Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 963: "Peanuts" is the last word

Gao Miao laughed, this is a trick question: "Changtian Technology has not started to develop the local area, how can it cause the local tribes to survive difficultly, if the local tribes do survive, it has nothing to do with Changtian Technology, this is not a causal relationship!"

"Besides, any reason is no justification for massacres and looting!"

Gao Miao refuted the hostile questions of the Western reporters one by one.

The Western journalists who did not understand the situation and only completed the task for the purpose of discrediting were defeated. Gao Miao's discovery won the applause of the reporters present.

However, in South Africa, Wang Xiang still encountered difficulties.

Affected by the attack on the Changtian Technology convoy, many building material companies refused to cooperate. This made Wang Xiang, who wanted to complete the construction of the South African headquarters as soon as possible, very uncomfortable. He planned to contact the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

The phone was connected, Wang Xiang: "Hello, I am Wang Xiang, the person in charge of the Changtian Technology project team. We urgently need some vehicles to transport our equipment and supplies. Can the chamber of commerce help?"

However, Liu Kai, the person in charge of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, rejected him: "Mr. Wang, I understand your situation very well, but this section of the road is too risky. We have decided to suspend any transportation activities here."

Liu Kai said: "We are well aware of your situation, but we really cannot take such a risk. After the attack, the security situation here is very tense, and even the local police cannot guarantee the safety of outsiders. We do not want any Accidents happen to our employees, and we are even less willing to continue to take such risks."

"I hope you understand, Mr. Wang."

Putting down his mobile phone, Wang Xiang knew that if the problem was not resolved, the construction of the South African headquarters would definitely be in trouble.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce is an organization established by Chinese businessmen in South Africa. Organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce are established overseas. The foundation and purpose of the Chamber of Commerce is to closely connect overseas Chinese and help each other.

Many overseas Chinese are facing various difficulties and challenges economically and culturally. As an organization, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce can provide various services and resources to provide them with help and support.

However, with the development of the Chamber of Commerce, each member has different interests, and internal contradictions arise.

Just like in this cooperation with Changtian Technology, there are also huge differences within the chamber of commerce.

Wang Xiang needs some Chinese enterprises in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to provide sufficient supply of building materials, and hopes that they will maintain continuous supply. These businessmen very much hope to cooperate with Changtian Technology.

However, some Chinese chambers of commerce that have not cooperated with Longsky Technology feel that the news during this period has put the Chinese in South Africa on fire, and they have been targeted everywhere.

Of course, there are also some for the safety of employees.

Wang Xiang felt very helpless, and had no choice but to ask whether Changtian Technology's own company's fleet could undertake the transportation, and Changtian Technology would send its own **** team to provide security protection. At this time, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce hesitated.

As Chinese, they know that the reason why the chamber of commerce has great prestige among the Chinese is because of the mutual help among the Chinese. Now that Changtian Technology is facing problems, it is really not a problem if they do not help.

They didn't want to get involved, and they wanted to avoid any disputes with Wang Xiang.

At the same time, they do not want to lose this big business.

In the end, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce told Wang Xiang that they would hold a meeting to ask the opinions of the transportation companies and building materials companies involved, and try their best to help Changtian Technology.

But there are huge differences within the Chamber of Commerce.

The members of these Chinese businessmen in South Africa come from all over South Africa, and some members come from big cities, such as Johannesburg. They usually have more resources and experience in industries such as trade, real estate and finance, and have a deeper understanding of the political situation, so they don’t He intends to take a risk to help Changtian Technology.

Instead, some small bosses tend to help Changtian Technology, who is also Chinese.

If they can establish a friendship with Changtian Technology, it will be great for their future development.

"We still need to help. After all, Changtian Technology is the leader of Xiaguo enterprises, but the price will definitely rise, and the risk is too great." Zhang Ming, the boss who has been operating in South Africa for many years, said.

"If Changtian Technology is ignored, Changtian Technology may not cooperate with us again. This time, Changtian Technology has made great strides into South Africa, and will definitely make great achievements in the South African market in the future. It is not good to offend Changtian Technology now."

Knowing that Changtian Technology has established its own construction company and transportation fleet, Li Fang, the boss, is very worried that Changtian Technology will seize market share in the local market.

"We should consider the long-term interests. They are all Xia Kingdom's enterprises, and they are Xia Kingdom's largest technology. If we can support Changtian Technology and help them overcome difficulties, Changtian Technology will definitely provide us with more business opportunities in the future. , This is a good thing for our Chamber of Commerce and members, you must know that the technical strength of Changtian Technology can even compete with companies in the United States." Li Ting said.

Zhang Youpeng, the head of the chamber of commerce who had been silent all this time, said: "But we can't guarantee that there will be more attacks after this attack. If we all become our own targets in the future, we will not be able to protect ourselves!"

The elder's news is more well-informed, and he knows that there is another secret behind this attack.

He worried that the help to Changtian Technology would affect his business in South Africa.

"If Changtian Technology fails, we can leave, but we can't leave in South Africa. Will those people target us? We should draw a clear line with Longsky Technology..."

The president hesitated after hearing the speeches of everyone in the chamber of commerce.

At this time, Chen Ke, the representative of Huawei South Africa Headquarters, patted the table and said, "There is still something to consider here? Everyone is from Xiaguo, so what are you thinking about! Why is Xiaguo's company, Xiaguo people, considered the most when they are attacked overseas! It is because Disunity, because these beasts know that we are sheep, and there is no attack power if there is too much meat!"

"At this time, you still think about it. Our Huawei South Africa headquarters has already contacted Changtian Technology. If you don't come forward, we will send a convoy. Mr. Li, you need to supply your building materials. You can't let Changtian Technology Let Xia Guo buy building materials!"

Hearing what Chen Ke said, the chairman also felt a little embarrassed. He finally concluded: "That's it, the building materials will continue to be supplied, the vehicle will be delivered by Mr. Li, and the driver and security personnel will be dispatched by Changtian Technology."

Having reached such a conclusion, Wang Xiang also heaved a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Wang Xiang has already led a team to negotiate with the government.

Entering the Hoxton area government building, the guard opened the door of the meeting room, and Wang Xiang and others walked in.

The chief executive of the Hoxton area, Mirifel, was sitting at a large round table, waiting for Wang Xiang's arrival.

Wang Xiang came to Mirifill and shook hands with him.

"Listen, Mr. Millifel." Wang Xiang's tone was strong, and he said very directly, "Those thugs who hurt the Chinese must be severely punished."

However, Mirifill continued to practice Tai Chi.

"Mr. Wang, you may not know the complicated situation in the Hoxton area. This area is mainly composed of the Soto tribe. They have always been very strong, and we have nothing to do."

As the person in charge of the government, Mirifill also does not want to see such a thing happen.

After all, Changtian Technology has brought huge investment, which has greatly promoted the development of the local economy. This city, which was very depressed after the collapse of the mining company, finally saw the hope of recovery.

Changtian Technology has invested heavily. Many local people have found jobs and improved their lives. Seeing that better days are coming, unexpectedly...

"For this issue, we are also very helpless. The people of the Soto tribe are very difficult to deal with."

"Mr. Wang Xiang, we will seriously consider your request, but we need time to make a decision. You also know that this project involves many issues, such as regional stability..." Mirifel said, revealing a trace of dissatisfaction in his tone. patient.

Seeing that Mirifill started to be perfunctory, Wang Xiang said:

"If you guys really can't keep us safe, then we'll take care of it ourselves."

Wang Xiang sneered and said, "Longsky Technology will handle it by itself, and Changtian Technology will not be able to guarantee what happens at that time! Changtian Technology does not rule out withdrawing its investment in South Africa."

At this moment, Mirifel became anxious, "Sir, we will definitely do our best, but you must understand that this area is not safe, and you must remember that this is the territory of the tribe."

"We understand." Wang Xiang nodded and led people away from the government building without too much nonsense.

Leaving South Africa?

All the places in the world that are suitable for nuclear fusion experiments are actually politically unstable places.

After all, in a decent place, who will approve such an unprecedented experiment with serious security risks.

So South Africa is still the best place, and problems still need to be solved.

In the camp of the Soto tribe, the tribe members are sharing the looted supplies.

They were very excited. They hadn't had such a good harvest in a long time.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and the tribe still had a bunch of food and daily necessities, such as canned food, bread, medicine, etc., which were suitable and delicious that they usually couldn't taste.

Some high-tech products are simply gifts from the sky for the Soto warriors.

They don't even know how to use these things, and simply lay them aside, proudly displayed.

"The Chinese are fat pigs," said one soldier, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

"Go to the mining area!" The soldier suggested.

"Go to the mines!

"The tribal fighters who had not participated in the robbery before were eager to try and echoed enthusiastically.

It seems that the mining area is a piece of fat!

"These **** Americans!" Sharlto said angrily, "They must be stalling for time again, our weapons haven't arrived yet!"

The chief, who was wary of the Americans before, now looks forward to the advanced and sophisticated weapons of the United States, and wants to kill another batch of transport convoys.

"Don't worry, Sharlto." The tribal wizard said, "Anyway, Changtian Technology still has a lot of supplies waiting for us to grab."

Seeing that the robbery convoy had obtained so many supplies, everyone in the tribe seemed to have a fire burning in their hearts, and they couldn't wait to rob again.

Finally, Stanek met Schalke with the "gift", and everyone in the tribe cheered.

This time the gift is a batch of weapons and equipment.

"As part of our support for the Sotho tribe and our friendship, this time we have brought weapons and useful information."

"Come with me." Stanek led Schalke to the truck.

Lifting the covering cloth, a large number of weapons came into view, including various automatic rifles and machine guns, and the ammunition was quite sufficient. They were stacked in towering shelves and boxes, and the number was so large that the chief could not believe it.

The agent introduced the performance of these weapons that aided the tribe. These weapons have extremely high accuracy and stability, and can solve the target in a very short time.

Schalke saw that all these weapons were so modern and well-crafted that they seemed capable of destroying any enemy.

"Cheers to our friendship," Schalke said.

"Three days later, Changtian Technology and more supplies will pass through the town of Umtata in South Africa!"

This is a town connecting Cape Town and Hoxton. Changtian Technology chose to take a detour here this time, hoping to avoid harassment.

It's just that cia is pervasive. Even the Chinese supplier confirmed the route one second, and cia knew the route in the next second.

Schalke learned from the Americans that Changtian Technology was said to severely punish the murderer, but he just laughed and dismissed it. Having obtained a sophisticated weapon, he was full of confidence and couldn't wait to plunder it again.

"Okay, time waits for no one. Prepare your equipment and set off!" Sharlto ordered everyone to get on the road as soon as possible, and ambush before the convoy reached the town.

However, this time, the **** of the transport convoy has been greatly strengthened, and the guards are special forces Wang Dong and his security team.

Along the way, they vigilantly observed the surrounding situation, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Due to the vigilance along the way, the guards immediately discovered the ambush tribal fighters at the moment they encountered an ambush and reacted.

Gunshots rang out, and the bullets flew towards Wang Dong and his guards.

Wang Dong quickly issued an order to disperse his guards and adopt different tactics and strategies to deal with the attack of the Soto tribe.

"Quick! Find a cover!" Wang Dong yelled, and then he and the special security personnel quickly searched for a cover and returned fire.

This time, the Sotho warriors were more cunning and brutal than before. They were lurking on the hill, and when they wanted to ride Wang Dong and others over, they suddenly launched an attack.

The bullets flew in their direction, and the sound of gunfire was deafening, and only the sharp whistling sound of bullets streaking through the air made people shudder.

The Sotho tribe had the advantage of the terrain, but the guards did not lose their courage.

After many times of training and tempering in actual combat, they have become more confident and calm.

Most importantly, this time Wang Dong came prepared.

The specially thickened steel plates and the specially purchased explosion-proof shields prevented the attackers from strafing the same huge results as before.

After the initial panic passed, the guards had begun to counterattack under the protection of the bunker.

"Fire suppression!" A young soldier held a light machine gun and opened fire on the hillside where the tribal fighters were. Some of the tribal fighters were knocked down to the ground, while others were too scared to raise their heads due to the bullets.

With the precise marksmanship trained, the guards can accurately kill the enemy almost every time they shoot.

The weapons CIA provided to Sharlto were nothing more than second-hand equipment eliminated by the United States. The weapons of Wang Dong's security forces were the most advanced individual combat weapons in the world today. UU reading

Moreover, the fighters of the Soto tribe have only undergone simple thermal weapon training.

The disparity in strength between the two sides is too great.

Wang Dong's security forces had weapons with longer range and stronger firepower. In such a battle, the Soto fighters were almost powerless to fight back.

The peanuts fell, and more than ten people died in less than a minute.

The blood soaked the wasteland, and Sharlto didn't react for a while.


With a gunshot, the soldier in front of Sharlto was accurately sniped and fell to the ground.

Sharlto reacted and shouted: "Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Everyone can only run away.

"Advance to the left, keep the formation!" Wang Dong saw that the Suotuo tribe was retreating, and while commanding his teammates to rush to the top of the hill, he kept observing the surrounding situation.

After rushing up to the top of the mountain, those Soto warriors left their wounded long ago and fled away.

"A bunch of bastards!

"The security personnel looked resolute, watching the fleeing gangsters and going to chase them.

"Stop chasing!" Wang Dong is very experienced: "Pay attention to the surrounding situation, this is a dangerous area, and other enemies may appear at any time."

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