once, which can ensure that the car equipped with this motor can travel about 1,000 kilometers."

"The way to supplement the battery with energy is also very simple. We designed a special energy block storage bin, and standard-sized energy blocks can be put into the storage bin in a certain order."

"We also calculated the time during the test, and the time to add the energy block is much shorter than the time to add gasoline."

"In addition, according to the different motors, the energy consumption per 100 kilometers is also different."

"This and general motors require 15 kWh of electricity per 100 kilometers. If calculated as our energy block, it needs about 6KG."

At present, the external supply price of energy blocks is 850 yuan per ton, that is, 850 meters and 1,000 kilograms. 1 kilogram of energy blocks only need 0.85 meters, and 6 kilograms are only 5 yuan and 1 meter, which is only 36 yuan in RMB. about.

If Changtian Technology is willing to earn less, the price of energy blocks can be lower.

And if the motor is better, electric vehicles will save more power.

When Qu Ping said this, he was very excited.

At present, an ordinary car can only run about 600 kilometers with a tank of fuel.

According to the oil price in 2015, adding No. 92 gasoline will cost three or four hundred yuan per tank, not to mention No. 95 gasoline, which will cost at least four or five hundred yuan.

The cost of coming and going, it is simply impossible to save.

Since 2010, the world has realized that the earth's people are being depleted, and of course, more importantly, it is aware that the global environment is deteriorating.

The Paris climate agreement is to solve the global climate problem.

Besides factories, the most important carbon emissions are cars.

Therefore, many European countries have formulated their own carbon emission plans, and starting from the automotive industry, it is expected that fuel vehicles will be phased out in the next 20 to 30 years, and new energy vehicles need to be replaced.

Xia Guo has also made a commitment to the international community in this regard, strictly implementing the relevant requirements of the Paris Agreement,

The European side has promised to phase out all fuel vehicles by 2035. Although Xia Guo has no specific timetable, it is also working hard in the field of electric vehicles, and has made world-leading achievements in lithium batteries and motors.

Although the United States is a big energy-consuming country, others are responsible for the flow of oil, and there is no plan to eliminate fuel vehicles.

But American companies don't think so.

It has been seven years since Tesla's first electric car rolled off the assembly line in 2008.

In the past 7 years, Tesla has made rapid progress.

In 2014, Tesla's global sales were close to 40,000 units. Although the data does not look conspicuous, the monthly growth rate is very terrifying.

In the first three months of 2015, the sales volume was 1.5 times or even twice that of the same period last year.

Domestic companies are not far behind.

BYD, which has been making lithium batteries for mobile phones, also switched to lithium batteries for automobiles.

BYD, which has been in the field of lithium batteries for a long time, has accumulated a lot of technology, so it is also easy to make lithium batteries for automobiles.

In 2009, BYD launched its first electric vehicle, which uses a lithium iron phosphate battery and can travel 300 kilometers on a full charge.

Last year, BYD's sales of new energy vehicles reached 21,000, creating a history.

Although the sales of new energy vehicles are not enough to compete with fuel vehicles, it is suspected that in the next few decades, new energy vehicles will definitely replace fuel vehicles.

Therefore, various capitals in various countries are making efforts in the field of new energy.

Australia is only capable of excavating and mining domestic lithium ore and nickel ore.

Before Chen Xiao's rebirth, the world had entered the era of new energy.

But this new energy era is a new energy era represented by lithium batteries.

Lithium battery car ownership has accounted for more than 70% of the global car ownership.

However, judging from the technology that Qu Ping brought out today, Chen Xiao always had the crazy lithium battery energy era that he used to never begin.

The real new energy era is the new biological energy era led by Changtian Technology.

The new energy vehicle led by Changtian Technology can replenish energy quickly (it only takes a few minutes to add a bio-battery, while a lithium-ion battery vehicle takes an hour to charge quickly, and it also needs to grab the charging pile, and the slow charge only takes 8~12 hours, the two sides are not at the same level at all).

In addition, some of the so-called new energy sources before Chen Xiao’s rebirth were nothing more than thermal power generated by coal and stored in lithium batteries. Such new energy sources are not real new energy sources, and the greenhouse gas emissions from burning coal, Emissions are much higher than those of direct combustion of gasoline.

The era of new bio-energy led by Changtian Technology, where Chen Xiao is located, will achieve true zero emissions.

A new era has come.

(End of this chapter)

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