Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 848 Unequal crushing

Because it has not yet involved the performance demonstration stage of wearable devices.

So Wen Qi just briefly mentioned that wearable devices are divided into two parts.

The first part is just introduced, using the "glasses" of the flexible screen.

The glasses weigh 15 grams and have refractive power.

The second part is the Bluetooth headset loaded with the chip.

This part can also be regarded as the host of the wearable device, and the weight is less than 15 grams, which is lighter than the same type of Bluetooth headsets currently on the market.

Through Wen Qi's introduction, everyone basically understood the operating principle of Zemeng's wearable device.

The glasses-like thing on the nose bridge is the display of the wearable device, which can present AR or VR display effects.

A small thing similar to a Bluetooth headset worn on the headset, which is the host of the wearable device, also has a chip here, and all data processing is here.

The information transmission between the host and the display of the wearable device does not depend on the data line, but on the wireless network.

Not to mention anything else, just such a design will definitely make the audience feel very novel.

After briefly introducing the appearance of the equipment, Wen Qi began to introduce the relevant performance parameters of the equipment in detail.

"The first is our smart glasses."

"Smart glasses use the latest carbon crystal laser flexible screen display technology. Our display resolution can reach more than 2K. When using VR mode, the refresh rate of the screen can reach more than 120 Hz."

"In addition, because the screen uses lasers to strike electrons, and the electrons emit light in different areas in the grid, even if worn for a long time, the damage to the user's vision will be very small."

"Through electronic refraction and physical optical refraction technology, wearable devices can be well adapted to near- and far-sighted users."

Wen Qi wore a wearable device and walked back and forth on the podium.

Wearable devices seem to be a fashion handicraft.

Wearing it on Wen Qi's body does not violate harmony at all, unlike wearable devices of brands such as Google or HTC, it looks like an alien behind the head.

Portable and stylish, this is the biggest feeling Zemeng's appearance gave to the audience.

The spotlight of the media was on Wen Qi, and everyone was unwilling to let go of any detail.

Wen Qi said: "And the small host that our wearable device is equipped with is equipped with Changtian Technology's latest Jinghong 1 chip."

"Jinghong 1 chip is a chip series specially made for wearable smart devices. It is characterized by lower power consumption, faster computing speed, and absolute safety without heat."

Wen Qi does not like to use very complicated chip data terms to inform users of the performance of the chip.

Instead, directly compare the Jinghong 1 chip with the latest Jiaolong digital series used in the Hanhai 3 mobile phone that was just released during this period.

Wen Qi said: "Our Shuixi chip is three times more comprehensive than the Jiaolong chip used in the Hanhai 3 mobile phone."

As soon as these words came out, the audience exclaimed.

The chip performance of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone is already very advanced.

Hanhai 3 is the most powerful among all mobile chips at present, no matter its computing speed or decoding ability.

Users who play games call it a game killer.

Users who like to watch movies call it a sharp tool for watching movies.

Because using the Hanhai 3 mobile phone to play movies or some colored movies, it almost means playing and decoding in seconds, without any hesitation.

The performance of Jinghong 1 chip is stronger than that of Hanhai 3 mobile phone chip, which is really terrible.

In the auditorium, some people have already started complaining.

"The performance of mobile phone chips is already excessive, why does Changtian Technology still make such advanced chips?"

"That's right, blindly piling up hardware technology doesn't seem to be so practical."

The representative of Samsung is also very upset.

The birth of Jiaolong Chip and Jinghong Chip means that the chip technology of Changtian Technology has surpassed Samsung in an all-round way.

Unlike Samsung, Changtian Technology's chips rely entirely on its own R&D, design and production, and have its own set of new product production processes.

Samsung's chip is the result of the global division of labor.

Samsung just occupies the design and production part of the chip.

However, the key technology of the equipment needed in the chip production process is still in the hands of American capital.

"Meaningless technology upgrades, and hardware stacking."

When he said this, the representative of Samsung was actually not that confident, so his voice became smaller and smaller.

Professionals and people outside the industry see things from different angles.

Many laymen in the audience thought that it was not necessary for Changtian Technology to develop such an advanced chip, but it would increase the cost of the equipment.

The representative of Apple is very clear that the data to be analyzed and recognized by wearable smart devices is much larger than that of mobile phones, and the required operating speed is much faster. Therefore, a chip with super performance is The foundation of wearable smart devices.

Therefore, the representative of Apple knows very clearly that the wearable device that Changtian Technology is working on this time is a real expert, and it must be a real wearable device, not some simple VR glasses that can adjust the driver's effect. .

The voices of everyone's discussions were not low, and Wen Qi could of course hear what everyone was talking about.

She just smiled softly and didn't care.

If all people can understand the purpose of Changtian Technology's every step and every technology research and development, then these people can become the CEO of Changtian Technology, and they should all be able to create a company that is more brilliant than Changtian Technology.

But it is a pity that there is only one Changtian Technology Group in the whole world.

Wen Qi ignored the noise at the press conference and continued: "In order to ensure the battery life of wearable devices."

"We carried the latest bio-battery on the host and glasses respectively."

"The bio-battery can guarantee the battery life of wearable devices for up to one month to one and a half months."

"The way to replenish energy is the same as that of our Hanhai series mobile phones. It can replenish enough energy for the device in a very short period of time, so don't worry about the battery life of the device."

Wen Qi asked a question after introducing these: "We have been saying that with the development of human technology, we can throw away those unnecessary burdens, so what advantages do the devices in our living room have over mobile phones? "

This is the most critical part of today's press conference.

If wearables are a lot more hassle to use than phones, why would users use them?

The so-called easier.

Not just a change in volume, but a change in usage.

Assuming that although wearable devices have become lighter and lighter than mobile phones, they are extremely complicated to use and will not be accepted by the market.

Wen Qi said seriously: "Wearable devices can do what mobile phones can do, and wearable devices can do what mobile phones can't."

Wen Qi summed up the advantages of Zemeng's wearable device in one sentence.

But the audience and reporters in the audience didn't quite understand what Wen Qi's words meant.

Soon Wen Qi told them the answer.

The screen came again, the first-person screen of Wen Qi using Zemeng equipment.

Wen Qi uses Zemeng equipment to experience the relevant functions of the mobile phone.

Make phone calls, send text messages, browse the web, listen to songs, watch movies, use social software, etc.

Wearables are doing really well.

If the AR display mode is adopted, it is completely no different from using a mobile phone.

Some interfaces similar to the functions of mobile phones, after passing through wearable devices, seem to be suspended in the space of the real picture.

And the whole layout is just right.

It does not block the user's line of sight, and can express information well.

And full of technology.

A reporter from Xinlang Technology saw Wen Qi demonstrate using a wearable device. When using the chat, the whole person broke his defense at once.

He noticed that when Wen Qi used the wearable device for information input, she directly controlled it with her eyes.

It is faster and more accurate than typing information by hand on a cell phone keypad.

He excitedly said to the camera: "Zemeng's wearable device is really advanced! Can you feel the feeling of popping up a chat dialog box in the air and typing with the eye keyboard naturally?"

"This is definitely a product of the future! Only Changtian Technology can develop it, a product of the future!"

Many online media broadcasted live the press conference of this online technology.

Xia Guo's netizens are also very interested in this press conference of Changtian Technology. Just on Xinlang Weibo, the number of people watching the conference online has exceeded 20 million.

Netizens played barrage in the live broadcast room one after another.

"Hanhai Technology is awesome!"

"Wearable smart devices can completely replace mobile phones, and they are much more advanced than mobile phones."

"Type with eyes, this is definitely black technology! The accuracy rate is quite high, and it doesn't take any effort at all!"

"I didn't expect that Changtian technology has raised the level of human technology to this level."

"Looking forward to the game. I am quite looking forward to playing games with wearable devices. I don't know if there are matching resources."

Wen Qi continued to demonstrate.

Followed by regular mobile games, such as King of Glory and Royal War.

Playing this type of game feels similar to playing games on a mobile phone.

It's just that the VR display mode can be used for full-screen display, or the AR display mode can be used to display in the field of vision.

When Wen Qi demonstrated watching a movie or watching a short video.

The superiority of wearable devices is experienced even more.

During the demonstration, Wen Qi used the Lord of the Rings clips in the movie-watching session.

Hanhai Technology obtained the copyright of the Lord of the Rings series of films, and made some changes to the film's lens, allowing users to enter the film world in the first person to watch the film.

Let's not talk about whether the whole plot is smoother when watching the movie in the first person, but this kind of picture experience and visual teaching is absolutely unprecedented.

Wen Qi's demonstration is to use wearable devices to demonstrate the existing functions of mobile phones.

This alone has been strongly recognized by the audience.

After he paused for a moment, warm applause broke out from the audience.

The representatives of Samsung and Apple looked very bad.

In all fairness, if they are users or consumers, in front of mobile phones and wearable devices, he will definitely choose wearable devices.

Because Hanhai Technology released a wearable device today, the positioning of the entire product is completely different from the garbage product of Google.

Wen Qi smiled and pressed her hand.

Only then did the audience quiet down.

Wen Qi said: "Just now, I just used Zemeng's wearable device as a mobile phone to demonstrate some functions of the mobile phone."

"Everyone should be able to realize that compared with mobile phones, our wearable devices are actually display effects when using mobile phone functions, and some changes in usage methods are not much different in function from using mobile phones."

"But the reason why Zemeng's wearable device is called a wearable device must have more powerful functions than a mobile phone."

"Longsky Technology also relies on wearable devices to optimize some applications, and has also tried to develop some new applications suitable for wearable devices. I will demonstrate it for you now."

The screen continues to show Wen Qi using the device from a first-person perspective.

Wen Qi first controlled the equipment to continuously zoom in on the scene.

The picture freezes on the face of an audience member in the last row of the press conference.

Seeing this situation, the audience suddenly understood that this device can also be used as a camera.

Sure enough, Kacha said.

The screen freezes.

Wen Qi said: "The beautiful scenery is Our flexible screen also incorporates the related technologies of the Seagull camera, so our wearable device is also a high-resolution, high-definition device that can be moved at any time. Pixels, ultra-fast ultra-real sensors, outsole mirrorless cameras.”

"We can record the most beautiful moments in life, wherever your eyes look, he can remember where."

The audience in the audience burst into warm applause.

The black technology demonstrated by James Bond in 007 has been turned into reality by Changtian Technology.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Qi locked her vision on a young female friend in the VIP seat in the first row.

In the AR field of view, the brand of clothes that the female audience said was quickly displayed.

This is based on the ultra-fast algorithm of the Jinghong chip and the huge database of Changtian Technology.

The applause was continuous and very enthusiastic.

Wen Qi jokingly said: "This is just a small application in our wearable devices. In the future, when you go to the mall to buy bags, you can basically identify whether the other party is selling you a fake or a genuine product."

Wen Qi fixed her eyes on a table in the VIP seat again.

And some small toolbars of the device are selected.

Soon, the size and texture of the table are revealed.

The audience in the audience said excitedly: "This application scenario is similar to the application scenario of the wearable device announced by Changtian Technology at the World Internet Conference. Can it also identify the steel bars that have been torn off the scene?"

"It's really awesome!"

Wen Qi said: "Let me demonstrate an application developed by Changtian Technology Yinghuo Technology Company for our wearable devices. We hope that such an application can be popularized in the future."

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