Rebirth 2003

Chapter 133: Oolong

After getting off the train, he usually stayed in the city for one night, and Lu Yang took a taxi home the next morning.

Before the taxi arrived at Lujia Village, from a distance, Lu Yang saw a new small second floor standing there beside his fish pond on the road. Looking around, there was green crops all around, only that small building. It stands beside the small pond.

The outside of the small building was very simple, with only a layer of white paint. The car quickly stopped on the road in front of the small building. Lu Yang smiled and paid for the car, carrying his simple luggage and computer bag, and got out of the car. .

Outside the small building, there is a circle of equally white walls. The courtyard gate with a width of three meters is in front of Lu Yang. The courtyard gate is made of cyan bamboo pieces, which is very elegant.

From the outside, Lu Yang was very satisfied with the small courtyard, with a smile on his face, Lu Yang stepped forward and pushed the courtyard door. As long as there are people in the family, the courtyard door is generally unfastened. Wide open.

Sure enough, Lu Yang pushed the courtyard door open. Suddenly, a loud dog bark sounded, and then a black shadow over a meter long flashed in front of Lu Yang's eyes, which shocked Lu Yang and went to subconsciously. After he withdrew a step and settled down, he could see a **** dog squatting in front of him that was more than one meter long.

The **** dog was still stretching his neck and barking at him.

The sound of the dog barking obviously alarmed the family. Lu Yang heard his mother yelling: "Xiao Hei! What's your name?"

Immediately, my mother and younger siblings ran out from the gate. Mother was still holding a handful of leeks. Obviously, my mother was choosing vegetables in the house just now.

"elder brother?"

"Big brother? Big brother, are you back?"

Seeing Lu Yang standing at the gate of the courtyard, both Lu Fei and Lu Ying were very pleasantly surprised. Over the past two years, Lu Yang, the eldest brother, has made more and more contributions to the family. Lu Yang’s younger siblings respect him as his eldest brother. , Worship is increasing day by day, and every time I talk to outsiders about my elder brother, I feel proud.

In the previous life, Lu Yang didn't set a good example for them, in this life. Lu Yang finally did it. Lu Yang smiled comfortedly after seeing his younger brother and sister in surprise.

Mother was also smiling at this time, yelled at the **** dog, and called Lu Yang to come home quickly.

Lu Yang could see that after the new house was built, his mother's mental state was different from before. The eyebrows no longer frowned forever, and the figure no longer looked so hurried and so tired.

The **** dog was scolded by Lu Yang's mother, and with his tail and head drooping, he turned griefly behind a newly planted persimmon tree.

Seeing Lu Yang couldn't help but smile, this **** dog who didn't know when it came out was actually human. After the surprise, the younger brother and sister had already ran over to take the luggage and computer bag in Lu Yang's hand, and happily surrounded Lu Yang home.

"Where's Dad?"

When he walked in, Lu Yang asked fluently. Now the fish pond is next to his house, so he doesn't have to look at it every day. He walked in until now. Before Lu Yang saw his father, he was a little curious about what he was doing.

"I took water! Someone bought fish this morning. Your dad didn't have time to pick water. There is almost no water in the tank." Lu Yang's mother also replied casually. Although there is a fish pond next to the house, this kind of small fish pond The water in it is muddy, so it doesn’t matter to wash things, but it’s not good for cooking and boiling water. Lu Yang's family used to live in an old house, and they would pick up a few loads of water every few days.

Carrying water?

Lu Yang frowned secretly. A load of water is not light. Dad is getting older and older. It will definitely be difficult to pick it up in a few years, but he remembers it. It seems that in the next two years, the village will have tap water, but now there is no tap water in the villages.

in memory. It was not the government that provided tap water to all seven or eight nearby villages, but a family in a neighboring village. That family had a beautiful daughter. She spent a few years in Shanghai and heard that she became a rich man. Xiao San, gave birth to a son, and that rich man spent hundreds of thousands to build a small water plant for her family.

What is the specific internal situation? Lu Yang only heard the rumors, but a man in his forties came to Shanghai and helped her family open a small water plant. Lu Yang was sure of it. What you see cannot be faked.

Maybe, I can build this small water plant first and leave it to my parents for the elderly...

A thought flashed through Lu Yang's mind.

This is the advantage of being a reborn person. Knowing what to do and where to get it will definitely succeed. The only problem facing Lu Yang is the approval of the construction of a water plant!

Lu Yang didn’t know how the Shanghai model was approved by the government a few years later. At present, Lu Yang still doesn’t know how to do it. I have seen a few, which shows that it is feasible to build a private water plant. The above is not completely prohibited. As long as it is not completely prohibited, there is room for operation.

"Mom! When did the family raise a dog? How old is that black dog?"

Entering the hall, Lu Yang drank the boiled water from his mother. He was a little curious about the black dog. It was more than one meter long and was knee-higher than Lu Yang. When he opened the courtyard door just now, he saw Lu Yang still Thought it was a wolf dog! too big! The hair all over his body was all black again, too much like a wolf dog.

Speaking of the **** dog, Lu Yang's mother and younger brothers and sisters all laughed.

Lu Yang’s mother told Lu Yang, “Did we not pile up a lot of construction materials here when we built the house? Your dad slept in the fish shed every night and watched. With a little movement, he woke up. Then one morning, your dad caught two more fish to sell on the street. On the way back, he saw a little black dog looking for something to eat beside the garbage dump. At that time, Xiao Hei It’s just as big as a slap. It was cold when the year just started. Your dad came back and said that if he brought it back that day, he would be frozen to death within two days. The dog is lost!"

Listening to his mother's explanation, Lu Yang smiled and glanced at the **** dog strolling in the yard, almost imagining the scene at that time.

"Growing up like this in half a year?"

"No! Xiao Hei has had a big appetite since he was a child! Almost every day, he grows so big as if he blows his breath for half a year! One meal is more than one person, if it were before! Our family can't afford it! "

"However, Xiao Hei is smart! We speak, and he can understand a lot of it!" This sentence was inserted by the younger sister Lu Ying next to him.

Lu Fei also echoed.

When talking, Lu Yang’s father came back with a load of clear water and rolled his trousers high. Now, Lu Yang’s father is in good health. It doesn’t take much effort to pick a load of water. Seeing that Lu Yang is back, he is still relaxed. Grinned out.

"Dad! How many more burdens do I have? I'll take it!"

Lu Yang helped Dad pour all the water he picked back into the water tank, and grabbed the shoulder pole to carry water for Dad. Lu Yang knew that it would take ten minutes to walk, but Lu Yang’s dad disagreed. Picked the bucket and left.

If it were his previous body, Lu Yang would really be a little bit embarrassed about carrying water. Since childhood, he has not carried a load several times. The shoulder is pressed on the shoulder, and the pain is unbearable, but now Lu Yang has a problem with his body. confidence.

After two years of exercise, he could not find any obvious fat on his whole body, and he was close to 1.8 meters tall. Before practicing boxing in the morning, he could do more than 30 push-ups with one hand.

When Lu Yang passed the village with a bucket of water lightly, he ran into the village elder’s wife, Lu Qingqing’s mother, and didn’t know what was going on. Today’s Lu Qingqing’s mother seemed to be very enthusiastic, seeing Lu from a distance. Yang yelled out loudly, "Oh! Lu Yang is back? Just picking water for your mother! What a good boy!"

The enthusiastic smile on his face looked at Lu Yang up and down, making Lu Yang uncomfortable for a while. Never before had Lu Qingqing's mother been so enthusiastic about him.

Unnaturally greeted her, and Lu Yang went to fetch water.

However, when Lu Yang walked into the courtyard with a load of water and sweat on his face, he saw Lu Qingqing's mother chatting with Lu Yang's parents at Lu Yang's house, chatting and laughing, and in a very good mood.

"What's going on?" Entering the kitchen, Lu Yang couldn't help but follow up with his younger brother who came in to help pour the water. Lu Yang, who also followed the kitchen, let out a chuckle. Lu Ying answered first in Lu Yang's puzzled eyes. His question.

"Big brother, you definitely don't know, right? Lu Qingqing's mother has taken a fancy to you! Before you come back, you just told our mother that you want to make a marriage with our family!"


Lu Yang was stunned. The bucket he had just picked up had forgotten to pour the water into the water tank.

The younger brothers and sisters were all snickering, and Lu Fei added enviously: "Brother! Happy? Lu Qingqing is the most beautiful in our village! Her mother told our mother that, as soon as you graduate from university, I will give you a kiss!"

Lu Yang looked at his younger brother and sister who was laughing, and was speechless for a long while.

I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing when I went home this time. I didn't hear any news in advance.

"Where is Lu Qingqing? She didn't object?"

Lu Qingqing knew that he had a girlfriend. Lu Yang didn't believe she would allow her mother to do such ridiculous things. Now it's easy to let the wind go, and the two will not get married in the future, but her family will be ashamed!

"Sister Qingqing hasn't come back yet! But is estimated to be back in two days!" Lu Ying replied.

It's really big!

"Does anyone else in the village know about this?" Lu Yang still had a little luck in his heart. As long as no one else knew, when Lu Qingqing came back and talked to her mother, the matter would have been so quiet.

It's a pity that Lu Ying was immediately put out by Lu Yang's fluke.

"Sister Qingqing's mother's mouth, don't you know? The village should know it!"

Lu Yang: "..."

Knowing this, Lu Yang didn't want to face Lu Qingqing's mother anymore. After pouring the clear water in the wooden bucket, he quickly picked up the bucket to pick up the second load. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

PS: Thank you for rewarding 1888 points. Thank you for rewarding 588 points twice in three days. There are monthly tickets for a few friends. Thank you for your support. This is an update on the 23rd. I can finally sleep.

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