Rebirth 2003

Chapter 190: Internship interview

In March, because of Lu Yang's incompetence on the monthly ticket list, "Unlimited Killing" eventually fell to sixth place.


   There are more and more people who say that "Infinite Kills" lacks stamina. The book review section, book friends, author group, and Long Kong everywhere can see such remarks from time to time.


   Lu Yang saw all this in his eyes, but he never paid any attention. As the time entered April, the weather became warmer and everything recovered. The winter clothes on everyone gradually receded, and their figure began to become thinner.


One after another, some employers have come to the school to choose interns. As a result, the popularity of juniors began to fluctuate. Almost everyone began to think about their own future. There may be more industries to choose from in other majors, but Lu Yang and their history Professionals have very little choice.


  History major is also a normal college.


   The people selected from Lu Yang and his class are usually in various schools. There are junior high schools and high schools, but elementary schools and universities do not.


   Some students in the class have already decided on the school they will go to internship. Those who have decided where to go, smile every day, and are in a good mood. Those who haven't decided where to go are still secretly anxious and thinking.


   Cheng Hua, Yang Zhi and others have also come to ask Lu Yang’s thoughts, wondering whether Lu Yang is writing novels full-time, or doing an internship and writing novels incidentally.


   When they knew that Lu Yang would also go for an internship, they wondered which city Lu Yang would like to go to, high school or junior high school? The city is still a town.


   At noon that day, when Lu Yang was eating in the cafeteria, Tong Yaqian, who hadn't seen him for a long time, appeared across from him with a rice bowl, and the two shared a table.


   After hesitating, Tong Yaqian asked Lu Yang in a low voice: "Lu Yang! Have you decided where to go for an internship?"


   Lu Yang glanced at her. I haven't seen it for a while, Tong Yaqian is still so radiant, but there is less joy between her eyebrows. Shaking his head slightly, Lu Yang said, "No, where are you going?"


   Hearing Lu Yang said that he hadn't decided where to go, a look of disappointment flashed in Tong Yaqian's eyes, and she shook her head slightly and said, "I haven't decided yet."


   After a pause, she said again: "When you decide where to go. Can you send me a text message?"


   Lu Yang was stunned for a moment, somehow understood Tong Yaqian's thoughts, and nodded. Perfunctorily: "Okay!"


   Then, the two of them were silent as before, eating their own meals, afterwards. They left separately. Doesn't seem to know each other.


  Walking on the sidewalk on the campus, Lu Yang half-squinted his eyes and looked ahead, his thoughts drifted away, remembering some things from the past.


   Before his rebirth, he went to the third middle school of K city in Y province for his senior year internship to teach the first year history class. He went there together. In addition to the other two students in this class, there are also alumni from other departments. At the end of the internship, he behaved mediocrely. The vice principal asked him if he wanted to stay in school. At that time, he only wanted to write a novel, so he declined, and then went back to rent a small house in the county where he was home and stayed in it. Codeword.


   is a full-time codeword, but he has never been popular, his interpersonal circle is getting smaller and smaller, and gradually, he has almost become a marginal figure in society, and he can only be active on the Internet.


   Now he has the opportunity to choose again. He doesn't want to go the same way. Even if the full-time codeword can make more money, he doesn't want to. Life shouldn't be so alone in a room and a computer.


   There are many things outside that he hasn't seen, and there are many roads, waiting for him to experience.


   Actually, it’s not bad to think about being a teacher now. I teach a few lessons every day, and basically it’s fine. Especially as a history teacher, there are not so many things to worry about.


   There are several months of holidays each year.


   If you can mix up a little bit in school, it should be more comfortable, right?


   The memories of the middle school before, seem to have been opened, and one after another appeared in Lu Yang's mind.


  Junior high school, high school, so many beautiful girls and teachers, even just looking at them will make people happy, right? And what is the name of the female alumnus who went with me? A big beauty!


   There are also those things that happened there that year. If I experience it again, I should be appreciated by the school leaders, right?


   Thinking about it, a smile appeared at the corner of Lu Yang's mouth.


   School is a good place! As long as he has real talent and practical learning, teaching in school is actually very chic. He did not learn very well in professional courses before, but he was born again. Because of the abnormal memory, he was familiar with the textbooks of three years of university and is now away from internship. There are still a few months. In these few months, I go to the library to borrow more history books, write down all the things I need to master, and be a history teacher in the first year of junior high.


   had made a decision in his heart, but Lu Yang did not send a text message to tell Tong Yaqian.


   can't say why, just don't want to tell her.




   In mid-April, a deputy principal of the No. 3 Middle School in K City, Y Province, brought two young teachers to Lu Yang's school. Under the warm hospitality of the school, they took a rest for a night, and began to select interns the next morning.


   The night before the news, the counselor communicated it to everyone in the class, so that those who were interested in attending the interview were prepared in advance.


   After receiving this news, Lu Yang smiled, but didn't prepare much.


   Before his rebirth, he spent a few hundred yuan on a suit and leather shoes for the internship interview. He was serious about it. Now his mentality has changed, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with going to the interview without wearing a suit and shoes.


  Especially when the other party came to the school to recruit, what you usually wear and what you wear during the interview will not have much impact. As long as the performance is acceptable during the interview.


   The next day, Lu Yang really only wore a set of casual clothes and casual shoes that he usually wore. He didn't care about his hair style. He was almost shaved off his scalp, and he couldn't make any tricks.


  Y province is a bit far away, but y province k city is the provincial capital city, and the conditions are very good in all aspects. Therefore, there are many people in Lu Yang's class to participate in the interview, there are more than a dozen.


In the morning, students from other departments had already come for interviews. In the afternoon, it was the history class and the other two classes who came for interviews. At this time, they belonged to the history class only. So the only person waiting in the corridor outside the office was Lu Yang at this time. They have a dozen classmates.


   The first classmate had already entered. After a few minutes, he walked out again. He looked a little annoyed. It seemed that he did not behave well just now. Lu Yang glanced at him. In his memory, this person was not hired by this school.


   A tall and beautiful female teacher opened an opening in the office and called for the next one.


  The female teacher who can come out with the vice principal to recruit interns is pretty sure, not only the face is so beautiful that it is suffocating, but the body is also convex and backward.


   Lu Yang faintly remembered that this female teacher seemed to have the surname Chang, and she taught junior high in that middle school.


One by one, the classmates went in one by one, and after a few minutes, they walked out one by one. Some people were nervous when they went in, and smiled when they came out; when some people went in, they smiled, and when they came out, they looked annoyed; of course, there were also people who went in. When I was nervous, I was depressed when I came out.


   Not much time, when the female teacher opened the office and called the next one again, Lu Yang saw that no one was next to him, so he straightened his collar and walked over with a smile on his face.


   After entering the door, Lu Yang closed the door casually, his eyes already seeing the situation in the office.


Behind two large desks connected together, a middle-aged man with some white silk in his sideburns sits in the middle. He is wearing a dark blue suit and a white shirt with a large back. The neckline is slightly open without a tie. Lu Yang knew that it was a vice principal of that middle school, whose surname was Zhou. Next to him was a thin young man of about 30 years old. He had a form in front of him and a pen in his hand. He should be responsible for the interview record.


   The beautiful female teacher who just came to open the door has sat on the other side of Vice Principal Zhou, with a form in front of her, and a simple ballpoint pen in her hand.


   As soon as Lu Yang entered the door and looked at them slightly, they were also looking at Lu Yang.


   It should be said that Lu Yang's current sales are much stronger than before he was reborn.


   A tall and burly physique, a clean haircut, and a casual but equally clean and neat dress can give him a lot of points.


   is particularly noticeable when he smiles, his calm eyes and gentle temperament.


   Lu Yang noticed that Principal Zhou showed a little smile after examining him, and nodded slightly. The two teachers, a man and a woman sitting next to Principal Zhou, also looked at Lu Yang seriously, with smiles on their faces.


   "Please sit down!"


   Vice Principal Zhou stretched out his hand and gestured to a wooden chair opposite, Lu Yang smiled and walked over to sit down quietly.


   "Can you introduce yourself?" Vice President Zhou asked gently after Lu Yang sat down.


Lu Yang smiled the same, and said: "Okay, I am Lu Yang! Lu Yang, Feiyang Yang, is also a student in the history class. His grades in major courses are above average, and he has not graduated in three years of university. He is an amateur. I love martial arts and writing. I am 21 years old this year."


Lu Yang, who has been a teacher once, knows that in fact, those schools choose intern teachers, not necessarily based on your professional class performance, as long as the professional class performance is decent, even if you have dropped the subject during the university, as long as the overall performance of other aspects can satisfy the other party, you will still be hired. no problem.


   So, when Lu Yang introduced himself just now, he didn't brag about how good his professional grades were.


   "Oh? Your hobbies are martial arts and writing? What martial arts have you practiced? Has your writing been published somewhere?"


At this time Not only did Vice Principal Zhou look interested, even the two teachers, a man and a woman beside him, looked curious and looked at Lu Yang. The boring recruitment interview, the biggest joy, is I found out what specialties the interviewer has!


   Lu Yang's smile on his face remained unchanged, and he handed the two sample books he had been holding to Vice Principal Zhou in front of him. They were the first and last volumes of "The Warlords of the Three Kingdoms".


  The reason why he only brought a sample book of this book is because this one is a historical work he has written.


   When putting down the sample book, Lu Yang smiled and introduced: "This is one of my four works. The first to the last are historical stories. They were published just last year."


   Lu Yang brought the simplified version published in mainland China today. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to Dahe Dongchengdu, ゞ Lian Qiao 尐爷ゞ for rewarding 100 coins, thank Cang Sheng Wu Heng for rewarding 588 coins, and thank you for waiting to return to the ancient times to reward 1176 coins.

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