Rebirth 2003

Chapter 214: Big brother's responsibility


Both the male and female protagonists of "Gate of Rebirth" have been selected, and Lu Yang has not stayed in the capital. Other characters and various preparations before the filming start may take another month or two. Lu Yang thinks he can't help much. "Magic Sword Eternity" is in the critical period of its first month on the shelves. During the two days in Beijing, the manuscripts were kept in use, which is not a long-term solution.

   The next day, Lu Yang boarded the plane and left the capital. The plane landed in Hefei in the afternoon. After getting off the plane, Lu Yang took a car. Before the sunset fell to the horizon, he set foot on the land of Wuhu.

   It is customary to stay in Wuhu for one night, and then go back to my hometown.

It’s now in early July, and his brother Lu Fei’s college entrance examination scores should have come out. Lu Yang hasn’t called home for the past two days, nor has he called home. You don’t need to ask. Lu Yang also knows that Lu Fei’s score on the test is definitely not good, otherwise at home. I must have called him a long time ago to tell him the good news.

   Sitting in the taxi going home, Lu Yang looked at the scenery passing by the car window, remembering something in his heart.

   In the last life, he didn't mix well as his elder brother, and his younger brothers and sisters didn't mix well.

The younger brother failed the college entrance examination and entered the factory in the industrial park. He got up early and made some hard money. The younger sister passed the exam, but because she was a girl, there were two sons in the family waiting to save money to marry a daughter-in-law, so the younger sister was admitted to college. There was no reading for her at home.

   At that time, Lu Yang also offered to allow his younger sister to go to university, but unfortunately, the parents did not agree, and the younger sister did not want to.

   Finally, I went out to make clothes with people. I lay on the sewing machine all day. The salary was okay, but I didn't do much.

   The younger brother married a female worker in the factory and gave birth to a son. The younger sister married an electrician. Within a few years, the man divorced her because he gave birth to a daughter.

   is his eldest brother, because he has always coded words and never got married.

   Looking at the passing scenery outside the window, Lu Yang gritted his teeth secretly.

  His destiny has changed, and his younger brother still fails the rankings like his last life. If he is not a big brother, then the kid may still enter the factory and deal with cold machinery and noise all day long.

   Then, like many people, go home dirty every night, then lie on the mahjong table, fight with people on the Great Wall, and fight with alcohol.

   After one o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yang arrived home.

   Xiao Hei, as usual, Lu Yang just got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the courtyard, he barked out from the corner, and when he saw Lu Yang, he hung his tail and bowed his head to pretend.

   My sister Lu Ying was the first to run out of the hall, and she was happy when she saw Lu Yang, and she happily called "Big Brother" and ran over to open the door.

   Then, my mother and younger brother also came out of the house.

   My mother's face was a little sad, and she smiled when she saw Lu Yang come back. When his younger brother Lu Fei saw Lu Yang, he lowered his head. He was always stubborn and eager not to look at his elder brother's eyes this time.

  Lu Yang entered the yard, called Mom, and looked at Lu Fei. Lu Fei raised his head and glanced at him. Seeing that there was no smile on his eldest brother's face, he frowned and looked at him, yelled his eldest brother, and lowered his head again.

   "Yangtze! Xiao Fei only scored four hundred points on the exam this time, so he definitely won't be able to go to university."

   Mom’s sigh sounded next to Lu Yang. Lu Fei’s head was lowered, and his face was rarely red. His younger sister Lu Ying came down beside him: "Second brother is too stupid! Big brother, leave him alone!"

   Lu Yang looked at Lu Fei for a while, didn't say anything immediately, and walked into the house first.

   At the dinner table in the evening, Lu Yang didn't say anything, but the whole family was condemning Lu Fei. Mom and Dad hated his second child for being unwilling, and younger sister Lu Ying looked down on his second brother and couldn't even pass the college entrance examination.

Lu Fei also kept his head down and did not turn back, unlike in his previous life, he faced the scolding of his family and said nonchalantly: "If I can't pass the exam, I won't pass the exam! Anyway, the family doesn't have much money for me to go to university! Three hundred Sixty lines, the best! If I do other things, can I live differently?"

   Now the family conditions are better. Lu Yang, a big brother, is fully capable of supporting him to go to university, but he did not pass the exam. Not only does his parents and sister hate iron and steel, he is also annoyed.

After condemning, the father sighed helplessly, and said to Lu Yang: "Yangtze! You are the boss! I have nothing to do with your mother, and no knowledge, you can give you Xiao Fei a way out! You are the big brother! If you don't help him, Xiao Fei will have no way out in the future!"

   When Dad said this, the whole family looked at Lu Yang, and Lu Fei also raised his head, which had been lowered for a long time, and looked at his elder brother hopefully.

   Lu Yang put down his chopsticks, looked at Lu Fei, and finally said, "Did you think about what to do during this time?"

   Lu Fei shook his head blankly.

   "Do you know why you failed the ranking?" Lu Yang continued to ask him.

   "Big Brother! I can't study! It's not that piece of material!" Lu Fei finally spoke, taking it for granted.

   "Then what's your material?" Lu Yang continued to ask with a calm face.

   "I, I..." Lu Fei gaped, not knowing how to answer.

   "What do you think you can do well?" Lu Yang continued to ask.

   Parents and sisters all kept quiet at this time. Watching Lu Yang questioning Lu Fei, the family knew that Lu Yang also hated iron and steel.

   "Big Brother! Can't I make a mistake? I'm really not the material for studying!"

   Lu Fei began to admit it, and was frowning when asked by his elder brother. Long before Lu Yang came back, he knew that his eldest brother would not be able to pass this level. The family could afford him to go to university, but he only got four hundred points in the exam.

   Lu Yang was a little disappointed. Although Lu Fei's current situation is normal, many young people of 18 or 9 years old are in this state these days, but still can't help but feel disappointed in his heart.

   My brother is still too young, his temperament has not yet settled down, and his mind is still young. With such a temperament, even if he chooses a good path for him, he can't go on.

   Lu Yang turned his head and said to his parents, "Dad, mom! Let Xiao Fei learn how to cook with his second uncle! When he has a temper and knows that life is not easy, I will make arrangements for him!"


   Lu Fei was taken aback. His parents and sister were also surprised. They didn't expect Lu Yang to make such an arrangement.

"Big brother! I don't want to be a chef! I went to see my second uncle's kitchen. The apprentice chef there was miserable, and they would do all the dirty work! The salary was only four to five hundred yuan! I didn't take plates all day long. Cooking is just cleaning the pot and sweeping the floor and taking out the trash! I heard that even Master’s rags and clothes have to be washed by them! Brother! There is no future for being a chef! I don’t want to go!"

After Lu Yang's parents looked at each other, Lu Yang's father also said, "Yeah! Yangtze! Your brother can't bear the bitterness! Don't think your second uncle can get more than 3,000 yuan every month, but there is bitterness in it. You don’t know! I have nothing to do in winter, and it freezes to death in the kitchen. In summer, the kitchen is as hot as a stove. When business is good, you have to work on the stove for a few hours. How many times do my clothes get soaked at night? Even my pants are dripping! Xiao Fei will definitely not be able to eat the bitterness!"

   Lu Yang's mother also said, "Yes, Yangzi! Xiaofei doesn't want to go, or else, you should give him a separate way out?"

   Lu Ying blinked her eyes next to her, gloating at her second brother and smiling.

"Parents! You don’t understand! There are many outside trades, but with Xiao Fei’s current temperament, nothing can be done! I just asked him why he didn’t read well. He said that he is not that piece of material. How many people are born to read. That piece of material? You both gave birth to me and him. Xiao Fei is smarter than me, isn't it? Why can I be admitted to college?"

   Having said that, Lu Yang looked back at Lu Fei with a calm expression, and his calm eyes made Lu Fei lower his head again.

The two brothers grew up together. Everyone knows that Lu Fei was much smarter than Lu Yang when he was a child. He played better than anyone else, and reacted faster than Lu Yang in everything, but his cleverness was useless on the right path. .

   Lu Yang still said: "Xiao Fei! Tell yourself, how did you come over in three years of high school? What time do you get up in the morning? What time do you read at night? During the vacation, did you read at home?"

   Lu Yang asked, Lu Fei's head lowered, and he almost lowered his head into his crotch at the end of the question.

   If it were not his own brother, Lu Yang would not ask him these questions. It would not be difficult to help him show the way. Why bother?

   I think at the beginning, he started from junior high school, got up at 5 o'clock in the morning to recite English vocabulary, and read books until 11:30 in the evening, every day, he just barely entered the first middle school and barely passed the first two.

   After setting foot in society, it still doesn't mix well.

   Lu Fei has a temperament now. If he doesn't wear his temperament down, what can he do in the future?

   The family is quiet again.

Seeing that Lu Fei no longer talked Lu Yang's face was slightly sullen, and he repeated: "Don't persuade anyone! Contact your second uncle at night, let Xiao Fei go to apprentice with him as soon as possible! Now July, the weather Being hot, it just made him suffer! When his temper grinds down, I will make arrangements for him! Xiao Fei, dare you not to be obedient, don't think about elder brother to help you in the future! If you work hard, when you get married, eldest brother I'll give you a house and a car! If you continue to mess around, there will be nothing when you get married!"


   Not only Lu Fei was taken aback, but his parents and sister were taken aback.

   "Big brother! Are you serious? When I get married, will you really give me a house? And a car?"

   After Lu Ying was surprised, he hurriedly said: "Big brother, big brother! What about me, what about me? Will I have it in the future?"

   These days, rural people got married and had a house and a car, but they didn’t even dare to think about it. Lu Yang’s promise to them was incredible.

   He is just the elder brother, not Lu Fei’s father. What's more, even if he is a dad, in the countryside, in Lujiacun, in 2006, I didn’t see anyone who got married, had a house, and had a car.

   Seeing that Lu Fei was finally interested, Lu Yang also smiled a little, and reminded him: "Wait until your temper is tempered! If you don't do well, there will be nothing!"

"Yes! Big brother, don't worry! Isn't it just learning from your second uncle to cook? I will definitely learn!" Seeing the hopeful Lu Fei promised, his face downcast for many days was full of excitement at this time. .

   "Big brother! How much money do you have now? Is there a million? Also! Big brother, I also need a house and a car to get married!" This was Lu Ying's voice. RS

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