Wang Dong also called the police immediately.

But it was predictable that although they had sent a distress signal to the police in time, the police still had a long delay in arriving at the scene.

The security forces finally saw the police, and everyone was silent, after all, the scene was here.

The dead bodies and wounded lying on the ground were left by the attackers.

None of Changtian Technology's security forces were injured, let alone died.

Instead, it was the Sotho who left behind five dead bodies and many wounded.

Some members of the security force were very dissatisfied: "The battle here is finally over, you came here, this is really waiting to come and watch!"

The police are also very helpless: "I'm really sorry, the current police resources are under great pressure, we need to deal with many daily cases, the task is very heavy, and it will take some time to arrive..."

South Africa is a big country with poor law and order, let alone a place like Hoxton, where there is no income, and naturally there is no money to hire police.

The social problems and contradictions brought about by the past racial segregation policy have not been completely resolved, and some social contradictions will erupt from time to time, seriously affecting the work efficiency and working environment of the police

The police resources of the police station are relatively expensive and scarce, and they are faced with a lot of daily cases that need to be dealt with, which leads to the dispersion of police forces and the lack of emergency response capabilities.

Wang Dong waved his hand and asked his subordinates to stop talking.

It's useless to talk nonsense with these people, everything has to be done by yourself.

While waiting for the police, the security forces began emergency treatment and treatment of the wounded.

A part of the police began to investigate the location of the incident, conducted investigations, questioned the convoy, and learned about the identity and motives of the attackers.

Soon the police confirmed the identity of the attacker through investigation and evidence collection. There was no suspense that it was the Soto tribe in this area.

After the police captain learned that he was from the Soto tribe, his face suddenly became frightened.

He raised his head and saw the corpses of many tribal warriors on the hill. Some of them were dead, and some of them were injured and fell to the ground, unable to move. His hands began to tremble, and his lips kept moving, but he couldn't say a word. Come.

"This is a big trouble." In the local area, the Soto tribe is very powerful, and they occupy a large part of the population in this area.

The Sotho people have a special political, economic and cultural status in this area, and have played a key role in various important local decisions.

Moreover, the Soto tribe has strong cohesion and is very united, which makes no force dare to underestimate them.

Now that Changtian Technology has killed so many Soto people, the two sides are destined to fight endlessly.

The sheriff frowned, thinking about what to do next. "Contact the police station immediately and report the situation."

Afterwards, the police chief sent someone to call Wang Dong, with a heavy expression on his face, he took a deep breath, and said slowly: "This is a very serious incident, Mr. Wang, please come with us. "

Hearing what the police chief said, Wang Dong's subordinates refused to agree. "The facts are in front of us. If you want to record the transcript, you can record it now. What does it mean to take a trip!"

A policeman said: "This is a serious shooting incident. The person in charge, who should be punished by the law, must be punished by the law!"

Wang Dong wanted to laugh when he heard this: "Then when we were attacked by these people, did you do anything? Why didn't you punish them?"

The sheriff said worriedly: "This is different. Do you know what tribe these people died from? Soto people!"

Hearing this, Wang Xiang understood that it was not a big deal to co-author a tribe to attack the Chinese, but instead he made a strong counterattack: "Mr. Sheriff, as the largest company in the local area, Changtian Technology is responsible for protecting the safety of employees and customers! "

As soon as Wang Dong said this, the security personnel present surrounded him, with an air of sympathy for the enemy.

The sheriff shut his mouth sensibly and did not speak again.

Then he also received a call from the chief executive, "I see."

"Take away the dead and the injured." The police chief walked up to Wang Dong and said, "Mr. Wang, I hope you can understand our difficulties."

Wang Dong chuckled lightly.

The local police confirmed the identities of the dead and the injured, identified which ones were from tribal wars and which ones were members of the convoy, and put the dead on stretchers to be transported away.

Among them was a young man about 17 or 18 years old who was taken into hiding by Wang Dong's security forces because he was seriously injured and was not handed over.

This seventeen or eighteen-year-old injured youth looked weak, his face was pale, and his body was covered with scars.

He was found unconscious by Wang Dong's security forces, short of breath and apparently seriously injured in the exchange of fire.

He was shot in the right shoulder, leaving a long wound that was bleeding profusely.

Wang Dong and the security personnel sat on the truck, which was loaded with a lot of construction materials, and drove back to the camp in the mining area.

Wang Dong held a walkie-talkie to contact the security department to learn about the security situation in the mining area.

Fortunately, the mining area was not attacked.

If those tribesmen dare to attack the headquarters of the mining area, they will definitely be beaten to death.

Before entering the mining camp, all the vehicles were carefully inspected. As the convoy drove into the camp smoothly, Wang Dong breathed a sigh of relief.

These security personnel who stay in the mining area have received training and are responsible for protecting the safety of the construction site in the mining area. They patrol closely to ensure that there are no potential safety hazards in the mining area.

Wang Dong got out of the car and inspected each batch of building materials to confirm the quantity and quality. Fortunately, not too much was lost in the battle. He instructed the security personnel to store them properly.

"Everyone has worked hard." He understood how much effort these security team members had put in for training and ensuring the safety of the camp.

Back at the camp, he and the security team finally had time to rest, but a few days later, they got a piece of news that made them angry.

The local police in South Africa directly let go of the attackers captured by the company's security personnel, and the police did not interrogate or arrest them.

Wang Xiang was also very surprised: "What? How dare they do this."

When the security team got the news, they were also very angry: "This is so irresponsible! What do you think of the Chinese! Cattle and sheep slaughtered at will!?"

The behavior of the police is simply to excuse these criminals and make them worse. If they know that as long as they are in the hands of the police, they will definitely be able to return alive, then will they still be afraid of death?

Wang Dong couldn't get used to it. What these policemen did was disgusting: "Do you feel it? They are clearly afraid of these Soto people!"

The infinite compromise and timidity of the South African police dissatisfied the security team members who had experienced the scene.

"We can no longer entrust our safety to them. Only when we are responsible for ourselves can we truly guarantee our safety." Everyone present nodded when they heard this.

Wang Xiang immediately called the chief executive of Halston, Frieda, to express his strong protest.

Wang Xiang said directly: "Felida, if you handle it like this, Changtian Technology will withdraw all investment and leave South Africa immediately."

Stop talking, Felida became nervous.

If the investment of billions of dollars is gone, his chief executive will not be appointed.

Fei Lida only said very vaguely: "Mr. Wang, you have to understand us... this involves the issue of regional stability, I can only promise you that we will send enough police to protect the safety of the mining area, please rest assured, In addition, we will not intervene in any conflicts between you."

This is very clear.

Felida will not pursue the death of the Soto people.

In the future, if Changtian Technology has conflicts with the Soto tribe, the South African authorities will not intervene.

There are hot potatoes on both sides, of course Freida can hide as far away as possible.

After Wang Xiang sneered and hung up the phone, he said, "Interview the prisoners!"

Wang Dong hired a local South African as an interpreter.

The young man was held in a simple and clean room, and he looked depressed and very weak.

The environment of the room reveals a clean atmosphere, there is no unnecessary decoration in the room, only a bright lamp illuminates the small room, the walls are neat and clean, and the young man is sitting in the corner.

The young man looked very hungry, apparently he hadn't eaten a proper meal for several days.

Wang Dong didn't start asking, but let the captive finish the food.

Wang Dong handed the young man a bowl of ordinary food, and the young man immediately became agitated when he saw the steaming, delicious food.

He threw himself on the table, reached out, grabbed the spoon tremblingly, and ate voraciously.

After he finished eating, Wang Dong began to interrogate him.

"What's your name?" Wang Dong's voice was indifferent, he couldn't be enthusiastic when facing the enemy who killed my own compatriots.

"My name is Deckert, sir." The young man looked nervous, but he tried his best to keep calm.

"Deckert." Wang Dong's tone became more serious.

Decker was silent. He thought of the lively atmosphere in the tribe before he left. Everyone was discussing with great interest the precious supplies they had snatched from the Xia people.

Wang Xiang then asked, "Why did you attack us?"

Deckert replied: "My tribe hasn't had enough food for several months. Everyone is very hungry, so we have to go out and find food."

"Do you know that we are here to invest, we will build factories and roads here, and this place will prosper in the future." Wang Dong asked.

Decker was silent for a while, and then said: "It was an American who told us that the Xia people have food and wealth here, and they can find food...We want to get food..."

"The wizard said that you have a virus and bad luck that will infect us."

"The Americans told you that there is food here?" Wang Xiang quickly realized and continued to ask, Decker nodded.

Wang Xiang frowned: "Do you know his name?"

Decker shook his head, saying that he didn't know the name of this person, and there was a trace of panic and helplessness in his eyes.

He has realized how dangerous the situation is now.

Wang Dong and Wang Xiang exchanged their heads and then Wang Xiang asked, "What is your relationship with your chief?"

Trembling slightly, Decker replied, "He's my uncle."

Only then did Wang Dong and Wang Xiang realize that the young man left behind was a big fish.

Wang Dong and Wang Xiang exchanged glances and left the room.

Sotho camp.

As the tribe attacked the transport convoy, the Soto tribe suffered heavy losses. The soldiers returned to the tribe with heavy pain and sorrow, and the whole tribe was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere.

Pain filled Sharlto's heart, making him extremely angry.

Facing the crying and sorrow of the clansmen, Sharlto's eyes shone with a cold and stern light.

His face was ashen, extremely angry, and he spoke loudly, as if he wanted to pour out all the emotions in his heart:

"These **** Xia people, they are simply demons! They brought the plague and occupied our land, and our brothers and sisters were brutally killed by them..."

Sharlto gritted his teeth, as if anger had overwhelmed him. "They should pay for their crimes!"

"Blood debt paid with blood! Blood debt paid with blood!" His words resonated with everyone present, and all kinds of suppressed and uncontrollable emotions began to well up in their hearts. The warriors in the tribe were passionate and determined to avenge their compatriots.

"We must use more blood to wash away this humiliation!" an older warrior shouted.

They seem to have forgotten the lively and happy atmosphere in the tribe when they plundered the Xia people's supplies before, and how they killed the Xia people.

The whole tribe has lost its mind, and everyone thinks that more power must be used for vengeance.

Sharlto contacted Stanek, needing more weapons, more instructors.

Cia didn't seem sad about the loss of the Soto tribe, but rather excited.

Let Changtian Technology and the Soto tribe have conflicts that can never be bridged, let the two sides fight endlessly, bleed each other, and then use this matter to make an article about Changtian Technology, this is the real purpose of cia.

As for how many black or Chinese people died, who cares?

Soon, cia sent heavy weapons and dispatched a special team of instructors.

These instructors are experienced and skilled professionals who teach the tribe how to use the equipment.

These weapons are powerful and lethal. The instructor introduced the basic performance and characteristics of each weapon to the tribe, including range, accuracy, lethality and so on.

They will learn how to carry the weapon correctly, aim at the target, open the safety, change the magazine and other basic operations, and master these weapons in a short time.

The acquisition of these powerful weapons and the training of the instructors made the remaining revenge atmosphere of the whole tribe even more fanatical, and everyone couldn't wait to take revenge on the Xia people. UU Reading www.

When the rest was over, Sharlto decided to attack the mines.

Decker's father, Schalke's brother Mitri and others raised objections.

They believed that many people had died, and the Xia people did not rob anything of the tribe. These conflicts were all due to the instigation of the United States, and they suspected that the aid of the United States would bring more bad luck to the tribe.

However, their sanity pales in comparison to the madness of the entire tribe.

Schalke was very angry when he heard Mitri's words. He thought that Mitri did this because his son had been captured before, and he was timid and afraid.

Schalke ordered Mitri to be executed, and the tribe cheered savagely.

The executioner tied Mitri to a post, immobilizing him, then took out a sharp knife and began to stab Mitri's body.

He started from Mitri's head and cut all the way down, passing through her neck, limbs and other parts. Every cut was very deep, and the blade even cut into the bone. Mitri's screams resounded throughout the tribe .

However, the people of the tribe have gone crazy, and they have no sympathy for these people who oppose revenge.

In the end, Mitri was cut into countless pieces, and the corpses were scattered on the ground with blood flowing all over the ground. The whole scene was horrific.

Schalke roared: "This is what happens to cowards!"

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