Rebirth 2003

Chapter 213: Choosing a heroine

?? On July 3, Lu Yang took a notebook and two sets of clothes, and took a plane to the capital. The casting of "Gate of Rebirth" was about to start. If it weren’t for him to take the final exam a few days ago, press Wang. Lin and Dai Qingwa mean that they will start casting roles a few days ago.


   When getting off the plane, Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa took an external plane together at the airport, waiting for the Buick that Dai Qingwa had borrowed, and Wang Lin, who was sitting in the back row with Lu Yang, had already spoken.


   "Wen University! We have already chosen the actor, and we are waiting in the restaurant! Let me tell you first, can you see if you get to the place?"


   Lu Yang shook his head slightly, and said, "Don't call Wen Da! Just call Lu Yang!"


Speaking of it, Wang Lin is a few years older than him. In the past, it was just a relationship between author and reader. Wang Lin called him Wenda. He didn’t care. Now I do things together. When we meet, he is called Wenda. Lu Yang feels a little different. Great fit.


   Wang Lin smiled and said, "Okay! Then I call you Mr. Lu?"


   Lu Yang looked at him speechlessly. After looking at him for several seconds, Wang Lin smiled and changed his words: "Okay! Lu Yang!"


   Lu Yang only then recovered his smile, and said, "What's the situation with the actor? Tell me first!"


Wang Lin: "That person is Cheng Bing, who is also a graduate of our Beiying Film Academy. It was the first time I saw him. That guy learned acting. Last year he played a supporting role in Frog's crew. Frog thought he was the leading actor. Although his reputation is not big enough, his acting skills should be fine. He is just thirty years old."


Dai Qingwa, who was sitting in the driving seat in front of the car, intervened in the topic at this time and said, "This is my idea, Lu Yang, your script. Isn't the protagonist a down-and-out little character? The actor is not well-known, but has the strength. There should be no problem with the male actor. Of course, this is also out of cost-saving considerations. Our total investment is only 4 million. In addition to shooting, post-production, and advertising, we can count it and invite a small star. Our The funding is definitely not enough, so..."


   Before he finished speaking, Lu Yang nodded. Said: "No problem, I understand."


   After a pause, Lu Yang asked, "Where is the heroine? Has anyone chosen it?".


   Speaking of this question, Wang Lin shook his head. Said: "Not yet! Frog means. The male protagonist can be unsightly, but the heroine and supporting actress must be beautiful, even if it is a vase, it must surprise the audience, otherwise the movie will be too gimmicky! The little character is born again! Later, there weren’t enough beautiful heroines and supporting actresses to make the audience excited!"


   Lu Yang laughed when he heard the words. Little by little: "Yes! The heroine and supporting actress must be beautiful, where are you going to find it?"


   Wang Lin: "What I mean by Frog and I is to start with Beiying. Then the Central Academy of Drama, if it doesn't work, let's go to the Shanghai Theatre Academy and choose the most beautiful girls' school flowers from the acting departments of those colleges!"


   "I want it!"


   Lu Yang smiled and gave a thumbs up.


   When making movies, there are big investments with big investments, and there are small costs with small costs.


   "The Gate of Rebirth" is a commercial film through and through. As Dai Qingwa said, the male protagonist can be unsightly, but the acting skills must pass, and the heroine and supporting actress must be beautiful enough.


   The car reached the place in about half an hour, a halal restaurant, in a box, Lu Yang saw the Cheng Bing in Wang Lin’s mouth.


   does not look good, the height is average, the skin is dark, there are forehead lines on the forehead, the hair is short shaved, the roots of the hair are facing upwards, but the eyes are bright, giving people a calm and spicy feeling.


   When Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin came in with a tall young man who was about 20 years old, he immediately came over with a smile on his face to greet and shake hands with Lu Yang and the others.


   After some greetings, the waiter came in to order and served...


   After a meal, Lu Yang moved into the hotel where Wang Lin lived.


   The next day, the three drove the Buick into Beiying.


This is the second time Lu Yang has been here. When he walked into the campus, Dai Qingwa said to Lu Yang and Wang Lin: "Let’s not contact the school yet. How can we say that we also graduated from Beiying. The school is not happy for not choosing those girls recommended by the school, and it is not easy for us to face the teachers of the past!"


   Wang Lin: "Then how do we find it? Performing, class by class?"


   Dai Qingwa smiled and nodded, "Yes! Just touch it quietly!"


   Wang Lin slapped his forehead, and said speechlessly: "Those girls will be regarded as wolves!"


   Dai Qingwa: "Then you can contact the teacher! However, if the heroine is not selected by that time, you can explain to the teacher yourself!"


   Wang Lin: "Forget it! Now think about the feeling of being treated as a **** wolf by a girl, maybe it's not bad!"


   Lu Yang walked beside the two, smiling silently. He said that when he signed the contract earlier, Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin have the power to cast the cast, and he only has the right to veto.


   Smiling and walking beside them, what Lu Yang thought was: Liu Yifei and Yang Mi seem to both graduated from the Performing Department of Beijing Film and Television, in 2006, should they still go to school here? I don't know if I can see them today.


   However, after turning around in the morning, Lu Yang was disappointed.


   Liu Yifei and Yang Mi are indeed the current students of Beijing Film University, but these outstanding school girls like them are still in college, but they have been targeted by many crews.


   Liu Yifei had already taken Zhang Da Huo’s "Dragon Ba Bu" in 2002, directly playing the heroine Wang Yuyan.


   Yang Mi, a 05-grade student of Beijing Film Group, has already debuted in 2003 and starred in Guo Xiang in "The Legend of Condor Heroes".


   There are some girls who are still working hard at school. Lu Yang also saw a few familiar, but none of them surprised him. Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin did not have a match.


   It's not just that their low-cost movies will be targeted at Beijing Film Academy's schoolgirls, this kind of thing has already been done.


   At noon, the three of them ate at a small restaurant near Beiying, and their faces were a little disappointed. The big Beiying did not let them find a suitable one.


   "We will go to the Chinese opera in the afternoon!" Wang Lin said dullly after taking a sip of wine.


   In the middle of the show, Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin changed their strategies, and Beijing Film was their alma mater. For fear of not choosing the girls recommended by the middle school, it will be difficult to explain to the teachers and school leaders in the end. The Chinese opera is not their alma mater. Naturally, there is no such concern.


   At the same time, I was worried that I might miss some of the beauties who were still in school. When they arrived at the middle stage, Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin directly contacted the colonel, and then asked the school to notify the acting girls who were still in the school.


  Wang Lin, Dai Qingwa and Lu Yang were taken to a dance studio by a school teacher. Waiting there for girls from the acting department to come for an interview.


  There are tables and chairs, and mineral water, which is more like three people doing thieves in Beiying in the morning. It's much more comfortable to find one class by class.


   For the crew who came to their school to find the heroine, although Lu Yang and the three of them all look relatively young, I heard that the film only invested 4 to 5 million. But the teacher of the Chinese opera is still very enthusiastic.


   not only arranged for Lu Yang and the others a dance studio, tables and chairs, and mineral water. I also temporarily used a brush to write a banner—the scene of the selection of the heroine of the movie "Gate of Rebirth".


   Not long after the three of them sat down in the dance studio, forty or fifty beauties of Yingyingyanyan came one after another.


   Dai Qingwa has been an assistant director for several years, and the casting is mainly decided by him.


   Under the arrangement of the teacher, the girls walked into the dance studio one after another, introduced themselves in front of Lu Yang and the others, and then performed a temporary topic by Dai Qingwa.


   Lu Yang still sits next to him with a mentality of not being able to tell. Which actresses will be popular in the drama in the future? Lu Yang tried hard to remember. I can barely remember a Tong Liya and a Tang Wei, but Tang Wei seems to be in the director department?


   More. Lu Yang couldn't think of it anymore. In his previous life, he was an otaku network author. Even if he watched countless movies and TV series, he didn't have the desire to go to Baidu for detailed information on the actresses.


   It's not bad to remember two.


   Dai Qingwa interviewed one by one, and Lu Yang and Wang Lin sat beside them and couldn't tell.


   Both of them know that there is a specialization in the art industry. In terms of movies, they are definitely not as good as Dai Qingwa. Dai Qingwa not only depends on the appearance of each girl, but also on their acting skills.


   Although they set the first standard for a heroine before, it is beautiful, but it is definitely not good to be beautiful and the acting is too bad.


   A little bit of time has passed, and more than 20 beauties have been interviewed in a blink of an eye.


   Although these beauties are not as beautiful as Liu Yifei and Yang Mi, they are still above the standard. Unfortunately, there is still no big beauties that make people shine.


   The Chinese opera beauties Tong Liya and Tang Wei in Lu Yang's memory have never appeared.


After another beauty came off the stage, the three of them looked at each other wordlessly and felt a little headache. If they couldn't choose a suitable candidate like this, they could only return to Beijing Film and ask the school to come forward and interview all the acting departments. Girls.


   It’s just that, I’m afraid that in the end, no matter whether you can choose your favorite one, you will have to choose one in Beijing Film.




   The voice of the school's female teacher rang outside the door, and then a beautiful woman in a white dress walked in.


   Both Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin's eyes lit up. This beauty was nice, tall, S-curved, and white and beautiful. Lu Yang was taken aback when she saw this woman.


   is actually her!


   Did she also graduate from Chinese opera?


   In my memory, Lu Yang remembered this actress for the first time. Was it when he was watching "The Gang of Men". Was it since 2011 or 2012?


   became famous so late, in 2006, he was already in the middle of the show.


   Lu Yang subconsciously sat up straight, half-squinted his eyes and looked at the beautiful woman who had just entered. The more she looked, the more she looked like, it should be her right.


   "Hello three teachers! I am Zhang Li, Grade 03 of the Acting Department, please take care of the three teachers!"


   said, Zhang Li's iconic **** lips curled, revealing a charming smile, and bowed slightly.


   "Cough! Hello Zhang Li! Have you ever had any acting experience?". Dai Qingwa began to ask questions.


   "Hello teacher! I just finished the "Last Time I Love You" by Gu Rong in the middle of last month..."


   Zhang Li introduced herself there, Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin both listened carefully, but Lu Yang was already thinking about how to persuade them to agree to let her play the leading role.


   Zhang Li, her name is only one word from Sun Li. Although her future achievements cannot be compared with Sun Li, her appearance and temperament are the best choices.


   Since "The Gang of Men" became famous in one fell swoop, its popularity has also risen rapidly.


The exquisite face, **** and white eyes, slightly thicker but more **** lips, as well as those slender thighs, plump chest, and a model figure of about 1.7 meters make how many men drool. !


Isn't a beauty like this just the heroine they need?


   is pretty and **** enough! I'm already a junior, and I've just starred in a movie. I should have the acting skills. The movie I just starred in hasn't been released yet, and the reputation hasn't been shown. The pay is definitely not high.


   "If you are chosen as the heroine, how much do you want?"


Lu Yang, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke. Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa, who were used to his silence, looked over in amazement. Zhang Li, who had just performed Dai Qingwa’s topic, also looked at the three of them unexpectedly. Lu Yang is obviously the youngest in China.


Dai Qingwa opened his mouth and wanted to say something. In the end, he might be concerned about the identity of Lu Yang as an investor, or he was satisfied with Zhang Li, so in the end he didn’t say anything. Wang Lin looked at Lu Yang and looked at him. Looking at the model's figure and angelic face, Zhang Li slowly showed a knowing smile, and did not speak. According to the standards set by the three before, this Zhang Li is indeed not bad.


   Beautiful, sexy, temperament, and acting skills, the key is that they are still newcomers, and the pay cannot be high.


   The last point is the key!


   There are many more beautiful actors and actresses in the entertainment industry, but the ones with low pay are hard to find.




   Zhang Li hesitated. Firstly, she didn't know how much money should be appropriate. Secondly, Lu Yang was the youngest of the three, and she subconsciously doubted whether he could call the shots.


   In case he can't be the master, what if she pays a pay at this time? It makes people laugh.


   Dai Qingwa probably saw her concerns, smiled, and introduced to Lu Yang, "This is the main investor in this film and the screenwriter of this film!"


   Zhang Li bit her lower lip subconsciously, and hesitated: "I wonder how much you can pay me?"


   Lu Yang looked at Dai Qingwa, meaning to let him drive.


   Dai Qingwa looked at Wang Lin, and Wang Lin stretched out his palm to him, letting him decide.


   Dai Qingwa thought for a while and said: "Twenty thousand!"


Movies are different from TV shows and TV shows, which may be several thousand yuan per episode, or newcomers may only receive a few hundred yuan per episode. However, the filming cycle is long, often several months or even more than half a year, and the requirements are much higher than that of TV dramas~www.readwn. com~ What's more, now that the heroine is chosen again, the pay must not be too low.


   But 20,000 yuan is not a high price.


   "May I think about it?".


   Zhang Li hesitated.


   I heard that this "Gate of Rebirth" is only a small-cost movie, and the director and investors are unknown. She just finished making Gu Rong's movie, and the price made her hesitate.


   "Add 10,000!"


   Lu Yang spoke again.


   Before Zhang Li appeared, Lu Yang didn't care who chose to be the heroine, but after seeing her, he didn't want to continue the election.


  Sure enough, Lu Yang said to add 10,000, and Zhang Li's face showed joy. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks to vebin for less rewarding 100 points, thanks xhy79, for walking in the blind stream and rewarding 200 points.


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