Rebirth 2003

Chapter 229: Lu Yang Lectures

Listening to the severe punishment announcement made by Director Chen on the leadership bench, some people were panicked, some had no expression on the surface but were laughing secretly, and some of the smiles on their faces did not hide at all.


Lu Yang listened quietly, without any reaction, but Tong Yaqian sitting next to him thought he was feeling uncomfortable. Holding his hand under the table, Lu Yang glanced at her without any other expression, letting her hold it underneath. his hand.


After the meeting, most people left talking and laughing. Lu Yang slowed down and walked behind with Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman. Unexpectedly, when Vice President Zhou passed by him, he patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "In the last interview, you told us that one of your hobbies is martial arts, but you can't prove it to us next time! Haha!"


   The teachers who passed by all smiled.


When Vice Principal Zhou left, the last Director Chen who was walking past Lu Yang showed a gentle smile, patted Lu Yang on the shoulder and said: "Don't be under psychological pressure! This punishment is not for you, do it well. Principal Sun and I are optimistic about you!"


   After speaking, he laughed and left. When the punishment measures were announced just now, they were totally different.


  If Lu Yang doesn’t have any social experience, I’m afraid he will be dizzy. Everyone seems to have two or three faces, one in meetings, one in work, and another in private...


   When you first come here, you can't figure out which person has what personality.


   Yesterday, Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian saw him hook up with Vice Principal Zhou’s wife in the mall yesterday, and touched Vice Principal Zhou’s wife with their wretched hands. At today's meeting, I saw him chanting with Vice President Zhou, after the meeting. Both of them were all smiling again, and there was not the slightest anger in the eyes of each other.


Tong Yaqian, who was walking next to Lu Yang, rolled her eyes. Since seeing Director Chen and Vice President Zhou’s wife yesterday, Director Chen’s image in her mind has plummeted, not to mention that she had just announced the punishment of Lu Yang and the others. In a blink of an eye, he said that he and Principal Sun were optimistic about Lu Yang, and their roles changed too quickly. The actor is not as good as him.


   "Let's go! Don't think so much!"


   Lu Yang's expression didn't change much, and he continued to the office, Xu Xiaoman helped limping Tong Yaqian. From time to time, he glanced at Lu Yang with a worried look.


  When he entered the office, Shao Dahai saw Lu Yang, but he stopped talking, his expression was a bit awkward. Lu Yang didn't look at him. Sitting down on his own seat, he had a class this morning. After sitting down, he took out the teaching materials and preparation textbooks. The preparation textbooks were posted above. Although the content of the relevant courses, Lu Yang has been familiar with it for a long time. Keep it in mind, but you still need to make lesson preparation notes, and the Academic Affairs Office will check it from time to time.


   Academic Affairs Office and School Affairs Office are two departments. Director Chen of the School Affairs Office is the dogleg of Vice President Sun, and he is the only one to look forward to. But the dean of the Academic Affairs Office is completely different.


   Lu Yang’s memory, the power of the dean of academic affairs is second only to Vice President Sun and Vice President Lu. Of course, this refers to the junior high school.


   In some respects, the power of the dean of academic affairs is even greater than that of the two vice-principals. Lu Yang was completely at a loss for more than half a year since he came here in his last life.


   On the surface! Vice President Sun seems to be the boss, but at the end of each month, when the review is conducted, Vice President Lu is able to control the entire meeting and train the following people to be more like grandchildren. Even Vice President Sun’s top dog-leg Director Chen is Inevitably, every time at that time, Vice President Sun would not say a word, as if he had met a minister of imperial envoys, and commented on him and all the work of the people below.


   Usually! The dean of academic affairs can sometimes take the lead in regular meetings, especially on teaching-related issues, and still train whoever wants to train.


   As for Vice Principal Zhou?


Usually he is just a cup, as if he can’t control anything. He can’t hear his voice at regular weekly meetings. He speaks occasionally, and it ends in a few words. The following directors are angry and dare to show his face. . But his wife seems to be able to eat well in school, and can talk in front of every leader.


   The leadership is so related, how many people can see clearly for the interns who have never entered the society?


Lu Yang’s class today is in the second morning. He writes and draws in the office and makes preparation notes for three classes. The time is up. The class bell rang. Lu Yang closes his textbook and looks out the window. The class bell rang. It was like a ghost coming outside. All the students rushed into the classroom no matter what they were doing. When the bell stopped, there was no one in the playground outside.


   There is only one mess left, paper airplanes, melon peels and fruit scraps everywhere.


   Some teachers began to hold the lesson plans, holding the tea cup and walking towards the master, and slowly walked out of the office. Lu Yang picked up the teaching materials and preparation textbooks and walked out with a smile, although he didn't use the teaching materials and preparation textbooks at all.


  The class led by Lu Yang is the 3rd grade of the first grade. The whole class is 60 people, all of whom are kids around 12 years old. There are also several 14-to-five-year-olds with mature bodies.


   The climate here in K city in the province is very good. The four seasons are like spring. Therefore, in September, Lu Yang wears trousers and shirts. As soon as I walked to the door, the buzzing in the classroom immediately became quieter.


Unlike other interns, Lu Yang never uses textbooks and preparation notes for class, but he can accurately explain the things in the textbook, and the students' questions can be answered fluently. After the class on Wednesday, Lu Yang has already become famous in the third grade of the first grade. Many students were shocked by him, and the atmosphere in the classroom was also very good. Unlike Xu Heng, Shao Dahai and others in class, the atmosphere was scattered and there was always buzzing and discussion in the classroom.


   "Stand up!"


   As soon as Lu Yang stepped onto the podium, the monitor Gu Ping'an shouted to stand up, and then all the students in the class stood up and called the teacher hello.


Lu Yang smiled and said, "Hello classmates!", Gu Ping'an shouted to sit down again, and then the whole class sat down again. Not to mention, Lu Yang liked this feeling, and greeted him with dozens of mouths at the same time. This feeling, other things. It's hard to understand the profession.


   "Dear students! In the previous few lessons, we talked about the origin of mankind, and the matrilineal society and the patrilineal society! I remember that when we talked about matrilineal society, the girls in the class were very excited, and wish you were born in that era, right?


  Lu Yang’s words caused laughter in the classroom, and Lu Yang continued: "When the patrilineal society, the girls sighed, it should be regretted that the matrilineal society has not spread to this day?"


   There was another laughter in the classroom. Although many thin-skinned girls were also laughing, their faces blushed.


   Lu Yang smiled and ignored the laughter below, and continued: "When I talked about patrilineal society, I heard many boys yelling. Does it feel like turning over and singing?"






   "Teacher, please continue to talk about patrilineal society today!"


   The boys booed one after another below, some pungent girls glared at the boys next to or behind them, and some thin-skinned girls blushed and bowed their heads. The atmosphere in the class is very good.


   Lu Yang glanced at the students who reacted with a smile, and did not stop the boys from booing. He took a piece of chalk and turned around and wrote four words on the green blackboard behind him-tribal civilization.


   When the students saw him writing, their voices gradually stopped. When Lu Yang turned around, the needles in the classroom became audible again.


Lu Yang kept a smile on his face and said, "The origins of mankind are over, and I want to continue listening to classmates from patrilineal society, so let’s stop thinking about it! Because even if you listen to one semester, it’s not that time. I know what you think. I think a man owns how many women, right?"


   There was another uproar in the class, and there were more girls blushing this time.


   Lu Yang continued with a smile: "Today we are talking about tribal civilization! A man can have several women in tribal civilization, so students who want to continue to listen to patrilineal society don't have to booze!"


   Lu Yang said that there was no need to booze, but the booze below was louder.


   Lu Yang liked the atmosphere. He lifted his palm a little and pressed it down, and then became quiet again. Lu Yang finally began to give a serious lecture.


"When it comes to tribal civilization, we have to not mention the three emperors and five emperors. The introduction of the three emperors and five emperors in the textbook is very vague. The emperor didn’t know that the three emperors were Suiren, Fuxi, and Shennong. The Suiren church invented drilling wood to make fire, so that our human ancestors could escape the life of drinking blood. Fuxi created gossip, communicated with the gods, and taught us to fish with nets, greatly Enriched human food sources; Shennong’s taste of herbs! Using natural plants to treat our human diseases is a great contribution to the progress of mankind. Suiren is called Suihuang, Fuxi is called Xihuang, and Shennong is called It is called Yanhuang..."


Lu Yang’s lectures are not the same as those in the textbook The introduction to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in the textbook is very brief. Although this is not the scope of the final exam, Lu Yang still explained it in detail according to his own temperament. The students below are also gradually listening, because these things are not in the textbook. Lu Yang introduced the three emperors and five emperors before starting. According to the syllabus, the Yellow Emperor and Yao Shunyu are introduced in detail, and the focus of the lecture is slowly shifted to the system of the clan society.


The dry history class, in Lu Yang's mouth, is like a storyteller, connecting all the textbook knowledge, and even without looking at the textbooks and preparation notes, many students have never seen such a teacher. Naturally, interest greatly increased. There were almost no students sleeping in Lu Yang's class.


   The time for a class passed by the students unconsciously, and when the bell rang after class, many students had a feeling of unfulfilled intentions.


   Lu Yang, who wrote a novel, has already treated the history class as a novel, and the fun is something that ordinary teachers can't achieve. (To be continued...)


  PS: At the request of some readers, I wrote this chapter and checked a lot of information. I can't remember a lot of history knowledge in junior high school, and I am not a history major.


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