Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 844: 3 stars, Apple's large-scale face-slapping scene

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 844 Samsung and Apple's large-scale face-slapping scene

In early 2016, Samsung released its flagship mobile phone Samsung.

In order to meet the needs of users for large screens, Samsung released the note7 in mid-2016.

The two mobile phones released by Samsung in 2016 gave users the most intuitive feeling that Samsung's price could not be stabilized.

Although the release price is still the same price as in previous years, the actual sales price and the price after the activities of major operators are cheaper than the release price.

The price drop of Samsung mobile phones actually means that the demand for mobile phones of most users around the world has evolved from tools + fashion + their own personality to a separate tool.

This is the biggest change in the mobile terminal equipment market in recent years.

At the press conference and in various offline promotions.

Samsung has also been promoting the biggest advantage of its mobile phones, which is the screen.

And without naming names, he compared his screen with Changtian Technology's Hanhai 2 mobile phone.

It seems that if you don't compare your products with Hanhai mobile phones, you can't highlight the advantages of your products.

This actually proves from the side that the Hanhai series mobile phones of Changtian Technology have formed an important influence in the mobile terminal market.

When the user walks into the Samsung experience store.

The favorite marketing routine of Samsung’s sales staff is to tell consumers, “Our screen uses the world’s most advanced OLED technology, its colors are more vivid and real, the resolution is higher, and the display effect is better and softer.”

Moreover, when promoting Samsung's just-released note7 mobile phone, it will highlight the benefits of a large screen, such as watching dramas is very cool and playing games is very exciting, etc.

Not to mention this wave of marketing strategies, Samsung has achieved good results in sales in the first half of 2016.

After all, with the increase of network speed and the development of mobile Internet applications, short videos have gradually become the favorite means of entertainment for users. Since they are watching videos, of course they like screens with better display effects.

Immediately after September, iphone7 and iphone7plus were released.

The progress of the iphone7 series is also very gratifying.

It seems to echo Samsung's mobile phones and note series.

The biggest improvement of iphone7 is its screen, and the iphone7 series will also use oled screens.

And coincidentally, the oled screens of the iphone7 series are produced by Samsung.

In Apple's publicity, it is also pointed out without naming names that although the performance of Hanhai's second mobile phone is powerful, the performance of Apple's iphone7 series is not bad, which is completely sufficient.

However, the screen of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone is too broken, which greatly affects the user experience.

This is what Apple said in its soft-text publicity.

"Mobile phone is a part of your life. You use it to record your life, play your favorite games, watch your favorite movies. In fact, what you need most is a screen that can bring you an excellent visual experience...Performance , others can be satisfied, we can also be satisfied.”

Propaganda articles like this abound on the Internet.

And when the promotional article was reposted by the big v, they would write like this:

"For ordinary users, in fact, any mobile phone as long as the performance of the flagship phone is enough, and many users can't even use 70% of the performance of the mobile phone. But users will use 100% of the mobile phone screen, a piece with soft, A mobile phone screen with a clear and eye-friendly display is far more important than chips or memory."

There are more popular science articles similar to the relationship between mobile phone performance and user needs.

Immediately afterwards, on major social media around the world, many netizens or big Vs began to popularize the applications that people need in their daily lives.

Everyone said that the performance of the current flagship phones of major brands is sufficient, and it is a surplus.

In fact, after entering 2016, there is no need for big v to popularize science. Users obviously have a feeling that the performance of mobile phones is almost enough.

Whether you are playing games or watching movies.

Whether it is a Hanhai mobile phone, an Apple or a Samsung mobile phone, they are basically capable of doing the job.

If it is not for the pursuit of the brand or to show that you are richer.

Any of these three mobile phone brands can meet the needs of users.

Google is also constantly optimizing the Android system through its own continuous efforts.

Coupled with the suppression by Changtian Technology Hardware Company. Some traditional semiconductor manufacturers, holding back their energy, took out 8bg or 16gb of memory in one breath, and the experience of ordinary users with Android phones has also been greatly improved.

Global mobile phone sales have actually fallen into a relatively stable stagnation.

Of course, the public is not aware of the fierceness of commercial struggles. After reading these articles, they feel that they have learned a lot.

In an instant, I lost interest in pursuing high-end mobile phones.

And many consumers are beginning to struggle.

The performance of all mobile phones is sufficient. Should I buy a Hanhai mobile phone with more powerful performance, or an iPhone or a Samsung with a better screen display?

In addition, Apple's iphone7 series has also upgraded the camera and eye tracking system to make the mobile phone more intelligent.

Affected by this trend, the most important thing is that after more than 10 years of development of smart phones, users are less interested in mobile phones and are unwilling to spend more money on mobile phones.

Therefore, in the first half of 2016, the sales of Bird and Nokia mobile phones under Hanhai Technology Company surpassed Hanhai 2 mobile phones, and Xiaomi’s domestic sales also surpassed Samsung. This seems to mean that a new era is coming.

Chen Xiao silently watched all this.

Wang Xiang drank tea in Chen Xiao's office, and even jokingly said to Chen Xiao: "Samsung and Apple said that the screen of our Hanhai mobile phone is not good!"

"They actually use the mobile phone screen as a better selling point than Hanhai's mobile phone screen."

Wang Xiang couldn't help but said: "It's obvious that Samsung and Apple's intelligence research on our Changtian Technology is not thorough enough."

Chen Xiao smiled.

Jobs shook his head helplessly while sitting in his seat, of course he couldn't help but laugh.

If Samsung and Apple know that the Hanhai 3 mobile phone will be released soon, and use the most advanced carbon crystal screen technology, I don’t know what kind of thoughts they will have.

And to make way for wearables.

The price of Hanhai San mobile phone will reach an astonishing level.

Chen Xiao stood up and said, "The times have changed."

That night, Changtian Technology immediately announced that on September 29, the Hanhai 3 mobile phone will be released soon.

Changtian Technology did not announce the release of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone, it was just an appetizer, and it was just a forerunner for the Zemeng wearable device.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Internet was boiling.

"Changtian Technology is about to challenge!"

"After all, Samsung and Apple's new products have come out, and the sales are not bad. If Changtian Technology does not fight again, Hanhaier's mobile phone will be worrying!"

"Look at the phone, the biggest flaw is its screen, there's nothing to say about its performance!"

"But at present, the performance of many mobile phones is sufficient. For users, using a Hanhan mobile phone is almost the same as using an Apple mobile phone. Don't tell me that there are cameras and cameras. It is indeed better than Apple's cameras, but It’s better to use a SLR to take a real photo!”

"Looking forward to Hanhai's third mobile phone, I just hope that the screen will no longer use tt."

"It's impossible not to use tt. Does Changtian Technology currently have other advanced screen technologies? Moreover, both South Korean and Japanese companies have reached agreements with Samsung and Apple that they will not sell advanced screens to Changtian Technology. Longsky Technology This time I will definitely use BOE’s tt.”

"Even if you use BOE's immature oled, that won't work. What's the difference between BOE's oled technology and tt? The display effect is far worse than that of Samsung."

Changtian Technology is about to release a new mobile phone. It is absolutely impossible to say that Samsung and Apple are not nervous.

Apple headquarters.

Cook holds the information collected by Changtian Technology in his hand.

The information reported by the intelligence is very strange.

It stands to reason that if a company wants to release a new mobile phone, it must stock up. For example, Apple has stocked up a total of 10 million units for the release of iphone7 and iphone7s this time.

However, according to the information, it seems that Changtian Technology has not prepared the Hanhai 3 mobile phone, and all the production lines have been producing the Hanhai 2 mobile phone without any change.

The same is true of the information obtained from BOE.

BOE is still delivering tt screens from the warehouse.

Some time ago, the oled technology developed by BOE, which everyone paid more attention to, seems to be immature, and this time it did not produce much.

In this way, it seems that the Hanhai 3 mobile phone still uses the tt screen.

Why should such a Hanhai 3 mobile phone be afraid?

After thinking about this, Cook couldn't help laughing three times.

"Will Jobs regret it? The powerful Hanhai mobile phone will be defeated on the screen."

Also happy is Samsung.

Since Samsung and Apple reached a strategic alliance, the two sides have shared intelligence.

Seeing that the Hanhai 3 mobile phone still has no screen to use, Samsung's first feeling is that this wave is stable!

September 29th.

The press conference of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone at Changtian Technology Headquarters was held as scheduled.

The crowds are still surging, and the media from home and abroad are still crowded at the scene.

At the end of the year, the major terminal companies are indeed fighting with gods.

For manufacturers, this means that competition is becoming increasingly fierce.

But for consumers, it means more and better choices.

Wen Qi stood on the stage of the press conference.

This time, she was much more stable than the first time, both in temperament and performance.

Compared with the Hanhai 2 mobile phone, the Hanhai 3 mobile phone has several obvious improvements.

The first is the carbon crystal chip.

The new generation of Jiaolong carbon crystal chip has faster calculation speed, and is lighter in size and weight.

The audience in the audience saw Wen Qi announce the first performance.

Everyone thinks this is expected.

But the reporters also commented: "But the performance of the mobile phone chip of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone is sufficient, or even excess performance. No matter how good the performance of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone is, it is not very useful for the user experience."

The reporter also commented: "Blindly piling up the hardware of mobile phones has greatly weakened the appeal to users. This time, the sales of Hanhai 3 mobile phones are worrying."

The chick knows the ambition of the swan!

The reason why Changtian Technology wants to upgrade the performance of the Jiaolong chip this time is not to make the chip only serve the Hanhai 3 mobile phone, but to communicate with wearable devices and better respond to wearable devices.

Users can only use wearable devices, or use wearable devices and Hanhai mobile phones at the same time.

Changtian Technology must satisfy the various choices of users.

The performance change of the second upgrade is the phone's camera.

Seagull Optics has become the world's top optical company, but it also has top-notch cameras.

When the photos taken by the camera of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone were shown at the press conference, the media at home and abroad could not help but marvel that the camera level of Changtian Technology is indeed higher than that of Apple.

Steady or really steady.

A reporter from "Nanhan Daily" complained at the scene: "What's the use of taking a good photo? His screen is rubbish, and even the best photos can't show that effect."

Samsung and Apple also sent representatives to watch the event live.

Changtian Technology is very friendly to these friendly companies.

They were assigned to the VIP seats in the front row.

Representatives of Samsung and Apple looked at each other, then smiled.

Everything is under control.

The successor of Hanhai mobile phone is indeed exhausted. Apart from blindly piling up hardware, there should be no other tricks.

As for the Firefly operating system, it is indeed very advanced and very intelligent.

However, there are still specific groups of users who like this operating system, and it is not universal.

That's why Apple and Samsung still have a lot of fans.

Human beings like different things, and radishes and vegetables have their own preferences.

Kevinson, the representative of Apple, said to Jin Nanyi, the representative of Samsung: "As long as there is no improvement in the screen, the sales volume of Hanhai San mobile phones should be within our expected range and will not have a subversive impact on us~www Nanyi: "Very agree, Smecta. "

Soon, Wen Qi slapped her in the face on the spot.

Wen Qi announced the performance of the third upgrade of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone - the mobile phone screen.

"This time we adopted the latest technology developed by Changtian Technology, the carbon crystal laser display technology."

"We used a carbon crystal laser flexible screen, which has a better display effect and is more resistant to falling and wear."

After Wen Qi finished speaking, the atmosphere of the entire on-site press conference was condensed.

Why does Apple have the information that BOE didn't produce more OLED screens?

Because BOE uses all OLED production lines to produce carbon crystal laser flexible screens.

When everyone is in doubt.

The staff pushed a huge 100-inch TV to the front desk. This TV did not have any brand, and it used the latest technology of Changtian Technology, a carbon crystal laser flexible screen.

Then the video and photos began to play on the screen.

Its display clarity and display effect shocked the audience.

The bright colors are not dazzling, the resolution is super high without smearing, and the picture is soft and lifelike.

This kind of display effect is currently impossible for Samsung's most powerful OLED technology.

What's more, this is a 100-inch TV, a 100-inch TV that requires a very high resolution.

Wen Qi smiled and said, "I know that you don't have any concept of the wear resistance of mobile phones. For example, some brands also say that their mobile phones use Corning glass, which is very wear-resistant."

"What I want to say is that when you use the Hanhai 3 mobile phone, from the day you use it to the time you put it out, you don't need a film. As long as you don't scratch with a knife, your mobile phone screen will not be scratched. "

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