Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 917: directly blasted

Saab, a European car company, is Chen Xiao's trump card.

This trump card is used to directly copy the old European car companies, not for the Xiaguo market.

To occupy Xiaguo's market, relying on Haima Automobile is completely enough.

Soon Gao Miao arranged the plan given by Chen Xiao.

After Zeng Guoxiang and Jing Mu learned of the request from the headquarters in Nanhai Province, they were absolutely delighted!

Chen Xiao's ideas coincided with Zeng Guoxiang's.

Since these joint ventures focus on the card of means of transportation.

Of course, Haima Automobile can also do it.

Moreover, it is very easy to launch lower-level scooters, and it is extremely cost-saving.

Because Haima Automobile has increased the sales of cars in order to seize the market in the past few years, so as to increase the company's valuation.

In addition to Tongtong's best-selling models, Haima's A0-class model, called Haima Cupid, was also launched.

Haima Cupid is very small, about the same size as Changan Benben, Jili's panda and the old Ao Tuo.

When Cupid went public with Haima's strong expectation, it was too late.

Because the A0-level car models have been occupied by major domestic automakers, it is very difficult for Cupid to break out of the tight encirclement in the A0-level car market.

So Cupid produced tens of thousands of them and threw them there.

In addition to the idle factories, there are tens of thousands of stock cars in the warehouse, which have not been sold.

Later, after Haima Automobile was acquired by Changtian Technology, this part was also designated as an asset and thrown there.

Zeng Guoxiang immediately arranged for technicians to drag the tens of thousands of car bits to the production plant, and refit Cupid's power system in real time.

This time Cupid's modification is completely different from Haima's S6.

Cupid's modification will completely remove the engine transmission and fuel tank, and directly install a small bio-energy battery and a cheap version of the motor.

According to the requirements of the headquarters, the modified Cupid is divided into three versions.

I won’t talk about details such as interiors and airbags. The most important difference between these three versions is the difference in battery life.

60 km, 80 km and 120 km respectively.

The price is also very cheap, with an estimated price of 39,000 yuan for 60 kilometers, 49,000 yuan for 80 kilometers, and 59,000 yuan for 120 kilometers.

Zeng Guoxiang calculated in detail that Cupid has a total of 30,000 vehicles in stock.

So these three versions are exactly one version of 10,000 vehicles.

The idle production line for Cupids is still there, but there are no workers.

As long as Cupid sells well, the already skilled Haima auto assembly line workers can start the production line at any time.

Ching Ming Festival has just passed.

The two new energy vehicle subsidiaries of Changtian Technology have important news to announce.

Cangqi Automobile announced that there will be no price cuts for its products, but it has announced an interest-free loan policy of up to 5 years. In addition, no matter which version of the car it is, you can enjoy a free one-month smart driving service.

The decision of Cangqiong Automobile was interpreted by the auto industry as a formal declaration of war on the joint venture car, and the attitude was very high, and it was determined not to cut prices.

The corridors of the Xiaguo Auto Market became tense.

All eyes were fixed on Haima again.

Because the current pressure on Haima Automobile is much greater than that of Cangqiong Automobile, whether Haima Automobile will reduce its price has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Following Cangqiong Automobile, Haima Automobile also announced three decisions.

The first one, like Sky Auto, provides users with interest-free and 5-year loans. Users only need to spend less than 20,000 yuan down payment to get the car, and the monthly payment is only a little more than 2,000 yuan.

This measure is quite attractive.

Many users who are entangled in buying fuel vehicles whose prices have been reduced, or bio-new energy vehicles, have become more entangled in their hearts.

And the direct impact is that users who originally planned to buy a fuel car worth tens of thousands of dollars chose to come to the Haima 4S store and bought a Haima Haiyue car with a low down payment and no interest.

The second decision is that Haima Haiyue Automobile will not cut the price, and will still be sold at the original listing price.

This news surprised domestic joint venture car companies.

After all, after the joint venture car companies jointly cut prices during this period, many users have returned to the fuel vehicles of the joint venture car companies.

Many joint venture car companies even believe that if the price reduction measures continue for another year or two, Haima Haiyue Automobile will definitely not be cost-effective and may be marginalized by the market.

The joint venture models have also predicted that the price of Haima Automobile will definitely be reduced, and they are going to see how much the price of Haima Automobile will be reduced, and they are introducing further countermeasures on their side.

Who would have thought that Haima Haiyue Automobiles would not cut prices at all, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Experts from market analysis departments such as Corolla and Volkswagen made urgent judgments.

After analysis, they agreed that the most fundamental reason why Haima Haiyue did not cut prices was that the current production cost of Haima Haiyue was approaching the sales price.

After learning the result of this analysis, everyone cheered.

They seem to have peeped into the secret of Changtian Technology.

It turns out that the production cost of bio-new energy vehicles is not low, at least much higher than that of fuel vehicles.

That proves that the price reduction of fuel vehicles of joint venture car companies is the correct measure.

Many joint venture car companies immediately bought hot searches and wrote articles on Weibo and related self-media.

The content of the article is - the production cost of bio-new energy vehicles remains high, and Haima and Changtian Technology behind it have nothing to do in the face of the competition measures of fuel vehicles from major joint venture car companies.

"Vehicle Home" wrote: "In the face of the surging price cuts of joint venture fuel vehicles, Haima Haiyue Automobile did nothing. While the sales growth rate continued to decline, it announced that the price of cars would not be reduced. This shows that Haima Haiyue Automobile The production cost remains high, and there is no way to compete with gasoline vehicles."

"Vehicle Home:" Aside from high-level concepts such as environmental protection and energy conservation, as far as ordinary consumers are concerned, of course, they can buy whatever brand of car is cheaper. Therefore, the cost of car purchase and the overall cost of use Cheaper gas cars are bound to be bestsellers."

Many fans of Changtian Technology lashed out at Vehicle Home fiercely after seeing such comments from Vehicle Home.

"It's so funny. When other brands of new energy vehicles came out, you didn't say that. You also said that fuel vehicles will be eliminated. New energy vehicles are the general trend. Now the sales of Changtian Technology's new energy vehicles, If you encounter difficulties for a while, you will exalt the status of fuel vehicles."

"Double standard typical double standard!"

Seeing such messages and comments, Vehicle Home is of course blacklisted and deleted.

However, the reason why Haima Haiyue Automobile does not cut prices is because the cost is relatively high, and this image has penetrated into the hearts of consumers.

Haima Haiyue Automobile's measure of not reducing prices has further strengthened the determination of major joint venture car companies to reduce prices.

Zeng Guoxiang, who was at the Haima headquarters, saw such comments from netizens and some media, and just smiled lightly.

People are at different heights, and the problems they think about are also different.

How could the media and competitors think of the reason why Haima Haiyue Automobile did not cut prices?

The reason for not lowering the price is that the production cost is too high, which shows that these joint ventures are too ignorant of Changtian Technology's intensive production model and super intelligent mechanical control system.

No matter whether it is Sky Automobile or Haima Haiyue Automobile, the production cost is actually quite low.

If according to the ratio between production cost and sales price.

The ratio of Haima Haiyue Automobile is even much lower than that of some joint venture car companies that have cut prices.

Even if the price of Haima Haiyue Automobile is reduced to 90,000 yuan, the profits it will obtain will be much higher than that of joint venture fuel vehicles.

The reason why Haima Haiyue does not cut prices is not only to maintain its own brand image and ensure a healthy life cycle for this series of models, but of course the most important thing is to make way for Haima's new models.

To deal with those joint venture car companies, there is no need for Haima Haiyue to cut prices to deal with it. The new models launched by Haima Automobile are completely sufficient.

So the third big news of Haima Automobile came out.

The big news is that Haima announced that it will launch a new A0-class car immediately.

The a0-class car is named Haima Haiyue mini, which is a mini car.

The shape is similar to that of Cupid. In fact, the appearance of Mac Cupid is not ugly, but because the market has been occupied by other car companies, the sales have not been good, but it adopts pure bio-new energy technology bio-new energy.

Among them, the price of the low-end version is 39,000 yuan and the battery life is 60 kilometers, the price of the middle version is 49,000 yuan, and the battery life is 80 kilometers, and the price of the top version is 59,000 yuan, and the battery life is 120 kilometers.

Cupid's energy system is the same as that of Haima Haiyue Automobile, which uses new bio-energy and common but mature motor technology.

It also supports interest-free loans for up to 5 years.

Take the 39,000 low-end version of the mass-market model as an example.

Users can purchase a car with a minimum down payment of 10%, which is 3,900 yuan, plus no purchase tax and only a little insurance fee.

Users can pick up a car for less than 5,000 yuan.

And the monthly payment is only more than 500 yuan.

More than 500 yuan is not too much in 2019.

Sometimes if you eat less hot pot, or play less poker, watch less movies, and lose less on stocks, 500 yuan is easy.

There are some families with relatively good conditions. They put the cash stored in their homes in a certain financial management, and the interest of the financial management is more than 500 yuan.

When the Haiyue mini was launched directly, the entire auto industry was at a loss, and consumers were immediately excited on the microblog discussion boards on major auto forums and post bars.

"It's really exaggerated! Haima Automobile has actually made 39,000 yuan for bio-new energy vehicles! How can other cars live?"

"39,000 yuan, my God, it's really a low-end version of 39,000 yuan! And it's a bio-new energy vehicle in the true sense. It's the same as Haima Haiyue Automobile and Sky Automobile. They both use energy blocks. , no need to charge, no need to refuel, although the battery life is only 60 kilometers, but I think this battery life is enough.”

"This car is really delicious, it costs 39,000 yuan. I want to buy one even for fun!"

"Under this price, what kind of fuel car should I buy? Wouldn't it be nice to buy a bio-new energy car!"

"As long as this car is on the market, it will definitely be a hit! It only sells for 39,000 yuan, what kind of bicycle do you need?"

There are hundreds of millions of discussion topics about Haiyue mini car.

Various discussions and threads emerge in an endless stream.

And netizens got the news that Haiyue mini is not about to be launched in the future, but has already been launched.

Orders can be placed in all Haima 4s stores and Haima's official website.

39,000 yuan is still affordable for many families.

And Haiyue mini includes two extreme users.

The first one is for those whose family conditions are relatively poor and want to buy a scooter.

This type of users originally set their sights on fuel vehicles worth 7,890,000 yuan.

However, the comfort of human-use cars is not good after all, and they will be eliminated by the world, so everyone still has some entanglements when buying them.

Well now, there is no need to worry about it at all, and you can buy a bio-new energy vehicle for only 39,000 yuan by saving tens of thousands of yuan.

In the future, if you have money, you can change it to a Haima Haiyue or a sky car.

Another one is that the family conditions are very good. Buying a car is the same as buying a toy.

These families may have bought Mtlnovel cars, or they may have bought all kinds of fuel-fueled luxury saw that you can buy a bio-new energy car for 39,000 to 59,000 yuan, come and play Isn't it delicious to play?

Cars are men's toys.

If the price of the car is reduced to 39,000 yuan, it is a toy for men and women.

So this part of the users didn't even think about buying in full.

Under the discussion of netizens, under the crazy reports of the media.

Haiyue mini, which originally only had 30,000 units in stock, was sold out.

And unlike traditional cars, 80% of the sales this time came from online orders.

Many users did not go to the physical store to test drive the car at all, but placed an order to buy it after seeing the evaluation or some 3D pictures on the Internet.

And those civilian-level users who were originally planning to buy fuel vehicles also gave up buying 80,000 to 90,000 Corolla or Lavida and directly bought Haiyue mini.

The loss of user groups of major joint venture car companies has become even more serious.

Chen Xiao was drinking tea in the office, and Gao Miao excitedly reported the good news!

"The 20,000 Haiyue minis in stock are all sold out, and the previous Cupid production line has started up again. This time we are sure to win."

Chen Xiao said calmly: "Isn't this expected? Joint venture car companies like to cut prices, and our price cuts are more ruthless than theirs."

"Let's see who kills the most at the price!"

Gao Miao said: "The production process of Haiyue mini is very simple, and it is expected to be mass-produced soon, so I told the online sales and the sales manager of the 4S store that all orders that can be accepted will be accepted. Our delivery time will not be more than three months."

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "By the way, I still have a policy in my hand to make the joint venture car companies suffer for a while."

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