Rebirth 2003

Chapter 246: Student ratings

The next day was another Monday, because the code word of the previous night was close to a little early in the morning. When Lu Yang was woken up by the phone alarm at seven in the morning, he was naturally not in good spirits. When he opened his eyes, his head was still dizzy. , Lu Yang habitually leaned his head against the head of the bed first, half-opening his eyes half-closed, so that his brain slowly became clearer.


   Covered his hands with his hands and rubbed his face muscles. It was obvious that the skin on his face had become dry after staying up late recently. Fortunately, he is not a woman or a man who eats on his face. On Monday, early self-study time, the leadership will hold a regular meeting. In the second class this morning, he has a history class to talk about. Thinking of this, Lu Yang can only smile bitterly. He wants to be a great **** in the Internet world, and it really is not suitable. Part-time normal work takes up too much code word time.


After leaning on the bedside and waking up for a few minutes, Lu Yang got up from the bed and practiced Bajiquan in the living room habitually for a while. After he sweated all over his body, he could improve his head, and then he went to the bathroom for a wash. After taking a bath, putting on clean clothes, he barely regained his vigor and left the residence.


   I ate early downstairs. When Lu Yang rushed to the school office, the weekly meeting was about to be held. Many teachers had already made preparations. Everyone usually only brought these three kinds of notebooks, pens and tea cups.


At the regular meeting, the usual and joyful leaders once again used the face-changing temple, all of them were stern, and the unfortunate ones were criticized one by one. Every time at this time, both the interns and the old teachers were silent. The best occasion for leaders to show their majesty. Who dares to talk back at the meeting will not have any good fruit in all likelihood.


   Lu Yang and the rest of the interns were criticized. It turned out that a few interns left school after dinner and went to the city to play in the city because they had no class on Saturday the next two nights. They only came back in the middle of the night. They were taken knives in a small alley near the school. The big guys were robbed, and among them were Xu Heng and Shao Dahai. These two guys didn't understand the rules of the workplace at all. The next day he actually reported to Vice President Sun that he wanted to use the power of the police to catch the gangsters, but it turned out. The matter was suppressed by Vice President Sun, and several people were severely approved. At today's regular meeting, it was already considered a corpse.


  Y province belongs to the Chinese border. Drive abroad from the beginning. There are only a few hours, and the public security here has not been very good, especially at night. During the internship period when everyone came here, basically everyone was warned by the leader or the old teacher. It is best not to leave school at night. What I am afraid of is This happened.


   Once such a thing is exposed, it doesn't matter if the gangsters can catch it. The reputation of the school is a slander, so Vice Principal Sun immediately suppressed the incident. A few unlucky guys who wanted to find a leader to call the shots were robbed outside, and they had to be criticized again and again by the leader when they came back.


Lu Yang glanced twice and saw that the few people who had been criticized were all drooping their heads, but many others laughed at the corners of their mouths. Lu Yang didn't say anything. Liu Yuhu had reminded everyone last time, Shao Dahai. If you don't care about Xu Heng, who is to blame?


   After the meeting, on the way back to the office, Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman habitually slowed down with Lu Yang and walked behind the crowd.


   Tong Yaqian glanced at Lu Yang and asked in a low voice: "When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me?"


   Xu Xiaoman: "Yes! Yesterday and Sunday! I knew you were back, let's go to your place to play! I was so bored in the dormitory!"


   Lu Yang: "I only came back yesterday afternoon. The journey was a bit tired. I fell asleep when I came back. When I woke up, it was already over ten in the evening, so I didn't tell you."


   Opening his eyes and talking nonsense, I have to say that Lu Yang's skill is getting longer.


   Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman obviously did not expect that Lu Yang would lie to them on this issue. Neither of them entangled in this issue. Tong Yaqian glanced at Lu Yang again, noticed the faint dark circles on Lu Yang's face, and obviously believed it.


   "I haven't rested yet? Would you like to ask the leader for another day off? Don't go to bed during working hours again. If you are caught by Director Chen, you will be over!"


   Xu Xiaoman also said: "Yeah! Why don't you ask for a day off with your leader? If you go to bed during working hours, you might really want the strong man to go and never pay it again!"


   Lu Yang smiled and shook his head.


   He also wants to continue to ask for leave, but he has just taken so many days of leave, and if he asks for leave today, he will be criticized by the leader in all likelihood and it is not worth it.


Xu Xiaoman suddenly thought of something and whispered: "Yes! You were away last week. The Academic Affairs Office organized an investigation and sent a teacher evaluation form to each class. Students give a score to each teacher, and maybe the survey results will come out today. I don’t know how many points we can rate. I hope we won’t be criticized!"


Tong Yaqian is obviously not worried about this matter. She is very confident in her abilities. What's more, she is still teaching music lessons. She is confident that her students will not give her too low grades, so when Xu Xiaoman mentioned this matter , She just smiled.


   "Oh! Don't worry! You used to be a member of our class, but you can't speak well in the first year of junior high school? You are a beauty again, and the students won't give you low marks!"


   Lu Yang smiled and comforted Xu Xiaoman. He didn't worry about himself. The students in the first and third grades like listening to his class so much. He doesn't believe that those students will cheat him.


   Sure enough, in the second class this morning, when Lu Yang was teaching in the first three classes of junior high school, some students told him with a smile that he gave Teacher Lu 100 points during the school survey last week.


Mentioned this topic, many students laughed and said that I also gave one hundred points, I gave ninety-five points, Lu Yang paid attention to it, there were 20 or 30 students who spoke, in the noisy voice, no One person gave him a score of less than ninety points.


   Lu Yang smiled and put his hands together, thanking everyone.


  Although he has decided to leave here after the internship is over, he is pleased to be loved by the students. In his previous life, he did not receive such a welcome internship here. It is a comfort to get him in this life.


   After a class, Lu Yang returned to the office while drinking tea. While taking out a wad of manuscript paper and putting it on the desk, he was ready to continue the construction of the new book, although the sleepiness came up again at this time. I really want to sleep, but he has been caught by the dean three times. Today Monday, if he is caught again, he can't explain himself.


As    wrote, Lu Yang's eyes narrowed a little, and Tong Yaqian, who was sitting across from him, saw it. Feeling distressed, he gave a bitter smile and took out a pack of instant coffee from the drawer. I went to the drinking fountain and took a paper cup and gave Lu Yang a cup and placed it in front of Lu Yang.


   "Be refreshed!"


   Tong Yaqian said softly.


   Xu Heng, who was sitting behind another desk and was bored and looking around, saw him, his eyes lit up and he roared: "Huh? Teacher Tong! I'm a little sleepy, too. Give me a cup? Hey!"


   Tong Yaqian glanced at him. Smiled silently. I didn’t care. She and Xu Heng were not classmates. They didn’t know each other before. If it weren’t because of Lu Yang’s relationship, she would not have followed him. Teasing her like that. Where would she treat him as a green onion?


   Just when another teacher looked at Xu Heng with smiling eyes, the dean of academic affairs Chen Jian came to Lu Yang's office with a stern face. Lu Yang was drinking the coffee Tong Yaqian rushed to him. He only heard footsteps at the door. He hadn't noticed that it was Chen Jian. Chen Jian had already spoken: "Mr. Lu Yang! Mr. Xu Heng! Come to my office right away!"


   "Huh? Director Chen, what's the matter?"


   Xu Heng, the second grader, was surprised and asked on the spot.


   Lu Yang didn't know what was going on, but since the dean of academic affairs called for him, he could only put down his coffee and get up and walk with Chen Jian.


   Chen Jian squinted Xu Heng coldly, and said indifferently: "I'll know if you come here?"


   were called to the Office of Academic Affairs, Zhou Shaofeng, who teaches Chinese, and Zhao Xuebing, who teaches mathematics.


Before the four of them walked into the Academic Affairs Office, you look at me and I look at you. No one knows what it is, but everyone has a bad premonition in their hearts. Human posture!


In addition to Lu Yang, the other three people who intend to stay here to teach here were a little nervous when they walked into the Academic Affairs Office, especially Zhou Shaofeng and Xu Heng. Both of them have been criticized by the school leaders more than once. Secondly, after the internship, I want to stay here to teach, I am afraid it is completely impossible.


Chen Jian was already sitting behind his desk. In the large office of the Academic Affairs Office, there was an old teacher writing teaching plans there. When four interns walked in with different expressions, the old teacher gave a light smile and continued his work. .


   The four stood side by side to the opposite of Chen Jian's desk.


Chen Jian coldly threw a form over, and said in a bad tone: "Look at it all! See how the students rated you! With this score, you are ashamed to say that you are a high-achieving undergraduate graduate from a normal university? That's the case for high-achieving students. level?"


   The other three's expressions changed, and they all made a chuckle in their hearts. They knew their own level, plus Chen Jian's face and tone of voice at the moment, you don't need to look at it to know that the students must have given them a low grade. Only Lu Yang frowned, and doubts arose in his heart. He knew how he taught in his own class. There were so many students who said this morning that they gave him 100 points or 95 points, and they said nine. There are not many ten. How can the survey result be to the point where your own score needs to be trained by the leader?


   Xu Heng and others didn't look at the form, Lu Yang was puzzled, but picked up the form.


   Then I saw that the average scores of dozens of teachers in the junior high school were generally in the range of seven to eighty points. Only four of them were ridiculously lower than the other.


   Zhou Shaofeng had an average score of 41, Zhao Xuebing 43, and Xu Heng 39. His Lu Yang was the lowest, only 37.


   Such an average score, who does the leader train them?


  Student grades like this, once exposed by the outside media, the whole school will be ashamed. Such a big middle school has so many teachers who are disgusted by students.


   an average score of thirty or forty, isn’t it just disgusted by the students?


Zhou Shaofeng and the others only have such points. Lu Yang is not surprised, but he also has such points. Lu Yang said that he did not believe anything. Whether students like listening to his class can be seen from the usual classroom atmosphere. Come out, in his class, not a single student sleeps, no student does anything unrelated to the class, the atmosphere in the class is so harmonious, and the students give him such a low score?


Only Lu Yang picked up the form and looked at it, which naturally attracted the attention of Chen Jian and the other three interns. Zhou Shaofeng and others all looked at Lu Yang with strange eyes. Chen Jian also looked at him, the impression he had before Chen Jian. Lu Yang is the most talented of this group of interns, otherwise it would be impossible to publish so many novels. The last fight with Zhou Shaofeng also made everyone realize that Lu Yang is not only talented, but also both civil and military.


   Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a talented young man to be unpopular with students. Chen Jian was also surprised when he first saw that Lu Yang's average score was so low.


   But then Chen Jian remembered that Lu Yang always sleeps in the office during working hours recently, so Chen Jian found out the reason why Lu Yang's score was so low in the hands of students.


   must be Xiancaiaowu! The lectures were not taken seriously, which caused the students to resist him very much.


   This is also one of the main reasons why Chen Jian is extremely bad at the moment.


   A talented intern teacher, but he doesn't take his work seriously, and makes students so disgusted.


"Why? I can't believe this score? Teacher Lu Yang! If the article is not well written, the students will recognize you! Yes! I admit that you are very talented! The three articles I asked you to write last time were all published in the newspaper. This is second to none in our school! But whether students like you or not is not judged from this point! Did you teach students well in class? I doubt now! When you were in college, did all your energy be used? I'm writing novels, so my professional class results are in a mess! I don't have relevant historical knowledge in my stomach, so I can't teach the history class in the first year of junior high?"


Chen Jian is almost about to slap the table and scold Zhou Shaofeng, Xu Heng and others lowered their heads calmly, secretly happy that they were originally criticized by four people, but now Lu Yang alone has all the firepower. The attraction passed, and the pressure on the three of them was greatly reduced, and they couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.


Lu Yang's eyes moved, thinking of the teacher's evaluation during his internship here in his previous life. The work of these evaluations was not done by the dean himself, but assigned to the staff below. Sometimes he would find a few female teachers. Help, after all, there are more than a dozen classes and dozens of teachers in the junior high school. A teacher may bring several classes. When grading a teacher, he has to go to several classes to do investigations. Just rely on the two officers of the Academic Affairs Office. It is difficult to do a good job in a short time and do it meticulously.


On one occasion, Lu Yang met two female teachers who helped with surveys and changed the grades given to them by the students in private. There was also an old teacher who had a good relationship with an officer in the Academic Affairs Office who did the same thing. . (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks for the autumn tomatoes, Lingzimu, Litchi Township, ykjh, and xhy79 for rewarding 100 points. Thank you Xiaoxi Xiaoxi for rewarding 588 points. Thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket.


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