Rebirth 2003

Chapter 216: Closed 1

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the end of July, and the weather became even hotter. In the afternoon of that day, Lu Yang hid his notebook in the shade of the tree behind the house, quietly writing the words, and there was a cup on a small wooden table next to it. Tea, and an electronic cigarette.


   This e-cigarette was mailed by Cao Xue the other day. I hope Lu Yang can quit cigarettes, even if he can't quit completely, he smokes less.


   This e-cigarette is very interesting. Press the switch and hold it in the mouth, and it will also smoke. It tastes like cigarettes when inhaled in the mouth, but it does not have harmful substances such as nicotine and tar.


Lu Yang also knows that smoking is not good. After receiving this gift, when he wants to smoke, he put it in his mouth for a while, let alone, really seldom smokes a lot of cigarettes. I bought a pack of Yellow Crane Tower last week. There are still a few left.


   Knowing that Lu Yang was writing a manuscript, no one was disturbed at the back of the house in the afternoon. Only Lu Yang sat comfortably on the sun lounger with the notebook on his lap, and kept tapping the keyboard for a while.


On several trees near   , ear-piercing cicadas sounded from time to time. If an impetuous person listened to it, he would definitely feel more irritable. Fortunately, Lu Yang hasn't been upset recently, and his mood is calm.


I was just a little worried about the next one million investment. When I signed the contract with Wang Lin, he said that within three months, the second one million would be credited to the crew account of "Gate of Rebirth". Now think about it carefully. Think, this matter is really a bit difficult.


The first one is one million. Lu Yang has already used Internet cafes and facades to mortgage 600,000 in the bank. It is summer vacation. Xingyu and Dragons can't make much money and can't give him much help. The main income is from writing novels. Manuscript fee.


   of the website. Every month, but the publishing side, whether it is Taiwan or the mainland. The royalties are all signed. For three months, even if you can get the remuneration of the previous episodes (several volumes), it will not be much.


   Lu Yang is reluctant to sell Vanke's stock now. If he is willing, this problem can naturally be solved, also because there are stocks there to guarantee the bottom. Although Lu Yang has been a little worried about this matter recently, he hasn't struggled with it all day, so he writes and talks about it first. all will be good.


   Suddenly, the mobile phone placed on the wooden table next to it rang, and Lu Yang stopped his hand typing on the keyboard and picked up the phone to take a look. Laughed. It was from Wushun, the squad leader in the third year of high school.


   is connected right now.


   "Hey! The squad leader summons the younger one, what's the order?"




   In the morning two days later, Wu Shun and a dozen other classmates met again at the Jindi Hotel in Chen Yi's home. Lu Yang, who had intended to have a good relationship with Wushun, Chen Yi and others, arrived as scheduled.


   It’s just that when he just arrived, Lu Yang regretted it when he saw Bai Jingjing in the box. Last semester, he added this summer vacation. He has let her pigeons too many times and has always promised to visit her. As a result, he never went. Soon after the summer vacation, Bai Jingjing called him to meet him in the county seat, but he also refused.


Wang Haiyang, Huang Liang, Ma Yong and others who were already in the box saw Lu Yang's arrival. They all smiled and greeted Lu Yang happily. They hadn’t noticed Lu Yang’s Bai Jingjing yet. At this time, they also noticed Lu Yang. Yang.


   Lu Yang found that she looked a bit strange at him, her eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but her mouth seemed to be grinding her teeth gently.


   "Brother! Do you know who proposed this party?"


Wang Haiyang followed Lu Yang’s gaze and saw Bai Jingjing’s look at Lu Yang. He was stunned for a moment. Then he seemed to understand something. When the others sat back to their original seats, he took Lu Yang and sat next to him, and then leaned in Lu Yang. He asked Lu Yang this question softly.


   "Not Wu Shun and Chen Yi?"


Wushun is the monitor. Chen Yi’s family is rich. They convened the last classmate meeting. This time, Wushun called Lu Yang again. But according to what Wang Haiyang said earlier, this time it seemed that they were not the two. people.


   Wang Haiyang smiled, bumped Lu Yang's shoulder with his shoulder, and then motioned with a smile in his eyes to Bai Jingjing who was three or four meters away.


"is her?"


   It may be a guilty conscience. As soon as he heard that Bai Jingjing had proposed it, Lu Yang subconsciously thought about his current relationship with Bai Jingjing, and then had a bad feeling in his heart.


"How did you know?"


   Lu Yang suddenly thought of this question. He had never told Wang Haiyang about his relationship with Bai Jingjing. Even if Wang Haiyang knew that the person who proposed the party this time was Bai Jingjing, he shouldn't tell himself with this look?


Wang Haiyang still laughed and said in a low voice: "A few days ago, Bai Jingjing didn't know where to find my mobile phone number and asked me to take her to your house! Haha, I didn't agree, and then she proposed to the class leader this party. What do you think I can't guess?"


   Lu Yang was speechless. Before he came, who could have expected that this gathering was a trap that Bai Jingjing dug for him? What does she want to do?


   "Help me keep it secret! Don't open your mouth everywhere!"


   Lu Yang whispered to Wang Haiyang. Wang Haiyang shook his head slightly. Lu Yang was startled and whispered: "You haven't said it already, have you?"


   "That's not true!"


   Lu Yang heaved a sigh of relief.


   Wang Haiyang: "But, don't you think you need to pay a hush fee?" Wang Haiyang smiled and looked at Lu Yang.


   Lu Yang: "You want money?"


   The two used to be at the same table and friends for many years. Lu Yang knew that Wang Haiyang must be joking at this time.


Sure enough, Wang Haiyang smiled and said: "I heard that you have made a lot of money in the past few years. There are so many delicious foods in the county, such as XX cottage, XX lira, or XX fish farm. Less delicious food..."




  Wang Haiyang hadn't finished speaking, Lu Yang agreed in one fell swoop. He was a good brother, and even if it didn't happen, it would be okay to invite him to a meal.


   What makes Lu Yang strange is that since he entered the door, Bai Jingjing in the box has not come to trouble him, but occasionally glanced at him, not knowing what he planned.


The scale of the gathering was much smaller than during the Spring Festival. In the end, only twelve or three people were present, and no high school teachers were invited. The gathering time was a bit early, saying that it was to avoid the noon sun, but a dozen people arrived. Nor can they gather in the box and talk and chat all morning.


   So some people suggested playing mahjong, some suggested going to play table tennis, tennis, etc. on the court outside, and others suggested going out for a walk.


   So, after discussing it with everyone, people who have the same idea will act together. You can play cards like cards, or Mahjong like mahjong. It’s okay to play tennis or table tennis, as long as you come back before lunch.


   Lu Yang originally stayed in the private box to fight against the landlords with Wang Haiyang and the others. After all, it was a hot day. Although it was still in the morning and it was not hot enough outside, it could not be more comfortable than in an air-conditioned private box.


   It's a pity that this idea soon shattered. He was about to go to play cards, and the phone in his trouser pocket suddenly rang. When he took it out, it was a text message from Bai Jingjing.


"A: Go to Room 407 on the 4th floor by yourself; b: I will drag you: c: When I drag you, you will turn your face with me: d: When I drag you, I will turn your face with you. Single-choice questions, classmate Lu Yang , Choose one!"


   Looking at these four choices, Lu Yang felt like he was taking an exam. It seemed that there were four choices to choose from, but did he really have a choice?


   is not so much four choices, as it is a command plus three threats.


   "Lu Yang! Come and play cards! Four people fight the landlords!"


   Ma Yong opened his mouth and called Lu Yang over there, and Wang Haiyang was also there, but Wang Haiyang just looked at Lu Yang with a smile at this time, and did not call him.


   "Hehe, you guys, let's play! I have something to do, go out first!"


   Lu Yang reluctantly walked out of the box as he said, then walked to the stairs to wait for Bai Jingjing, but did not go to the fourth floor room as Bai Jingjing asked.


   Bai Jingjing cloth attracted him in this game, definitely not wanting to make friends with him in the room, maybe I want to retaliate against him! It is safer not to enter the room.


Lu Yang stood at the entrance of the stairs for less than a minute. Bai Jingjing, wearing a water-green skirt, came out of the box. He glanced at both ends of the corridor and saw Lu Yang standing at the entrance of the stairs. He did not go to the 4th floor, with thin eyebrows. He wrinkled immediately, then walked up to Lu Yang, coldly pulling Lu Yang's arm, and walking up the stairs.


   "Just tell me if you have anything?"


Lu Yang stood still, Bai Jingjing naturally couldn't move him, Bai Jingjing turned around, staring at Lu Yang's eyes with a cold face, without saying a word, Lu Yang had eaten her tofu and let her dove so many times. Where is the confidence to look at her, look away awkwardly, but just don't follow her upstairs.


   In the past semester, Lu Yang has also considered his relationship with Bai Jingjing many times.


   After all, the two are high school classmates. The relationship was so good at the beginning. If they continue to develop, they can’t marry her. In the end, I’m afraid they won’t even have a friend.


   So, not long after looking away, after being silent for ten seconds, Lu Yang whispered, "I'm sorry! I have a girlfriend."


When    said this, he didn't hear Bai Jingjing's response for a long time. Lu Yang couldn't help but looked up at her, only to see that she was still looking at him with a cold face.


   Seeing him looking over, Bai Jingjing said, "I knew it a long time ago."


"You knew already?"


   Bai Jingjing: "Our class is at H City Normal University. You are not the only one. You are a celebrity among your classmates. Do you have a girlfriend? Who doesn't know?"


   Lu Yang: "Then you are still looking for me?"


   Bai Jingjing looked away and looked into the depths of the corridor. There was still no one there. At this early hour, there were no guests at the Jindi Hotel.


   "That was my first kiss!"


   Bai Jingjing looked at Lu Yang again.


   "You are with me, I forgive you!"


  Bai Jingjing's bright eyes looked directly at Lu Yang. Lu Yang and her looked at each other for a few seconds, then looked away again, and said, "I'm sorry!"


   "Did you think about it?"




   After a moment of silence, Bai Jingjing went downstairs and left only one sentence for Lu Yang: "Help me tell everyone that I have to leave beforehand." (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you for sadness↑ Xingchen, xhy79, ykjh, Dongguo Taixuan, and the unknown a for rewarding 100 coins, thank you for the garbage reward for 200 coins, and thank my family. General Baiqi for rewarding 588 coins. As well as a five-star evaluation ticket, and a monthly ticket for the country of Rome.

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