Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 823: Hell has no way, you have to go

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 823 No Door to Hell, You Must Go

According to statistics from relevant departments in the United States, there are currently more than 100,000 people in the United States who have received long-term scientific and technological treatment.

If the number of this statistical scope is expanded, it will be extended to the whole of Europe.

Then the number should exceed 500,000.

Once Pandora's box is opened, the United States is really happy to deal a fatal blow to Changtian Technology.

It will also give the world an impression that if you find Changtian Technology to use the combined bacterial colony therapy to treat diseases, then your body will be infected with the virus when you eat it, and then you will die of pain and death.

This painful death tastes more painful than cancer.

At that time, who was still willing to seek Changtian Technology for medical treatment?

Moreover, the biotechnology of Longsky Technology has a very wide range of applications, not only in biological therapy, but also in bioenergy.

At present, the best-selling mobile phone in the world, Hanhai 2, also uses a bio-battery. The ng04 colony and the joint colony in the bio-battery have the same gene family tree, so they will also be infected by the virus.

But after opening Pandora's box, it will also cause serious pain to hundreds of thousands of Western people.

Many of them are elite.

This is also inconsistent with the so-called values ​​of the United States.

But under balance, the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory accepted the above meaning, and chose to open Pandora's box and release the devil.

If at the expense of 500,000 Westerners, a company with a market value exceeding trillions of dollars can be successfully destroyed, and a company with a technology research and development capability much stronger than that of the United States, this kind of transaction is also very cost-effective.

Inside the biological laboratory of Fort De Creek, there are dozens of patients who have completed the colony transplantation. Those patients who were arranged by the laboratory to complete the colony transplantation suddenly received a generous experimental bonus and returned to society.

Most of these patients are alone and live at the bottom of society.

They were able to go to the intensive care center to complete the treatment operation, not because they wanted to go to the intensive care center to complete the treatment operation, nor did they have the money to complete the related treatment, but were arranged by the relevant institutions of the Fort Detrick biological laboratory .

After returning to normal society.

They have also been assigned to different positions in society by relevant institutions.

Although these positions are low-level positions, they can always get in touch with those wealthy people who have completed the most operations.

For example, the cleaners in the intensive care center, or the cleaners of celebrities who enter and leave the hotel.

Since the virus can be transmitted through air and water, as long as there are joint bacterial colonies in your body and you have a certain range of direct contact, you will definitely be infected.

This project was named Project Spore by Detrick Biological Laboratory.

The virus infected by the joint colonies in the experimenters released by Detrick was in the breeding stage.

That's when it's most contagious.

When the breeding period is over, these viruses that can infect the joint colony will frantically absorb the energy in the joint colony bacteria.

This subsequently resulted in the massive death of the combined colony and thus the death of the patient who had completed the procedure.

That is to say, these released people will eventually die.

But whocare?

For the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory, these people are just consumables.

Consumables are meant to be sacrificed.

Is it possible to keep it at home to eat, drink and entertain?

In fact, what the Fort Dirkick Biological Laboratory hopes most is that these released consumables can go to Xiaguo.

It was able to make some patients in Xiaguo's intensive care center also be infected.

It would be the best to be able to directly infect patients on the other side of the ocean.

It's just that Fort Dirkick's biological laboratory doesn't have this ability yet.

It is impossible for them to let these released consumables go to Xiaguo to apply for the cleaners of Xiaguo Intensive Treatment Center.

But the lab staff are still quite confident.

Because people in this world are constantly communicating.

In the intensive care center in Nanmizhou, many expert teams have to go to Xiaguo for training regularly.

As long as their bodies or the items they carry carry related viruses, they can be sown into Xia Guo's laboratory like spores.

It's just a matter of time.

The strangest scene in the history of the United States happened.

From the intensive care center to Wall Street in the United States.

Many related patients who have completed the colony transplantation operation in the intensive care center suddenly felt obvious physical discomfort.

At first, these people just thought that they were too tired from work, and they just needed a few days of rest.

But as time went by, they felt as if that wasn't the case.

Because after being infected with the virus, everyone's situation is not the same.

For example, patients who have undergone lung colony transplantation will feel shortness of breath and insufficient blood supply to the brain.

It felt like I was suffocating before I had an operation on a lung drop.

Patients who use cells totipotently transplanted to the liver or other tissues and organs will also respond accordingly.

For example, the immune system becomes disordered, diarrhea, liver ascites and so on.

After these symptoms appeared, most of the patients did not pay attention to them. They just wondered whether this reaction was a normal reaction after completing the treatment in the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center.

You only need to supply nutrients to the colony on time, and the symptoms will disappear on their own after a while.

Walderson, a Wall Street investor, was once a patient with uremia.

He went to the Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center in Mexico to complete the totipotent kidney transplantation treatment a year ago.

After the kidney transplant, he no longer needs to undergo dialysis twice a week.

In addition, he no longer needs to take anti-different drugs, he only needs to inject or take specific culture fluid and corresponding drugs regularly.

After the treatment, Walderson felt very comfortable in his body.

It was as if he had never undergone any surgery, and his body was exactly the same as when he was young.

Walderson didn't have to quit his habit of drinking alcohol and eating high-salt foods.

Because he is rich, very rich, if this kidney is damaged, just spend money to transplant another one.

Walderson and some rich friends of his also spontaneously established a medical foundation.

The money from the medical foundation will be directly funded to the intensive care center of Changtian Technology.

Funding for Changtian Technology's research on new medical methods.

The richer people are, the more they are afraid of death.

The reason why Western rich people such as Watson are willing to give funding to Changtian Technology is that they hope that Changtian Technology will one day be able to develop special medicines or special treatment methods that make people immortal and immortal, and let this method be used first. on them.

The relevant person in charge of the Mizhou headquarters of the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center did not refuse the money.

On the one hand, they want to get the money and hand it over to Changtian Technology headquarters, and on the other hand, they will not make any substantive promises to the Walderson people.

Walderson and the others didn't care. They firmly believed that as long as they spent the money on their side, they would definitely be able to get the elixir of life first.

But Walderson felt very uncomfortable during this time.

First of all, the complexion is sallow and thin, and the heart is panicked and sweating.

Then there is always some problem with the urine when urinating.

Sometimes there will be blood in the stool.

This feeling is exactly the same as when Walderson had uremia.

Walderson felt a little panicked.

I thought it was caused by the lawless drinking and eating and high-salt food after the transplantation.

For his own health, he quickly quit alcohol and high-salt food.

But after quitting, it didn't have an immediate effect.

His body is still very uncomfortable every day, and his limbs are already showing symptoms of swelling.

This is already a symptom of uremia before the kidney was replaced.

Shocked, Walderson hurried to a nearby hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.

While in the car, he happened to listen to the news broadcast of the American Radio and Television Station.

"Dear viewers, I will broadcast a message for you now."

"At 4:38 this morning, the police found the body of a single middle-aged man who had been dead for three days in an apartment."

"It is reported that the middle-aged man's name is Michael Franks, and he lived alone in this apartment after his divorce 10 years ago."

"Michael received treatment at the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center a year ago, and worked as a cleaner in the intensive care center."

"After a detailed investigation into the cause of the patient's death, it was found that the part of the patient's internal transplanted colony was severely infected, and the infected colony lost its proper function, resulting in the patient's suffocation and death."

"This is the third similar death case discovered by the police within this week. The cause of death in the first two cases and the proof that the patients knew each other. Both the messengers received treatment at the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center before their death, and all of them had colonies on their bodies. Some of them lose their function after being infected."

"Forensic patient colony extracts a novel mixture of viruses and bacteria."

"It's unclear where this new virus and bacteria came from? Is it contagious."

"However, the police kindly reminded that patients who have completed treatment in the intensive care center should try not to go out at home during this period to avoid infection."

Walderson was taken aback when he heard the news.

Why were the bacterial colonies of the deceased infected?

Is the colony in my body also infected, so I feel very uncomfortable.

It's been more than a year since Watson completed his transplant and he's never felt this way.

In a panic, Walderson went to the hospital and had his body checked.

A final check-up revealed that Walderson's kidneys had all but failed.

Either perform dialysis immediately, or remove the necrotic kidney immediately.

The hospital does not have the relevant detection means to identify survival or death in the intensive care center.

So Walderson doesn't know why this happened.

After quickly undergoing dialysis at the hospital, Walderson returned home immediately. He didn't even have time to pack his luggage, and hurriedly bought the nearest flight ticket to Mexico.

And arrived at the intensive care center in Mexico after more than 10 hours.

The intensive care center in Mexico has become the treatment center with the largest number of patients, the most beds and the most advanced technology in America.

It also has overseas technology dispatched by Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center.

The professionalism and medical ability of the team members are very strong.

Walderson's physical condition has been paid attention to by the medical staff of the intensive care center.

The lesions can no longer be seen by just doing B-ultrasound or CT.

For this situation in the United States, Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center has long predicted.

Because the information Chen Xiao collected before was that a large number of treated patients disappeared.

The South American Intensive Care Center has already had Changtian Technology's intelligence personnel settled in.

Intelligence personnel found some anomalies.

Some time ago, the death of patients treated in the comprehensive treatment center occurred one after another.

The intelligence department of Changtian Technology has roughly guessed what happened, and passed the relevant guesses to the company one step ahead.

Chen Xiao has already made preparations, and just needs to wait for a suitable opportunity.

This opportunity is, what happened to those missing severe symptoms and patients?

Now it seems that Walderson should be able to know the answer.

All of Walderson's transplanted kidneys died.

There is only one way now, and that is to remove the necrotic kidney and re-transplant it.

All expenses will be borne by Changtian Technology.

With the consent of Walderson, the medical staff of the intensive care center immediately operated on Walderson.

Soon the two necrotic kidneys were taken out.

A new kidney purchased from an organ store was implanted.

The entire surgical treatment process took less than 4 hours, which is still very fast.

The two necrotic kidneys, the medical staff in the intensive care center knew that they were infected at a glance.

In order to ensure the activity of the kidneys, the organs and tissues produced through cell pluripotency all have bacterial and the cause of kidney death is the infection of bacterial colonies.

After the severed necrotic kidneys were strictly sealed and frozen, they were sent directly to the life science and medical laboratory in Changzezhou through professional secret channels.

Qu Ping and her team immediately put down their work and analyzed the two necrotic kidneys.

Sure enough, a new virus and new bacteria were detected from the two necrotic kidneys.

This mixed form of bacteria and viruses has never been seen in nature, and it is non-aggressive to normal healthy people.

The only thing it works is to continuously attack the joint colony frantically, causing the colony's metabolism to become disordered and eventually die.

Indeed, whether it is viruses, bacteria or other organisms, they are constantly developing and evolving in nature.

But this development and evolution is not a short-term result, but a long-term expectation.

When Changtian Technology’s life science and medical laboratories developed the combined colony and cell pluripotent therapy based on the combined colony, they expected the impact of viruses and bacteria in nature on this treatment.

The final assessment concluded that these viruses and bacteria, based on current human knowledge, are not aggressive to the combined colonies.

Even if some aggressive viruses and bacteria evolve in nature, it will be thousands of years later.

But now, such a coincidence happened, which shows a problem.

There is a laboratory behind it, and it has laid a black hand against the joint bacterial colony.

Qu Ping smiled.

This trick is not considered clever, and Chen Xiao has already figured it out.

Qu Ping knew that after this incident happened, Changtian Technology would definitely not have this problem, but some people would have to pay the price.

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