Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 847: Western technology companies vomit blood

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 847 Western technology companies vomit blood

The headquarters of Changtian Technology has decided that it will be released on December 16, the wearable device Zemeng.

This can be regarded as a perfect end to 2016.

It seems to be to return to the original intention.

The location of the press conference was set at the headquarters of Jiangzhou Changtian Technology, not Changzezhou.

In order to prepare for this conference.

Hanhai Technology has already made some preparations for wearable devices earlier.

The first preparation is the flexible screen of the wearable device, and some adjustments have been made on the previous technology.

This adjustment is an adjustment in the optical sense.

Because Xia Kingdom is also the country with the largest myopia.

If a user wearing glasses wants to use a wearable device, it is impossible to wear a wearable device on top of the glasses.

After some small technical adjustments, wearable devices also have diopters after passing through electronic and optical technologies.

Can be customized like glasses.

This is very friendly to many myopic users.

Now that everyone wears glasses, why not bring more advanced wearable devices?

And for those users with relatively high diopters, the flexible screen of the wearable device can use the dual functions of electronics and optics with an extremely small thickness to achieve a reasonable diopter for the user.

The second thing Hanhai Technology did was to customize an advertisement for wearable devices.

In the past advertisements for Hanhai mobile phones, Wen Qi was asked to be the protagonist.

I did this because I was in a hurry, and Wen Qi was in good shape.

But it is not possible to do so now.

After all, Wen Qi is now the boss of Hanhai Technology's Xiaguo District, and using the image of the boss as an advertisement, isn't that the same as Gree Air Conditioning?

So Hanhai Technology chose a newcomer to shoot the advertisement this time.

The protagonist of the advertisement is Ren Siyu, an 18-year-old girl from the dance department of Jiangzhou University.

The advertising fee is not expensive, so I only gave the little girl 10,000 yuan.

This is the little girl's first extra-curricular income, and she is very happy.

She thought it was an advertisement for glasses. If he knew that this was an advertisement for Changtian Technology's wearable devices, he would probably jump for joy.

Hanhai Technology issued an invitation letter to the outside world.

Invite global and major media and industry stakeholders to Jiangzhou's new science and technology district, Changtian Technology Jiangzhou headquarters to participate in the new product launch conference.

Once the invitation is sent out.

The entire media and related industries were stunned.

Because Changtian Technology just held a press conference and announced the Hanhai San mobile phone, which is currently the world's best-selling mobile phone.

How long has it been?

It's only been a month or two, so why hold a press conference again?

When the media were asking what kind of press conference Changtian Technology was going to solve.

Longsky Technology launched an advertisement for wearable devices.

Ren Siyu, who is very youthful and cute, wears a super thin and fashionable wearable device, and shows off her wearable device in various scenes on campus.

Because the painting style of the advertisement is very clean and refreshing, and the soundtrack is also very beautiful, plus Ren Siyu looks very youthful.

Soon this time the ad became a phenomenon.

Looped on major websites, mobile apps, TVs and subways.

Only now did the major media and people in the industry realize that the new product released by Changtian Technology this time is a real new product. Some time ago, Hanhai Technology Company, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, announced wearable smart devices.

Is this worth it?

Hanhai Technology is so cautious and invites everyone to attend the press conference.

That means that the wearable smart device released by Changtian Technology must not be a simple wearable device, and it will definitely have an extraordinary influence on the entire industry.

Having figured this out, representatives of various industries and media personnel arrived in Jiangzhou one after another a few days before December 16.

Changtian Technology also directly sent the invitation letter to Apple's US headquarters.

Cook looked at this beautifully crafted invitation.

He also saw the advertisement released by Changtian Technology, no matter how calm he was, he couldn't sit still!

Cook asked his subordinates repeatedly.

"Are you sure that Changtian Technology is going to release a wearable device?"

The subordinates have just learned the news from the Xia country market.

He said to Cook with certainty: "Sir, I have already confirmed with the Xiaguo market that Changtian Technology is indeed a separable device this time."

Cook had some doubts again: "Is it the wearable device from the World Internet Conference?"

The subordinate replied: "From the information we obtained from Changtian Technology, the wearable device advertised is more fashionable and thinner than the World Internet Conference, but we still don't know the specific data. "

Cook was literally vomiting blood.

He couldn't understand why the efficiency of Changtian Technology was so fast?

Doesn't it take time for a product to go from design to final release to the market?

It took a full year for iphone7 from design to release.

Changtian Technology's wearable devices will be released as soon as they are released?

At present, Cook still does not know the performance of the wearable device that Changtian Technology will release soon.

Does it have an impact on the mobile phone market?

It is thinking that Changtian Technology told consumers when it released the Hanhai 3 mobile phone that the mobile phone is just a tool.

Does this mean that wearable devices are about to replace mobile phones as human necessities?

Cook panicked at the thought of this.

Cook said: "Inform the person in charge of Apple's Xiaguo headquarters to go to Jiangzhou to attend the Changtian Technology conference in person."

Cook takes this matter very seriously.

Because intuition told him.

The iphone7 will face a bigger blow than Hanhai 3.

Jiangzhou has not been so lively for a long time.

Journalists from all over the world and representatives of major technology companies went to Jiangzhou Changjiang Science and Technology Park.

The managers of Jiangzhou City wanted to make this press conference of Changtian Technology go smoothly.

A special working group was also set up to maintain the order at the scene and provide some services to the visiting guests.

Ren Siyu from Jiangzhou University was also invited.

After seeing the invitation letter, Ren Siyu was shocked.

It was only at this time that she realized that she was filming an advertisement for a new product of Hanhai Technology.

"My God, Siyu! When did you receive the advertisement from Changtian Technology!"

"I just said that I just opened the opening screen advertisement on Weibo, and I saw that person was a little familiar, so it was you!"

"Siyu, you are really outstanding!"

Ren Siyu said embarrassingly: "I don't know, this advertisement is from Changtian Technology! I thought it was some glasses company that asked me to shoot the advertisement."

"Oh, Siyu, you've lost a lot of money. I knew that Hanhai Technology, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, approached you to shoot an advertisement. 10,000 yuan is too little!"

But Ren Siyu has his own ideas.

Being able to shoot commercials for Changtian Technology, which can be broadcast in national and even global media.

That must be very good for my own development.

Not to mention giving himself 10,000 yuan, even if he didn't give him a dime, Ren Siyu was 100 percent willing.

And the invitation letter can bring three people.

Under the strong request of her roommate, Ren Siyu took three roommates to the press conference.

December 16 at 6:00pm.

The auditorium of Jiangzhou Changtian Science and Technology Park was crowded with people.

Reporters and representatives of various industries gathered together, and there were no absentees at the scene. Many reporters had no place and had to stand in the middle of the corridor.

Wen Qi stood in the center of the stage, and the scene gradually became quiet.

Wen Qi jokingly said to everyone: "It's a pleasure to meet you again!"

"Once again, please come to the conference site of Changtian Technology Hanhai Technology to witness the release of new products of Hanhai Technology!"

"I think that before the press conference, everyone has seen the advertisements of Changtian Technology."

"Wearable Smart Devices!"

Wen Qi stepped aside.

The large screen behind it shows the real 3D pictures of Zemeng's wearable smart devices.

Of course, the large screen behind uses BOE's latest carbon crystal laser screen technology.

So the display effect is very amazing.

It can also allow the media and the audience to see the appearance of Zemeng wearable devices more clearly.

Just look at the appearance.

Whether it's the media or people in the industry.

None of them can be associated with wearable devices.

Everyone thinks that the device is a simple pair of glasses.

Because the device is too lightweight.

Even lighter than some black-rimmed glasses.

"Maybe this is a wearable device. Where is his chip and battery?"

"Google's wearable device looks like a huge diving glasses. Changtian Technology has demonstrated his wearable device at the Global Internet Conference, but this device looks even bigger than the one displayed at the Global Internet Conference. Be lighter."

Reporters zoomed in on their cameras.

I hope to find some mystery from the real photos of wearable devices.

For example, does the wearable device have a chip, is it an optical device, or is it a smart device with a chip?

If there is a chip, where is the chip?

Does the device need to be powered by electricity?

If it needs electric power, where is its battery?

Everyone searched for a while but couldn't find the answer they wanted.

Wen Qi stood in the center of the stage and continued.

"Human technology is constantly moving forward."

"Humans invented the telephone more than 100 years ago, making long-distance communication possible."

"Mankind invented the mobile phone decades ago, making mobile communication possible."

"However, human beings' pursuit of technological progress and convenience go hand in hand."

"So we've ditched our landlines and we've replaced our clunky mobile phones with feature phones and then smartphones just to make our lives easier."

His screen showed the changes in the phone over the decades.

From mobile phone to the present Hanhai mobile phone.

The appearance of mobile phones has changed a lot, and the volume is getting thinner and thinner.

Wen Qi said: "At the Hanhai 3 mobile phone launch conference a few months ago, I once said that a mobile phone is just a tool, and Changtian Technology will definitely develop more advanced and portable tools to satisfy users. The needs of work, study and life."

"Scientists at Changtian Technology have always believed that mobile phones are not the most convenient tool for us."

"Because of using a mobile phone, it is actually independent of our individuality. If we need to use it, we still need to hold it in our hand or put it in our bag."

"And the mobile phone also has its limitations. It is impossible for us to look at the mobile phone anytime and anywhere, and the mobile phone cannot feedback all the information of life, study and work to the user in a timely manner."

"I believe that everyone here has the experience of losing a mobile phone."

After Wen Qi finished speaking, many people in the audience smiled.

And indeed it is.

Wen Qi added: "If one day, we don't need to use our hands, we will be able to obtain information on the Internet."

"If one day we can know the mysteries of this world simply by looking ahead, are you willing to embrace this new era?"

After listening to Wen Qi's words, the audience at the scene can basically confirm that the wearable smart device that Changtian Technology will release this time is not a simple optical device.

After all, it is a smart device with chips and powerful functions.

Just at this time.

The staff said that Zemeng's wearable device was brought to the podium.

The reporter at the scene gave this device a big close-up.

The picture is transmitted on the big screen.

After seeing the close-up of the wearable smart device, everyone at the scene exclaimed.

The device is much thinner and lighter than everyone imagined.

To everyone's surprise.

Wen Qi directly put the device on, and suddenly became Then on the big screen, from Wen Qi's first perspective, she felt the current display of the device.

Wen Qi said with a smile: "Today's press conference, I will explain the appearance of the hardware, the parameters of the hardware, and the performance of the hardware."

"Everyone can see me, I have already brought Zemengke's wearable equipment with me."

"If I don't tell you that this is a wearable smart device, people are likely to think it is a very ordinary glasses."

"In a sense, it is actually an ordinary glasses, because its weight is very light, only 15g in total, even much lighter than the eyes of many people at the scene."

"In addition, the flexible screen of the device, that is, the carbon crystal laser screen we developed recently, has the function of adjusting the refraction, so it can be carried as a pair of myopia glasses or farsighted glasses."

The appearance parameters of the wearable device appeared on the big screen.

A wearable smart device is actually lighter than ordinary glasses?

How does this make Google's wearable devices live?

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw on the big screen that some data was displayed on the wearable device.

Today's temperature, time, date, etc.

This display method is the AR display method.

Let the information of the equipment and the environment of the scene be completely integrated and together.

Wen Qi added: "Maybe everyone is very curious about the hardware of the device. How can such light glasses be a wearable smart device?"

"But although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs."

"In our device, in addition to the flexible screen, the frame of the glasses is a bio-battery."

"In addition, we also equipped a chip with a Bluetooth headset, and the chip data and device data are transmitted through the wireless network."

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