Rebirth 2003

Chapter 167: Lu Yang's counterattack

z City Xiange Yayi Entertainment Company.


   Around ten in the morning, a dance training room.


   Sister Lan is introducing the dance teacher, Cao Xuehui's several musical instruments, and singing ability to Cao Xue. She has taken someone to test it two days ago. It's okay. As long as there are good songs, red should be no problem. But Cao Xue has no foundation in dancing, so Sister Lan decided to focus on training Cao Xue's dancing skills.


   is talking to the dance teacher! Chen Yu hurriedly pushed the door in from outside. Chen Yu, who has been in a good mood lately, some today, no smile on his face, and his brows are frowning again. As soon as he came in, he said anxiously to Sister Lan: "Sister Lan, Sister Lan! You! Come out, I will tell you one thing! Hurry up!"


   Sister Lan, who was talking to the dance teacher, was surprised when he heard that. The stage teacher and Cao Xue didn't understand what was going on. Chen Yu, who has become popular recently, is so anxious.


   "Wait a minute! I'll be back soon!"


   Sister Lan confessed to the two of them and hurriedly went out with Chen Yu. Compared with Cao Xue, who had just entered the company, Chen Yu, who is becoming popular, must have more weight in her mind.


"What happened?"


   Entered an unmanned training room next to him, Sister Lan asked immediately. I thought there was some negative news about Chen Yu in the news, otherwise Chen Yu shouldn't be so anxious.


Who knows, what Chen Yu said was: "Sister Lan! Didn’t we go to H city last time to make an appointment with Lu Yang? It’s alright, I will call him the money these days, and then he will make a new song. Is it for me?"


"Yes what's the matter?"


   Sister Lan is very puzzled.


Chen Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "Lu Yang regretted it! When I was talking on the phone just now. He actually told me that the song "Blooming Life" could not be found, so I asked him when he could reopen it. He told me that he didn’t remember. There was no way to write it. He also said that the contract we signed that day was invalidated. You know, we bought songs with him. The contract never stated any compensation. He said it was invalidated. Let’s There is no way! What do you say, Sister Lan?"


   "What? He regretted it? Lost the song he wrote. Can't write it anymore? Didn't he record a demo of the song?".


   Sister Lan's face changed, and she remembered Lu Yang from beginning to end when Cao Xue signed a contract with her that day. He didn't say a word or smiled on his face.


   At the time, he just thought he was a little unhappy, and he would naturally lose his breath after a while, but he didn't expect to interrupt the cooperation now. Originally wanted to borrow Cao Xue's relationship. Get more songs from him, now this is counterproductive!


   "Sister Lan, what do you want to do?"


Regarding his new album, Chen Yu is more anxious than anyone else. With his low and hoarse voice, many songs are not suitable for him to sing. It is hard to meet a songwriter like Lu Yang who can provide him with suitable songs. , If you really can't get songs from him in the future. He was miserable.


   A singer who is just a little famous like him, I want to find someone who is willing to write songs for him. The author who fits his style is too difficult. How many singers can't find a good song. After a few years, some of the accumulated popularity finally disappeared and disappeared from the music scene?


Sister Lan's face changed a few times, then she looked towards the training room where Cao Xue was, nodded, and comforted Chen Yu: "Don't worry! I'm going to find Cao Xue! Cao Xue is his girlfriend. Maybe she has been with him recently. It was a bit awkward, so I let out my anger with us, and I let Cao Xue treat him!"


   After speaking, Sister Lan opened the door and went to find Cao Xue. Standing alone in this training room, Chen Yu also had a headache. After thinking about it, he took out his cell phone and dialed Ji Rujing's number, hoping that Ji Rujing, who had some friendship with Lu Yang, could also say a few words for himself in the middle.


   On the phone, Ji Rujing listened to what had happened and was silent for a moment before saying, "You mean... Lu Yang was very upset when Sister Lan signed the girl?"


   Chen Yu gave a hum.


   Ji Rujing is a bit speechless.


"What does Sister Lan think? I want to get closer to Lu Yang, but do something that makes him very unhappy. I can't do anything about it, Senior Brother! You have to be the person who lifts the bell, and Sister Lan does something. , You should let Sister Lan find a solution! I will help you at this time, and it is likely that I will not be able to get a song from him in the future! Recently, a TV series asked me to get the theme song, and I also hope that Lu Yang can help me Write a poem with your heart!"


  Chen Yu: "……"


At this time, Chen Yu wanted to scold people. I used to think that Sister Lan was very skilled and exquisite. I didn't expect that this time, she was mistaken for her cleverness. He actually did such a foolish thing. He wasted so many years. It's easy to see an opportunity to turn over, and now it's like this.


   Depressed Chen Yu sat down on the chair next to him, waiting for the news from Sister Lan.


  Too depressed!


   From the beginning to the end, he never intervened! The new song that I said was lost.




   In that dance room just now, the dance teacher was taken away by Sister Lan, and now only Sister Lan and Cao Xue are left.


   Sister Lan piled up a smile, and talked about the matter to Cao Xue peacefully, and then asked Cao Xue to call Lu Yang to clear up.


After listening to Sister Lan's words, Cao Xue frowned, and she was a little flustered. She knew that Lu Yang didn't want her to come. She thought that Lu Yang had been persuaded by her, but he was still angry. At this moment, she was not even sure of her request.


As mentioned earlier, Lu Yang’s temperament, she knows better than anyone else. Don’t look at how much he doesn’t speak. He looks kind when he sees people, but when he really gets angry, others may not have seen her. She is I've seen it several times, his face is expressionless, his eyes are half-squinted, and he doesn't say anything, but no one knows what decision he has made in his heart.


   That is the real soft outside and strong inside!


"let me try!"


   Facing the expectant look of Sister Lan, Cao Xue said a little perfunctorily in her heart, and then went back to the bedroom with no sense.


   I have to say that Sister Lan took good care of her and arranged a single room for her.


   Back here, Cao Xue immediately took out her cell phone and dialed Lu Yang's number.


   When he received the call, Lu Yang was attending a class in the classroom and felt the phone vibrating in his trouser pocket. While the professor was writing on the blackboard, he took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Cao Xue calling. He glanced at the open back door next to him, then at the professor who was still writing on the blackboard, and walked out of the classroom lightly.


"what's up?"


   came to the stairs, Lu Yang answered the phone.


   "Lu Yang! I heard you don't sell songs to Chen Yu?" Cao Xue asked cautiously.


   Lu Yang showed a silent sneer on his face and gave a hmm.


   "Why?" Cao Xue could feel Lu Yang's mood across the phone.


   "There is no reason! Sister Lan asked you to make this call, right? Tell her! I won't write songs in the future! If she thinks I have broken the contract, how much liquidated damages will be charged. Let her report the number! I will pay her!"


   "Huh?" Cao Xue was taken aback.


   "I'm still in class! That's it!"


   After speaking, Lu Yang hung up his phone and went back to the classroom.


   happened to be seen by the professor. As a celebrity in the history class, the professor knew Lu Yang, so he called Lu Yang’s name and asked him what he was doing just now.


   Lu Yang apologized to the professor. Said that a friend was looking for it just now. Went out and handed something.


   Lu Yang also has the ability to open his eyes and make up nonsense. Those who write novels can turn their minds quickly. Although the professor is a bit dissatisfied, he didn't make a fuss. Next time I go out, I will let Lu Yang go for a report.


   returned to his seat. Lu Yang had no intention of attending class anymore.


   He is not a fool. Sister Lan's purpose in signing Cao Xue. He could tell at a glance. It was nothing more than his ability to write and compose songs. Not to mention the good songs he remembers, almost all of them are almost sold out. They continue to cooperate.


   Use Cao Xue to pinch me?


   Lu Yang sneered inwardly, if Cao Xue is really such a woman, he doesn't want it! In the previous life, I liked Feng Tingting so much. After she said that after breaking up, he was so painful and he never called her again. Why?


   No it! Just because she is no longer worthy of his love.


   Now it's up to Cao Xue to choose!


   She is going to pursue her ideal, he can't stop it, he wants him to support it, it's impossible! He is not a big money, and he does not have the ability to eat black and white. Once she really enters the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, he will not be able to protect her at all.


   A good day, but what ideal do you have to pursue?


   Lu Yang gritted his teeth, not allowing himself to be soft-hearted.


   This is good for Cao Xue! I hope she can retreat from the difficulties and make a choice between him and her ideals.




  'S thoughts were chaotic, but this incident finally touched Lu Yang's heart, and suddenly felt that after he was reborn, his goal was too small! Just being an Internet writer, he has no problem with food and clothing, but his influence is too small. Just like this time, he can only do so much. Maybe he should think about how to take the next step!


   is now a junior and will go out for an internship next year.


   After graduation, write novels full-time? Or to be a teacher? Or enter other industries?


   Thinking of this, Lu Yang took out the notebook under the book and wrote a few words on a blank page with a pen.


  ——Novel, teacher? Civil servants? write script? Or... to set up a company or some other industry?


   Suddenly, Lu Yang remembered one thing he had planned before, the stock!


   He must not be able to play short-term stocks. He has never played before. He has no idea about which stocks will rise and fall, the highest rise, and the lowest fall.


   But for long-term he knows some companies that will inevitably grow bigger in the future, such as Wanglaoji, Jiaduobao, which will be renamed in the future; Baidu, Alibaba, Apple...


   Writing novels and making more money, even if you become the supreme god, your annual income seems to be more than ten million. After one year, people are tired like a dead dog, and the brain cells do not know how many deaths.


  To engage in real estate that will inevitably be popular for many years...


Not to mention that he doesn't have that background and experience. Even if he does, he will be bothered. I don’t know how many real estate intrigues he has to play with. It is not something ordinary people can play. If Cao Xue’s father is still there, It can be operated, but for now, I still buy long-term stocks, with large returns, low risks, and low-key.


  As soon as he opened his mind, Lu Yang suddenly realized that there was still much he could do.


   It's so bad if you don't think about making progress! (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks to Qing Geling, for the reward of 100 points for that look, Feng~~Korea rewards for 200 points, thanks to the fleeting water for rewarding 1888 points, and a few monthly passes. I have seen everyone's opinions in the book review area and I don't want to explain too much. I just want to say, you guys think too much!


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