Rebirth 2003

Chapter 231: God Creation Project

   On the morning of September 20th, Taiwan e Publishing House.


Ten minutes have passed since working hours. The boss and editor-in-chief Fan Huacheng entered the company unhurriedly, with a relaxed and cheerful expression. Since Wen Chou's "Unlimited Killing" was published in their publishing house, they The reputation of publishing houses is increasing day by day. Not to mention that they have long been profitable, more and more authors are submitting to their publishing houses, and some of them are well-known in the online literature industry.


   Under their operation, Wen Chou’s "Magic Sword Eternal" has occupied the top three in Taiwan's bestseller list for several months in a row. Last month, it was an unprecedented number one.


  Such achievements have envied countless industry peers, as well as countless great gods in the online literature world, and attracted a large number of well-known authors to contribute to them.


Fan Huacheng is no longer the only editor-in-chief of this publishing house. There are too many manuscripts that he can't review by himself. For this reason, he specially added a chief editor for final review, and Fan Huacheng only reviews the works of great gods above the first line. .


   Not only has the editor-in-chief increased by two, but the number of other employees has also increased by seven or eight. The small publishing house left by his father has finally seen hope of becoming bigger.


The happy Fan Huacheng just walked into the company, and the receiving editor He Ying trot to him and blocked his way. He Ying is just an ordinary receiving editor, and the manuscripts usually received are usually directly forwarded to a few first review editors. Yes, basically there is no need to report directly to Fan Huacheng.


   However, Fan Huacheng remembered that she was the one who received the Wen Chou manuscript, which was considered a hero of the company, so He Ying suddenly stopped him today. Fan Huacheng wasn't angry at all, and asked kindly: "Little Ho! Is there anything wrong?"


   He Ying paid attention to Fan Huacheng's expression, and saw that he seemed to be in a good mood today. Then he said: "President Fan! I just received an email from Wen Chou, and he made a request..."


"any request?"


Hearing that it was Wen Chou from the publishing house who made the request, Fan Huacheng immediately became serious. "Infinite Killing" and "Magic Sword Eternity" sell better than each, so he can see the hope of his publishing house. Dare to offend Wen Chou easily.


   He Ying: "He asked for the end of this month, and the beginning of next month at the latest. The previous royalties will be divided and settled to him, saying it is urgent!"


   Hearing that it was just such a request, Fan Huacheng was relieved. He reproached: "Just settle the royalties? You said it earlier! I thought it was a requirement! Okay! I will ask Finance to help him calculate all the royalties as soon as possible, and try to call him tomorrow! No problem. Bar?"


   He Ying did not expect Fan Huacheng to agree to be so refreshing. You must know that they settled the royalties with the author, half of which was half a year after the publication of a book. Just settled.


but. There is another question. She hesitated and said: "Fan, President Fan! He has another...request."


   "There is another one? Didn't you just say that he only made one request?"


   Fan Huacheng, who was about to leave, frowned. When his most annoying staff reported to him, they said half of them were left.


   He Ying saw him frown, and quickly said: "He also said that if the royalty share this time is less than 600,000, I hope we can give him a little advance of the manuscript fee and give him enough of 600,000!"


   Advance payment of manuscript fees in advance, since He Ying started her career. I have never seen any author mention it, this is the main reason why she just decided to report this matter just after paying attention to Fan Huacheng's expression.


   Fan Huacheng was taken aback when he heard the words. It was the first time he encountered such a thing, and he couldn't help but roughly estimate the royalty share of the "Magic Sword Eternal".


This book has been published by them since May, and now more than half of September, almost 4 months before and after, a total of 16 episodes have been published. The sales volume of this book is better than that of "Infinite Killing". The royalties of "Infinite Killing" are divided At that time, it was almost 30,000 yuan per episode. Even if the 16-episode manuscript is calculated at 30,000 one set, there are almost 500,000 yuan, while Wen Chou costs 600,000 yuan...


   I thought about it in my heart, and Fan Huacheng smiled and said to He Ying: "Respond to him by email! Yes! No matter whether his royalty share is 600,000 or not, we will give him 600,000!"


   "Huh? Good President Fan!"


   After He Ying was surprised, she immediately agreed. For this kind of thing she had never encountered before, President Fan actually agreed with one bite.


   Fan Huacheng returned to the office happily, and He Ying immediately responded to Wen Chou.


   After getting off work at noon that day, Lu Yang ordered a meal in the cafeteria and returned to his residence with it, then turned on the computer to check his email, and see if there was any reply from e Publishing House.


   This time he only sent an email to e-publishing to ask for an advance or even advance payment of royalties. He was not in a hurry to contact the e-province children's literature and art publishing house on the mainland.


   As a result, it is that the e-Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House is not so close to him. Taiwan e-publishing uses him as a signboard, asking them to ask for royalties or even advance royalties in advance, and the possibility of agreeing is greater.


Secondly, he did not want to owe favor to the two publishing houses, especially on the mainland side. There are not many people who dare to publish online novels on the mainland side. However, after a few years, it is more and more difficult for traditional literature publishing to make money. Small mainland publishing houses will take aim at online texts. Now if someone owes favors from the e-Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House, someone offers better terms in the future. Is he embarrassed to leave?


   For these two reasons, Lu Yang plans to test the Taiwan side first, and if that side disagrees, then look to the mainland side.


   The computer starts, and then I successfully log in to the e-mail address. The inbox location has displayed the word 1, that is, a new mail has arrived.


   I don’t know if they have agreed.


   Lu Yang opened the inbox a little bit nervously, and then opened the email that Yingying responded to the receiving editor.


   Wen Choujun Hello!


   Your request for the advance settlement of royalties and the advance payment of 600,000 yuan has been agreed by the president of our agency. The financial department has already settled, and the 600,000 yuan should be credited to your bank card tomorrow, please pay attention to it!






   Lu Yang was a little surprised, but also a little surprised.


   I didn't expect the other party to agree so easily, and I felt better about e Publishing House. No wonder the ancients said: I would rather be a phoenix than a phoenix.


   If he is not the other party’s signature author. If he changed to a big publishing house with a reputation as a cloud, his request would probably be rejected by the other party.


   The time is not up, but I want to settle the royalty share. Still want to advance the contribution fee?


   As long as the 600,000 yuan arrives there, plus the income from the starting point of "Magic Sword Eternity" and the income from the two Internet cafes, there should be 1.2 million.


   The worst, one million is definitely no problem.


   In this case, the investment of one million behind "Gate of Rebirth" is enough, let's talk about it. It's been almost a month since the filming of "Gate of Rebirth" started. Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa both made a few phone calls and invited him to watch the scene. He hasn't gone yet!


   It seems that I have to take some time to check it out. Maybe I can check it out before the second investment. If the previous shots are too bad. The next million said nothing can be smashed in.


   Suddenly the phone rang. Interrupting Lu Yang's thoughts, he took out his mobile phone and found that Rui Xiaoxiu was calling.


   "Hi! Miss me?"


   After answering the phone, Lu Yang lightly teased Rui Xiaoxiu. Recently Rui Xiaoxiu has sent text messages more frequently, especially at night.


   "Yes! You won't come back again..."


   Lu Yang seemed to see Rui Xiaoxiu's depressed expression with her lips pouted at this time.


   smiling, Lu Yang said, "In a few days. I will find time to come back to see you."




   On the phone, you can feel the surprise in Rui Xiaoxiu's tone.




   Hearing Lu Yang's affirmative answer. Rui Xiaoxiu's listless tone just now suddenly became brisk, like a happy little butterfly, and like a little sparrow in the morning, chatting briskly with Lu Yang.


   When putting down the phone, almost half an hour has passed. I don't know why Rui Xiaoxiu has so many words to say. This reminds Lu Yang of the previous Cao Xue, and this is also the case when Cao Xue is in a good mood.


   Cao Xue...


   Thinking of Cao Xue, Lu Yang couldn't help but think of what her mother said to him before the internship, asking him to marry Cao Xue after graduation. What a headache!


   It seems that after a few days, I have to take a few more days off. I went to see the crew of "The Gate of Rebirth", and I also went to see Cao Xue and Rui Xiaoxiu by the way.


   It was still early for work in the afternoon, and Lu Yang was in a good mood, so he landed on the starting point, first posted today's second chapter, and then went to see the situation on the monthly ticket list.


   San Shao’s "Airspeed Star Marks" has disappeared, because the book has been finished.


   sentient beings’ "Dragon Domain" ranked second, followed by the dancing "Supreme Rogue", and the magical "Buddha Is the Way".


   After two or three months of turbulence, the starting point has gradually stabilized. Although it is still in a lawsuit against Yuntian, it does not matter anymore. After the digital station has been online for a few months, the freshness of both the author and the reader has passed.


   Once the freshness passed, many people found a serious problem!


That is, in addition to the books written by the great gods who dug from the starting point, the digital station is okay, and the works of other newcomers are completely unreadable. Readers go to the digital station to read the works of the great gods they like, and then want to find works that can be read. Have to go back to the starting point.


   To put it simply, the author of the digital station has a very serious fault!


   Except for the 20 or 30 first-line gods who dug from the starting point, almost all of the other works were written by newcomers. How new? Looking around, almost all the names of the authors have never been seen before.


   The completely unfamiliar name of the author, the brand-new new works, are completely the same as the works of the lowest-level newcomers you have seen at the starting point.


   There is no middle-level author at all in the digital station...


   No matter how beautiful the works of the great gods are, it will only cost about 6,000 to 10,000 words a day. After reading all the works of several great gods, why go there in the rest of the time?


Realizing this, many readers of the past have to go back to the starting point to look for books. Compared with the very few great gods, middle-level authors are the main force in the online literature world, which is thousands of starting points. In the library, you can always find a few works that you like.


   The reader realized it, the author realized it, and then the editors of various websites realized this. In the eyes of some visionaries, the digital station is dangerous! They don't have enough excellent works to keep readers who followed in the past. At the beginning of the station, a large number of readers who followed are returning to the starting point.


   Someone may ask, why didn't the digital station follow up and dig a large number of middle-level authors?


There are many reasons for   , the main one is that they don’t have that much money!


   The number of middle-level authors is too big! If all the buyouts are in the past, not to mention how many billions it takes to get it done, the annual buyout costs in the future will be able to bring down the entire website.


   At the beginning of the station, they thought very well. They dug past the top Crimson, Misty Jiangnan, Yuntian and others in the online literature circle, and a large number of readers and middle- and lower-level authors will follow.


   As a result, readers have indeed followed a lot, but few middle- and lower-level authors ran over by themselves. Brand-new websites, other great gods bought out, write their own share? How many people will spend money to subscribe to the new website? The bought-out works of Great God are all free for readers to see. You let other authors' works on the shelves for readers to spend money to see?


  Middle-level authors are not all fools, so they are naturally unmoved, unless the digital station spends money to buy out their works, but the digital station can't pay so much money.


As soon as the shortcomings of the    digital station were exposed, the authors of the middle and lower levels at the starting point naturally extinguished the idea of ​​leaving, and the starting point gradually stabilized as a result.


  The middle and upper-level authors who had recovered their spirits suddenly realized that their best opportunity was here! The golden opportunity of a once-in-a-lifetime is right in front of us. How many positions have been vacated by the departure of most of the top gods such as Blood Red?


   Some sharp-eyed authors have discovered that a very strange phenomenon has recently appeared in the starting point. Some first-line and even second-line authors' works have actually occupied several recommended positions in a week. A book clearly has a good small cover recommendation on the homepage. On the classification page, there is actually a cover recommendation. There are even more outrageous ones. There are so few books that occupy three recommended positions in a week. ...


   This is simply a spectacle!


   Has there ever been such a phenomenon before the starting point? In the past, at most only the top few great gods had this treatment, but now the first-line and even the second-line middle-level authors have this treatment. What is the starting point?


   Create God!


   When some authors realized this, suddenly couldn't calm down.


  The starting point is already telling others in this way that the digital station has poached most of our great gods? We don't care! Now I will create a few more great gods to show you!


This kind of information cannot be kept secret in the author circle. One or two authors get this kind of treatment, and you may not know that when there are ten, twenty, or even thirty or forty authors who have received this kind of support and treatment. , The news will naturally spread like wildfire.


The top gods at the starting point only have a few positions. Who can rush up with this kind of support depends on their own abilities. The rest of the authors who have not received this kind of treatment are also working hard to take this opportunity to rush to the second or even the first line. s position.


The emergence of    digital stations, and the departure of the blood red and others, have given many powerful authors the opportunity to rise up. A group of brand-new great gods are about to rise, and another peak will soon appear in the online literature world. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to Deng Sangtian, Xiao Xiao**, one yuan will reward 100 coins for diving, thanks to xhy79 for 200 coins, thanks to the common people without hatred, pure de Xiaoqi, and Yiren for 588 coins. Thanks to the four-star evaluation ticket for the love and companionship of Magic Diamond, and the monthly ticket for Yuange and ゞ Perfect Limit.

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