Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 918: Disabled by Changtian Technology

Gao Miao could feel that the boss was very calm.

This kind of calm makes people feel a little scared.

Of course, it was not Gao Miao who was really afraid, but those joint ventures.

Gao Miao knew very well that Changtian Technology had only just made a move.

If things go on like this, if these joint venture car companies in Xiaguo don't correct their attitudes, it is very likely that many car companies won't survive this year at all.

Sure enough, Chen Xiao spoke: "Last time I heard you say that those joint venture car companies are uniting to do some promotional activities?"

Gao Miao thought for a while and said: "It's all kinds of disguised price reduction measures. For example, the Lavida, which sold for 100,000 yuan, now only sells for 89,000. By."

Chen Xiao waved his hand and said, "It's not this, it's what you said last time, what kind of quotation do we get here? After those joint venture 4S stores get my quotation, they can also give users discounts."

"Yes! There is such a thing."

Gao Miao said: "In order to seize our users, these joint venture car companies have formulated this kind of promotional measures, so that those users who intend to buy cars can ask us for prices. After getting the quotations, 4S stores will use our quotations Only give users hundreds to thousands of cash discounts."

"So some time ago, the traffic flow of our 4S store was very good, but few of them were buying cars. Most of them came to ask the price and get the quotation. After getting the quotation, they patted their buttocks and went to other places. 4S store."

"So some time ago, our 4S store clerks were also very busy, and it turned out that all their efforts were in vain."

Chen Xiao joked, "I don't hold any grudges, but the 4S store of the joint venture car company is equivalent to **** on the head of Changtian Technology. This kind of thing must be paid back."

"The prices of Cangqi Automobile and Haima Haiyue Automobile cannot be moved, but the production cost of Haima Haiyue Mini is very low, the profit is also high, and the sales volume is also good, so the price can be lowered. "

"But we can't directly lower the price of cars. We also play a game with these joint venture car companies."

"As long as users who are willing to buy Haiyue mini cars get the quotations for their cars in the 4S store of our designated joint venture car company, they can use the quotations to obtain a discount on the car price."

"The discount is not much, just 500 yuan."

"This!" After hearing what Chen Xiao said, Gao Miao suddenly realized.

What Chen Xiao did was an insult to the joint venture car company.

500 yuan is an insult to joint venture car companies.

Just imagine, if the sales managers in the 4S store of the joint venture car company worked hard to explain the performance of the car to the user, took the user to see the car and gave the user a quotation, but the user patted his **** and left and went to the Haima 4S store. Get a discount of 500 yuan with this preferential quotation.

For joint venture car companies, what is it if it is not an insult?

It's an insult to ask you to put in the effort to quote someone, only to find that they won't buy it at all, and to turn the fruits of your labor into a $500 coupon.

Gao Miao said, "That's fine, I'll make arrangements now."

The sales volume of Haiyue mini has indeed exploded.

Whether it is a 4S store or online sales, the store orders are full.

However, because the production of Haiyue mini has already been integrated, the production speed is also very fast.

It only takes about 10 days for a car to go from an order to successful production.

This is the result of Haima Automobile's use of manpower in many positions in consideration of promoting employment in Nanhai Province.

If all of them adopt the intelligent production of KQ Motors, they will take advantage of Changtian Technology's artificial intelligence technology.

Then Haiyue mini order may only take 5 days from the order to the final production success.

The so-called consumers do not need to wait for a long time at all, and can pick up the car shortly after placing the order.

The rapid production mode also makes it very easy for Haima Automobile.

There is no need to store a large number of cars in stock as in the past, which will increase their own production costs and capital turnover cycle.

At the same time, the assembly line production and fast sales can also greatly improve the enthusiasm of employees.

After all, one production order is profit, and the more profit the more employee performance and year-end bonus will be.

Changtian Technology suddenly played the Haiyue mini card, which directly stunned the joint venture car company.

Many joint venture car companies think that after the production volume of Haiyue Mini cannot keep up, sales will definitely slow down, which will relieve the pressure on themselves.

I knew that the production efficiency of Haima Automobile was too high.

The time for users to wait for the bus is also very short.

Joint venture car companies face more severe challenges.

This severe challenge has been transmitted from the Haima 4S store in Nanhai Province to all parts of the country.

This caused the sales of many joint venture car companies to fall precipitously after finally returning to normal levels.

Rongcheng, Zhongsheng Toyota 4S store.

This 4S store has existed in Chengdu for more than 10 years.

The store manager, Zhang Xiaofeng, has become an upper class because of this 4S store.

When this store is relatively hot, not to mention weekends or holidays, even in normal times, there is an endless stream of users.

The net profit of a month is in the millions. At the peak, the net profit was sold to more than 8 million, crushing all industries.

Zhang Xiaofeng also bought a large villa of more than 500 square meters in the most golden location in Rongcheng because of this 4S shop. There are countless real estates. He also sent his daughter to study abroad and even bought a real estate in the United States.

However, since Changtian Technology entered the new energy vehicles, the flow of people in this Toyota 4s store has decreased visibly to the naked eye.

If the traffic is reduced, of course, the number of users who buy cars will also decrease, and the profit will also decrease.

At worst, the monthly profit is only tens of thousands of dollars.

Tens of thousands of dollars and rent, and so many workers how to live?

Fortunately, domestic joint venture car companies have reached a strategic alliance, and through measures such as price cuts, they have stabilized the basic market.

The profit of Zhang Xiaofeng's 4S store has risen again.

But the good times didn't last long. After the Haiyue mini was released, the sales of the 4S store's main sales models of less than 150,000 models were directly discounted.

To be precise, it has been more than 20 days since the Haiyue mini was released, and only 10 Corollas have been sold, and none of the smaller and cheaper Vios has been sold.

Seeing such dismal performance, Zhang Xiaofeng didn't even want to do it.

But he had to do it again because he couldn't get out.

A few years ago, FAW Toyota gave some preferential measures to the owners of 4S stores in order to withdraw funds.

For example, the owner of a 4S store is required to deposit money in the company, and the company can give a certain amount of interest.

Another example is asking the owner of the 4S shop to pick up the car with money, and reminding that after reaching a certain amount, the rebate will be higher, etc.

Human greed is endless.

If you picked up a dollar on the road today, you just think about picking up 100 dollars on the road tomorrow.

The same is true for Zhang Xiaofeng.

So he invested most of his savings in the past 10 years in the 4S shop.

If you quit at this time, you will really lose everything.

But the operating cost of the 4S store is there, and there is no income, so Zhang Xiaofeng can only find ways to reduce operating costs.

The first is to reduce the size of the store. The current 4S store is only half the size of the previous one, so the rent will be reduced by half.

The most ridiculous thing is that the half of the shop that was let out was actually rented out by a competitor and opened as Haima's 4S shop.

You must know that the port of the Toyota 4S store is a golden port.

In the past, only the top brands of Toyota, Volkswagen, Buick and even Mercedes-Benz and BMW could win these golden ports.

And those domestic brands, especially non-mainstream domestic brands like Haima, even if they have a 4S store, they will be in the most remote location in the block, and they dare not rent a store in this prime location.

The second cost-saving measure Zhang Xiaofeng took was to fire employees continuously.

When this 4S store was at its top, there were hundreds of sales staff and countless support staff.

At that time, the company held an annual meeting and basically booked out the entire hotel.

Even when he was speaking at the annual meeting, Zhang Xiaofeng felt like an emperor.

The feeling is absolute, floating.

But now, there are only 5 salespeople in the entire 4S store.

Among them, two of them took sick leave, most of them went to other places to submit their resumes for interviews.

One person is off today.

There are also two clerks in the shop.

The two clerks looked listless and restless. They swiped their mobile phones from time to time. In order to allow employees to concentrate on their work, 4S stores do not allow employees to use Zemeng wearable devices. They must be looking at boss Zhipin or Zhilian. The recruiter is thinking about where his next business should go, and he doesn't know if it's okay to deliver food?

So Zhang Xiaofeng couldn't sit in the office, read reports or hold meetings like before.

Now he also put on a neat shirt and suit and came to the store to communicate with consumers in person.

Zhang Xiaofeng himself does not have any confidence in Toyota, he just hopes that when he finds a way to get the money back from Toyota, he can quickly get out of the quagmire of Toyota, or transform into a 4S shop of Haima and Cangqiong Automobile, Continue to take Dongfeng by car.

Just when Zhang Xiaofeng was watching the video helplessly.

Suddenly, two guests walked in the door.

The two guests appeared to be in their 30s, a man and a woman.

Zhang Xiaofeng keenly felt that these two people should come to buy a car sincerely.

The sales staff of the 4S store hurriedly put down their mobile phones to greet them. It has not opened for a long time.

You must know that the sales staff of the Toyota 4S store in the past were indifferent, whether you want to buy it or not, anyway, I don’t have to worry about selling my car.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, are you here to look at the car? What kind of model should you pay attention to and how much is the budget? I can give you a detailed introduction."

The basic quality of the sales staff of the Toyota 4S store is still there, and they immediately entered the working state.

Knowing that the two wanted to drive a family car, and the budget was only tens of thousands of yuan, the salesperson took it for granted that the two of them accepted the Corolla. If it drops to more than 80,000, it will be able to land.

Zhang Xiaofeng also quickly got up and came behind this salesperson. He watched the whole sales process, and would immediately remind the salesperson if there was something inappropriate.

After the salesperson briefly introduced Corolla.

The middle-aged customer said with a smile: "I didn't expect it. When I was just working, I just wanted to buy a scooter. My favorite was the Corolla. A battery car."

"I didn't expect it to land now, but it's only more than 80,000 yuan and less than tens of thousands of yuan."

The salesperson couldn't answer this question, it was impossible to say that it was because of the pressure from Changtian Technology that he was forced to lower the price helplessly, so he could only laugh twice in embarrassment.

Zhang Xiaofeng is very good at dealing with such situations. He said to the two customers with a smile: "We try our best to reduce the price for the consumers without degrading the quality! The current Corolla is a new model in 2019, which is more fuel-efficient and more durable. You will never regret buying it."

"Then can you help us calculate the price? We plan to make a down payment of no more than 30% on the loan."

"No problem, I will count it for you right away."

The salesperson spent another 15 minutes to calculate the car loan and monthly repayment for the customer in detail, and also analyzed for the consumer which loan method is more cost-effective.

What they expect is to hope that this customer will make a final decision and say: OK, this time I bought it.

Unexpectedly, the female customer grabbed the price list immediately, stood up and said, "Let's think about and compare it with other models."

This made Zhang Xiaofeng and others very embarrassed: "I don't know what car you are considering? Volkswagen burns some oil."

You really didn't notice that Zhang Xiaofeng walked out mysteriously.

The woman said to the man: "I didn't expect that Haima's 4S store next door would ask us to go and have a look. It will give you a few hundred yuan discount to buy Haiyue mini with the quotation."

The woman's voice is very low now, but her voice is relatively thick, so Zhang Xiaofeng can hear clearly from behind.

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaofeng almost vomited blood.

After a long time, these two people came to their 4S shop just to get a quotation to find a discount for Haima Automobile.

Before Zhang Xiaofeng could react, the number of people in the 4S shop suddenly increased.

The more people there are, the thinner the sales staff of the Toyota 4S store will be. Zhang Xiaofeng can only go into battle in person and serve as a temporary sales staff.

But everyone has been busy all day.

Turn around and take a closer look.

Not a single car was sold.

And these users have only one purpose, that is to get the quotation from Toyota, turn around and go to the Haima 4S store next door to buy the Haima Haiyue Mini.

This is the case, Zhang Xiaofeng was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Too much bullying, really too much bullying! How can you bully people like this!" Zhang Xiaofeng was so angry that he threw the quotation in his hand on the ground, turned around and went to the Haima 4S store next door.

He asked a customer who was about to enter: "How much discount can you get from other car companies' quotations?"

The customer thought that Zhang Xiaofeng came to buy a car like himself, so he said happily: "There are many discounts, 500 yuan!"

Zhang Xiaofeng: "!



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