Rebirth 2003

Chapter 134: 2 pcs

Lu Yang picked up three loads of water in a row. The tank was full and his shoulders hurt. Lu Qingqing's mother finally left. {First episode} Seeing the embarrassment of the eldest brother, Lu Fei and Lu Ying almost laughed.

At this time, my mother walked up to Lu Yang with a smile on her face, and said to Lu Yang happily, "Yangtze! Mom told you a good thing. Qingqing's mother has taken a fancy to you and plans to give her Qingqing to you. Be a wife!"

Lu Yang put down his sweat-wiping white towel, sighed helplessly, and said, "Mom! I have a girlfriend!"


Mom looked surprised, and then asked again: "But Mom has already agreed, so what can I do?"

"Ah? Big brother, do you have a girlfriend? Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it as beautiful as Sister Qingqing?" This was asked by younger sister Lu Ying. Lu Fei was also full of curiosity and surprise. Before, none of them knew that Lu Yang had talked about women. Friends. This oolong swing, Lu Yang's mother didn't know what to do.

At a critical moment, Lu Yang's dad also came over. He probably heard the words here outside the kitchen just now. Lu Yang's dad glared at his wife and reprimanded: "Let you worry about it! Yangtze is so prosperous, and I'm afraid of looking for it later. Not your daughter-in-law? Whatever you promised yourself, settle it yourself!"

"I... how can I solve it? Qingqing's mother has gone out!" Lu Yang's mother looked distressed. It was a good thing, but she was still happy in her heart, but now she is blind.

"Forget it! Don't worry about it! When Lu Qingqing comes back, I will tell her myself!" Unable to see his mother being so embarrassed, Lu Yang sighed. Lu Qingqing's meeting might be even more embarrassing.

Lu Yang's father glared at his wife again with discomfort. The eldest son has contributed so much to the family in the past two years. He is very satisfied as a dad. However, this son is capable and capable. He spends his time at home every year. But it is getting less and less. I don't know how many days I can stay when I go home this time. Lu Yang's father is naturally very upset because his wife has added such an annoyance to him.

Lu Yang's mother also knew that she had done something this time. She was wronged at this time and she didn't dare to say anything. She felt a little guilty towards Lu Yang in her heart.


Lu Yang didn't think so much, the matter was here, he could only find a way to solve the matter, and complaining about anyone would be of no avail. My mother was going to cook lunch, and the younger siblings followed Lu Yang and excitedly led Lu Yang to visit her new house.

When he first came home, Lu Yang noticed that the foundation was originally somewhat low, but it was raised a lot, almost as high as the road at the door. From the outside, the house was not very different from what he designed. At this time, Under the guidance of his younger brothers and sisters, Lu Yang looked up and down, inside and out, and found that the structure of the house was completely according to his own design drawing, the quality was very good, and the room belonging to him had been placed. Simple furniture.

Although the structure of the house is good, it looks exactly what Lu Yang wanted, but the decoration inside made Lu Yang frown. The walls were simply painted with two coats of paint, and there were no floor tiles or floors. It was just a smooth concrete floor. , The door is just an old-fashioned wooden door, and there is no bag beside the door.

In fact, Lu Yang came out when he was in the kitchen just now. Parents did it in the same way as before. There was no tile in the kitchen, let alone the toilet.

Lu Yang didn't look very good, but his younger siblings were very excited and proud, saying that this was already the best house in Lujia Village. Seeing that they were so satisfied, Lu Yang couldn't help wondering whether his vision was too high.

However, I just can't see the decoration in my heart. So when eating at noon, Lu Yang thought about the words in his heart, and then asked his father.

"Dad! How much did our house cost? When I left last time, I told you that if the money is not enough, call me and tell me! The 100,000 yuan has not been spent?"

"The money is spent! But when you came back in the first year of university, didn't you give your family 100,000? It was a little bit short, and I took a little out from there. Back and forth, this house spent more than 110,000. Okay! How is it? Not bad, right?" Dad Lu Yang took a sip of wine and was in a good mood.

Lu Yang's mother and younger brothers and sisters also smiled with satisfaction.

"The house is okay! But the decoration is a bit simpler, I want to find someone to do it again!"

When Lu Yang said this, everyone was stunned. Lu Yang's mother first said: "Yangtze! Are you not satisfied with such a good house? There is no better house in the village than my house!"

Lu Ying and Lu Fei also agreed, but Lu Yang's father took a look at Lu Yang, took a sip of wine, and then asked, "How do you want to do it?"

Lu Yang's father and his wife and children think differently. In his opinion, this house is all Lu Yang's money. If he relies on himself, he might not have the money to build such a house within ten years. So, although there are some Unexpectedly, Lu Yang was still not satisfied with such a house, but he still wanted to hear how Lu Yang wanted to decorate.

Dad is always in charge of the family. Seeing that Dad didn't deny him, Lu Yang heaved a sigh of relief, and then expressed his plan.


The next day, my dad found a decorator for Lu Yang, who was also from Lujia Village, but he always worked in the city. In Lu Yang's opinion, such a person should be able to achieve the effect his son wants. .

Lu Yang told this person about his requirements. There are a lot of work required for decoration. They are also plumbers, carpenters, bricklayers, and painters. Lu Yang didn't want to bother too much, so he asked if he could contract?

There is such a good thing as contracting. Of course, this person will not refuse. The enthusiasm comes up immediately. He works outside all the year round. He knows a lot of craftsmen related to various decorations. He immediately patted his chest and said to Lu Yang that everyone is all From a village, leave the matter to him, don't worry.

Lu Yang didn't want to make more high-end, just the basic ceiling, water and electricity, floor tiles, furniture, and walls need to be simple. Although there is no tap water in the house, Lu Yang still asked to lay the water pipes in the house first, otherwise, when he wanted to install tap water in the future, he would have to rip off the floor tiles, which was too much trouble.

Lu Yang paid for what materials he wanted. All his wages were 15,000 yuan.

The conditions were negotiated. This person took Lu Yang’s father to buy various materials that afternoon. The first thing he bought was hydropower materials. Hydropower. Lu Yang asked for electric wires, water pipes, etc. according to popular practices a few years later. Buried into the wall.

The plumber came to work the next day.

Lu Yang took another 50,000 yuan to his dad, so he left it alone. He walked around during the day to help his parents do some farm work. At night, he silently updated the "Three Kingdoms Warlords" and ranked on the monthly ticket list. In the more than a dozen "Three Kingdoms Warlords", the mountains are not exposed, and the "Shanglong Road" is still the leader.

This is the pinnacle of blood red, no one can stop its edge.

Lu Yang is unintentional and unable to defeat it again. The hot topic in the online literature world has already left Lu Yang. The focus of everyone’s attention is always the brilliant top gods. Lu Yang, who seems to have been forgotten, is on the side. Silently updating, while accumulating manuscripts and strength, Lu Yang was not reconciled to this work that he had spent a lot of effort on, so he went to the end in a flat manner. He wanted to make another monthly ticket list before finishing the book! No matter which step you can make in the end, you have to take your head again and let more people remember him, Lu Yang, and remember that pen name-Wen Chou!

"Ryuudo" is unstoppable, but there are still so many positions under "Ryuudo". If you can't do it first, try if you can do it second!

Two days later, Lu Qingqing came back from vacation.

On the same day, Lu Qingqing arrived home at noon. In the morning, Lu Yang took a taxi to the downtown railway station. Just last night, Tong Yaqian called and asked enthusiastically if she could really come to his house to play?

I was on the train last time and promised her, what did Lu Yang say? Only say very welcome. Then Tong Yaqian said that she would be there this afternoon and asked Lu Yang to pick her up at the station.

By the time Lu Yang arrived at the station, the time had come to 12 o'clock. Tong Yaqian told him last night that the time she had booked the ticket online was around 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

There was still about an hour, and Lu Yang could only wait patiently.

When waiting for people, time always flies very slowly. The broken mobile phone in 2005 cannot easily access the Internet like the smart phone a few years later. If you want to use the mobile phone to access the Internet these years, you must open the gprs service. The data is not expensive. That said, Internet access is also all kinds of inconveniences, and Lu Yang didn't get that flashy stuff.

So while waiting, smart play Tetris or Snake in the phone.

These two mini games are really long-lost! Lu Yang hasn't played it for many years, but today I revisited it again. When Lu Yang played Snake to finish the level, Tong Yaqian finally arrived.

Today’s Tong Yaqian seems to have dressed up specially. The brand-new denim shorts are very fresh, revealing two long legs that do not wear stockings, but are particularly round and white and smooth, on which is a beige sleeveless A cute bear pattern is printed on the chest, and a thin silver necklace is hung on the smooth and slender neck. In the middle of the necklace is a small silver number-8.

On the beautiful face of melon seeds, she has a little powder and a little makeup, with black hair that is shoulder-length, and a refreshing ponytail is simply tied in the back of her head.

Lu Yang had known her for so long and had never seen her so beautiful. Although he didn't wear any expensive things, he showed all the advantages of her body.

Today Tong Yaqian didn't bring much luggage, except for a small bag on her shoulder, she only carried a one-foot-long small luggage bag.


Lu Yang put a smile on his face, greeted him a few steps, and took the small luggage bag in her hand.

"Is it anxious? Sorry!" Seeing Lu Yang, Tong Yaqian smiled without saying a word, appearing much more cheerful than in school.

With a frown and a smile, it was full of women's style that came to the face. rs

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