Rebirth 2003

Chapter 230: New book preparation

With textbooks and lesson preparation notes that he had never read before, Lu Yang returned to the office. As soon as he sat down, the young female teacher in the office next to him walked in with a smile, leaning against Lu Yang's desk with his arms, smiling. Asked: "Teacher Lu! You are really a real person without showing your face!"


   There is no one else in the office at this time, and the teachers don't know where they are, just she and Lu Yang.


This female teacher was a bit charming, half of her **** leaning on Lu Yang's desk, the beige trousers suddenly showed a piece of squeezed out buttocks, Lu Yang glanced at it, and then smiled. Her face asked: "How to say?"


  The female teacher pursed her lips and said, "You still don't admit it? I have heard that you know martial arts! And you have published a lot of novels, right?"


   Lu Yang nodded slightly, did not deny, and there is nothing to deny.


   Seeing Lu Yang nodded and admitted, the female teacher's eyes lit up, she simply lay down on the desk, looking at Lu Yang's eyes and said: "Really! You are amazing! I have never seen a living writer!"


   Have you ever seen a dead person?


   Lu Yang rolled his eyes in his heart, and on the surface he was humble: "General! Nonsense!"


  The female teacher seemed to have not heard this sentence, and continued to say excitedly: "I also like to write, can Teacher Lu help me take the manuscript for publication? I have no way out, and I have always wanted to publish it, but I can't publish it!"


   "Oh? What type did you write?"


   When the last life was doing an internship here, this female teacher also approached Lu Yang. Although Lu Yang's novels in the last life were never popular, she also published works. In order to publish your own text. The female teacher in the last life also hinted that he could have a relationship with her in that respect!


   It's just that Feng Tingting had not broken up with Lu Yang at that time, and Lu Yang had no idea about her. In this life, Lu Yang still had no idea about her. Even if she wanted to eat a woman, Tong Yaqian would not have her turn if she was there.


   The female teacher didn't know it, and said a little excitedly: "The romance novel I wrote, do you want me to show it to you now?"


   Lu Yang shook his head. Lu Yang had read her romance novel in her previous life and helped her pass the manuscript. Several publishing houses rejected the manuscript.


   Lu Yang: "Sorry, romantic, I can't help you! The publishing house I publish does not accept romantic works."




The female teacher was a little disappointed and said unwillingly, "Why don't you pass it over for me to try? They have published several novels for you. Say a few good things when you pass it over for me! Just say that my book is very beautiful. . Maybe it can be published? What do you think?"


   Lu Yang still smiled and shook his head.


When the female teacher saw that Lu Yang hadn't even read her manuscript, she refused, turned her head and glanced at the office door. Seeing that there was no one outside, she immediately whispered: "Don't, Teacher Lu! You do me this favor, and I will repay you!"


here we go again!


   Lu Yang resisted the urge to roll his eyes, shook his head slightly, and said, "Mr. Mei! It's not that I don't want to help you. My publishing house really doesn't publish romance novels!"


   Teacher Mei: "I will really repay you. Do you know what I mean by repaying?"


   Teacher Mei said, and gently touched the back of Lu Yang's hand on the table. Lu Yang put his hand down calmly and stood up and said, "Mr. Mei! I mean it, it's not a question of repaying or not repaying! I still have something to do, go out!"


   left after speaking.


  Ms. Mei: "……"


Looking at Lu Yang's departure, Teacher Mei's expression changed several times, and she was afraid that she had already hated Lu Yang. She all hinted that it was so obvious. Lu Yang, a newcomer who came for an internship, actually even reads her manuscript. She refused directly without seeing it, and didn't give her face at all.




After lunch, Lu Yang rented a house in an alley a hundred meters away from the school. On the second floor, there are two rooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. This is a small single room specially rented out, but because there are not many people renting it, the rent for this two-bedroom and one-living room is not expensive, only three thousand a year.


   That afternoon, Lu Yang brought all his luggage over. What happened last night, he could no longer live in a dormitory with Shao Dahai, and he was upset when he saw him.


  I was seen by Xu Xiaoman while moving things, and after school in the evening, she and Tong Yaqian came to have a meal together, smiled and said congratulations to Lu Yang on the move, and really bought a pot of Wenzhu for Lu Yang.


  A guest came, and Lu Yang naturally wanted to buy vegetables to cook. This surprised Xu Xiaoman and Tong Yaqian again, and they said that they did not expect Lu Yang to cook.


   Few girls can cook these days, let alone boys?


   While eating, Xu Xiaoman asked Lu Yang, "Have you handed in the review book?"


   In the morning, Director Chen ordered the three to fight, and a 1,000-word review letter must be handed in to Vice Principal Sun before leaving work today.


   "Well, I passed it." Lu Yang replied casually.


   Then I saw Xu Xiaoman suddenly laughed, making Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian a little baffling.


"why are you laughing?"


   Tong Yaqian asked.


Xu Xiaoman laughed again before explaining: "It's okay for Lu Yang, a novel writer, a thousand words is nothing, Shao Dahai is miserable today! From morning to afternoon, I begged several people, but no one helped me. He wrote, and in the end he wrote a random copy, and I don’t know if he will be criticized tomorrow!"


   Lu Yang tickled the corner of his mouth. There was no answer. There is no need to write an essay in college. Shao Dahai may not have written such a long thing in a few years.


   "That's right! Tong Yaqian! What is the dean of academic affairs looking for you this afternoon?" After talking about the topic just now, Xu Xiaoman asked Tong Yaqian again.


   Lu Yang looked over.


Tong Yaqian smiled and said: "I was not the president of the school newspaper before? I was studying music again. The dean of academic affairs asked me to be in charge of school broadcasting in the future, saying that the teacher in charge of broadcasting was transferred last semester. Lack of people!"


   "Is there any good thing?"


   Lu Yang was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect Tong Yaqian to be here so soon.


   is the former president of the school newspaper! I didn’t think in college that I would gradually find out when I was at work. Those who have done things in school before will be considered by the leaders first, such as the student union and various clubs.




   After this incident. Lu Yang's life temporarily returned to peace.


Every Wednesday class, during the rest of the work time, Lu Yang began to conceive the outline of the next book. The outline of "Magic Sword Eternity" is more complete, allowing Lu Yang to taste the sweetness of a complete outline. No, "Magic Sword Eternity" is still on the shelves. Less than three months. He began to conceive the outline of the next book.


   What to write next, Lu Yang had already made a decision in his heart, and the inspiration came from this time he played against Zhou Shaofeng. "The Romance of the Dragon and Snake"!


   There are a lot of works about Chinese martial arts in previous lives. Shenji’s "Dragon and Snake Romance" has written this subject to the pinnacle. For the first time, the works of martial arts have been ranked first on the monthly ticket list, and it seems that he has won the first place more than once or twice in my memory.


   Wang Chao, Tang Zichen, Chen Aiyang...


   Xingyi, Bagua, Tai Chi, Hong Quan, Wing Chun, Baji...


   Characters with vivid images. A kind of magical national skill. There are also Ming Jin, Dark Jin, Hua Jin, Tiger Lei Yin, Yi Jin Washing Marrow...


"The Romance of the Dragon and the Snake" left a deep impression on Lu Yang, only a deep impression. After so many years, he still can’t remember many of the plots of this book. He had thought about writing this book before, but he has always Didn't dare to do it, this book seems to be easy to write at first glance. But I really want to write that kind of immersive feeling, and the martial arts that seems to be able to be practiced in reality. It's very difficult.


   It is also until now that Lu Yang has some confidence to try to write such a book.


   It is definitely impossible for him to completely restore it. Many things have been forgotten, and he can only write a story of his own according to his own thinking.


The first is the collection of various types of boxing information. At this point, only when you have time at noon or night, you can search on the computer and in the office during the day. The main thing is to recall some allusions. The upper part is extended to martial arts practice. When exerting force, the whole body is like wild cat exploding hair.


   For example, the crocodile's tail trimming in Xingyiquan can comprehend the true meaning of this trick from the cruel movement of the crocodile when it preys. When it is practiced to the extreme, it can tear the opponent in half.


   For example, when a tiger and a leopard are dozing, the faint thunder sound in the body is used to cultivate the tiger and a leopard thunder sound and refine the bones and marrow.


The reason why the magical "Dragon and Snake Romance" can make people feel that those incredible martial arts can be really practiced is mainly because there are various seemingly real allusions, which make people think that many animals can do things after reading them. It is completely feasible for human beings to learn from practice.


   The collection of data and various settings cannot be done in a day or two. In addition to these, Lu Yang also writes the manuscript of "The Eternal Sword" every day.


   I have to practice boxing when I get up in the morning.


   He originally had the habit of practicing boxing every day. Last week, he stopped for a week because of the inconvenience of the dormitory. Now that he lives outside alone and has a spare room, he naturally reverts to his original habit. What's more, the next book on the subject of national martial arts will also involve Bajiquan. He practices more now, and he can write more realistically by then.


   In order to collect more comprehensive information, Lu Yang also called Teng Hu and asked Teng Hu to help him collect information about Bajiquan and other types of boxing.


   There are many types of boxing information that Lu Yang can't remember, he can only collect it on his own, but there are many secrets that can't be collected on the computer.


Teng Hu was born in a family of martial arts with a family of Bajiquan. As a family of martial arts, he can naturally contact practitioners of other types of martial arts. He also knows that Lu Yang writes novels and collects materials for writing this point He is still willing to help.


   In a blink of an eye, most of September has passed, and a problem that must be solved is before Lu Yang-can the remaining 1 million investment in "The Gate of Rebirth" be raised?


   The electronic version of "Magic Sword Eternal" in July and August, plus the attendance bonus, monthly ticket bonus, and reward amount, will be just over 300,000 together, and by the end of September, you can add up to 100,000.


In addition to the three-month income of the two Internet cafes, July and August are the off-seasons. The two Internet cafes add up to about 30,000 yuan a month, and July and August are about 60,000 yuan, plus 9. More than a month, it's only one hundred thousand.


   The electronic version of the manuscript fee plus the income from the Internet cafe for three months is only five or six hundred thousand. If the publisher’s royalty share cannot be paid at the end of this month or the beginning of next month, one million will have to find other ways.


   It's not easy for an ordinary person to get hundreds of thousands out these years. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you for the fish in the water, seven daffodils, rewarding 100 coins, thanks to fly attachment for rewarding 588 coins, thank you for the monthly pass.

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