Rebirth 2003

Chapter 166: Cao Xue wants to chase ideals


During dinner with Lu Yang in the evening, Cao Xue told Lu Yang about the incident. Lu Yang did not express his opinion immediately after hearing the incident. He just stopped the chopsticks and chewed slowly in his mouth. In his heart, he didn't want Cao Xue to be a celebrity.

   But how to express what you mean is to not arouse Cao Xue's disgust. It depends on what he says. It's just that this kind of question really doesn't mean to express opposition. Lu Yang was a little annoyed. When Cao Xue asked him what he meant again, he finally put down his chopsticks and asked Cao Xue, "Do you want to sign a contract with her?"

   Cao Xue nodded.

   Lu Yang knew that was the answer. If Cao Xue didn't want to sign, he wouldn't have been asked his opinion twice just now, and it was precisely because he saw that Cao Xue had already moved.

   "Why? Do you want to make money because of your ideals?" Lu Yang asked again.

   What Lu Yang thought was that as long as Cao Xue said it was just to make money, he would immediately tell her that she would spend her own money! Anyway, he now has nearly 100,000 in income every month. At the starting point, the manuscript fee, monthly ticket award, full attendance award, half-year award, as well as publishing royalties in Taiwan and mainland China, as well as the monthly sales of the Dragon Internet cafe.

However, just as Lu Yang knew about Cao Xue, and the two of them had been together for so long, Cao Xue also knew about Lu Yang. Although Lu Yang hadn't expressed any objections, his silence just now allowed Cao Xue to see him. Thinking, if it’s something else, Cao Xue will probably listen to him, but this time it’s about whether she can be financially independent in the future and whether she can help her mother and grandfather on her own. Therefore, Cao Xue hesitated for a moment. Immediately smiled and said: "Of course it is because of ideals! Like us who study music, who doesn't have a star dream?"

Lu Yang couldn’t refute it. Normally speaking, it’s true that anyone who studies music should have a star dream in his heart. However, Lu Yang still feels unhappy. The impression of Lu Yang from the entertainment industry is too messed up. Entertainment he has seen in his previous life. Are there fewer scandals in the circle? Stars accompany the wine, the sea and the sky, the feast, the gorgeous photos...

   Lu Yang couldn't even count.

   "What if I object? Are you still signing a contract with her?"

   When I asked this sentence, Lu Yang was already disgusted with Sister Shanglan, and even brought Chen Yu and Ji Rujing with him, and he didn't want to cooperate anymore in the future.

   After asking this sentence, Lu Yang saw Cao Xue's face changed slightly, biting her thin lower lip, her mouth opened, but she didn't know what to say, his eyes looked at Lu Yang pitifully.

   This look and expression made Lu Yang feel even more irritable. He wanted to be more resolute, and he couldn't say a few words of objection.

   Cao Xue cautiously walked over and squeezed onto Lu Yang's lap, hugged Lu Yang's neck, and whispered in Lu Yang's ear, saying that this was her ideal for many years, and begged Lu Yang to support her.

   If what Cao Xue said was because she wanted to make money, Lu Yang would definitely oppose it, but what she said was always an ideal. Her lover must pursue the ideal she has always had since she was a child. How can you stop it?

   Besides, Cao Xue still begged softly, and finally Lu Yang nodded helplessly.

Then the next day, Cao Xue signed an agent contract with Sister Lan. After signing the contract, Sister Lan smiled and told Cao Xue and Lu Yang that she would contact the school leaders as soon as possible to apply for Cao Xue and Lu Yang to participate in the Super Girl Voice next year. Xue entered the internship period in advance, and then brought Cao Xue back to the company for special training.

When Lu Yang’s face, Sister Lan didn’t ask Lu Yang to write a song to Cao Xue. She believed that there would be no good song for Cao Xue at that time. He would definitely ask Lu Yang to write a song by himself, and he didn't even need to mention those two sentences.

   This is the shrewdness of working women.

Since Lu Yang met today, she never said a word, she didn’t even smile, she knew that Lu Yang had no good impression of her anymore. For future cooperation, Sister Lan would not increase Lu Yang’s treatment of her. Disgust.

   Sister Lan, on behalf of her company, communicated smoothly with the school. Before this month was over, she took Cao Xue away.

   Then, Lu Yang became alone again, full of upset, even though Cao Xue tried his best to please him and make him happy before leaving, he still couldn't feel happy in his heart.

   Lu Yang vented all his sullenness on the keyboard of the computer. He sat silently in front of the computer at noon and night every day, his ten fingers flying on the keyboard non-stop, typing lines of text into the document.

   Four chapters a day, five chapters...

Lu Yang thought that he was the limit before, thinking that he was almost at the limit of writing three chapters a day, but after Cao Xue left, he broke through one after another. His reaction was on the monthly ticket list, and he finally widened the gap with the blood red. A few days later, At the end of December, he finally got the first place in the monthly ticket list.

   Before and after his rebirth, the code word was more than ten years old, and he finally got this supreme honor. Countless people in different places shouted that the character of Wen Chou had become a god, but he was not very happy in his heart.

   Cao Xue is not around, no one to share.

On the 1st of January, Lu Yang planned to buy some braised vegetables in the evening and drink a little wine to celebrate. After all, this honor has been waiting too long and it was not easy to come by. However, this idea was not implemented because there was a big class in the morning. After that, several people in bedroom 103 gathered around.

   Cheng Hua, Yang Zhi, Shi Jijun, Shao Dahai, Hu Gu.

It turns out that these people were paying attention to the final result of the monthly ticket list last night. Although most of them don’t read novels, since they knew that Lu Yang is likely to get the first place in the monthly ticket list this month, the five people in the 103 bedroom all started. Pay attention to this matter, especially last night, the last day of the end of the month, they stayed in front of Cheng Hua's computer until 12 o'clock in the evening, and usually they did not sleep before 12 o'clock.

   Then they naturally saw the final result of last month's monthly ticket war. Seeing that Lu Yang really took the first place, they agreed to let Lu Yang treat him today.

   After hearing their request, Lu Yang smiled and agreed.

   is just a meal, how can it be impossible to eat him poorly, besides, there are a few of their dormitories, and indeed they haven’t been together for a long time. It’s okay to take this opportunity to have a drink together tonight.

   Yang Zhi, who likes to take advantage of the small bargain the most, took the opportunity to smile and asked Lu Yang if he could take his family. Lu Yang also smiled and nodded his head.


  At night, these unscrupulous guys really brought their girlfriends, except for Cheng Hua, who is already broken in love.

   At the table, everyone was very happy eating, drinking, chatting and farting. Only Lu Yang, the protagonist of the celebration, although smiling on his face, felt lonely in his heart.

Yang Zhi and others also asked why Cao Xue hadn’t come. Lu Yang said casually. When everyone was surprised, they all came to congratulate Lu Yang with wine glasses. They all envied that Lu Yang would have a big star girlfriend. Almost everyone Envy him.

   But this is not the life Lu Yang wants.

  In Lu Yang's mind, money is endless. He works hard to earn money, not to pursue such a life. He just wants to write and write manuscripts every day, and spend the rest of the time with the people he likes, that's all.

   But Cao Xue doesn't understand, she has her ideals.


   When I came home at night, I lay relaxed on the sofa in the living room. Lu Yang wanted to laugh when he thought of the word ideal.


   He had it before, so far away.

  Wait for a few years after graduating from university, and when the pressure of survival makes you breathless, what is your ideal? Too extravagant! Ideal things are those rich people, when there is no pressure to survive, he competes with himself, Lu Yang has no ideals for a long time.

   He just wants to live a good life. He just hopes that he can make money for every novel, so that he is no longer trapped by money, and he no longer has to struggle for a house, nothing more.


   That night, Lu Yang was in a depressed mood. He even wanted to go to the bar to relax, but finally fell asleep with a depressed mood.

   When he woke up again in the early morning of the next day, he picked himself up again, and his life was always going to go on. He allowed himself to be weak for a while, but he did not allow himself to remain in that negative state.

   Starting from this day, Lu Yang regained his fighting spirit and continued to work **** codewords to fight for the monthly ticket list in January.

   The true great god, only takes the first place in the monthly ticket list once, but it is not enough.


   On the morning of the fourth day after Cao Xue left, early self-study time, in the music class classroom.

   Tong Yaqian's spirit is a little unfocused. She must be reading a book at this time, but today her gaze is always involuntarily looking to the left front, an empty seat.

   Cao Xue's favorite seat when he was at

   But now that seat has been empty for four days, and I don't know why. After Cao Xue left, no one in the class went to sit in that seat. Tong Yaqian didn't understand why, and didn't bother to care about it.

   What she was thinking at this time was whether she wanted to take that seat. When Cao Xue was there, she couldn't fight, but now Cao Xue is no longer there. Does it mean she has another chance?

   She was not reconciled to losing to Cao Xue, nor reconciled that her efforts were not rewarded, and she hated Cao Xue for lying to her, not to mention that Lu Yang was a really good boy.

   Thinking about it, Tong Yaqian finally made up his mind to pack up her things, and went over to sit in that seat.

   This small move did not attract the attention of a few people, and no one noticed, except Yao Yao.

   Why did Yao Yao notice this little thing?

   No it!

   It’s only because she has similar thoughts these days. If she hadn’t already had a boyfriend and had been met by Lu Yang last time, she might have sat there before Tong Yaqian made a decision.

Seeing Tong Yaqian suddenly changed seats and sat there, Yao Yao was stunned for a few seconds, then slowly understood, contacted Tong Yaqian's recent abnormal emotions, how can she still be unable to guess why a girl like her with a delicate mind ?

   thought: No wonder you have lost your soul recently! Turns out he also hit a nail in front of that bastard.

   Maybe it was a psychological effect. Sitting in the seat where Cao Xue used to sit, Tong Yaqian suddenly felt as if she had gained something, her mood improved a lot, and a smile appeared on her face. RS

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