Rebirth 2003

Chapter 191: Big change

"This is just one of the four published novels? Why didn't you bring three of them today?" Vice President Zhou looked at the sample book Lu Yang handed over with interest, and asked Lu Yang casually. The other sample book was given the surname. Chang's female teacher held it in her hand and looked through it, while the other male teacher was leaning next to Vice Principal Zhou, stretching her neck and looking at the sample book curiously.


   "Because the other three books are not historical subjects! It has nothing to do with my major." Lu Yang replied with a smile.


   "Oh? What themes are you talking about?"


   Vice Principal Zhou handed the sample book in his hand to the male teacher beside him, and looked at Lu Yang with a smile on his face kindly.


Lu Yang estimated that Vice President Zhou had never read an online novel, so he didn't go into that detail, and he simply said, "The first one is science fiction, the second one is fantasy, and the third one is just for you to see. The history category, the one that is still being written is also a fantasy category!"


   Sure enough, after Lu Yang finished speaking, he noticed that Vice Principal Zhou looked a little dazed. He obviously didn't know what fantasy is, science fiction should have heard of it.


However, this is not important. Vice President Zhou is already quite satisfied with Lu Yang. For such a person, teaching junior high school history should have no problem. When the interview in the history class is over, I will find the instructor of his class to take the student's past three years The final decision can be made by checking the results. However, even though he is the vice principal, he still needs to take care of the face of his subordinates, so he asked the two teachers next to him sideways, and said, "Do you have any questions? Did you ask?"


   The male teacher shook his head, smiled and said that there is no problem, the female teacher surnamed Chang thought for a while. Yang raised the sample book in his hand and asked Lu Yang: "I only have one question. I want to ask you how much you like to write novels. Will it affect your work? For example, writing takes up too much time and thoughts and prevents you from doing it. Good job?"


This question did not surprise Lu Yang. The last time I was interviewed by them, I was asked this question, so Lu Yang smiled and shook his head: "No! We write novels, usually without inspiration during the day, and usually write things. It’s in the dead of night. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have missed a course in the past few years at my university. Right?"


   There is no inspiration during the day. Of course, it is Lu Yang's casual nonsense. After all, he is a person who has lived for more than 30 years. It's too bad.


   It’s just that it’s harder to get into writing during the day.


   After listening to Lu Yang's answer. Vice Principal Zhou and the male teacher both smiled and nodded. Lu Yang focused on the female teacher surnamed Chang, and found that there was also a satisfied smile on her face, which made him completely relieved.


  Vice principal Zhou put the two sample books together, pushed them outside the desk, and said, "Okay! That's the end of your interview, and wait for our final notice! When you go out, help call the next classmate in by the way!"


   Lu Yang stepped forward and took back his two sample books. Nodded in agreement, with a smile on his face.


Not surprisingly. This interview should go well.


   It’s a lot easier to get mixed up if you can go to the school where you have done an internship before!


   Lu Yang came out of the office and shouted with a smile, "Go in one more!"


   Several classmates who have not yet interviewed looked at each other, and then a boy took a deep breath, sorted out his image, and pushed the door into the office.


   The remaining few classmates gathered around Lu Yang and asked what questions were the interviewers asked inside?


Lu Yang knew that his experience was of little use to them, so he patted a classmate on the shoulder and said, "Don't be nervous! Go in, I should let you make a short self-introduction first. Let's make a draft in your mind first! Some words that are not good for you!"


   Lu Yang, what would say such a thing outside? Who would say things that are not good for them in an interview?


   Hehe, in fact, there are always so many Secondary Two students in college. When interviewing, I want to show my true self, appear sincere, and succeed in the interview with my real strength.


   Often people like this will only get rid of this after they fail again and again, but they have missed many opportunities.


   The boy who was slapped on the shoulder by Lu Yang, Lu Yang remembered the interview before he was reborn, and he passed.


   Lu Yang looked at this person more when he was leaving.


This person is not in the second grade, but it is similar to the second grade. He may not be able to help people do anything, but it is a good deal to do something bad for one person. At the beginning, one of the few fellow alumni who went to the middle school for internship together The boy from the foreign department had a conflict with him, and then he was given a small report by the person behind him, making him so famous that he was so embarrassed to wait until the end of the internship to roll back to his hometown.


  Secondary two people can’t offend!


   On the way back, Lu Yang decided to have a good relationship with this person for the remaining few months, not expecting him to help him in the future, at least not to speak ill of himself behind his back.


   The same classmates, tearing down each other, the lethality is very great.


   For example, this person casually fabricated a sentence in front of the leader, what bad things Lu Yang did in school before, would the leader believe it?


   The result of this interview came out during my self-study the next morning.


Counselor Wang Da came to the classroom during the morning self-study time and did not go to the podium. He stood in the middle of everyone, clapped his hands and attracted everyone’s eyes, then smiled and announced: "Yesterday, the third middle school of K city, province y The vice-principal of, personally led a team to our school to select interns. Yesterday there were more than a dozen students in our class who used to interview actively. This is very good! There are still many people in our class who have not determined the unit for internship. I hope everyone will pay back after today. I can continue to maintain and carry forward this positive attitude. Now I will read the list that passed the interview yesterday. If I hear the name, I will come to my office after school at noon. I will tell you the time to report and some other matters in detail. Now, I am reading the list! Xu Xiaoman, Xu Heng, Lu Yang, Shao Dahai! Just these four people, remember to go to my office at noon!"


  Wanda finished reading the list, smiled and walked out of the classroom slowly.


   There was a buzzing discussion in the classroom, especially the students who went to the interview yesterday. Those who passed, naturally smiled, those who failed, and some were disappointed. Some are upset, and of course there are also scolding mothers. It is impossible for everyone to be good-tempered and high-quality.


   Lu Yang was still sitting alone in the back row of the classroom by the window. Listening to everyone's discussion in the classroom, Lu Yang just smiled and said nothing.


   Xu Heng, a classmate who was close to Form Two, passed the interview as expected, but the other student in my memory failed this time and replaced him. It is the study committee members Xu Xiaoman and Shao Dahai.


   Xu Xiaoman is the study committee member of Lu Yang's class. It stands to reason that she doesn't care which interview unit she applies for. It was basically impossible to get her down. Lu Yang didn't remember whether she went to the school for an interview in her previous life. Anyway, the result now is that she also passed the interview.


   Shao Dahai...


   There is no him in Lu Yang's memory. Seeing that it was affected by my own rebirth again.


   Shao Dahai is usually the boss of the 103 bedroom. The oldest, the most knowledgeable, cowhide, big talk and open his mouth, really talented and practical, not necessarily a bit, it seems that this time is to bluff the interviewer.


Lu Yang was still thinking about these issues. Shao Dahai had already sat next to him with a smile on his face, and put his arms around Lu Yang's neck and said, "Lu Yang! This time, our brothers will join hands to go to a place for internship. You can support me by then. A place! Anyway, you can make so much money by writing novels, and work is definitely not a big deal. Boss, I am pointing to this job to climb up! Don’t worry, as long as you support me during the internship period, wait for me to climb up later. I will definitely take care of you!"


   Shao Dahai patted his chest, as if he must be able to climb up.


   Lu Yang was a little speechless, but they were all brothers in the same dormitory. He nodded and smiled: "Don't worry! I won't demolish your station!"


   Shao Dahai slammed Lu Yang's neck angrily, made a vicious face, and said, "It's not that you don't tear down the platform! It's to support the venue!"


   Lu Yang took his arm away calmly, and said with a perfunctory smile: "Okay! Support the place!"


   After Shao Dahai left, Yang Zhi and Cheng Hua rushed to Lu Yang again, sandwiching Lu Yang from left to right.


   Yang Zhi smiled and whispered in Lu Yang's ear: "Yangtze! Don't really support him! This guy knows bragging! Sooner or later, you will be seen through, and then you will be looked down upon!"


Cheng Hua said on the other side: "Originally, a brother in the dormitory, everyone should help each other, but Shao Dahai, hehe, Lu Yang, you should be careful with him. Don't look at him because he usually seems very refreshing. It's a pretense! There are so many careful eyes, be careful to lose him!"


   Lu Yang smiled and nodded.


   What kind of person Shao Dahai is, he has long seen clearly, where do you need Yang Zhi and Cheng Hua to come and talk?




   At noon, Lu Yang joined Xu Xiaoman and others to Wang Da's office.


  Wanda told them the time to go for the internship. On August 28, report there. On September 1, as the new semester of the school starts, they will officially enter the internship period.


   August 28, it’s still April, and there are more than four months left.




A few days later, Lu Yang bought the house he is currently renting. There are too many memories of him here. He doesn’t want to change its appearance in the future. Even if he goes for an internship, even after many years, when he wants to come back, I hope it remains as it is here.


   This house is more than 80 square meters. After Lu Yang contacted the landlord, he bought it for 150,000.


   In 2006, housing prices here have begun to rise.


   But under normal circumstances, this kind of house is still worth less than 150,000, because the landlord didn’t really want to sell it, and Lu Yang really wanted to buy it, so he took the initiative to raise the price to 150,000.


   After paying for 150,000, there is no money left in the Lu Yang bank card.


   Fortunately, there are two to three thousand yuan in income from Dragon Race Internet cafes every day. The royalties from Taiwan and the e-Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House will also be credited soon.


   On the evening of the signing and payment, Lu Yang called to tell Cao Xue the good news. Cao Xue was very happy to hear that, and there are many memories of her.


   Yan Shiyi delivered the first map of the immortal world to Lu Yang two days later.


   The map is very large, and it is drawn according to the area of ​​the wall in Lu Yang's study.


After getting this map, Lu Yang used paste to paste this map on a wall. A mysterious world of immortality appeared in Lu Yang's field of vision. The floating palaces were located in the clouds. In, there are Tianhe, there are stars...


   is more mysterious and vast than the fairy world Lu Yang imagined.


   Seeing this map, Lu Yang is more confident in writing the story of "The Eternal Sword".


   Maybe it was because of the experience drawn. A few days later, Yan Shiyi completed the map of the gods.


   The map of the immortal realm is filled with clouds, but there is only light in the map of the gods, and all the temples are emitting light. The imperial palace of the Emperor of Heaven is even more majestic and brilliant.


   As long as the maps of the Demon Realm and the Human Realm are woven, Lu Yang’s new book can be written.


Originally, Lu Yang only asked Yan Shiyi to draw a map of the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons, and Gods. Later, because of the integration of the early story background of "Star Change", Lu Yang asked him to draw an extra map of the human world and use a pencil to draw it crudely. The sphere of influence of various countries and sects in the human world.


   Lu Yang has never prepared so much for a novel before, and he has done his best to prepare if he can think of it.


   When April completely passed, Yan Shiyi finally finished drawing all the maps, including the individual paintings of the school, and delivered them all to Lu Yang.


Lu Yang also simply handed over 12,000 yuan to Yan Shiyi. Originally, the two agreed to pay 10,000 yuan, but Lu Yang added a larger map of the human world. Therefore, Lu Yang Take the initiative to add two thousand yuan to him.


   This cooperation ended perfectly.


   Lu Yang’s study room was covered with maps on all four walls, including the ceiling. Single maps like those of the martial art had no place to paste. They had to be made into scrolls and inserted in a newly-purchased porcelain bottle. When needed, they would be opened.


   Someone may ask, the Three Realms of Gods and Demons, plus the Human Realm, there are only four big pictures in total. Why don’t you tell me why the walls are all covered, even the ceiling is also pasted?


  The reason is very simple. The study is not empty. There are bookshelves, windows and computer desks on one wall. Only a single sect map can be posted in a small space.


  Only the other three walls and the ceiling can post the big map of the Four Realms of Gods and Demons.


  Everything is complete, map, outline, outline, background, character, level and other settings are all set, and "Magic Sword Eternity" can be written.


Just when Lu Yang was about to start writing, the beta digital station launched by the publishing giant XWen Online entered the online literature world. The industry’s first electronic copyright buyout system was like a meteorite bombarding a calm lake in one fell swoop. Shocked the entire web literary world. The web sites headed by the starting point are all in danger. Countless authors are ready to move, including those first-line and even top gods.


  The killer feature of the digital station-the buyout system, completely scratched the itch of all Internet writers.


   As long as the buyout is successful, mom no longer has to worry about my studies, ah, that’s not right! I don’t have to worry about whether my new book will hit the street again. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to Xiyang Lizheng for rewarding 500 coins again, and thank Anran↑ Xingchen for rewarding 588 coins again. Today is more than 10,000 words, thank you two friends for the monthly pass.

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