Rebirth 2003

Chapter 132: Chance encounter

The cooperation with the e-Province Children’s Literature and Art Publishing House was negotiated within half an hour. Lu Yang had heard of the mainland’s publishing market in his previous life, so when the other party offered the terms of royalty 8, Lu Yang asked if he could do more. , Lu Yang agreed when the other party said it was already the highest. (Starting)

It’s not that Lu Yang is stupid and doesn’t know how to bargain, but Lu Yang knows that he is a complete newcomer to Mainland Publishing House, and he has no right to bargain. The previous life Lu Yang had heard of, those works of Great God published in simplified Chinese, The royalties are just this amount.

I don’t want to talk about the chance of collapsing. Lu Yang just wants this publication to be smooth and profitable. First, I mix up the qualifications. After the book is published in the mainland, it will be easier to publish other works in the future. .

With different qualifications, websites and publishers will have different attitudes towards you, and your status in the author circle will be higher. Readers will know it, and there will be a little publicity effect. In short, publishing in simplified form has many benefits.

As for the twenty-five sons, with this qualification, when other websites come to dig Lu Yang in the future, the price will be higher.

In the afternoon, Lu Yang printed out the electronic version of the contract sent by the other party. After signing it, he mailed it all, and then sorted out the first 400,000 words of "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" and sent it over.

There are some differences between simplified publishing and traditional publishing. One of them is that a book with 65,000 characters in a traditional book is made into a book, while a book with 200,000 to 300,000 characters in a simplified book is the same, and the thickness varies greatly.

The e-province children's literature and art company that contacted Lu Yang required a volume of 200,000 words. After the contract was signed, the first two volumes would be published and distributed.

However, the author's remuneration is more troublesome, because Lu Yang signed a royalty share, so the author fee will be settled every six months. If someone who does not understand the market listens to it, 80% will think that the other party is a liar.

Lu Yang didn't care about that much, he is not short of money now, half a year will be half a year!


The final exam is coming again. In addition to class and codewords, Lu Yang has to review textbooks every day, and time suddenly becomes tense.

On the monthly ticket list in July, "Dao Long Dao" really took off, killing the three young masters of "The Good Reaper", and also killing the "Follow the Waves One Generation Army Master", which has even been taking turns. "Profane" and "The World of Mercenary", who sat on the first throne, were also beheaded.

The homepage click list, recommendation list, the first place all fell into the palm of "Shanglongdao", truly achieving the first three lists of clicks, recommendations and monthly passes.

Suddenly, the domineering and unparalleled, no one can challenge it, and the blood red officially began to condense the Godhead of the Supreme God.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Lu Yang. Last month, he was lucky enough to beat the blood red once. This month, "Road of Rising Dragon" officially launched. Lu Yang has not many deposits to use, and can only maintain two chapters a day. With the update of 6,000 characters, the ranking of "Three Warlords" on the monthly ticket list has been hovering between 15 and 6.

Although Lu Yang did not exert his efforts this month, among the popular writers in the dark realm, no one said whether Wen Chou had no money to buy the small blue pills, and no one said whether Wen Chou was letting them. At the end of May, someone said that. As a result, at the beginning of June, Lu Yang took out 20-character manuscripts to stir up the wind and rain. How many pretentious frontline writers and even the great gods were overthrown by Lu Yang. , The **** lesson has just passed, and no one wants to do it again.

Lu Yang's strength was recognized by everyone through that battle.

Soon after, the final exam came and ended, and Lu Yang's sophomore life officially ended.

Two-thirds of the plot of "Three Warlords" has been written, and the book will probably be completed during the summer vacation.

The house has been built two or three months earlier. My younger brother called a few times to give Lu Yang time to go home and have a look. Now it’s summer vacation. Lu Yang plans to go home for two days first, and then come back. Word, by the way, go to the Internet cafe to collect business money every day.

The night before leaving, Lu Yang, who had finished coding, wandered around the starting point casually, and suddenly noticed a name-Yun`Sky.

At this time, Yun Tiantian was still writing "Online Games-Fantasy Reality", and his popularity was good. If it was just this book, Lu Yang would not be jealous. What made Lu Yang jealous was that Lu Yang remembers Yun Tiantian’s next novel is "Legend of Cthulhu", the pinnacle work of cloud and sky condensing the godhead.

Similar to Blood Red, Yun Tiantian is also a speed-type writer. In more than a year since the beginning, he wrote more than 6 million characters, which is simply non-human.

In the author circle, everyone is most afraid of the speed-type gods. Their popularity is high and the quality of their works is also excellent. You scratch your ears a day, and finally code out 6,000 words. Tired like a dog, speed-type gods, In three or four hours, two to three thousand words can be coded. How do you fight with others?

Therefore, in the first half of 2005, after the release of "Shenglong Road", no one could be beaten soon. At the end of the year, after the release of Yun Tiantian's "Legend of Cthulhu", it swept across all directions again.

The book looks good at first, and it is updated with ten or twenty thousand words every day. Who can stop it?

The emergence of Yuntiantian made Lu Yang realize that the age of the gods in the Internet world is coming, and talented masters will emerge one after another.

Speed ​​type, creativity type, writing style winning, routine...

Great gods will appear one after another, and if Lu Yang wants to condense his godhead, he has to confront these gods head-on.

What type am i?

Lu Yang couldn't help asking himself.

Every great **** has his own uniqueness. What is the uniqueness of Lu Yang?

Writing can only be considered acceptable; speed, ten thousand words a day is the limit; routine... he can't play this stuff, and he doesn't want to play; then he can only win from the creative side!

After being reborn, his biggest advantage should be that he has seen countless top creative works. Although he can't copy the original editions of those books, the greatest value of books that win with creativity is creativity! With creativity, Lu Yang should also be able to write good results.

"The Doomsday Wasteland" is like this, "Master Loneliness" is like this, so is "Three Warlords".

These genres were written by him ahead of time. At the starting point, there are already many works that follow the trend. Before the rebirth, Lu Yang followed others, and now others follow him.

Write an infinite stream in the next book!

The creativity of Infinite Flow is very amazing in Lu Yang's mind. The author who wrote the first Infinite Flow work is a newcomer, but he was able to compete with the Platinum God for the first place in the new book list.

Visible the power of infinite flow.

Only the first work of Infinite Stream has that strength. After everyone's freshness has passed, it will be extremely difficult to defeat the Platinum God with Infinite Stream.

Lu Yang was not sure in which year the first Infinite Stream appeared in his memory, but it should not be far away.

This idea cannot be wasted.


The next day, Lu Yang packed up a few changes of clothes and went home.

Because several nearby universities have just been off for summer vacation, there are a lot of people on the train. Lu Yang wanted to buy sleeper tickets but didn’t buy them. He only stood with a group of young students in the aisle of the train, or the place where the two trains were connected. It was the toilet. People who came and went squeezed into him. Lu Yang regretted it as soon as he got on the train. He regretted that he shouldn't have chosen to go home so early. He wanted to wait until a seat was available, but he didn't know how many hours he would have to wait.

Thinking about whether to get off the car right away and go back two days later, a tall woman in a blue dress was squeezed into the car door. Lu Yang glanced casually, but unexpectedly discovered that this woman was Cao Xue's roommate Tong Yaqian.

Just as Lu Yang was about to say hello, Tong Yaqian had already seen him, her eyes lit up, and she was pleasantly surprised: "Huh? Lu Yang? Are you going home today too?"

As he said, he dragged the large suitcase and squeezed it beside Lu Yang.

Lu Yang stretched out his hand to help her stuff the suitcase to the side, and then asked, "Why do you bring such a large suitcase? I'll be back after a summer vacation. Isn't it troublesome to carry such a large suitcase back and forth?"

The weather in July was already very hot. Lu Yang was also wearing short sleeves. Tong Yaqian, who had just dragged a suitcase that large, was naturally out of breath. While talking to Lu Yang, he took out a napkin to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"No way! I'm a girl! Doesn't Cao Xue of your family come home with a big box of clothes?" Tong Yaqian realized that she had said something wrong, and then she stopped and talked to Lu. Young apologized.

Lu Yang's mood was affected a bit, but he didn't feel angry, and waved his hand to say forget it.

"Where is your home?"

Lu Yang changed the subject, and Tong Yaqian hurriedly followed Lu Yang's words to chat, and stopped mentioning everything about Cao Xue.

There were a lot of people standing in Lu Yang. Tong Yaqian came and stood beside him. It was also crowded. The two of them inevitably had their arms attached to their arms. Lu Yang could feel that Tong Yaqian's skin was very good, white and slippery~www.readwn. com~ Sometimes people squeeze through here, Tong Yaqian's long round legs will stick to Lu Yang's.

If it weren’t on the train, the situation would be very charming if two people were alone. However, Lu Yang had no idea about her, not only because she was Cao Xue’s roommate, but also because Lu Yang heard Cao Xue said that Tong Yaqian had a boyfriend. .

Lu Yang didn’t think about that. Tong Yaqian seemed completely unprepared for Lu Yang. The white arms exposed outside the dress were just sticking to Lu Yang’s dark arms. There was no taboo, and sometimes people squeezed her over. Only the soft chest`s squeezed onto Lu Yang's arms, and he smiled calmly.

In this case, until the train has fewer and fewer people, the people in the aisle finally waited until the seats were over.

Originally, this was just a chance encounter, and it was not worth writing about. The turning point of the matter was when the train was about to reach Wuhu. Tong Yaqian asked Lu Yang where his house was and whether he could go to his house during the summer vacation.

There is no **** between the two. Tong Yaqian is Cao Xue’s roommate again, and Lu Yang is also a friend. The friend laughed and said, can I go to your house during the summer vacation? Lu Yang couldn't refuse, only smiled and said that he was very welcome. rs

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