Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 845: Consumers around the world are in a frenzy

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 845 Global Consumers Go Crazy

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Wen Qi took over the brand new Hanhai San mobile phone from the assistant.

The live broadcast media, of course, used the equipment in their hands to give a close-up of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone.

The audience suddenly discovered that the new generation of Hanhai's third mobile phone is much thinner and lighter than Hanhai's second mobile phone.

Moreover, the display effect of the 100-inch carbon crystal laser flexible screen is very good, let alone the 6.1-inch mobile phone screen.

After all, the smaller the screen, the less important the resolution is.

Wen Qi smiled and said to the audience: "I don't know if you still remember what Changtian Technology said when it just released the Hanhai mobile phone."

"We once said that the Hanhai Kan mobile phone will be inspired by the strongest performance, the lightest, the thinnest, and the most convenient way to provide users with a comfortable grip and portability."

"This is what we promised, and we will do the same, but it is a pity that in the sales of Hanhai 1 and Hanhai 2 mobile phones, we found that many users still like to put a film on their mobile phones."

"The thickness of the mobile phone film is between 0.2mm and 0.6mm, which also increases the thickness of our mobile phone virtually."

"So we hope that starting from the Hanhai 3 mobile phone, putting film on the mobile phone will no longer be the choice of consumers."

After saying this, Wen Qi put the Hanhaishan mobile phone in her hand on the ground, and rubbed the mobile phone against the ground forcefully.

This scene saw countless audiences, and there was some heartache.

How could such a good phone be ruined like this?

After the phone screen rubbed against the ground, Wen Qi handed the phone to the assistant.

The assistant immediately cleaned the screen with alcohol paper, and the screen of the phone became smooth again without any scratches.

The audience at the scene let out a burst of exclamation.

The representatives of mobile phone companies such as Apple and Samsung sitting in the VIP seats in front had really ugly expressions on their faces.

Some time ago, Apple and Samsung just launched new mobile phones, and the biggest selling point is the screen.

The reason why the biggest selling point is set on the screen is because it is certain that Changtian Technology has not made any progress on the basis of the screen.

It is also certain that the Hanhai 3 mobile phone will use an extremely backward tt screen after all.

Who would have thought that the Hanhai 3 mobile phone not only does not use a TT screen, but also uses a carbon crystal laser screen that no one has ever heard of or seen before.

Moreover, judging from the on-site display effect, the display effect of the carbon crystal laser screen has fully exploded Samsung's most advanced OLED technology.

Not only the display effect is full of oled technology, but the wear resistance of the screen is also far higher than that of oled screens.

A layer of Corning is added to the outermost part of the oled screen to protect it, so the thickness of the screen is still very considerable.

The carbon crystal laser screen does not have any at all. The outer glass is used for protection, which makes everyone unacceptable.

The press conference of Han Hai 3 lasted for three hours.

The final stage of the press conference is, of course, the price link that everyone is most looking forward to.

The prices of iphone7 and iphone7plus are almost the same as those of iphone6 ​​and iphone6s, and even slightly higher.

Among them, the top version of iphone7plus is the 256g version, and the price is even closer to 8000rmb.

The media at the scene speculated that if the Hanhai 3 mobile phone will compete with Samsung and Apple on an equal footing.

Then its price should be around 70008000, certainly not cheaper.

Because Hanhai mobile phones are high-end brands, while Bird and Nokia under Hanhai Technology are mid-range brands.

Wen Qi smiled and looked at the audience. He stepped aside and let the 100-inch large screen at the scene display the release price of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone.

There are 3 versions of Hanhai San mobile phone.

The biggest difference between the three versions is the storage and camera.

Among them, the release price of 128gb is 4999 yuan.

The release price of 256GB is 5499 yuan.

The release price of the top configuration 512GB is 5999 yuan.

The price of the whole series does not exceed 6,000 yuan.

And the top configuration is 512g, which is the largest storage among all flagship mobile phones of all brands.

Apple only achieved 256g.

After seeing this price, the audience and the media collectively vomited blood.

Everyone was shocked!

What is Changtian Technology doing?

Why is the published price so cheap!

The price of 4999 yuan is almost the same as the price of some second-tier brand mobile phones.

The price is really attractive and competitive!

Not only the foreign media can't understand it, even the domestic media can't understand it.

The reporter from Xinlang Technology stared at the price on the big screen for a long time and wanted to say: "The sales of Hanhai 1 and Hanhai 2 mobile phones are still very good. Haier mobile phones even won the global sales champion last year. It stands to reason that Changtian Technology Hanhai’s new mobile phone does not worry about users at all, why is the price this time nearly 2,000 yuan less than last time?”

Cook, who was watching the live broadcast of the press conference online in California, also vomited blood after seeing the price.

How competitive is Apple at this price?

Except for those Apple fans, who would spend seven or eight thousand RMB to buy an Apple mobile phone?

Isn't it good to buy a Hanhai 3 mobile phone at a price of around 4000?

Cook was shaking with anger.

Can Apple sell for around 4,000 yuan?

Of course, Apple cannot sell for 4,000 yuan.

If Apple sells at this price, then Apple will not be saved, and there will be no profit at all.

The profit of a mobile phone should not only refer to the cost of mobile phone production, but also refer to the operating costs of the entire company.

It is true that the production cost of Apple mobile phones is only about 2000rmb, but Apple must maintain its high-end image and maintain its stock price in the capital market.

The operating cost spent is far more than this amount.

But Cook was also pondering a question.

The Hanhai 3 mobile phone directly dropped by more than 1,000 to more than 2,000 RMB.

Isn't Chen Ling worried about looking at the mobile phone, and getting spurned by consumers after the depreciation?

Wen Qi answered this question at the press conference.

Wen Qi said to the camera: "I know that the sales price of Hanhai San mobile phone makes you feel a little surprised and a little unbelievable."

"Because everyone is thinking that last year's No. 1 selling mobile phone in the world was the Hanhai series of mobile phones, so it is impossible for our Hanhai mobile phone to lack user groups."

"With a sufficient user base, the price of Hanhai's new mobile phone is consistent with that of the previous generation, which is completely acceptable to consumers."

"But the philosophy of Changtian Technology is different from other mobile phone companies."

"Our philosophy is that a mobile phone is a mobile phone, a communication tool in people's daily life, not a luxury, nor something to show off."

"The emergence of Hanhai mobile phone is to give users more convenience, not to increase the consumption burden of users."

"Changtian Technology has teamed up with many effect technology companies to create a very powerful and all-encompassing firefly ecological chain."

"The emergence of Hanhai Mobile, including Nokia and Bird mobile phones under Hanhai Mobile, is to allow users to use our Firefly ecological chain faster and better, and bring convenience to their life, work and study."

"Based on this philosophy, we don't need to make the price of the mobile phone very high."

After Wen Qi finished speaking, the audience burst into applause.

Many netizens who watched the press conference also posted barrage in the video.

"Changtian Technology is indeed a conscientious company!"

"If Apple has this kind of market share, it will be thankful that the price of the new mobile phone released will not increase!"

"Thanks to Changtian Technology! Changtian Technology's Hanhai mobile phone is sold at this price. If Apple does not lower the price, it will not be able to sell at all. This is actually good for our consumers!"

Wen Qi went on to say: "I know that everyone is worried about the brand value of mobile phones, and thinks that after the price of mobile phones drops, will it have a relatively big blow to the brand image of the entire mobile phone, and it is not so good for previous users. friendly."

"On this point, please rest assured that we respect every user, especially the old users of Hanhai mobile phones."

"Any user who has a Hanhai 1 or a Hanhai 2 mobile phone in their hands plans to buy a Hanhai 3 mobile phone. At the time of Hanhai, they can purchase the Hanhai 1 mobile phone and the Hanhai 2 mobile phone according to the market price."

"The purchase price will take into account the gap between the initial prices of these phones."

Hanhai Technology has taken such measures, which is very friendly to consumers.

This means that consumers will not suffer losses no matter when they buy mobile phones, and they don't have to worry about the depreciation of mobile phones.

The reporters recorded this moment and immediately posted related comments on their own portals or self-media.

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"The release price of Hanhai San mobile phone is directly 2,000 yuan lower than that of the previous generation. The title is to break the illusory concept that mobile phones symbolize identity or status, and return mobile phones to tools."

"In order to achieve this goal, Hanhai Technology has become the first company willing to eat crabs. This kind of behavior of sacrificing its own interests for the sake of consumers is not what every technology company is willing to do."

On Xinlang Weibo, Big Tech V and Little C also wrote such a comment with great emotion.

"There is nothing wrong with technology companies pursuing interests, but Changtian Technology is the only technology company in the world that considers the entire technology ecological chain and user groups! Why do we not support Changtian Technology?"

Brother C immediately posted a second Weibo.

"I'm going to buy a Hanhai San mobile phone tomorrow!"

Of course, the signal given by more media is that under the pressure of this price, Apple and Samsung may not be able to sell.

Many netizens also expressed their views.

"The brand value is higher than that of Apple, the appearance of the mobile phone is higher than that of the iPhone, the performance of the mobile phone is better than that of the iPhone, and the price is cheaper than the latest iPhone 7 Plus. What reason should I have to buy the iPhone 7 Plus? Is it because of feelings?"

At the end of the press conference, Wen Qi also kindly reminded consumers: "If your mobile terminal equipment budget is more than 7,000 yuan? Then you don't need to consider Hanhai mobile phones. There will be better performance devices in the market. Waiting for you!"

Wen Qi's words were actually to prepare for Ze Mengke's competition equipment later on.

It means that if you are not short of money and want to buy more expensive, newer and better devices, then you don’t have to think about looking at your mobile phone, just wait for the wearable smart devices that will follow.

But because Changtian Technology has never released a smart device that can be seen during the public announcement period, the current audience does not know.

Everyone directly interpreted Wen Qi's words as saying that Hanhai mobile phones are provided to those who need them. If you don't need them, then you don't need to buy them.

These words seem to be true on the media platform, which further enhances the image of Changtian Technology.

After the press conference, the performance, configuration and price of Hanhaisan mobile phone were frantically reported on all major network platforms and news that night.

What makes Xiaguo netizens most proud is that it took Changtian Technology less than a year to overcome the shortcomings of the screen, and showed that Xiaguo people have their own technological intellectual property rights, and the performance is better than that of the world's No. 1 screen. Samsung's latest technology, more advanced screen technology.

At this glance, netizens were completely sleepless.

"I'm looking forward to buying Hanhai San mobile phone!"

"The price of 4999, I can also consume it! What kind of bicycle do you need at this price!"

"I have made an appointment on the official website of Hanhai Technology, and I hope to grab one when the sale starts at 10:00 tomorrow morning!"

There are quite a few potential consumers of Hanhai mobile phones, but they did not buy them because of the high

This time the price has been reduced to less than 5,000 yuan, and the high configuration is less than 6,000 yuan. Of course everyone is willing to try it.

After all, similar to Blue Factory and Green Factory, domestic second-tier brands, a domestic brand that has no intellectual property rights at all, sold their so-called flagship mobile phones for almost 5,000 yuan.

Not only Xia Guo netizens are interested in the Hanhai 3 mobile phone.

In the flagship stores of Hanhai mobile phones in Europe and Southeast Asia, the phones in the stores were also blown up by users.

Everyone is asking whether Hanhai's three mobile phones can be listed in overseas markets simultaneously.

In the end, I got a positive answer for these users.

Hanhai 3 mobile phone will be listed simultaneously in the world.

A week later on October 5th.

Hanhai mobile phones are sold both online and offline.

This time to make way for wearables.

Therefore, Hanhai Technology does not have so many stocks, and only 5 million units.

Hanhai Technology means to produce and sell at the same time.

Because everyone is not sure whether the sales of mobile phones will still be so impressive after the emergence of wearable smart devices.

As a result, consumers around the world gave Hanhai Technology a resounding slap in the face.

The day Hanhai San mobile phone was released.

All online and offline sales channels are sold out.

Thailand in Southeast Asia sold 300,000 units that day, not to mention all the national inventory, and tried every means to transfer 50,000 mobile phones from neighboring countries, and all of them were sold out.

When Thailand asked neighboring countries for mobile phones with more languages, the neighboring countries were also sold out.

It is the first time that cost-effectiveness has appeared on high-end mobile phones. It is no wonder that consumers are not rushing to buy it.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xiang was stunned.

"Crazy, crazy, these people are crazy!"

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