Rebirth 2003

Chapter 218: Behind the scenery


   After this party, Lu Yang's life became singular again. In addition to eating and sleeping at home every day, in the shade of the tree behind the house, using a notebook code, the protagonist Qin Yu entered the first fierce land-the palace of the dead.

In the ancient book Qin Yu obtained, the Palace of the Undead was originally the palace of a great witch in ancient times. After the fall of the great witch, it sank into the ground. After the fall of the great witch, the spirits were scattered throughout the underground palace, turning all the disciples who died during the fall of the great witch into The undead monsters, each undead in the past thousands of years, have been nourished by the great witch spirit, and they have long been stronger than the world's imagination.

   This is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is that the number of these undead is very large, thousands of them.

   Qin Yu entered this place, naturally, there are many ills.

   Lu Yang concentrates on codewords in his hometown alone, while Qin Yu is struggling to survive in the Palace of the Dead.

   Soon, July just passed.

   "Magic Sword Eternity" did not have any suspense to get the first place in the monthly ticket total list, the blood red and others left, San Shao and others were not in the peak state, giving Lu Yang the opportunity to continue to expand his reputation.

"Magic Sword Eternal" was on the shelves for the first month and easily won the first place on the monthly ticket list, which initially proved Lu Yang's strength, whether it is in the readers, authors, or forums like Longkong, basically he will never see it again. Someone questioned Wen Chou's strength.

At the beginning, the starting point had just launched the platinum contract. When the industry learned that the first batch of platinum was the five people of San Shao and Wen Chou, but when the great gods such as Toad and Salem failed to make the list, many people questioned them. Waiting to see the joke, what joke?

   If the five platinums are recommended by the highest quality at the starting point, and the monthly ticket list is pressed by several other great gods who have not signed platinum, isn't it a great joke?

   If such a situation really occurs, not only will the starting point be humiliated, but Wen Chou and others will also have a dull face.

   And now, in the first month of "Magic Sword Eternity" on the shelves, winning the first place without any suspense, can prove that Wen Chou's strength is worthy of the title of platinum author.

For Lu Yang's book fans, "Magic Sword Eternity" can win the first place, and it can also increase their sense of glory and loyalty. For a **** who cannot get the monthly pass, the reader's loyalty is limited. See I subconsciously want to click on the works ranked above, and then, it is very likely that my own book fans will become other people's book fans.

   The end of July, and the beginning of August, "Magic Sword Eternity" still sits firmly at the top of the monthly ticket list. In the eyes of outsiders, this book is incomparable, and the text is also very ugly.

   Only Lu Yang knew about it, he had already gotten Cavan.

Every author and every book will encounter the situation of Karvin. Newcomers may get stuck after a few thousand words. Third-rate writers, about 100,000 words, will encounter Karvin. 600,000 words, or even a million words later.

When Cavan, he knew what plot to write next, but he couldn't write it anymore. The typed text always felt dry and shriveled. No matter how unpleasant to look at it, it might be possible. When Cavan, suddenly I found that I didn't know how to write down. It seemed that no matter how I wrote it, it was boring.

When some authors encounter this situation, they just want to adjust their status, stop writing for a day, and then when the next day comes, they will find that their status today is not as good as yesterday, so they simply stop for another day, just like that, day after day, every day. If you stop for one more day, you will find that you are in a state of noness, and then many people gradually don't want to write it down. Then there will be no more, and an eunuch's work will be produced.

  Many old readers will bite the bullet and write down when encountering this situation, no matter whether they are in the state or not, they dare not stop, because they generally have experienced the previous situation. After stopping for one day, it is likely that they will be gone. These old authors will find the status in the process of forcibly writing down. Some people write and write and really find the status. Then the works under the pen become more and more exciting and popular, while some people are in In this process of forcibly writing down, the more you write, the worse the state, and then the readers are lost bit by bit. Before they get through the state of Cavan, the works under the pen are not popular anymore. A work does not want to be an **** but has to be an eunuch. .

If it was in the past, when encountering this state, Lu Yang would forcefully write down, looking for the state in the process of writing, but this time Lu Yang did not, he did not dare to do so. I am afraid that the current good situation of "Magic Sword Eternity" will be defeated in the tens of thousands of words that I have forcibly written.

   Lu Yang stopped temporarily like a newcomer who didn't know how to do it.

Then I went to the county town and bought drawing boards, paper and pencils. I sat in the shade behind the house and drew sketches. Yan Shiyi taught him the ink painting. After painting for a while, he found that the brush was difficult to draw what he wanted to draw. , And gradually began to study sketching.

In the process of studying the sketch, Lu Yang found that his abnormal memory after rebirth came in handy. As long as he stared at something carefully, after a period of time, when he retracted his gaze, the scenery he had seen before would be clear. Come to mind, and then use the brushwork of sketching to draw little by little. He did not learn ink painting well, but his sketching skills improved rapidly.

   This afternoon, Lu Yang was sitting in the shade of the tree behind the house, staring at a picture found on the computer screen intently. After ten minutes, he retracted his gaze and drew it on the paper bit by bit.

   After the completion of the work, an exquisite portrait of a beautiful woman appeared on the drawing paper. Compared with the computer picture, it was six or seven points similar. The skill was still not at home, but Lu Yang was already satisfied.

After taking a break and changing a piece of drawing paper, Lu Yang drew this picture again. After more than half an hour, the portrait of the beautiful woman was more vivid than the previous one. After a short break, Lu Yang changed to another picture. Paper……

   drew five or six pictures in a row, and the beautiful women on the paintings looked more and more like the pictures on the computer screen. A few hours passed.

   dropped the drawing board, Lu Yang opened the document and found that it was in a better state, so he tried to write down, and he was still a little dissatisfied after writing a few hundred words.

   frowned and deleted all the hundreds of words that had just been written. Lu Yang frowned, knowing that his heart still hadn't calmed down completely.

   I have saved the manuscript, so don’t worry.

I said to myself in my heart, and then picked up the drawing board and continued to draw the portrait of the beauty, one by one. Lu Yang drew more and more slowly, trying to focus on the focus, not thinking about the novel, and trying to make only that one in his mind. Then focus on the picture of the beautiful woman and paint little by little on the drawing paper.

   Lu Yang stopped his hands when the sunset was completely down. It may be that he was exhausted and mentally exhausted when he was drawing a sketch.

   After taking a shower at night, Lu Yang still couldn't write while sitting alone in his bedroom, facing a blank document on the computer.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yang turned on Qianqian Listening and found out the "Sound of Silence", clicked to play, and he lay on the bed and listened to the song with his eyes closed. He might not be able to write it tonight, but he still relaxes. , Let your heart calm down completely, and strive to write it tomorrow!

He closed his eyes and made his mind think of nothing. Gradually, Lu Yang fell asleep to the sound of soft music. When he woke up the next morning, Lu Yang found that his heart was finally completely calm, and he opened his eyes. After lying on the bed for a while, Lu Yang did not go downstairs to practice boxing as usual. The laptop was still playing the song "Sound of Silence". When he got up from the bed, Lu Yang moved the keyboard, and the laptop screen immediately lit up.

   Lu Yang called up the blank document, and then wrote down the previous plot. He wrote more than 2,600 words in one go. Seeing that a chapter was about to be completed, Lu Yang suddenly realized something was wrong.

   My heart has calmed down, but this kind of mood can't write this plot!

This is a chapter where Qin Yu fought hundreds of undead skeleton soldiers alone. The text written in a calm mood, from beginning to end, there is a taste of indifferent to the rising and falling of clouds. If this kind of taste appears in Qin Yu rests alone at night, such as when a person is grilling fish belly by the river, that is very suitable, but in the plot of killing, substituting this feeling, the plot of killing loses the **** taste.

   There is no such hearty after the war.

   Can't you be calm?

   Lu Yang was stunned for a few seconds, thought about it, and deleted all the more than 2,000 words he had just written.

   At this time, his sister Lu Ying had already come over and told him to go down and wash his face for breakfast.

   Lu Yang turned off the computer, ate breakfast in the afternoon, and then went back to the bedroom to turn on the computer.

When he had breakfast just now, he had already thought of a way. After returning to the bedroom and turning on the computer, he found "The Broken Blade" starring Zhao Wenzhuo from the movies previously downloaded on Disk E. After clicking play, he directly pushed the movie to the end. The decisive battle.

   In Lu Yang's memory, Zhao Wenzhuo played the craziest in this movie, and the villain's Big Flying Dragon was also very powerful, and both the good and the evil were so fierce that people were criticized.

   Lu Yang has watched this movie more than once before, but every time he watched it again, he would still be killed by the fierce fight in it.

   The protagonist in the early stage is not the opponent of Flying Dragon at all. The two scimitars of Flying Dragon are simply outrageous. The master of the protagonist is also a well-known master in the rivers and lakes. He was shocked by a violent attack by Flying Dragon, killing him with blood.

   And in the final scene of the battle, Zhao Wenzhuo finally became faster and more ruthless than the flying dragon, preferring to exchange injuries with the flying dragon, rather than shrinking from half a step.

   Lu Yang looked at the computer screen, Zhao Wenzhuo and Feilong's battle, and finally the calm heart was overwhelmed. After watching the entire battle, Lu Yang closed his eyes and knew that he was in good shape.

   opened his eyes, quickly turned off the player, called up a blank document, flew on the keyboard like a convulsive wind with ten fingers of both hands, and the keyboard keys crackled like a shower.

   Finally, more than an hour later, a chapter with more than 3,000 words was fully formed.

   Looking at the text just written, Lu Yang smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

   This time Calvin's state finally passed.

   For the next more than half a month, Lu Yang was immersed in the codeword all day, because all his thoughts were devoted to the storyline, and the heartless Lu Yang broke out at the fastest pace since his career.

   Twelve thousand today, fifteen thousand tomorrow, and eighteen thousand the day after tomorrow. In just half a month, nearly 300,000 characters have been coded, and the storyline has also advanced from the Palace of the Undead to the Black Shah Valley.

  In the Palace of the Undead, Qin Yu finally got a blood-red sword, but he could not find any secret of the ancient witch's practice, so he had to continue to the next fierce land.

   And Black Sha Valley is the place where another Great Witch's body fell.

In Qin Yu’s ancient book, it is recorded that a great witch named Zhuzhi was beheaded by the gods here. When Zhuzhi was beheaded, he opened up the black evil realm and wanted to escape into the black evil realm. As a result, Heisha The world had just opened, before he could escape in, he was beheaded by the **** of heaven.

The Black Evil Realm is a small world where only the Black Evil exists. There are no creatures in it. The Black Evil aura is amazingly corrosive. Mortals will be destroyed if they touch the slightest bit. Once the Black Evil Realm is opened, the gods cannot close the exit. , After slaying the candles, the gods had no choice but to seal the entire valley full of black evil spirits.

   Black evil spirits, mortals will die if they touch the slightest bit, but people in the demon way of the cultivation world often enter it, and use the black evil spirits in the black evil valley to practice supreme magic power.

  The White Bone Dao Palace in the Demon Dao relies on the black evil spirit to practice demon power.

   When Qin Yu enters it, he will definitely meet someone who cultivates the devil in the valley.

   In this episode, Lu Yang set Qin Yu that Qin Yu obtained the mental method of the first half of the White Bone Dao Palace by beheading dozens of disciples of the White Bone Dao Palace.

   Then from the mind of the White Bone Dao Palace, you can comprehend the round sea realm.

The next realm of    Gang Qi Realm-Lunhai Realm.

  The round sea state was born in the heart lake state of the White Bone Dao Palace. The heart lake state of the White Bone Dao Palace is in the heart lake. The devil baby cannot be made in one day, and it does not leave the heart lake in a day.

   The chakra state that Qin Yu enlightened, but his soul crossed the bitter sea, looking for the realm on the opposite side of the bitter sea.

   More than half a month has passed, and it seems that it will be late August. Every time Cao Xue calls, she hopes Lu Yang will come to see her.

   On August 28, Lu Yang was going to the middle school in y province and k city. Wang Da told them before that he would return to school on the 26th, and his teacher would send them there.

   In other words, Lu Yang 26 is about to leave.

Calculating the time, in addition to seeing Cao Xue, he also had to see Rui Xiaoxiu, and arranged the Dragon Race Internet Cafe and Xingyu Internet Cafe. So on August 18, Lu Yang packed his luggage and left for Cao Xue. .

   Speaking of Internet cafes, Lu Yang was also helpless.

The original plan was to renovate the Xingyu Internet Cafe during the summer vacation and merge it with the Dragon Race Internet Cafe, but due to a temporary intention, one million was invested in "Gate of Rebirth". The funds for the Internet cafe renovation were gone, and it was about to end in early July. At that time, Lu Shuping called and asked him when he would transform Xingyu. Lu Yang could only tell her that he would not change it for the time being and wait until next year.

   At that time, Lu Shuping's voice on the phone could be heard disappointing.

   If Xingyu is not merged into the Dragon Clan, her status will not be promoted, and so will her salary.

   Presumably Chen Jian was also disappointed. RS

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