Rebirth 2003

Chapter 245: return

Lu Yang stayed in J city for another day. On the third morning, he boarded the train back to H city. Cao Xue took a two-hour leave and sent him to the train. The train had already started, and Lu Yang could still see She waved her small palm below and looked at Cao Xue like this. Lu Yang found that she felt a little distressed. He thought that Cao Xue was no longer that important in his heart. Only after coming over this time, she discovered that she was still the most important one in his heart. .


   With a trace of regret and guilt, Lu Yang returned to City H.


   Lu Yang did not notify Rui Xiaoxiu. When he got out of the bus, he did not see Rui Xiaoxiu outside the station. He took a taxi outside the station and Lu Yang went straight back to his residence.


   Opened the door, there was not much dust in the room, it was cleaner than when he left. Lu Yang knew it must be the result of Rui Xiaoxiu's frequent cleaning. Unknowingly, he had already owed a few women's love debts. Putting his luggage on the coffee table, Lu Yang walked into the study. It was no different from when he left. There were still maps of "Magic Sword Eternity" on the walls and ceiling. Looking at these maps, Lu Yang decided this When I went back to K city in province y, I had to bring these maps with him. Standing in front of these maps, Lu Yang found that his thoughts were much clearer.


Walking into the bedroom, the bed is still covered with quilts, clean, neatly folded, like the ones just folded today, you can smell the sunlight on the quilts when you get closer, it seems that Rui Xiaoxiu not only helped him wash it The sheets, duvet covers, and cotton were dried.


   After walking around the house in silence, Lu Yang took out his cell phone and dialed Rui Xiaoxiu's number.


   "Huh? Lu Yang! Why do you think of calling me at this time?"


   Upon receiving a call from Lu Yang, Rui Xiaoxiu's voice was filled with joy. The more so, the heavier Lu Yang felt, and the hardest to pay his debts.


   "I'm back. When you are not busy, come over for a while!" Lu Yang said gently.


   "Huh? Are you back? Where are you? At the station or at home?"


   Rui Xiaoxiu's tone suddenly became excited.


"at home."


   "Okay! Don't go! I'll be here right away! Suck..."


   Rui Xiaoxiu hung up the phone happily and said that he would come soon. Lu Yang silently put the phone in his pocket, walked into the kitchen and started boiling water, washing cups, and looking for tea, when Rui Xiaoxiu arrived happily. Lu Yang had already made two cups of tea, and Rui Xiaoxiu saw sweat on her forehead when she walked in. Her chest was ups and downs, obviously coming from a trot. Just as Lu Yang asked her sleeves to wipe the sweat from her forehead, she threw herself into Lu Yang's arms. He gave Lu Yang a heavy kiss. A surprised smile on his face.


  I don’t see you in a day, like three autumns.


   For a woman in love, if I haven't seen it for such a time, the longing in my heart is already full and almost overflowing in my chest.


   "Last time you said you would come back to see me soon, I thought you were coaxing me!"


   Rui Xiaoxiu hugged Lu Yang tightly, her tone flying in surprise, Lu Yang closed the door easily, and stretched out her arms, hugging her slender body in his arms. Embracing Cao Xue and Rui Xiaoxiu feels completely different from embracing Zhang Li. When embracing Zhang Li, Lu Yang only had passion in his heart. When he embraced Cao Xue and Rui Xiaoxiu, he had tenderness and satisfaction in his heart.


   Rui Xiaoxiu also enjoyed Lu Yang's hug very much. When Lu Yang hugged her, her eyes closed comfortably, and the corners of her mouth overflowed with a joyful smile.


The two were tired and crooked together for more than an hour. Lu Yang sat on the sofa and Rui Xiaoxiu sat on Lu Yang’s lap. She could not help but kiss Lu Yang. If it hadn’t been for the last two days to take a shower and change clothes, Rui Xiaoxiu might have been with Lu Yang. Already in bed. Seeing that it was getting late, Rui Xiaoxiu remembered to say to Lu Yang, "Let's go! The vegetable market is almost empty. Let's go buy some food and come back! I'll make you some delicious food tonight."


   "Go to the restaurant to eat at night?"


Lu Yang didn't want her to trouble her, but Rui Xiaoxiu took his hand and shook her head with a smile on her face, and said, "No! You haven't eaten the food I cooked by myself for a long time. You must eat what I cooked tonight. I want to catch it. Your stomach! giggle!"


Lu Yang couldn't help her, so he had to go to the vegetable market with a smile. When they arrived at the vegetable market, there was no more vegetables to sell, only chickens, ducks and aquatic products, because they rented a shop in the vegetable market, and the door was still open. Rui Xiaoxiu was very disappointed, but he still bought a chicken, a turtle, and four or five large rice eels. Seeing that there are live clams in the aquatic products, they also called a catty of clams.


   "There is no veggie seller! It seems Jin Su can eat all the meat!"


  When she left the vegetable market, Rui Xiaoxiu was still a little disappointed. For her, a good table of dishes must have meat and vegetables. The combination of meat and vegetables is nutritious.


   Lu Yang carried a few convenient bags and smiled: "There must be vegetarian dishes in the supermarket in front of you!"


   Rui Xiaoxiu, who has never bought vegetables in a supermarket, brightened his eyes, clapped his palms, and said, "Yeah! Why didn't I think about it just now? But, are the vegetables in the supermarket expensive?"


   Lu Yang paid for the grocery shopping just now. Lu Yang paid for the grocery shopping in the supermarket, but Rui Xiaoxiu, who is used to living frugally, still loves the money. Lu Yang smiled and said, "Let's go! No matter how expensive it is, you won't go bankrupt if you buy it once!"


   Rui Xiaoxiu was right to think about it, and then happily walked into the supermarket in front with Lu Yang and picked a few vegetarian dishes in it. Only then did he go home with Lu Yang satisfied.


As soon as he returned to Lu Yang’s house, Rui Xiaoxiu was busy, choosing and washing vegetables, and happily said to Lu Yang, "Is the chicken braised and turtle stew good? I bought some edamame and put it in the chicken. It's delicious. I plan to stir-fry the rice eel with chili. By the way, I will add a little garlic to it. It should be very fragrant! Do you prefer to stir-fry the small green vegetables? Or put it in turtle soup?"


It may be that Lu Yang came back and made her so happy, Xiaozui kept talking, if other women were chatting like this, Lu Yang would have been annoyed long ago, but today Lu Yang is not at all annoying. He smiled and laid hands with Rui Xiaoxiu, let him choose the dishes, let him wash the rice eel, he would wash the rice eel, when the chicken, turtle, and rice eel were bought, they were all killed, but it saved him a lot of time.


   After working for more than an hour, Rui Xiaoxiu satisfactorily prepared seven or eight dishes for Lu Yang to bring to the dinner table and wash his hands. When she took off her apron and was about to eat, she remembered that there was no alcohol at home. How about so many dishes without alcohol? Besides, she knew that Lu Yang would like to drink two glasses when she was okay, and she was going out to buy wine immediately. Lu Yang said that she had no idea, but she also firmly disagreed, and she would buy him some wine for everything.


   In fact, Lu Yang didn't have much alcohol addiction, but seeing that he couldn't persuade her, Lu Yang had to push her down on the sofa. Put the tea you made before, put a cup in front of her, and then smiled and said: "You must be tired after a long time. Let me buy it! What wine would you like to drink?"


   Rui Xiaoxiu's eyes rolled, Lu Yang's thoughtfulness made her heart warm, so she didn't insist on buying it herself. Yin Yin smiled and said: "Red bar! It's a bit cold. Drinking too much beer is not good, and white wine is easy to get drunk. Red wine is better!"


   "Okay! Wait! If you're bored, go online, my computer is in my computer bag."


   Rui Xiaoxiu clicked and kissed Lu Yang's smiling cheek, and whispered, "Lu Yang, you are so kind!"


  'S words made Lu Yang a little ashamed, and his smile froze before nodding. Go out to buy wine with a smile.


   It was dark outside, and just walked out of the corridor. There was a cool breeze blowing on his face, making Lu Yang clear his mind, thinking of Rui Xiaoxiu who was waiting for him to buy red wine upstairs. Today, her joyful smile and flying mood, she also thought of Cao Xue in J city, and the train was moving. At that time, Cao Xue waved her small hand vigorously outside the car, with reluctant eyes, and Tong Yaqian from K city in y province. The night before leaving, the two hugged each other under the blanket, and she gently touched her nose with the tip of her nose. The tip of his nose whispered to him to come back early.


   The faces of several women seemed to appear in front of Lu Yang's eyes at this moment, making him feel like he was nothing.


   He is the only woman in his heart, but he has a few women in his heart.


   Lu Yang walked unhurriedly in the neighborhood in the dark, silently took out a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, took a deep breath, and the smoke that came out caught his own eyes.


Pursing his mouth silently, Lu Yang speeded up his pace and walked towards the smoking hotel at the gate of the community. None of the three women could give up, and he was unwilling to give up. He could only force himself to look forward, keep working hard, and make more money, even if there was one in the future. One day, if one of them wants to leave, he can also make up for it.


   It’s just that the thought of losing one, two, or even three of them in the future makes his heart tingle.


   When the red wine was bought back, Rui Xiaoxiu had already arranged the dishes and chopsticks. As soon as Lu Yang knocked on the door twice, she ran over and opened the door with a smile, welcoming Lu into the door with a smile.


   Two bottles of the Great Wall dry red for about 200 yuan, with Lu Yang's amount of alcohol, it is impossible for the two of them to get drunk with Rui Xiaoxiu, but he was drunk this night.


   Wine is not intoxicating and everyone is drunk. This is probably the case!


Rui Xiaoxiu worked hard to help him go to bed, help him wipe his face and wash his feet with hot water, as virtuous as a little daughter-in-law, the drunk-eyed Lu Yang was sober, leaning on the bedside watching Rui Xiaoxiu's busy schedule and after her busy schedule. After pouring the foot wash, Lu Yang gently held her thin palm when he gently sat on the edge of his bed.


"kiss Me!"


   Lu Yang looked at Rui Xiaoxiu sitting on the edge of the bed with drunken eyes, and said with a big tongue, and then saw Rui Xiaoxiu pursing her mouth, gently leaning on him, and really kissing his lips gently.




   In the middle of the night, Rui Xiaoxiu still went home. Her mother still didn't know about her love affairs, and she didn't know how to tell her mother, so she couldn't stay overnight at Lu Yang.


   Lu Yang also stayed in H city for two days, accompanied Rui Xiaoxiu, went to two Internet cafes to see, also went to see Teng Lei who was in class, and had a meal with Cheng Hua who was staying in H city.


Cheng Hua is a rookie in love. Lu Yang helped him create a good start before the summer vacation. He was stunned that he didn't take that Wang Yue down before the start of the summer vacation, but there was no complete tragedy. At least that Wang Yue did not completely reject him, but was just a wolf. He told him that he was going to intern soon, and they were destined to have no future together.


   So, Cheng Huan took her down completely, but he resigned from the internship unit he had contacted, and then used the summer vacation time to find an internship in a suburban middle school in H City, which is also teaching the history of the first year of junior high.


   These are naturally what Cheng Hua told Lu Yang while drinking.


The conditions of the middle school in the suburbs he described were completely incomparable with the middle school where Lu Yang was intern, but Lu Yang could see that Cheng Hua's mental state was very good, and he looked like he had fallen in love with a sweet face. Speaking of Wang Yue, his face A happy smile appeared on the top.


   On the third day, Lu Yang carried his luggage, bid farewell to Rui Xiaoxiu again, and boarded the plane to K city in y province.


  On this trip, it cost him thousands of dollars just for the plane ticket and train ticket. Fortunately, for his current wealth, such a small amount of money is not enough to make him heartache.


   It takes three days and two nights to travel by train, and it takes only a few hours by plane to arrive.


After returning to the residence, he posted all the maps he brought back in the small room with codewords. When he turned on the computer to log in to the starting point, Lu Yang found that "Ice and Fire Magic Kitchen" really narrowed the distance with "Magic Sword Eternal". Sure enough, I haven't given up yet, I won't give up if I don't take the first oath!


In the book review area of ​​"Magic Sword Eternal", many readers are calling everyone to vote for monthly tickets. When Lu Yang turned on the computer, he just saw a few 10,000 starting coins hanging in the book review area. Obviously some readers were spending money again. As a reward, I voted for him.


   Currently, the monthly ticket gap between the two books is more than 800 votes.


   There is still more than a week before the end of the month. If Sanshou can close the distance of one hundred votes a day, by the last day of the month, he will still be able to explode Lu Yang's "Magic Sword Eternal".


Of course, Lu Yang wouldn’t just watch this happen. That afternoon, he nestled in a small room with his brows and code words silently. With his ten-finger flying and tapping, Lu Yang jumped into the document. For the writer In other words, the battle on the monthly ticket list is a battle without gunsmoke.


   If you want to beat your opponent, there is no shortcut. Apart from the quality of the work, it is mainly based on your own explosive speed, and of course the reader's cohesion. The higher the reader's cohesion, even if the number of subscribers of the work is not as good as the opponent, you can completely defeat the opponent.


In 2006, there were not many people who used monthly passes. At least in Lu Yang’s memory, San Shao didn’t seem to be the kind of person who could do monthly passes. San Shao didn’t do monthly Yang did not do monthly passes either. There was a real fight against each other, and Lu Yang didn't refuse such a frontal fight.


   One afternoon, Lu Yang wrote two chapters. When the two chapter codes came out, the sky was already dark outside. Tong Yaqian didn't know that he was coming back today, so until this time, she didn't come to Lu Yang.


   And Lu Yang, in order to code a few more words tonight, did not notify her, soaked a bowl of instant noodles, and continued the code word fight.


   If Sanshao continued to spell words like this, Lu Yang estimated that in the next more than a week, he might have to stay up late again. I don’t know what his expression would be when the dean of academic affairs caught him sleeping during work hours again?


Lu Yang didn’t care about so much. He had been fighting for more than half a month, so many readers would reward him with so much money and give him monthly support. First of all, I am sorry for those readers who have always supported him.


   The reader's heart cannot be hurt! (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you for the reward of 100 points, and thank you all for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket.


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