Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 825 Capital is bloody

The relevant person in charge of the European Intensive Care Center urgently called Changtian Technology to inquire about the relevant matters reported by the American media.

Qu Ping asked people to reply to Europe.

As long as the relevant patients in Europe follow the requirements of the intensive care center, go to the hospital for regular check-ups, and replace the relevant culture medium, then their bodies will not have any problems.

Changtian Technology will also make any reply to the affairs in the United States at present.

Chen Xiao is still waiting for the final reaction from the United States.

In the United States, the number of mysterious deaths of patients treated in intensive care centers is increasing.

American society, especially the upper class, fell into a kind of panic.

There are quite a few American users who bought second-hand mobile phones from Hanhai through smuggling channels, but they dare not use the mobile phones even after they got them, because they are afraid of getting sick.

In addition to the hype in the Western media that the combined bacterial colony will infect the deadly virus, under the leadership of the National Biological Laboratory of the United States, the relevant departments of the United States officially informed the World Health Organization of the fact that the combined bacterial colony infection seriously endangers the lives of patients. Hope The organization was able to give an account.

U.S. capital and relevant departments have united to put pressure on the WHO.

The purpose is to hope that the World Health Organization can announce as soon as possible that the combined colony therapy of Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center, as well as the subsequent cell totipotent therapy and organ transplantation are all unsafe.

During this period of time, the pressure on the World Health Organization was also very great.

On the one hand, several kinds of treatments developed by Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center have found the best way to treat some incurable diseases, greatly prolonging the life span of human beings and improving the quality of life of patients.

This approach deserves to be promoted around the world.

On the other hand, many patients who have received intensive treatment in the United States have died in large numbers. From this point of view, this treatment method is also unsafe.

The World Health Organization hopes that the United States can inform the World Health Organization of the relevant conditions of the deceased patient, especially the anatomy and pathological conditions of the body.

The World Health Organization will then coordinate with it, inform Changtian Technology of the severe treatment of the relevant situation, and gather scientific forces from the United States and Xia Kingdom to jointly figure out what the virus that can erode the joint colony is and whether it is Is there a way to fix this?

The World Health Organization is indeed a little silly at this time.

How could the National Biological Laboratory of the United States announce the relevant situation of the virus and hand it over to Changtian Technology?

Isn't this slapping yourself? What is it?

Therefore, the National Biological Laboratory of the United States ignored the proposal of the World Health Organization on the grounds of safety.

See the World Health Organization has not responded to its own request.

The health and medical authorities of the United States directly issued relevant safety warnings.

Patients who directly ask for it should not go to overseas Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center for treatment.

It is clearly informed that the combined colony in this treatment plan will be attacked by the virus, which will cause the patient to lose his life in a short time.

Some time ago, some media and netizens uploaded some information on the Internet, but this time, the US officials directly announced the specific situation.

The weight of the two is completely different.

This official announcement from the United States is to tell everyone.

If you receive traditional American treatment in the United States, there may be no way to completely save your life, but you can spend less money, and you can guarantee that your quality of life before death is still good.

But if you leave the United States to go to Mexico, or the intensive care center in Canada for treatment.

Then your body organs are very likely to be infected with the virus, and at that time it is really painful.

Not to mention spending money and losing your life, this is quite uneconomical.

Sure enough, after the relevant departments of the United States issued a warning announcement.

Many American patients who intend to go overseas to enter the intensive care center for treatment, immediately fell into a situation of entanglement and hesitation.

And those American patients who have completed treatment have fallen into extreme panic.

Many of them called the headquarters of Changtian Technology to inquire about the situation.

There are even some patients who have completed the treatment. After being frightened, they dare not leave the intensive care center of Changtian Technology. previous state.

For a while, the intensive care centers overseas, especially in Mizhou, were in chaos.

Relevant foundations in the United States took this opportunity to make trouble, and recruited many members of the gang to besiege the intensive care centers established by Changtian Technology in Canada and Mexico.

For a while, the two sides were at war with each other.

In the Mexican Intensive Care Center, the second batch of Changtian Technology technical team members dispatched to support this year sat in the conference room with a very ugly face.

The captain of this batch, Chen Jiawei, is only 27 years old this year, and she encountered this situation when she took the technical team abroad for the first time.

However, Chen Jiawei's psychological quality is still very strong. Outside the intensive care center, although there is the impact of gangsters, under the protection of the Mexican military and police, there has not been any problem in the safety of the intensive care center.

For the team, the biggest problem right now is not being able to go out.

It's just that there are still many patients who come from afar and are willing to be treated. It is a tragedy that they have no way to come in for treatment.

Ding Yue, the doctor in charge of the technical team, patted the table heavily and said: "I still have 5 patients who will undergo surgery immediately. If the time is delayed, they will die!"

Chen Jiawei said: "Don't worry, the headquarters will definitely find a way."

"What we have to do now is to ensure the safety and normal medical treatment of patients in the treatment center under the premise of ensuring our own safety."

Ding Yue was still a little puzzled and said: "First, our patient died, followed by the discovery of a deadly virus, and then there was a wave of public opinion attacks, and now the gangsters are making trouble outside!"

"Which family members of these gangsters who are making trouble outside are being treated in our treatment center? Which family members have died? Any fool knows that there must be something wrong with it!"

Chen Jiawei could only comfort Ding Yue and said: "What we can think of, the headquarters must be able to think of. So far, there has been no movement from the headquarters. This does not mean that the headquarters has not taken any further action, but that it must be waiting for something."

Chen Jiawei fully carried out the orders of the headquarters and would not act without authorization.

Xiaguo, Changzezhou, Changtian Technology Headquarters.

The door was already crowded with reporters.

There are at least more than 200 reporters from home and abroad, and everyone hopes that Changtian Technology can respond to the discovery of a deadly virus targeting the joint bacterial colony by the National Living Laboratory of the United States.

The reporters made a noisy mess.

"There is indeed information that patients who received treatment in the intensive care center contracted the virus and died!"

"I just came back from the United States and went to interview some of the deceased's homes. The last days of the deceased were very painful. The whole organ was rotten, and there was no way to save them."

"If the joint colony is really infected by the virus and dies, it will be a devastating blow to Changtian Technology's intensive care center!"

"It's more than a devastating blow to Changtian Technology! It's a devastating blow to the entire history of human medical care!"

"That's right, what you said is very reasonable! Finally, our human medical history has reached a new height! Some intractable diseases in the past can be cured through the combined diagnosis and treatment of the intensive care center and the subsequent cell totipotent therapy , Such a thing happened, it is really a pity!"

"The most disgusting thing is that I have seen news related to the United States during this period. They actually said that Changtian Technology relies on this treatment method to control the lives of all human beings."

"The key is that the impact of this incident is very large. After all, there are only a small number of patients who need to be treated in intensive care centers, but there are more users who buy Hanhai mobile phones."

"That's right. During this period of time, the stock prices of Changtian Technology's two stocks, Yuedong Internet and Bird, have plummeted! The bio-battery that was just released, this company is not easy to sell!"

"Biological batteries are still a trivial matter. Now that the French Lion City has invested huge sums of money in the construction of Changtian Technology's living power station, it is troublesome."

"If it is confirmed that the colonies will die on a large scale after being infected, the investment of these countries will really be in vain!"

"What are these? Changtian Technology has stockpiled a large amount of land in the northwest region just to build bio-power stations and bio-energy blocks. I heard that these things will replace coal and oil as future energy sources."

"Now it seems that this dream may be shattered!"

Reporters at home and abroad, some felt it was a pity, and many others, with the mentality of watching the excitement, even joked.

Soon, before the arrangement of the reception staff, the reporters entered the meeting room of Changtian Technology headquarters one after another.

The conference room filled up quickly.

Since there were too many reporters, the corridor was full of people.

Originally, this time was Changtian Technology's initiative to hold a press conference, but many overseas related departments and company personnel also came.

If the news announced by the relevant departments of the United States is true, then the power stations in Lion City and France will have to stop.

This is a major blow.

Therefore, Lion City and France immediately dispatched professional technicians to Changtian Technology.

They were going to have an urgent meeting with Wang Xiang, but just happened to meet the press conference and hurried in.

A few minutes later, Qu Ping led the team into the conference room.

The reporters hoped to see depression, anger or irritability on Qu Ping's face.

But no.

Qu Ping walked in calmly, with a smile on her lips.

Soon it became so quiet, and everyone stared at Qu Ping intently.

Qu Ping came to the rostrum and said: "I know what everyone is concerned about these days."

"Relevant departments in the United States have informed everyone with certainty that a deadly virus has occurred in the joint bacterial colony. This deadly virus will cause the death of the joint army and cause the death of the patient."

The reporters did not expect that Qu Ping would face such a problem very directly, without any evasion.

"And now there is clear news and data telling us that dozens of patients who have been treated in intensive care centers in the United States have been infected with the virus."

"Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center also sent a team to the United States. We verified the identity of the deceased patient and found that it was indeed the case."

As soon as Qu Ping said this, the reporters became lively again.

"Is Changtian Technology admitting this so readily?"

"My God, what to do!"

Unexpectedly, Qu Ping said with a smile: "Actually, Changtian Technology had early warning of this matter and took some measures."

"Everyone has been paying attention to this matter during this period of time. I don't know if you have noticed that there has never been a single death of a patient in the Xia Kingdom or in Europe."

"All the patients who died were from the United States."

"I know that everyone may say that the relevant patients did not go to Xia Guo, so Xia Guo's intensive care center was not affected?"

"Here I can tell you responsibly that in the past week, more than 100 patients who have been treated in intensive care centers in the United States have come to intensive care centers in Xiaguo, but we have not been affected in any way. .”

After Qu Ping finished speaking, she continued to smile confidently.

The whole meeting room was fried.

"That's right, so far we don't seem to have seen any reports of patient deaths from Europe and Xia!"

"It seems that the accident happened in the United States. What's going on?"

Qu Ping asked the staff to turn on the big screen in the conference room and play a short film produced by Changtian Technology.

This short film sorts out in detail the events that Changtian Technology found that many Americans with very poor economic conditions were rescued by the foundation and sent to the intensive care center for treatment and finally disappeared.

Changtian Technology also sent an investigation team to the family of the missing patient and interviewed some live videos of the family members of the patient.

Because the Changtian Technology Overseas Intensive Care Center collects the information of the patients who come to treat them.

So so many people disappeared one after another, and Changtian Technology recorded them one by one.

After the short film was played, many journalists realized a problem.

Why have many patients in intensive care centers disappeared this year?

Why do foundations subsidize poor people in slums or homeless people to go to overseas intensive care centers where the number of places is very treatment price is very expensive?

Why did the virus that can attack the joint colony suddenly appear in the United States after the disappearance of patients happened one after another?

Qu Ping stood on the podium and said from a very professional perspective: "We admit that everything in this world is moving forward, including viruses and bacteria in nature are also constantly evolving."

"Why does bird flu break out every year? It's because the number of this group is too large, and the constant gene exchange between different existing viruses has led to the mutation of the virus."

"Conversely, the number of patients we have treated with combined colony therapy is limited, and it cannot meet the condition that the virus suddenly mutates into a deadly virus."

"Plague never breaks out only in large gatherings of people."

"So we can be sure that this outbreak of the deadly virus targeting the combined colony did not come from nature, but from the laboratory."

"We also analyzed the virus gene and found traces of high splicing and splicing of the gene, which further shows that the virus originated from a human laboratory."

"We can even confirm that in the United States, there are some inhumane laboratories that constantly kidnap our patients to obtain some useful information from the samples in the patient's body."

After Qu Ping finished speaking, the big screen behind her displayed the names of the densely packed and disappeared patients.

She said to the reporters very seriously: "Our Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center also wants to ask, where are the patients who disappeared in the United States?"

At this moment, the entire meeting room was completely silent!

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