Rebirth 2003

Chapter 217: For the future


Bai Jingjing walked down the stairs in a hurry. When she passed the hall on the first floor, she happened to meet Zhao Ya and another female classmate who came together. These two girls, who were also Bai Jingjing’s classmates in the third year of high school, also came to the party today. A girl talking and laughing just came in from the door, and happened to meet Bai Jingjing who had hurriedly left in the lobby on the first floor.

Zhao Ya was the sexiest girl in Lu Yang's class before. She was nearly 1.7 meters tall and slightly plump. Her face was smooth and flawless. The sexiest thing was her figure, only a normal man. Looking at her figure, she didn't fail to respond.

   It's just a pity, there is a very popular saying that is vividly reflected in her, that is-a woman's IQ is inversely proportional to her appearance.

Zhao Ya is **** and beautiful enough, but her academic performance is in a mess, but her family is rich and powerful, so she can enter Lu Yang's key class in the third year of high school. The college entrance examination is only 300 points, and she can also go to university. Every class reunion, she also Will always be invited.

   Having said so much, I just want to say that Zhao Ya is very jealous of a girl who is almost as beautiful as her and has good academic performance.

At this moment, in the lobby of the Jindi Hotel, I suddenly saw Bai Jingjing, who had always smiled brightly, passing her with red eyes. She suddenly brightened her eyes and shouted with a smile on her face: "Bai Jingjing! Where are you going? Don't you? Go so fast! We haven't talked about it today!"

   "Sorry! I have to leave beforehand!"

   Bai Jingjing didn't turn her head back, and hurried out of the gate of Jindi Hotel.

   "What is going on? Bai Jingjing seems to be crying?"|

   The girl who was traveling with Zhao Ya, looking at the back of Bai Jingjing leaving in a hurry, asked suspiciously.

   Zhao Ya smiled slightly and said, "What else? With Bai Jingjing's temperament, do you think she would be like this if she was quarreling with someone?"

"what do you mean?"

   Zhao Ya: "It must be a broken love!"

  Zhao Ya’s words are very firm. She is really messed up in her studies, but she is a master in male and female emotions. The reason why her grades in high school are so bad is because she secretly made one boyfriend after another.

   She is so sexy, there are many boys who were fascinated by her figure and face in high school.

   "Then shall we catch up to comfort her?"

   Zhao Yabai glanced at the female companion next to him, curled his lips and said: "Are you so idle? Does Bai Jingjing need your comfort?"


  Bai Jingjing came out of the Jindi Hotel and left the small island in the lake where the Jindi Hotel was located. He reached out and stopped a taxi on the side of the road. After getting in the car, he closed his eyes and slowly adjusted his mood. The tears did not flow down.

Speaking of, she and Lu Yang didn’t have a deep relationship. The reason why she was so sad just now was because the girl felt wronged in her heart after being rejected by the boy. Almost all of her body was touched by Lu Yang. She was taken up so much. She originally thought that although Lu Yang is not handsome, he is tall and burly and talented. I heard that he has earned a lot of manuscript fees and his personality is still good. Well, it's pretty good to be boy and girl friends with him.

   As a result, she fantasized about Lu Yang going to her again and again, and then accompanied her to go shopping, eat supper together, travel together on vacation, and even dreamed about when to have a romantic night with him for the first time.

In fact, men and women are similar in relationship. Once they think a lot, they will get deeper and deeper. Eventually, they will be moved by themselves, and then they really think that they are in love with each other. But in fact, it is very likely that the other party did not think about it at all. After you, no matter how much you think about it, no matter how deep you are, for the other party, you haven't started.

   Then the person who thinks too much will be hurt by the other party.

  Bai Jingjing is in this situation now.

   Suddenly, the mobile phone in her bag rang, Bai Jingjing opened her eyes, took out her mobile phone, and saw a familiar boy name, a boy in the same class who had been chasing her for the past two years.

   Before, she refused, but he never gave up. Looking at the name, Bai Jingjing hesitated for a moment, and finally pressed the answer button.


During the luncheon dinner, Wu Shun and others wondered where Bai Jingjing had gone. Lu Yang was about to say that Bai Jingjing had left beforehand. Zhao Ya had already laughed first: "Oh! Squad leader, I almost forgot if you didn't ask. We will be free soon. , Xiaofen and I saw Bai Jingjing crying away in the lobby on the first floor, calling her and she ignored him, did any handsome guy hurt Jingjing’s heart? Hey! What a cruel man! Jingjing is so beautiful, Actually I am willing to abandon it!"

   Some words made everyone look at each other. Some people said: "Impossible? Bai Jingjing can cry? I have not seen her cry for so many years after knowing her!"

   This statement was echoed by several people who have a good relationship with Bai Jingjing.

   also said: "Who did it? It doesn't matter if we stole our class flower, but dare to abandon it? Isn't it horrible?"

   Ban Hua Zhi said, of course, it is a joke, as long as the appearance of the class can be ranked in the top few, everyone usually calls the Ban Hua, no one thinks it is wrong.

   Wang Haiyang, who was sitting next to Lu Yang, smiled and glanced at Lu Yang.

   Zhao Ya's words made Lu Yang a little worried. Bai Jingjing was crying when she left?

   was a little worried and a little ashamed.

   was originally a close classmate, but he made it like this.

   Wushun was already calling Bai Jingjing and everyone was listening to him. Lu Yang thought for a while, took out his phone, and sent a text message under the table.

   "I'm sorry! I heard you cry?"

   After the message was sent, Lu Yang adjusted the phone to vibrate.

   On Wushun's side, Bai Jingjing did not admit that she was crying on the phone, but said that she had left beforehand, and said sorry to Wushun on the phone.

   Soon after Wu Shun finished the call with her, Lu Yang's phone vibrated a few times. Lu Yang turned on the phone under the table and saw Bai Jingjing's reply.


With only these two words, Lu Yang didn’t know how to continue to comfort him. At this time, Wu Shun, as the monitor, had stood up with Chen Yi holding a glass of wine and invited everyone to have a toast. Lu Yang had to put his phone back in. Trouser pocket.

The dinner ended more than an hour later. Most of the classmates left. When Lu Yang and Wang Haiyang were leaving with Wushun and Chen Yi, Wushun smiled and put his arms around Lu Yang's shoulders, and said with a smile: "I know how good you guys are! Yes! Where are you going to get together alone? Why? Can't you bring me and Chen Yi?"

   Chen Yi also came up to beat Lu Yang's chest, and smiled: "It's been three years in university, how many times have you seen this? Go! Go to my KTV to sing! If it's late, I'll drive you back!"

  Wu Shun and Chen Yi both said so, why did Lu Yang and Wang Haiyang refuse? What's more, Lu Yang and Wang Haiyang didn't want to refuse to get together with the two of them in private.


   When I arrived at Chen Yi’s KTV, Wu Shun was a little bit lamented, saying that Chen Yi didn’t have to do anything in this life, and what he wanted. He also smiled and asked Chen Yi how it feels to be a rich second generation?

   Chen Yi smiled and pushed him away, and retorted: "Get down! Your dad has already been promoted to the county magistrate, so he envy me? A lot of people send money to your house!"

   The two of them just laughed habitually, but Wang Haiyang, who was walking beside Lu Yang, was a little irritated, and whispered in Lu Yang's ear: "People are better than people, so angry!"

   Lu Yang smiled and did not answer.

   Wushun and Chen Yi are still in the small county town. There are more people outside than the two of them. They are jealous and jealous for a lifetime.

   Chen Yi opened a medium-sized private room and ordered some beer, melon seeds, candied fruit, fruit platter, etc. Wushun had already turned on the karaoke equipment, and one person had a microphone in his hand.

   Everyone took turns singing. There was no woman next to them. They just yelled whatever they wanted. After venting, Chen Yi lowered the sound of the speaker, and then a few people sat together drinking and chatting.

   Wushun said: "Brothers are going to graduate, what are your plans? Chen Yi, you say first!"

Chen Yi: "Me? Just eat and wait to die! What else can I do? As you said, I don't have to do anything in my life, how can it be enough! Let's listen to our great writers' plans? By the way! Lu Yang! Last time you asked you to write me into your novel, did you write it? I'm still waiting to read it!"

   At the last class meeting, a few classmates did mention this to Lu Yang, but Lu Yang forgot, and was a little embarrassed to say, "This, I will write when I go back!"

   "My grass! Did you forget?"

   Chen Yi smiled and slapped Lu Yang on the shoulder.

   Wushun: "Lu Yang! What are your plans after graduation? Aren't you planning to write novels for a lifetime? There is always a time when inspiration runs out!"

All three of them look forward to Lu Yang. UU Reading So far, more than 80 classmates in the same class have only heard that Lu Yang has made a lot of money before graduating. Earn some living expenses by working part-time at school.

   Lu Yang was a little bit amused by the three of them, and said, "Why do you care about me so much? I have no ambitions, and the peasant woman's mountain spring just needs to have a lot of land!"

   "You pull it down!"

   "Cut! Who believes?"

   "Don't talk nonsense! Talk quickly!"

   The three of them didn't believe it. After Lu Yang joked, he watched them staring at him, wondering about his future plans. After receiving a call from Wushun at the end of last year, an idea that came up in his heart came to mind again.

Wushun’s family has the right. Chen Yi’s family is rich, and he runs hotels and KTV. In this small county, he can eat both black and white dishes. Wang Haiyang is a good brother of his own. After considering it, Lu Yang reduced his smile on his face. , Said: "There is an idea! I just don't know if you have the courage to do it together!"

   "What do you think? Let's do it together?"

   Wushun's eyes lit up, and Chen Yi and Wang Haiyang were both energetic.

   Chen Yi urged: "I still have my share? Say it quickly!"

After talking about the beginning, Lu Yang sold it again, saying: "It's not the time yet, wait until our internship is over! At that time, I will take the money from Chen Yi, and Wushun will contribute to the ocean. I dare not say anything. As long as we work together and earn millions a year, there is absolutely no problem!"

   "Is there such a good thing?"

   The three people looked at each other? But they were all aroused by curiosity and urgency, but Lu Yang didn't continue to say anything afterwards. RS

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