Rebirth 2003

Chapter 228: Sanction

?Not long after, the group was taken by Director Chen to Vice Principal Sun’s office. Fortunately, today is Sunday and it’s night again. Otherwise, I don’t know how many teachers and students will see it in the eyes of other teachers. In my eyes, it’s good to say that once they are seen by many students, the image of Lu Yang and others will be greatly damaged, and the school leaders will definitely punish them severely.


Seven or eight interns plus three old teachers who first appeared on the scene, as well as Director Chen, as soon as he entered the office of Vice Principal Sun, Director Chen and the three old teachers automatically stood by Vice Principal Sun and looked coldly. With a few interns.


   The fat vice-principal Sun was also angry at this time, leaning on the boss chair, tapping the desk with one finger, and said coldly: "What the **** is going on? Who can tell me?"


   Lu Yang stood by and said nothing. When this happened, he was the one who did it. He would definitely be criticized if he spoke first, and others would refute fiercely, no matter what he said.


   Other interns, look at me and I look at you. Zhou Shaofeng didn't speak either, but looked at Lu Yang from time to time with cold eyes, which obviously hated Lu Yang.


   Seeing that no one answered, Qian Xiaoyu, the originator of the matter, raised his right hand a little bit cramped. Bai Shengsheng's palm was only raised to the height of his chest, and he was obviously a little afraid of being reprimanded.


  Vice principal Sun: "Okay! Come on!"


Qian Xiaoyu glanced at Shao Dahai who was standing at the back subconsciously, bit his lip and said, "Ms. Shao gave me a bouquet of roses tonight. He put down the flowers and left. When I reacted, he took the flowers. When he was sent back to his dormitory, he was unwilling to take it back. He also dragged me to prevent me from leaving, and was seen by my classmate Zhou Shaofeng, so he came up and up..."


   Speaking of this, Qian Xiaoyu couldn't help but hesitate. Although she and Zhou Shaofeng are not boyfriend and girlfriend, but the person Zhou Shaofeng only beat for her this time was beaten by someone later. At this time, he said that he used his hand first, and it was obvious that he couldn't speak anymore, and his apologetic eyes also glanced at him. A glance at Zhou Shaofeng next to him.


   Director Chen: "Zhou Shaofeng hit someone when he came up, right?"


   Seeing Qian Xiaoyu hesitating about this, Vice President Sun’s dog-leg Director Chen asked with a cold face. At this moment, which of these leaders is still as pleasant as they were at the beginning?


   Zhou Shaofeng glanced at Qian Xiaoyu next to him, and saw the embarrassment on her face. Right now, he confessed: "Yes! It was my first hand! Principal Sun! That fat guy is too damn! People Qian Xiaoyu obviously didn't want his flowers, he still pulled Qian Xiaoyu away from him! This is not it! Are you playing hooligan?".


Vice Principal Sun frowned: "So you hit someone? What do you think this place is? What status are you now? Fortunately, students are not in class today, or else the school's face will lose you all! Still a top student Well! Top students use their fists to solve problems?"


  Vice principal Sun became angry. The office was silent. No one spoke. In the junior high school, Vice Principal Sun was the largest, and almost everyone in the room knew about it.


Vice President Sun paused, looked at Shao Dahai who was standing at the back, raised his chin, and said, "Mr. Shao! I heard that two people were fighting in the dormitory. The other is you, right? Xiaoqian Are there any errors in what the teacher and Teacher Xiao Zhou said just now? Did they frame you?"


  The person standing in front of Shao Dahai subconsciously gave way to both sides. Exposing the last Shao Dahai, Shao Dahai's complexion was a little red. Bite the bullet and said: "Principal Sun! It was not me who was fighting, it was Zhou Shaofeng who was fighting me, I did not fight back, it was Lu Yang who was fighting Zhou Shaofeng!"


   My grass!


At this moment, almost everyone in the know cursed in their hearts, and then all their eyes looked at Shao Dahai in disbelief. Lu Yang and him were classmates in the past and were in the same dormitory. It was obviously for him tonight. In the early days, his first sentence at this time was actually to pick himself up and sell Lu Yang.


  Vice Principal Sun didn’t know the specific situation. He heard that Lu Yang was fighting with Zhou Shaofeng, and he turned his eyes to Lu Yang, who was at the far side. However, the reactions of other people made him feel a little strange, as if they were all despising Shao Dahai.


  Vice principal Sun coughed, looked directly at Lu Yang's face, raised his brows, and asked: "Mr. Xiao Lu! How did you get in? Didn't Mr. Zhou beat Mr. Shao?".


   Everyone looked at Lu Yang again.


   Lu Yang glanced at Shao Dahai next to him. He always knew that he was not very good, but he didn't expect to be offline at all.


"Principal Sun! Zhou Shaofeng rushed into our dormitory to beat people. Shao Dahai is my classmate. I went up and pushed Zhou Shaofeng away. Zhou Shaofeng was very angry. He rushed up and beat me. I would fight back. If the fight back is wrong, I will admit the punishment. !"


Lu Yang's expression is very flat. This life is not his previous life. He doesn't care about this internship very much, mainly because he can successfully graduate and get his graduation certificate. Besides, it is not he who is picking up the matter tonight, nor is he taking the initiative to beat others. , The main responsibility can never fall on him.


At this moment, Vice Principal Lu’s wife, Liang Hongyun, came in from the door with a smile. She was also a teacher in the junior high school. She was the most charming female teacher. She was about forty years old. If it weren’t for her older age, she would probably be among the female teachers. No one is more beautiful than her, with a smiling face all day long. After coming in, everyone looked at her. She just smiled and didn't speak. Vice President Sun glanced at her and didn't say anything.


   Speaking of speaking, the position of Vice President Lu and him is not much different. It is the biggest constraint on his power, but on the surface, the relationship between the two parties is still very harmonious.


  Vice Principal Sun: "So, are you pulling a frame? Then just defend?"


   Lu Yang: "Yes!"


At this time, one of the three old teachers who came to the scene first said silently: "Principal Sun! Teacher Xiao Lu is terrible. When I arrived at the scene, I happened to see him kicking Xiao Zhou. The teacher swept to the ground."




  Vice Principal Sun, Director Chen, Liang Hongyun and others all glanced at Lu Yang. Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of Vice Principal Sun’s mouth and nodded and said: "Haha! The fight has been done, it's interesting and interesting!"


"Ha ha!"


   Several old teachers and Liang Hongyun all laughed out loud.


   At this time, a few old teachers came to watch outside the door.


   The smiling face of Vice Principal Sun suddenly closed. Coldly said: "Okay! I understand what happened! At the regular meeting tomorrow morning, I will announce the handling of you! Go back now! Here I remind Teacher Xiao Shao, you are now a teacher! In the future, other teachers will not accept your confession. You are not allowed to hold on to others anymore! Can you hear me?".


   Shao Dahai blushed and responded.


   Then a group of people walked out of the office with different looks.


   Not far from the office, Zhou Shaofeng suddenly speeded up and passed by Lu Yang. As he passed by, he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "There is a kind, we will compete again someday!"


   Then, without waiting for Lu Yang's answer, he strode away, but with great strides. One leg is a bit unnatural, one step is big and one step is small, obviously the leg that was swept by Lu Yang before. Haven't recovered yet.


   Qian Xiaoyu and Wang Cuicui hurried to catch up. They were in the same class as Zhou Shaofeng.


   Then the other interns also left, leaving only Lu Yang, Xu Xiaoman, Xu Heng and Shao Dahai.


   Xu Heng patted Lu Yang on the shoulder and gave a thumbs up. Laughed softly: "Awesome! Admire it!"


   Shao Dahai hesitated for a moment. He walked to Lu Yang's side and whispered: "Lu Yang! Fortunately, you are all right. You didn't blame me just now, did you?"


   Lu Yang glanced at him coldly, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "I will go out to rent a house tomorrow, and don't look for me again if I have nothing to do in the future!"


   "Lu Yang!"


   What else Shao Dahai wants to say, Lu Yang has already quickened his pace.


   Xu Xiaoman hesitated, but finally did not catch up. But they didn't walk with Shao Dahai and Xu Heng, and they speeded up their pace and left first.


   This incident seems to have passed. But Lu Yang knew that tonight it would be spread throughout the junior high school and even the high school teacher circle. At the regular meeting tomorrow morning, it is certain to be criticized. I don’t know how many students will hear about this and want to completely block the news. Impossible. Once there are more than three people who know something, no one can completely block the news. The only difference lies in the scope of the spread.


   As for what Lu Yang said just now, it's not just talking about going out to rent a house tomorrow.


   When this happened tonight, Lu Yang no longer wanted to see Shao Dahai every day. He could be shameless enough to be a man, and there was no need to be a friend.


Back in the dormitory, Lu Yang sat in front of the computer and adjusted his state. He wanted to continue writing the second chapter of today, but he was always thinking about what happened before, ten minutes later, he couldn't enter the state. Then his cell phone rang, and Tong Yaqian sent a message.


   opened it, and the content read: "I heard Xiaoman said that you had a fight with someone just now? Didn't you get hurt?"


   Lu Yang smiled, turned off the computer, and fell on the bed to chat with Tong Yaqian.


   "No! Don't worry!"


   "You are too impulsive!"


   "It's okay! Are your feet better? Does it hurt?"




  As Lu Yang expected, when he and Tong Yaqian were chatting on their mobile phones, the fight tonight has spread among the school teachers, not only in the junior high school.


   The three old teachers who first arrived at the scene of the fight, Director Chen, Vice Principal Sun, and Liang Hongyun, as well as the teachers who later watched jokes outside the office of Vice Principal Sun, were all the people who spread the news.


Vice-principal Sun and Liang Hongyun only spread it in their own homes, and other people spread it to a wide range, and then spread it from ten to ten. In less than an hour, 80% of the school’s teachers and family members heard about it. .


When the news reached Vice Principal Lu, Liang Hongyun smiled and joked: "Lao Lu! It seems that your home teacher, Xiao Lu, is very good! I later heard that he would bring down that teacher Xiao Zhou in a few seconds tonight. Second, the teacher Xiao Zhou heard that he had practiced taekwondo for several years in university..."


Vice-principal Lu is usually unsmiling, but when he hears these words, he smiles a little and nodded: "That Xiao Lu has seen it during this period of time. He is more stable than most interns. He seldom works with the parents of the old fried dough sticks. I'm also serious. I heard you say that the performance after this fight is also okay. You can observe and observe!"




In Vice President Sun’s office, Vice President Sun and Director Chen have not left yet. At this time, there are only two of them in the office and no outsiders are present. They both sat casually. Director Chen took a sip of the tea he had just made himself. He asked Vice Principal Sun: "Principal! What do you do with those people? I will announce it at the regular meeting tomorrow?"


Vice President Sun touched his forehead and said with a smile: "Shao Dahai provoked the matter, and Zhou Shaofeng was the first to do it. These two people will be warned and punished tomorrow! Put them both in the observation period! If it doesn't shine in the future After the internship, you don’t have to get them to be normalized. As for that Lu Yang, it’s a bit interesting! Give him a warning tomorrow! The punishment is the same as those two, but you can comfort him in private! You can watch his performance in the future! "


   Director Chen understood, and smiled and agreed.


   He understood the meaning of Vice Principal Sun’s words, and he understood. If you don’t understand the situation of the school’s leadership, it is impossible for outsiders to understand the meaning from the words of Vice Principal Sun.




   This is just the leadership, and the news soon reached the ears of Teacher Chang, Vice Principal Zhou and others.


   They still remember that when they were interviewing, Lu Yang said that his hobbies were writing and martial arts. They had seen the physical books published by Lu Yang, but they hadn't seen martial arts. They didn't expect to use it soon after coming to the internship.




The next Monday, in the morning, the students were studying in the morning. The meeting room of the junior high school. All members held a regular meeting. The director of the school affairs office was still presiding over the meeting. The meeting proceeded in an orderly manner. Shao Dahai and Zhou Shaofeng waited below. Feeling nervous, one topic after another, they have not criticized them. Could it be that the matter has passed? Shao Dahai was lucky to guess.


   The other teachers are listening to the nonsense of the leaders while waiting to see the jokes.


Every year interns will make some This year's internship has just started, and their little tricks have not been finished yet, these interns actually did it by themselves. Why don't you call something like this? People are secretly happy.


  Finally, the serious issues were discussed. Director Chen, who presided over the meeting, looked at him with a serious expression, and began to settle accounts after the fall.


"Many teachers may have heard of the vicious incident that happened last night. Teacher Shao Dahai failed to confess, and he dragged his teacher Xiao Qian to not let him go. Teacher Zhou Shaofeng rushed into Shao Dahai and Teacher Lu Yang’s dormitory to beat others. Teacher Lu Yang watched. But to go, fight, and the result was a fight with Teacher Zhou Shaofeng. The nature is very bad! Now the school has announced the punishment of the three of them! Teachers Shao Dahai, Teacher Zhou Shaofeng and Teacher Lu Yang are punished with serious warnings for their first offense! Everyone is off work today Submit a review letter of not less than 1,000 words to Principal Sun! If there is another time, if you take the initiative to choose something, you will end the internship directly! Repatriate to your own school! Three teachers, do you have any punishment for this? Objections? Do other teachers have objections?" (To be continued...)


PS: I think Ling Zimu rewards 100 coins, I think I am Daquan rewards 300 coins, I think the mystery of survival, the evil villain rewards 588 coins, I think about the monthly ticket of book friend 130624211431149, and I voted for two five-star evaluations. Friends who voted, the voting record is not available, sorry.


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