Rebirth 2003

Chapter 220: Before parting


   Close the webpage of the "Legend of Floating Leaves", Lu Yang said to the new author Bai Qi on q`q: "Do you want to make money with this book or do you want to practice writing?"


   Bai Qi: "Of course I want to make money! What advice does Wenda offer?"


   Lu Yang: "I can't give you any pointers. I personally think that if you want to make money, you should start a new one! There is not much hope for this one."


Bai Qi: "Don't have a big literary! You must not have a few words so fast, right? The content in the book is very exciting! Except for the 20,000 to 30,000 words in the early stage, because I just started to write, it is not very good, the later is getting more and more exciting! I haven’t written the biggest climax yet!"


   Lu Yang: "The problem lies ahead! The title, introduction, cover, and the first tens of thousands of words you just said, these are not brilliant, and it will be useless if you are behind you!"


   Bai Qi: "Can you give me a chapter from Wenda?"


   Seeing this sentence, Lu Yang smiled. It seems that the newcomer asked him to point out that it is false, and that it is true that it is true.


   Such a mentality, in a short period of time, will definitely not be able to get ahead.


   Lu Yang: "If you are so popular now, if I give you a push, it will not have any effect. Practice your writing first! After you have written 600,000 characters, consider opening a new book. It should be a bit popular at that time."


   Bai Qi: "Wen Da! Give me a chapter tweet! Please."


   Lu Yang shook his head, and replied, "It's useless, let's talk about Zhang Tui after you have finished your writing!"


   When encountering such a newcomer, every old author will have a headache. If the words are serious, the other party is likely to say that you suppress the newcomer everywhere, and if you say it lightly, he will continue to pester you. If you give Zhang Tweets, you will be scolded by your readers, and you will not give Zhang Tweets. People keep saying please.


   Lu Yang has clearly refused. The newcomer is still harassing Lu Yang one by one. Lu Yang doesn't bother much, so he can only be blacklisted.




   In the afternoon of the next day, Lu Yang introduced Rui Xiaoxiu to Lu Shuping and others, telling them that Rui Xiaoxiu was a friend of his own, and during the year when he went for an internship. Will come here occasionally on his behalf.


   Two months of summer vacation, the two Internet cafes together only earned Lu Yang 50,000 yuan. This is because the Dragon Clan has been operating here for two or three years. I have accumulated a group of local customers, so I can earn money after school holidays.


   When we met, Lu Shuping was still asking why Lu Yang didn’t merge Xingyu? Chen Jian also looked depressed.


   How much money did the Dragon Internet cafes make in the past two years. They know it. It stands to reason that the profits of the Dragon Internet cafes alone will be able to take down the star rain and redecorate it.


   Lu Yang certainly wouldn't tell them that he has a tight hand now, so he can only tell them to get it in the next year.


   Lu Yang is still worrying about the next one million in "The Gate of Rebirth"! How can there be money to spend on Internet cafes?


   Time soon came to the 25th.


   Wang Da called Lu Yang and asked Lu Yang to assemble at the department office at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and leave on the 26th to report to the school where he was intern.


   2 pm. More than a dozen people gathered in the department office, Xu Xiaoman, Xu Heng, Shao Dahai, and Lu Yang. And interns in several other majors.


   The big beauty who went for an internship in the previous life also appeared. Standing with a few people majoring in Chinese language education, and listening to the voices of a few people chatting quietly, Lu Yang learned her name—Qian Xiaoyu.


   But soon Lu Yang's attention was no longer on her, because another big beauty also came here to gather. Beauty is not the key, the key is that she is Tong Yaqian.


   Looking at the slim Tong Yaqian with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, she walked into the meeting room, and Lu Yang was stunned.


   Didn’t you tell her where to go for an internship? Why is she here? She was not among those who went to that school for an internship in the previous life! Otherwise, even if she didn't know her in the previous life, she would go to a school with herself for an internship, and she would have no reason to have no impression at all!


   When Lu Yang watched Tong Yaqian in a daze, Tong Yaqian also smiled at him, and then naturally sat beside him.


"How did you come?"


   Lu Yang still couldn't believe it, how did she come?


   "I said, time will prove who loves you more."


   Tong Yaqian's lips moved slightly. If she didn't pay attention, she wouldn't know that she was talking, and her soft voice came into Lu Yang's ears. Looking at her smiling face, Lu Yang didn't know what to say.


   I have already thought about it a few days ago. I went there for an internship this time. I got the chance to get that big beauty. Now Tong Yaqian is here, how can I play it? Want to fall in love again?


  Although she was a bit speechless, Lu Yang was still a little moved by Tong Yaqian's move. He didn't expect that Tong Yaqian did what she said, but it really took time to prove it.


   A few minutes later, several teachers walked into this small meeting room, and Wang Da was also in it.


A thin man with a medium build and fair complexion sat on the main seat and introduced himself with a smile: "Hello everyone! I am a teacher of the Employment Office, my last name is Li, you can call me Teacher Li! This time I will be responsible for sending you students. I went to the No. 3 Middle School of the province and city for an internship. The teachers beside me must be familiar to everyone. They are the counselors present here. Everyone is here to send off the students. Wait, you will communicate with each other. Call everyone to come over today! Just to get to know you, I have already booked the tickets. Everyone will gather at the school gate at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and then we will go to the station together. Oh, yes! The ticket is 246. Please remember to give me the money tomorrow morning, or it will arrive. At the station, I don’t have that much money to pay you in advance!"




   After some nonsense, the teacher Li and Wang Da and the others nodded with a smile, and left first, leaving the interns to say their final goodbyes to their counselors.


Wang Da, a good old man, came over with a smile and patted Lu Yang, Xu Heng and Shao Dahai on the shoulders. Xu Xiaoman was a girl. He didn't touch it. He smiled and said, "You are relatively mature in our class, Xu Xiaoman is a study committee member, Lu Yang, you all know that Xu Heng, the platinum **** of the novel industry, is also working in the student union, Shao Dahai! I heard that he is the boss of the 103 bedroom?"


   Several people are a little embarrassed by Wang Da, but the atmosphere is very relaxed. They have figured out Wang Da's character over the years. As long as he doesn't make a big mistake, he always welcomes people with a smile.


"When you get there, give me a good job! And you have to unite! Going for an internship is equivalent to embarking on society. Many things are very complicated. If you are not united, be careful that the last one is not qualified to stay. there!"


   Wang Daxu talked a lot, and when he asked him, all four of them answered with a smile, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.


  Unlike the math major next to him, the old teacher over there is not so much saying goodbye to the three students in the class, but rather admonishing him, with a very serious expression, and he dared not raise his head when he trained the three boys in mathematics.


Lu Yang glanced at Tong Yaqian's side. Tong Yaqian was the only one in his class who went to the provinces and cities for internships. He was also the president of the school newspaper and the counselor Tong Yaqian. When the female teacher talked to Tong Yaqian, she was like Yanyue's and talked to My daughter said goodbye.


It was not until everyone in the other class was clean that Wang Da, who was chattering, stopped talking, nodded, patted Lu Yang on the shoulder and said, "Okay! Let's all go! Don't forget the time tomorrow morning. You must be there before 9 o'clock. Gathering at the school gate, the train waits for no one!"


  The four of them said goodbye to Wanda with a smile.


After    walked out of the meeting room, the expressions of the few people all relaxed. In front of Wang Da, although everyone was not very nervous, it was still a bit uncomfortable to say that Wang Da was also their counselor.


   Xu Heng said: "Da Ge is getting more and more verbose! He can't finish talking in one sentence for a long time!"


"Brother Da" is the nickname given to Wang Da after everyone gradually became familiar with Wang Da. Everyone screamed kindly, and occasionally was accidentally heard by Wang Da, and Wang Da was not angry. It came and went. Almost everyone was like that behind his back. called.


   Xu Xiaoman smiled slightly, "Da Ge is for our good! Do you want Da Ge to train you like a grandson like a math class counselor?"


   Shao Dahai relied on Lu Yang in the same bedroom, put his arm around Lu Yang’s neck, and whispered: "Lu Yang! Your kid is rich, you pay me for the ticket tomorrow, right?"


   Lu Yangyi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Why? I'm a little tight on hand?"


   Lu Yang didn't believe that Shao Dahai would have no money. His classmates in previous and present life for so many years knew that his old Dou was working in a government department and the conditions at home were not bad.


   Shao Dahai: "Well, it’s a little tight at hand! Can’t you?"




   are all in a dormitory. Since Shao Dahai opened his mouth and the ticket was only 200 yuan, Lu Yang still agreed, even though Lu Yang didn't believe he really had no money.


   This afternoon, Rui Xiaoxiu came to Lu Yang's side early, bought some vegetables, and worked in the kitchen. Lu Yang left on the 26th. She had known it beforehand.


   The more she was about to be separated, the more reluctant she was. After returning from Lu Yang, she came almost every day, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes in the evening.


   Dinner, the two drank some wine again, Lu Yang put the key to the door that had been prepared this afternoon in front of Rui Xiaoxiu, and Rui Xiaoxiu silently put it in his pocket.


   felt a little regretful, the key came too late, she would be very happy earlier.


   After the meal, the two watched a movie on the and then took a shower and went to bed. On the last night, they all felt sad when doing that.


   After finishing the incident, Rui Xiaoxiu hugged Lu Yang tightly, reluctant to leave.


   But after 11 o'clock in the evening, my mother called, she still had to leave. After Rui Xiaoxiu left, Lu Yang fell asleep in bed.


   Early the next morning, less than seven o'clock, Lu Yang woke up.


   After getting up to wash, he started to make breakfast. As for the luggage, Rui Xiaoxiu helped him pack up last night, a suitcase and a computer bag.


   The suitcase was also bought by Lu Yang deliberately two days ago.


   This time I went to the provinces and cities, thousands of miles away, and the time is another year. I don’t need to bring any more clothes. I will definitely buy again when I get there.


   It's a waste of money. (To be continued...)


  P: Thank you for your messy eyes, and a reward of 588 points for the flower appreciation and jade.

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