Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 890: You can slay a dragon with a small knife (2)

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 890 A small test can also slay dragons 2

Musk asked the staff of the Xiaguo headquarters to buy a Cangqi car, but it was actually a helpless move.

Because after studying the press conference of the Cangqi Automobile, Musk found that the Cangqiong Automobile has no weaknesses.

Of course, the only weakness is that there is currently only one factory in Ning City for Cangqi Automobile, and there may be insufficient production capacity.

So Musk hopes to get a top-equipped traditional car as soon as possible, and study the specific performance of this car?

Formidable opponent!

After Musk finished speaking in a hurry, he slumped in the boss's chair and was a little absent-minded.

If the sky car is released by other companies.

Musk doesn't care at all, and even feels that the company is bragging.

But the company that released the sky car was Changtian Technology, and it was Chen Xiao who came out to the platform in person.

This gives Musk a strong sense of crisis.

Musk is very clear about what kind of company Changtian Technology is.

Among other things, let's talk about Hanhai Technology Company, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology.

With a single hand, Apple, Samsung and other world-renowned mobile phone companies were beaten to the ground.

This is still only one card from Hanhai Mobile.

When Hanhai Technology Company produced Zemeng wearable devices, it was completely unequal competition with Apple and Samsung's mobile phone products.

Not to mention that Apple and Samsung are powerless. These two companies are not qualified to compete with Zemeng Equipment at all.

Wearable devices and mobile phones are two products of completely different eras.

So Changtian Technology is such a terrible company, entering an industry will definitely be bloody.

Now that Changtian Technology is entering the automotive industry, and it is the new energy automotive industry, how could Musk not be nervous?

It is the non-polluting bio-battery of Changtian Technology that can last for 1,000 kilometers, which has already left Tesla's ternary lithium battery far behind.

How could this situation not make Musk feel anxious?

The staff immediately notified the staff at Tesla's Xiaguo headquarters in accordance with Musk's instructions.

Everyone is busy completing the task.

Musk was the only one left in the office.

Musk considers himself a technology madman, and his ambitions are not limited to Tesla cars.

It is to create a new miracle in the history of human science.

Launch rockets, land on the moon and Mars, and even establish new human colonies on extraterrestrial stars.

These are Musk's ambitions.

Even though Tesla's current sales are still a certain distance from Volkswagen and Toyota, the world's top automotive industries, Musk has never been nervous.

He believes that one day Tesla's sales will surpass these traditional car companies.

But today.

He saw Changtian Technology's Cangqiong car conference.

See the corresponding performance of the sky car.

Even though none of the Cangqi cars were sold, the sense of pride and pride in Musk's heart has completely changed.

Because there is a more arrogant technological person than him in this world.

That is Chen Xiao.

This deep sense of frustration and powerlessness has greatly affected Musk's confidence.

Meanwhile, at Toyo Toyota headquarters.

Akio Toyoda also stayed up all night.

Although Changtian Technology has never set foot in the automotive industry.

But the company's strength in other areas has proven their ability to execute.

Akio Toyoda knew very well in his heart that under the attack of Tesla and Cangqiong Motors, and the rise of Xia's domestic brands, Toyota's good days are likely to end here.

But Akio Toyoda was somewhat unwilling.

He believes that under his auspices, Toyota has managed almost every step of the way and has not made any major mistakes.

It sells well in global markets such as North America and Xiaguo. In Xiaguo market, the price will never be reduced. Models such as Highlander and Landcruzer are even sold at a higher price. In the global second-hand car market, Toyota's car value retention rate is the highest. All of these are It was a highlight moment for Toyota.

Even today in 2017, Toyota's Xia Guo still implements a sales policy of no price reduction.

So all this made Akio Toyoda a little dazed, obviously Toyota's performance is very good, why does it feel like he is going to die in the next second?

It was like a very healthy young man who suddenly learned that he would get cancer and die in the future.

This feeling is very uncomfortable and blurred.

Akio Toyoda's secretary came in, served supper for Akio Toyoda, and silently massaged his shoulders behind him.

This is a habit Akio Toyoda developed after working overtime for a long time. He needs a personal life secretary to serve him.

The secretary said to Akio Toyoda in a low voice: "The president should take a rest earlier. The Sky car has not yet been launched for sale. It is hard to say how the market will react. We don't need to worry too much about it."

"Toyota has a century-old history and is the world's most valuable car company. Our cars are sold in more than 200 countries around the world. We have car production plants in more than 20 countries around the world, involving tens of thousands of employees."

"The Cangqiong car has only just been released, not a single car has been rolled off the assembly line, and not a single car has been sold. Except for Xia Guo, no country in the world has agreed to the sale of the Cangqiong car, so why worry about all this? "

After listening to the secretary's words of comfort, Akio Toyoda felt better.

He was also a person who had experienced big storms, and felt that what the secretary said was very reasonable.

The competitiveness of Cangqi Automobile on paper is indeed very great.

But Xia Guo's auto companies may be more bragging after all.

Moreover, the car has not been sold in the market, and the reaction of consumers and the performance of the entire market are unknown.

What are you worried about?

After thinking of this, Akio Toyoda felt that he might be old and sensitive to many things.

He laughed loudly and said: "Okay, we won't work overtime tonight, let the marketing department and technical department collect the specific information of Cangqiong Automobile as soon as possible, and ask Toyota Xiaguo headquarters to pay attention to the sales situation of Cangqiong Automobile. "

After Akio Toyoda ate his supper, he returned to the office suite to sleep.

He firmly believes in his heart that Toyota will definitely stand firm!

At this moment in Changze Prefecture, it is full of laughter.

After the press conference, Chen Xiao, Gao Miao and other high-level officials were holding a celebration banquet.

At the celebration banquet, no one mentioned the Cangqiong car, because everyone knew it very well.

The sky car of Changtian Technology will surely subvert the global automobile industry.

All the employees in Changtian Technology have this confidence!

The high-level officials held a celebration banquet happily.

And the employees of Cangqiong Motors are not idle.

The busiest person during this time is Ma Guotao, the person in charge.

The first is the mass production of the factory.

Before and after the Cangqiong car conference, the factory in Ning City was already running at full capacity.

The Ningshi factory, which has undergone industrial technology and equipment optimization, can produce 500 KQ A01 vehicles every day.

At present, there are a total of 20,000 Cangqiong A01 cars in the warehouse of the Ningshi factory.

This number is much higher than media estimates.

Many media think that Cangqi Automobile is an emerging brand, and they don't care about the inventory at all.

Everyone estimates that Cangqiong Motors has a stock of 1,000 vehicles, which is very impressive.

After all, in a modern automobile production plant, it may only take a month or two for a car to be successfully produced after an order is placed.

Therefore, the reporters believe that Cangqi Automobile should wait for the order before placing an order for production, so as to save costs and reduce the risk of inventory.

They underestimated the strength of Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology is not short of anything, and of course it is not short of money.

With an inventory of 10,000 to 20,000 vehicles, the design cost is only about 3 billion RMB.

Changtian Technology can afford such a small amount.

What's more, Changtian Technology's goal for Cangqiong Automobile is to only allow success and not fail.

In addition to supervising the mass production of the factory.

Ma Guotao also implemented the 4S shop during this period.

As the press conference said, there are currently only three 4s stores of Cangqiong Auto in the country.

One is located in Shanghai, one is located in Jiangzhou, and the other is in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

These three 4s stores were auto 4s stores before Cangqiong Motors moved in.

The 4S stores of GAC Fick Jeep are located in Shanghai, and the 4S stores of Hyundai and Chevrolet are located in Jiangzhou and Suzhou.

Because of the strong impact of domestically produced cars and the policy of new energy vehicles, the cars of these three brands are not very sold.

Therefore, there is no way for 4S stores to maintain their operations.

The locations of these three 4S stores are very good, and the area is very wide. Ma Guotao went to the scene in person and made a decision to assign these three 4S stores.

There is only about a week between the end of the press conference and the official sale of cars offline.

Therefore, the staff of the 4s shop worked overtime to decorate the 4s shop.

At the same time, several large trucks also transported the temporary factory of Cangqiong Motors to the 4S shop.

According to the sales plan of Cangqi Automobile, the sales are divided into two parts: online and offline.

Among them, offline sales will start about a week after the press conference.

Online sales will take one month later.

Therefore, offline sales are very important, whether it is a hit or a thousand miles.

This is crucial to the future development of KQ Motors.

The 4S store of Cangqiong Automobile in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Although the door has not been opened, the staff has arranged the inside of the 4S shop very festively.

In the center of the hall are three Cangqiong 201 cars, which correspond to three different versions.

Luxurious balloons and pure flowers are arranged in the car showroom, just waiting for the arrival of customers.

Zhou Lin, a salesperson who just applied for the job at the Sky 4S store, felt a little nervous again.

She pulled the sales manager's sleeve carefully and said, "Manager Liu, do you think there will be any customers when we start selling tomorrow?"

The most fundamental reason why Zhou Lin raised this question was that the Cangqiong Automobile 4S store was surrounded by heroes.

Next to the left is Toyota's 4s store, and Toyota is the largest 4s store in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and next to the right is Volkswagen's 4s store.

A Xiaguo market can support the entire Volkswagen Group, which is enough to show how terrible Volkswagen's sales in Xiaguo are.

On the opposite side of the road are bba and Tesla.

Manager Liu patted Zhou Lin on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, my son, Changtian Technology's products have never failed! The performance of the Sky car is so good, and it can run 1,000 kilometers without refueling or charging. If no users come , I have to pay for one myself.”

In fact, before the Cangqi Automobile conference, many internal employees of Changtian Technology were asking whether they could apply for one.

Considering a large number of users and giving priority to satisfying market users, the group company asks the employees within the group to postpone the purchase, and wait until the needs of market users are met before satisfying the internal needs of the group employees.

Zhou Lin patted her chest and said, "Come on, come on tomorrow!"

The next morning, when Zhou Lin came to work on time at 7:00, she suddenly found that there was a long queue at the door of the sky car!

Zhou Lin was shocked!

She said to herself: "This is a car 4S store, not a mobile phone store! How could there be so many people queuing up!"

Zhou Lin originally planned to calculate how many people were waiting in line?

But found that the line is directly on the left at the intersection of the street.

There is a distance of at least 1 kilometer from here to Jiekou, which means that the number of people in Taizhou exceeds 1 kilometer!

This is really terrible!

The economic conditions of Suzhou and Hangzhou have always been at the forefront of the Xia Kingdom.

In addition, in recent years, it has been said that fuel vehicles are prohibited from being on the road, and the number and license plate of fuel vehicles are restricted to encourage citizens to buy new energy sources.

As for new energy vehicles, apart from brands such as Tesla and Billy, the citizens of Suzhou and Hangzhou look down on other brands.

However, because of Tesla and Biddy’s mileage charging and battery self-ignition, many users who intend to buy cars are extremely entangled in their hearts and are prepared to wait a little longer. Therefore, the desire to consume cars in Suzhou and Hangzhou has been greatly suppressed. .

Now suddenly there is a sky car, which can travel 1000 kilometers without charging or refueling. It is also produced by Changtian Technology. Everyone's desire to buy a car is immediately aroused!

Just when Zhou Lin was in a daze, the citizens in the front line saw Zhou Lin wearing the overalls of Cangqiong Automobile, and shouted at UU Reading "Miss sister, go to work quickly! When will the sales start!"

Only then did Zhou Lin come to her senses, she quickly agreed, and trotted to the 4S shop.

Manager Chen arrived a long time ago. He was sweating profusely, and said nervously and excitedly: "Comrades! Comrades! Unexpected! Big unexpected! Today we are likely to face a tough battle !"

"My God, when I came to work, there were so many people in line! If I didn't work here, I would have thought that these people were in the line for free eggs!"

After Manager Zhou said this in a serious manner, the staff roared with laughter.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious!"

"Currently, there are only 100 cars in our 4S store to the warehouse! There are so many people queuing up outside! How can we sell these 100 cars!"

Not only Manager Chen was extremely shocked, but many media reporters who came to the scene to interview were also stunned when they saw such a huge queue!

You know this is selling cars! A 4S store that costs 100,000 tops and more than 500,000 cars is not selling flour and noodles!

And Xiao Zhang, a salesperson of the Toyota 4S shop who just went to work, saw such a long queue, and said in a daze: "It's really strange, we don't have any activities in Fengcheng today, why are there so many people queuing up? Is it going to limit the number of purchases?"

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The colleague beside him patted Xiao Zhang on the head and said, "What are you getting on your nerves! Didn't you see that this queue is heading for the sky car!"

"Ah!" Xiao Zhang was shocked!

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