Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 888: To do it is to achieve absolute monopoly (2)

Chen Xiao said to the audience: "The price of the elite version is 259,900 yuan, the price of the deluxe version is 299,900 yuan, and the price of the high-performance version is 529,900 yuan!"

The reason why Chen Xiao set such a price in the first place was based on two factors.

One is the current consumption level of Xia country consumers, and the other is the establishment of automobile brands.

Sky Automobile must enter thousands of households.

Let most people grit their teeth or work hard to afford it.

But not most people can afford it with their eyes closed.

This price setting is just like the original Apple mobile phone.

Give consumers a desire to buy, a desire to be able to afford it, but it must not be the price of cabbage.

So the price cannot be too high, nor can it be too low.

The entry price in the early 250,000s is the current price of many well-known mid-level cars in Xiaguo, and it is tens of thousands more than entry-level mid-level cars.

The advantage of a civilian mid-level car is that it makes most people feel that it is not out of reach, it is the kind of hard work that can be obtained.

The process of striving to pursue and obtain can itself give consumers a certain pleasure.

And when the price is set at an affordable price, it is easiest to stimulate the vitality of the brand and establish the image of the brand when it requires hard work to afford it.

Coupled with Chen Xiao's absolute confidence in the quality and performance of the sky car, this price is absolutely reasonable.

Therefore, Chen Xiao set the entry price at around 259,900.

After the price was announced, the audience at the scene were stunned.

Because this price is completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Not because the price is too high, but because the price is too close to the people!

Especially the elite version, the price is only 259,900, which is almost the same as Tesla's price, and much lower than the so-called flagship car of Ideal Future.

It is even lower than the price of some second-tier luxury cars, tens of thousands cheaper than the first-tier luxury cars of the same level!

The entry price is 259,900 yuan. This price should be placed in 2017. It is affordable for the middle class in many cities with a little effort.

This price can help Changtian Technology achieve a monopoly in the sales of more than 200,000 cars.

At the same time, Chen Xiao also needs to reserve price space for the mid-level cars, ultra-luxury cars, and suvs of Sky Cars in the future.

Take the sales of Xia Guo in 2016 as an example.

The Mercedes-Benz C-class sedan with an average landing price of more than 300,000 sold for 120,000, the BMW three-series sold for 120,000, and the Audi A4 sold for 110,000.

The bbc's mid-size cars have sold a combined total of 350,000.

With a price above 400,000, the total sales of BMW 5, Mercedes-Benz E-Class and Audi A4 also exceeded 400,000.

If the car sales in the range of 200,000 to 300,000 are calculated, more than 5 million cars were sold in 2016.

So this range is a very high margin and very competitive.

Tesla is also very smart, placing the price of the best-selling car Tesla Edamame 3 at around 270,000 to 350,000

From the beginning of this year to now, 70,000 units have been sold.

This shows that Xia Guo's middle class is still very considerable.

Moreover, the sales volume of cars is increasing year by year, and more and more people will be able to afford more than 200,000 cars in the future.

Therefore, the audience at the scene and the netizens who watched the live broadcast saw that the price of Changtian Technology's Sky car was not expensive at all, but it was too cheap.

Netizens in the live broadcast chatted wildly.

"This price is really cheap! Let's calculate how cheap Cangqiong Car is!"

"We don't count as operating cars, but private cars. As far as most people are concerned, from buying a car to selling the car, it should be no problem to drive 100,000 kilometers."

"7 liters of oil per 100 kilometers, 6 yuan per liter of oil, 42 yuan per 100 kilometers, 42,000 yuan per 100,000 kilometers."

"The energy block of the Cangqiong car basically costs nothing, to be precise, it only costs about 3,000 yuan, so if the user travels 100,000 kilometers, the Cangqiong car will save nearly 40,000 yuan compared with the fuel car."

"So the actual price of the entry-level car of Cangqiong should be similar to the 210,000 yuan of a fuel car. 210,000 yuan buys such a luxurious car with excellent safety performance! I am definitely willing to!"

"It's not just a matter of saving energy, but also a matter of convenience. It is much more convenient than charging or refueling to add energy blocks after driving 1,000 kilometers!"

"This press conference did not specifically mention the safety of Cangqiong Automobile, but during the press conference, the official website of Cangqiong Automobile also announced the safety rating of Cangqiong Automobile."

"According to the domestic well-known crash laboratory, the safety of the Cangqi car is far higher than that of Volvo and other cars that are famous for their safety, so buying this car at a price of around 250,000 yuan, I think it is very cost-effective! "

"Needless to say! Sky Motors is the price butcher. With this price, what kind of Toyota or Volkswagen would I buy? I despise any of them!"

At the press conference, the car representatives sitting in the front row looked very ugly.

Tesla's representative couldn't help but go out and make a phone call to the US headquarters. He hoped that Musk could pay attention to Changtian Technology Changsheng Automobile's press conference as soon as possible.

No matter whether it is new or the price of the sky car, it has already surpassed Tesla's best-selling model 3.

If this continues, how will Tesla cars play?

Tesla's sales volume is still relatively small, only more than 100,000 vehicles a year, but with the support of global environmental protection policies and new energy vehicle policies, it is in a rapid growth range.

The launch of the Cangqi car will definitely interrupt Tesla's upward path.

It is very scary to destroy the future of a company.

If it is said that what Tesla cannot see is the future, then Toyota has a very real sense of crisis.

Toyota is the world's largest car company by market capitalization and the best-selling car company in the world.

The reason why Toyota sells well is because it is fuel-efficient and easy to maintain.

With the advent of the new energy era, Toyota is also making new energy vehicles.

Before Toyota and other hydrogen energy vehicles came out, his best seller was the hybrid gasoline-electric vehicle.

Cangqiong directly blocked the road of gasoline-electric hybrid, and the entry-level price has dropped to the price of Toyota's high-end compact cars and ordinary mid-level cars.

It's basically the same price as the Camry.

How can Toyota fight in this situation?

The representative of Toyota couldn't help hiding outside the bathroom urgently, and hurriedly called the Toyo head office.

United States, California, Tesla headquarters.

It's 5 a.m. California time.

Although Tesla's founder and CEO Musk likes to stay up until 1 am, he will get up around 7 am on time and do some simple exercises.

Musk, who was sleeping at this moment, received an emergency call.

It's from the office assistant.

Only the office assistant has his personal phone.

Musk frowned, and habitually sat up from the head of the bed, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

As the head of Tesla and SpaceX, Musk's worth has reached 13.9 billion dollars, ranking 80th in the world.

Global capital is very optimistic about Tesla's future, and Tesla's stock price has been soaring.

So no one doubts that Musk's wealth will be ranked among the top 10 in the world in the next year or two.

The addition of wealth, coupled with the madness and dedication to technology.

Musk has some rather unique charisma and a commanding personality.

He really didn't want his secretary to harass him when he was resting, even if the Heavenly King Laozi came and the earth exploded.

But this time the secretary eagerly called himself, why?

After Musk answered the phone, he said, "What is it?"

The secretary said eagerly over there: "Sir, I have already pushed the live link to you. Please watch the live broadcast of Changtian Technology's Kung Qiong Automobile Conference."

Cangqiong car conference?

Musk has never heard of this brand.

Changtian Technology has indeed announced to the world some time ago that it is going to release new energy vehicles.

But Musk, who manages everything every day, doesn't pay attention to Xia Guo's car brand at all.

His goal is to kill traditional fuel cars.

So even Xiaguo's most powerful new energy vehicle manufacturer, Bidi Motors, Musk feels nothing to fear.

So even if he had heard of the sky car, because he was confused when he got up in the morning, he didn't react for a while.

He frowned and asked, "Which country is Sky Motor?"

The assistant hurriedly said: "The sky car under Xia Guochangtian Technology."

This time Musk woke up.

If the assistant made a phone call at this time, it meant that the situation was very urgent.

He didn't ask any more questions, just hung up the phone and opened it.

Sure enough, a link sent by the assistant.

This is the live broadcast link of Changtian Technology's official website to this press conference.

However, this press conference has come to an end, and there is no English in the whole process.

So Musk sees it in a cloud.

I just saw the price posted on the big screen.

Musk frowned.

His brain reacts extremely fast.

The price on the screen was quickly converted into rice knives.

The price of the entry-level model is much cheaper than the entry-level Tesla m3.

But the high-performance version can actually sell for more than 500,000?

How can this kind of sky car be able to sell for more than 500,000?

Musk didn't care at first.

But when he saw that Chen Xiao, the founder of Changtian Technology, was actually at the press conference and presided over the press conference himself, he knew the seriousness of the matter.

Although Chen Xiao is the founder and actual controller of Changtian Technology.

But for so many years, even the very important Hanhai mobile phone and Zemeng wearable device conferences, Chen Xiao did not participate.

Even the products that Chen Xiao didn't participate in, Changtian Technology can sell well, so what will happen to the new energy vehicles that Chen Xiao participated in?

Musk got up immediately and called his assistant.

"There will be a meeting at the headquarters at 7 in the morning. Before the meeting, prepare all the information about Changtian Technology's storage vehicles."

At the same time in Toyo.

Akio Toyoda, who had already fallen asleep, also noted that your phone woke him up.

Compared with Tesla, which had nothing to do with Cangqi Motors before, Toyota has done enough homework this time.

So Toyota Fence immediately received all the information about the mechanism of Changtian Technology Co., Ltd. so far.

After seeing this information, especially after seeing the information that a car with an energy block weighing only 6 kilograms can travel 1,000 kilometers.

Akio Toyoda lost all sleepiness, and even broke out in a cold sweat.

He hurried back to the company, and asked the staff to turn on the live broadcast of the Cangqiong car conference, and promptly translate the live audio and video into Japanese characters.

Mr. Toyoda still has some lost lakes now.

Because before Changtian Technology released the sky car, Toyota had very little relevant intelligence and information.

Now Changtian Technology suddenly came up with a big car model, and no one would believe it on anyone's body.

The scene of the press conference.

After the discussion, everyone is also very concerned about a question, that is, what is the difference between the deluxe version and the high-performance version of the Cangqi Automobile Elite Edition?

Chen Xiao also happened to want to explain this problem.

"Everyone is very concerned about the specific differences between the three versions of Cangqi Automobile, and why there is a price difference."

"I won't talk about the differences between the three versions of the car, the interior, the wheels, and the appearance of the car. You can log on to the official website of Sky Motors to compare and check. I will mainly talk about some specific and very important differences here."

"First of all, I promise everyone that the three versions of the car use the same bio-battery, and they all use a 6-kilogram energy block, which can travel 1,000 kilometers."

"The elite version does not have an unmanned driving system, nor does it have an intelligent vehicle system, nor does it have an intelligently adjustable air suspension However, the elite version is also equipped with an intelligent safety system. , will automatically brake or automatically avoid, so as to protect the safety of users.”

"Our luxury version is based on the elite version, equipped with an intelligent vehicle system, but without an unmanned driving system and a liftable chassis."

"The advantage of the smart car system is that everything in the car can be controlled through mobile phones, wearable devices, or voice, including air-conditioning windows, door switches, car keyless opening, etc."

"As for our high-performance version, this is the version we demonstrated at this press conference. On the basis of the luxury version, it is equipped with a super-intelligent driverless system, which can realize real driverless driving. It is also equipped with The air suspension that automatically adjusts up and down, and the very comfortable chassis."

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause.

Is this price good?

Of course it must be fragrant!

In particular, the elite entry-level version is equipped with bio-energy batteries that users care most about.

This thing is very valuable!

The fuel money saved and the time and convenience saved for users are converted into the car, and the deduction is more than 100,000.

There was thunderous applause at the scene!

Chen Xiao finally said: "Currently, our Sky Auto only has 4S stores in Shanghai, Jiangzhou and Suzhou and Hangzhou, but I believe our 4S stores will be popular across the country within a year or two. After the press conference, next Monday, users will You can pay a deposit to order a car at the 4S shop and the official website of Cangqi Automobile.”

Just when Chen Xiao was about to end the press conference, the reporters and the current audience refused.

They stood up noisily, they had too many questions, hoping to get answers from Chen Xiao.

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