Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 824: You are asking for help from God!

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 824 You are asking for an assist from God!

The laboratory immediately analyzed the relevant samples sent from Mexico.

Sure enough, some viruses and bacteria species that had never existed in nature were discovered.

These viruses are able to attach to the combined colony, infect and kill the combined colony.

With the in-depth analysis of the laboratory.

Qu Ping's team found that the virus is not capable of causing harm to the health of ordinary people.

It is only effective against joint colonies.

This fact has been shown very clearly.

Viruses and bacteria are not found in nature.

And only against joint colonies.

It doesn't take any brains to know that these bacteria and viruses were developed in the laboratory for Changtian Technology.

"According to the news from the Mexican Intensive Care Center, there are currently more than 100 patients infected with the virus in the entire state of Michigan, and dozens of cases have died."

"The situation is still more critical."

"It's just that the public opinion on this matter has not yet been revealed. If it is revealed, it will have a devastating blow to the reputation of the Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center and the confidence of the patients."

"Because some patients have called us and asked if our joint colony is vulnerable to the virus, we made some excuses and didn't tell them the truth for a while."

Qu Ping is more appropriate to do this. If the relevant situation is told to those patients who have already received treatment, it will inevitably cause panic.

But since the virus came from a laboratory, it is clear that it is targeting Changtian Technology.

Even if this matter has not been reported by the media now, it won't be long before the other laboratory will definitely disclose relevant information to the media.

At that time, the city will definitely be full of wind and rain.

Some of Xiaguo's media are controlled by Changtian Technology, and some have a very good relationship with Changtian Technology.

So in terms of domestic public opinion, Chen Xiao was not worried.

The only thing I worry about is the public opinion abroad. I don't know, I don't know what kind of waves will be caused.

But what the other party said is not important. What is the most important thing is the toxicity of the viruses and bacteria discovered this time? Will it cause a large-scale infection?

Among the patients treated by the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center, only a small number of Western patients, most of the patients are in the country of Xia, and they are in the mainland.

After thinking about this, Chen Xiao said: "Most of the patients in the United States and Europe are local dignitaries who are very influential in the capital world."

"Isn't the other party afraid of being backlashed by doing this?"

Qu Ping said helplessly: "If people are to perish, they must be crazy first."

"Is there anything Americans can't do?"

Chen Xiao fully agrees with this point of view.

Otherwise, it can be said that the United States is a cancer of the earth, doing things against humanity and morality.

Obviously, the world's science and technology are making great progress, and human medicine and living standards have been significantly improved.

But there is always a **** out there that you can't get used to, and insists on embarrassing you.

Chen Xiao gave Qu Ping a death order, "We have already had an early warning of today's incident, and now that the samples have been obtained, let's see when your laboratory can get the results."

Qu Ping said with great confidence: "Species are constantly evolving and improving, including bacterial colonies."

"This time it was attacked by viruses and bacteria, which is actually a good thing for our joint colony."

"In addition to those patients treated in intensive care centers, our biological products are also widely used in batteries and biological power stations."

"This time we will tell users all over the world that the joint colony is absolutely safe!"

The Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory obviously underestimated the scientific research capabilities of Changtian Technology.

After Qu Ping got the samples, she immediately analyzed the genetic maps of viruses and bacteria.

The war between viruses and bacteria has been going on for billions of years on the earth.

Every year, about 70% of the bacteria in the ocean are also killed by viruses.

Of course, there are also many viruses that are swallowed by bacteria.

So this time the opponent's experiment aimed at the joint colony instead of ordinary organs and tissues, which is very vicious.

And in the battle between bacteria and viruses, bacteria are always at a disadvantage.

There is only one bacterium, and if it dies during the battle, it will die.

The virus keeps replicating while fighting, and becomes more and more courageous as it fights, and finally becomes an overwhelming advantage, defeating bacteria.

This time, another kind of bacteria that joined forces with the virus to launch an attack actually provided nutrients and weapons to the virus during the entire battle process, and the two sides played a synergistic role.

Qu Ping's laboratory has figured out the map of the virus, so it has to find a way to strengthen the joint colonies.

The best way is to find a way from the bacterial cell membrane.

Bacterial cell membrane is an elastic semipermeable membrane composed of phospholipid bilayer and embedded protein.

The virus recognizes this kind of phospholipid bilayer molecule and embedded protein, dissolves the protein, enters the inside of the bacteria, and uses the substances inside the bacteria to reproduce itself.

The surface cell membrane of bacteria is like a door.

The inlaid protein is the keyhole of the door.

And the surface structure of the virus is the key.

This time the other party's experiment was to create a key precisely according to the keyhole of the bacteria in the joint colony.

It is absolutely impossible to say that a lot of energy has not been expended in it.

How can this decline be reversed?

Qu Ping has two options.

The first is to replace the lock cylinder of the door lock.

This method can solve the urgent need and make the existing virus directly lose the attacking effect.

But the other party's experiment is completely possible to get the improved joint colony and re-produce the key.

Therefore, the battle between the two sides must be a tug of war, which is very unfavorable to Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology doesn't want to update its products all the time, and those patients who have been treated in the Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center don't want to worry about whether they will be attacked next time.

So Qu Ping adopted the second method, replacing the traditional mechanical door lock with a fingerprint lock, or even not locking it at all.

The laboratory immediately used biogenetic engineering to remove as much of the protein embedded in the cell membrane as possible. If some necessary proteins could not be removed, they were allowed to sink and be deeply embedded in the phospholipid bilayer molecules.

In this way, no matter how the virus mutates, it will not have any effect on the joint colony.

Unless the toxicity of the virus increases several times after mutation, it can strongly dissolve the phospholipid bilayer molecular layer.

But if the virus is already so virulent, it will attack other tissues and organs of the human body indiscriminately, rather than simply attacking the combined colonies.

That way, whether you've been treated with the combined colony or not, your whole body becomes infected and it overwhelms your immune system.

This is an act against humanity.

If the other party's experiment even kills all human beings.

It is not Changtian Technology, a technology company, that really comes forward to solve such problems, but the United Nations and other countries.

Merely taking such measures is obviously not enough.

Long Sky Technology immediately developed a related vaccine.

As long as the body recognizes the surface protein of the virus, it will immediately produce immunity to kill the virus.

In this way, the virus will die in the first and second layers of the human immune system, and there is no way to attack the lungs or other organs and tissues transplanted with combined colonies.

The biological and medical laboratories of Longsky Technology have been in operation for many years.

It has its own set of complete experimental process and product production process.

Because of the urgency of this matter, if the relevant vaccines are checked for improved colonies, resubmitted to relevant departments, and re-entered into clinical trials, then the time is definitely not enough.

So this time Changtian Technology took two paths.

One side is to report the relevant situation to the relevant departments of the country.

On the other hand, the vaccine was developed immediately, and the combined colony was improved.

Vaccines can be given to patients who have completed transplants.

The improved combined colony can replace the previous colony when the patient adds culture fluid to the colony.

The speed of Changtian Technology is very fast.

Immediately notified the major intensive care centers and hospitals that cooperated with Changtian Technology, and within a week, the patients in Xiaguo who received treatment in the intensive care center were given full-coverage vaccinations and colony improvement.

At the same time, patients in Europe also completed the improvement of colonies.

The reason why patients in Europe were not vaccinated is because the procedures in Europe are very complicated, and it is much more convenient and quicker to directly improve the colonies.

As for patients in Michigan?

Chen Xiao's opinion is to just smile and wait for the development of the matter.

Which biological laboratory made the virus against the joint colony.

Chen Xiao had several answers in his mind, but because the enemy was in the dark and Changtian Technology was in the light, there was no way to know who the laboratory behind it was.

To tell you the truth, I have been using reading books to catch up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

But if the enemy can use such insidious tricks, Changtian Technology can certainly do the same.

If American laboratories hope that a batch of patients treated in intensive care centers will die, then Americans will die.

Those who receive treatment in intensive care centers in the United States are basically rich people and elites from various industries.

If the lives and health of these people are threatened, the patients in Xiaguo and Europe will be fine.

Chen Xiao believed that there was no need for Changtian Technology to intervene, and the elites in the United States would definitely find a way to find the culprit.

Whether it is the injection of vaccines or the improvement of colonies, everything is going on quietly.

Changtian Technology did not disclose a word to the outside world.

Everything seemed to happen naturally and nothing happened.

But the mines are there.

Finally it exploded.

In the United States, more than 10 patients who received treatment in intensive care centers have died one after another.

The news was first exposed by the New York Times and the media.

On Chen Xiao's side, the news and propaganda department of Changtian Technology also intentionally or unintentionally revealed that there were also deaths of patients in the mainland of Xiaguo.

Of course, Chen Xiao was fishing.

Some patients died, but it was not precisely said that they died due to infection with the virus.

The patient died in a car accident.

Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory This is the opportunity.

They immediately entrusted a third-party biological and health organization to disclose the inexplicable death of the patient who received treatment in the intensive care center.

At this time, anyone with a normal mind will feel a little strange.

Why did the relevant media disclose such detailed information on the dead patient just discovered in the United States.

But many thoughtful analyzes were annihilated in the hot spots of the news under the fanning of emotions.

After the New York Times began to report, the major media in the United States seemed to have received the same instructions and began to report frantically. The theme was that patients who had been treated in intensive care centers would die suddenly, and the cause of death was unknown.

The New York Times: There is definite evidence that after receiving the treatment of Changtian Technology combined with bacterial colonies, there have been inexplicable deaths, and dozens of patients have died so far!

: Level 1 warning! The colony you transplanted in the intensive care center is likely to suffer from some unknown pathological supply, and the combined colony will die, resulting in the death of the patient.

These reports are still basic operations.

Immediately afterwards, more absurd comments and reports appeared on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

"Urgent news, an unknown virus will infect the joint colony, and the bio-battery of the Hanhai mobile phone we use, the colony and the joint colony have almost the same gene, so the mobile phone will also be infected. If the user uses a mobile phone with a bio-battery They will also be infected with this virus and eventually die!"

"Users must not buy Hanhai mobile phones. If you buy Hanhai mobile phones, you will be infected with the virus and die!"

Some of these messy news on social media are made up by netizens. Of course, more of them are brought into rhythm by relevant This makes companies such as Apple and Samsung happy .

In the past, users were willing to buy Hanhai mobile phones instead of Apple and Samsung because the technology of Hanhai mobile phones was extremely advanced.

Now it is exposed that buying Hanhai mobile phones will be infected with the virus and eventually die. Users are definitely not willing to buy Hanhai mobile phones and buy alternatives, such as Apple and Samsung.

After all, compared with the performance of your mobile phone, your life must be more important.

Samsung even shamelessly advertised in the US market that lithium batteries will not be infected with viruses.

Not to be outdone, the Apple mobile phone released a set of promotional pictures. The picture shows a group of users happily using the Apple mobile phone without wearing a mask. The user next door using the Hanhai mobile phone is frowning and wearing a mask.

The purpose of the advertisement is very obvious.

Vigorous propagandists let the relevant media in the United States. Most users in the United States believe that the joint colony will definitely be infected with the virus, and it will cause death.

The word eventually spread that as long as you use the products of United Colony, you will die.

For a time, the entire American society panicked.

Many patients who are preparing to complete colony transplantation or cell totipotent therapy are in trouble.

They frantically called Changtian Technology headquarters to ask whether these reports in the United States were true.

Many western media also came to Changze Island in Xia Kingdom, hoping that Changtian Technology could come forward to explain related issues.

Many media and patients in Europe are also paying attention to this news.

But both the media and users in Xiaguo or Europe have noticed it.

Why is it that everyone in the country or region where I live is fine, and it is not as serious as the US news says?

And Chen Ling, let Qu Ping wait patiently.

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