Rebirth 2003

Chapter 221: Beginning of internship career

When Lu Yang slung his computer bag and dragged his suitcase to the school gate, six or seven people were already waiting there with their luggage.


   Six or seven people, Lu Yang knew only Xu Xiaoman and Xu Heng. If you even knew the names, Qian Xiaoyu from the Chinese language education class had also arrived.


   Today’s Qian Xiaoyu was clearly dressed up. Although he painted only light makeup, he was still radiant, with a white butterfly shirt, black cropped trousers, and flat-bottomed sneakers.


   If you want to choose a similarity from the celebrities, Qian Xiaoyu is six or seven points similar to Pan Yingzi when he was young, with an oval face, peachy eyes and watery eyes, as if he could talk.


Seeing Lu Yang's arrival, only one or two people from other majors smiled and nodded. It was regarded as a greeting. Most people just took a look and then looked back. Only Xu Xiaoman and Xu Heng smiled. Xu Xiaoman said: "Lu Yang Come here!"


   Xu Heng stepped forward to take Lu Yang's suitcase and said with a smile, "Great writer! When I get there, I'll just mess with you!"


   "Hook with me? What do you say?"


   Lu Yang was puzzled, and Xu Xiaoman also looked at Xu Heng incomprehensibly.


Xu Heng smiled and explained: "I heard what Shao Dahai told you yesterday! The fare is more than two hundred yuan! Without blinking your eyes, you promised to pay him, and I will not mix with you. Who fucks?"


   Xu Xiaoman heard the words, looked at Lu Yang in surprise, and whispered: "Shao Dahai took the initiative to find you? Why did they do this? You didn't pick up your money!"


Nearly Form Two, Xu Heng hit Lu Yang's arm with his shoulder and smiled happily: "Lu Yang! I have a tight hand. Would you also help me pay for the ticket? By the way! And our Xu Da Beauty! I paid for her too!"


   Xu Xiaoman: "Don't! I'll pay it myself! Xu Heng! Are you familiar with Lu Yang? I'm so embarrassed to make this request?"


   Lu Yang frowned in his heart, really taking himself as a fool?


  The salary during the internship period is only 450 a month, and I buy a ticket for each of them. My salary for more than a month was gone, and with a chuckle, Lu Yang said, "I don't have that much money with me, and I only have a few hundred yuan in cash."


   Xu Heng: "No way? You only have that little money with you?"


   Lu Yang smiled and said nothing, as Xu Xiaoman said, do you know him well? One opening is more than two hundred yuan. Is there a second and third time for the first time?


   After Lu Yang. Others also rushed to this side one after another, everyone brought at least a suitcase and a backpack. Soon afterwards, Shao Dahai also dragged a large luggage and a satchel over, and he beckoned to Lu Yang for help from afar.


   is also a roommate. Lu Yang didn't feel happy, so he walked over to help him pick up the suitcase.


   Not long after, Tong Yaqian also dragged her suitcase and backpack, and Lu Yang was about to come over and help. Shao Dahai, who just called for Lu Yang's help, ran over with a smile on his face. Grabbed the suitcase in Tong Yaqian's hands.


At Cao Xue’s birthday party, Shao Dahai had also met Tong Yaqian. Not only that, he still remembered that Tong Yaqian was the president of the school newspaper. Under the guidance of Shao Dahai, Tong Yaqian naturally came to Lu Yang and the others, and stood smiling. Next to Lu Yang.


   She was the only one in their music class to go to the third middle school in K city, y province, and she stood with Lu Yang and the others. No one would doubt anything, Shao Dahai was still talking with Tong Yaqian with a smile on his face. Tong Yaqian only responded indifferently, her eyes falling on Lu Yang as if nothing happened.


   Shao Dahai’s enthusiasm made Lu Yang not know what to say, so he simply didn’t see and looked at the No. 1 teaching building in the distance.


   After waiting for a while, Teacher Li from the Employment Office finally arrived.


  He is the most unrestrained, just carrying a laptop-sized leather bag, a silver-gray suit, and his shoes are polished brightly. The first sentence I met with everyone was: "Everyone, give me the ticket money!"




   I got on the train at 10:20 in the morning. One day later, everyone was still on the train. Two days later, everyone was still on the train...


   Thousands of miles away from H city to Y province K city, the train had to make a bend from other provinces, the journey was even further, three days and two nights, at dusk on the third day, a group of people got off the train.


Along the way, the train passed through five or six provinces, and all kinds of scenery came in turn. In poor places, you can only see poor mountains and bad waters, low huts, rich places, tall buildings, scales, and even the time of darkness is different. When I was in City H, the genius was dark around 7 o'clock in the evening. I was sitting in the car. It was dark at six o'clock the first day, and it was dark before six o'clock the next day.


   It seems to have traveled from one country to another country. The latitude and longitude are different, and the time zone is also different.


   On the train, most of the people like Lu Yang have never been on the train for so long. The scenery outside the car window makes everyone whisper incredible. The difference in dark time also makes everyone feel strange.


   Someone may ask, the train ticket is only two hundred yuan for a three-day and two-night journey?


   Of course, more than two hundred yuan, if Lu Yang and the others do not have a student ID, because of the student ID, everyone's ticket is half price.


   After sitting on the train for three days and two nights, everyone was sluggish, and Lu Yang was not much better. The ticket booked by Teacher Li was actually a hard seat, and no one really had a good night's sleep for two nights.


   Coming out of the train station, the school bus of No. 3 Middle School was already waiting there. After Mr. Li was connected with the female teacher who came to greet him, everyone who was tired got on the bus. Even the blue sky outside didn't even have the energy to look more at it.


   It is located on a plateau, the sky seems to be very close to the earth, and the air is much fresher than H City. The first impression that everyone has is satisfaction is nothing but novelty.


   Although it is a little far away, the sky is so blue and the air is so fresh. You have lived on this planet for so many years and have never encountered it.


   After the car drove on the wide street for a few minutes, Xu Heng's second grader suddenly shouted: "The people here are so dark!"


Then everyone talked about it and looked at the pedestrians on the street carefully. Indeed, regardless of men and women, the skin is darker than everyone. The female teacher sitting in the passenger seat heard everyone's discussion and smiled and explained:" The sunshine here is relatively strong all year round, unlike ours. Although summer can tan people, but after a winter, it will turn white again. When you live here for a long time, it will turn black!"


   The last sentence frightened the girls in the car, especially those with white skin.


   A boy in a math class is more attentive. He noticed that the female teacher just said it was our side, and immediately asked curiously: "Teacher! Are you from our province?"


   The smile on the female teacher's face never disappeared, and she nodded. Said: "Don't call me a teacher! Now you are no longer students, and I are colleagues! My last name is Li, call me Sister Li! Many teachers in our school are not locals. You will find out after a few days when you arrive at the school. "


   Teacher Li, who led the team, heard the words, smiled, and said, "Sister Li and I are my family!"


   Sister Li smiled at him and said, "You also call me Sister Li?"


really. Teacher Li looks a few years older than her. Teacher Li laughed.


   Most of the classmates in the car have another feeling at this moment. Just now, the female teacher Li asked the boy to call her sister Li. This sentence made everyone feel a change in identity.


   Everyone is no longer a student. The middle school that is about to arrive, all the teachers, will be their colleagues. Realizing this, some people are excited. Some people are a little uneasy, suddenly changing from a student to a teacher. The change is so great, it's like a teenager who keeps calling someone else's father. Suddenly one day, a child started calling him father.


When you are a student, you can do whatever you want. You are independent. No one talks about you. But as a teacher, you have to be a teacher. You can’t do things you don’t allow students to do. You are used to swearing. We should also change this bad habit immediately. If there is any bad mantra, we can't say anything in the future.


   If you are in front of a student and suddenly scold a sloppy, or when you see a topic that you don’t know, you suddenly scold me, what do you think? What do the leaders think?


Many people feel the pressure, except for Lu Yang. He has experienced an internship in his previous life. He knows what he can and cannot do. So when everyone was talking quietly, Lu Yang sat quietly in the school bus. Behind, quietly looking at the familiar scenery outside the window.


   It's been almost ten years since I left this city, and I'm back again.


Tong Yaqian sat next to him. During the three days on the train, Tong Yaqian’s cold attitude had extinguished all of Shao Dahai’s enthusiasm. Currently, Shao Dahai is sitting behind Qian Xiaoyu. It seems that his goal has changed again. Lu Yang remembered that he had not broken up with that girlfriend at school.


   Shao Dahai really still likes to chase beautiful women, just like Mu Xuanran who was overwhelmingly pursuing the travel class.


The school bus ran through the entire K city, ran in the city for more than an hour, and then came to the suburbs on the other side of the city to start to slow down. A large-scale middle school in front of you has appeared in everyone’s field of vision, and at the same time it has entered everyone’s field of vision. There is also a hill about a hundred meters high. The hill is lush and lush with trees. There is a small lake of 100 acres under the mountain. It is surrounded by a barren grassland. In some places, there is no grass, exposing the yellow ground below.


   On both sides of the road near the entrance of the school, there is a section of facade houses, most of which are small businesses for student business.




   Sister Li in the front passenger seat smiled and told everyone, and then there was a slight commotion in the carriage, and everyone's eyes began to look through the windows of the middle school that occupies a large area in front.


  K City Third Middle School.


   Above the tall school gate, a few gilded characters can be clearly seen from a distance, because the school hasn't started yet, the school gate looks a bit deserted, and only one or two figures come in and out.


   Almost all interns were satisfied. Before they came, some people complained that the school was too far away and it was inconvenient to go home every year. But now when I get to the place and see such a large middle school, I have no complaints in my heart.


   The scenery here is beautiful, the sky is blue, the air is fresh, and the scale of the school is good. It must be great to be a teacher here!


Only Lu Yang knows that the appearance is just the appearance. The school is intriguing. It is divided into several factions. Like all units, it is also a small river and lake. Interns who come with fantasy, step by step. When the internship is over, Can only pack and leave.


   In the last life, he and a few classmates went to work here on the first day, and they were overshadowed by a smiling tiger, one on the surface and one on the back. There are many teachers here who have fun.


   The school bus drove directly into the school and stopped in front of a two-story building hidden in the shade of the trees.


As soon as the group of people pulled their suitcases out of the car, five or six male and female teachers came out of an office. All of them were smiling. The leader was the vice-principal Zhou who went to recruit students at Lu Yang's school. , The female teacher surnamed Chang and another male teacher were among them.


As soon as Vice Principal Zhou came up, he shook hands with Mr. Li, who led the team. The straight journey was hard. Mr. Chang and others came up with smiles and grabbed everyone’s suitcases and bags. They were extremely enthusiastic, almost All the interns were flattered.


  Everyone has been a student for so many years, have you ever been so warmly welcomed?


After a brief greeting with Teacher Li who led the team, Vice Principal Zhou came over to shake hands with all the interns one by one. Everyone shook his hands and shook them. He was more enthusiastic than the leader on TV when he met the soldiers. None, it's just as warm as spring.


   When shook hands with Lu Yang, Principal Zhou actually remembered him. He still remembered that Lu Yang was surnamed Lu, and he yelled one by one, Mr. Lu.


   The two-story building behind the teaching building is the dormitory where Lu Yang and others are settled. Next to it is the office of the junior high school teacher.


Lu Yang and Shao Dahai were assigned to the same dormitory. There were two rooms inside, one with a morning sun and the other with windows, but throughout the year, I am afraid that no sunlight can get in, because outside the window is a big camphor tree with branches. After Shao Dahai entered the door and looked at the two bedrooms, he chose the Chaoyang room. Lu Yang didn't say anything about it. On the first day after coming here, it was unnecessary to care about such a small matter with Shao Dahai.


   With the help of a teacher, he moved his luggage into the small room of only eleven or two square meters.


   There is a bed, a table, and a chair in the room, but nothing else.


At dinner President Zhou took everyone to a small restaurant off campus for a meal. He strongly recommended the local Yangmei soaking wine at the dinner, saying that this thing is not good enough to drink, and the degree is not high, but he claims to be himself He couldn't drink enough, so he could only have a drink, stupefied by overwhelming most of the interns who didn't know the truth.


   While drinking, Xu Heng, the second grader, claimed that he had no problem drinking a catty and a half of white wine. As a result, the beer-drinking quilt drank two glasses and went to the toilet to throw up.


  Lu Yang, who has been here once, was naturally not fooled, and quietly reminded Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman next to him.


The teacher Chang and the other male teacher brought by Vice President Zhou were obviously tested by alcohol. The teacher surnamed Chang was beautiful. Although he didn't drink a lot of alcohol, no one refused to drink the male interns, the other male teacher. He said that he had a moderate drinking capacity and gave up his life to accompany the gentleman. In the end, he was fine, but put a few gentlemen down.


   This little trick is just an appetizer!


   After school starts, there are many things waiting for these people! (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks to Mr. Dongguo Taixuan for the reward of 100 points, and thank you for the monthly pass for the flower appreciation and the satyr of the night.


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