Rebirth 2003

Chapter 247: Who is the black hand?

"Director! Which teacher did my grading this time? I asked to check the questionnaire!" Thinking of the black-box operation he had seen in his previous life, Lu Yang directly made this request.


   How other people operated in the dark box originally had nothing to do with him. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't say it so as not to offend others, but now that the dark box operation is on his head and he has produced such a low score, Lu Yang naturally does not want to suffer from this dumb loss.


Unfortunately, Chen Jian was preconceived and had already determined that Lu Yang was not serious in class, or when he was in college, his mind was devoted to writing novels, and his professional knowledge was a mess. Therefore, when he heard Lu Yang’s request, Chen Jian Coldly yelled: "No need! Everyone is busy! There is no time to toss with you! This time is just a few warnings to you, next month's survey score, if it is still so low, I will suggest to Vice President Sun , To end your internship at our school, that’s all right! Go back to work!"


Zhou Shaofeng and the others hurriedly left the Academic Affairs Office if they received an amnesty, but Lu Yang did not move. Faced with the cold face of the Academic Affairs Director Chen Jian, Lu Yang did not feel embarrassed because he did not plan to stay here after the internship was over. To teach, there is nothing to ask for, and there is no fear.


After Zhou Shaofeng and others withdrew from the Office of Academic Affairs, Lu Yang insisted: "Director Chen! I never believe that the students' evaluation of me is so low! You are the director, and you want to criticize me for any reason! As long as I do. Not enough, I listen to any criticisms you criticize, but such a low score, I absolutely don’t believe it! Unless you show me all the score sheets, if there is really only such a score, you don’t need to propose to Vice President Sun. I’ll do it right away. Pack your things and leave!"


   Lu Yang really thought so in his heart. If the students in the first and third grades of junior high school really don't want to see him so much, he would do it for an internship certificate. It's totally meaningless to stay here.


   He doesn't expect to go out to eat with his diploma in the future.


Chen Jian stared at Lu Yang coldly for more than ten seconds. Seeing that Lu Yang's gaze was not flinching, his brows were frowned. Lu Yang's confidence made him a little shaken. Now he asked the old teacher in the office who was writing a lesson plan: "Mr. Fu! Go! What about the questionnaire for a week? Bring the form about Teacher Lu Yang and make him give it up!"


   Teacher Fu raised his head. He glanced at Lu Yang, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay! I'll look for it!"


   Then he got up and rummaged in the file cabinet behind him. As time passed, Lu Yang and Chen Jian both looked at Teacher Fu, waiting for him to bring Lu Yang's questionnaire.


   It’s only a dozen minutes after the time, and Teacher Fu hasn’t found a form about Lu Yang. I couldn't help but muttered strangely: "Huh? It's weird! Where's Teacher Lu Yang's form? I'll look it up again!"


   rummaged through it but didn't find the questionnaire about Lu Yang. Teacher Fu thought he had just searched for something, and after murmured a word, he started searching again. At this time, Lu Yang still didn't say anything, but Chen Jian frowned again. If he couldn't find the questionnaire about Lu Yang. , Then this matter is strange.


   Is there really a problem with the rating this time?


   Chen Jian couldn't help but feel this kind of suspicion in his heart.


soon. More than ten minutes passed, and Teacher Fu frowned. Standing up empty-handed, he said to Chen Jiantan, "Director Chen! It's weird! There is no questionnaire for Teacher Lu Yang, shouldn't it! Should I call and ask Teacher Wu now? What is this investigation? Teacher Wu and I are both responsible. Maybe the questionnaire of Lu Yang was placed elsewhere by Teacher Wu!"


   Lu Yang looked at him coldly, still silent, to see what they could find out.


  Chen Jian nodded, glanced at Teacher Fu, then at Lu Yang, and said, "Ask Teacher Wu! The grading survey of the Office of Academic Affairs must be fair and just. Teacher Lu Yang is still waiting here!"


   Teacher Fu didn't have a smile on his face at this time. He walked to the office landline with a bit of doubt and dialed Mr. Wu's mobile phone. The call was soon connected.


Teacher Fu: "Mr. Wu! Did you put all the teacher grading questionnaires last week in file cabinet 3? Director Chen is now going to look at the questionnaire from Mr. Lu Yang. I just found it in file cabinet 3. I haven't found it for a long time. Director Chen asked me to ask you, are you putting it somewhere else?"


Teacher Wu on the other end of the phone didn't know what they said. Lu Yang and Chen Jian only heard Teacher Fu frowning after listening for a while, and said: "Impossible~ I have searched it twice just now! File 3 There is no teacher Lu Yang's form in the cabinet! Teacher Wu, please think about it again!"


   After another moment, Lu Yang and Chen Jian both saw Teacher Fu's chest suddenly rise and fall, and anger flashed across their faces. Finally, their voice increased several times and said: "Impossible! If you don't believe it, come back and find it yourself!"


   he hung up angrily after speaking.


   "What did Mr. Wu say?"


   Chen Jian asked calmly.


   Teacher Fu still has anger on his face, and he barely said in a calm tone: "Director! Teacher Wu said that all his forms are in file cabinet No. 3! He also said that I might have lost some of the forms..."


   Lu Yang stood opposite Chen Jian's desk and still watched indifferently, unable to find his own form, to see how they deal with it.


   Chen Jian's expression was gloomy, and the two officers under him actually shirked each other's responsibilities, saying that there was no problem with their work. What about Lu Yang's form? Can the form fly by itself?


Chen Jian was just in his early thirties, sitting in the seat of the dean of academic affairs. There are a large number of old teachers who are older than him and have a higher level of education. They usually don’t have much control over the people below, and now they even have two directors under him. There are signs of being out of control, is this still worth it?


   Of these contradictions, Chen Jian certainly wouldn’t burst out in front of Lu Yang. He immediately suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Lu Yang: "Mr. Lu! Go back to work first! I will notify you when the form is found!"




   Lu Yang agreed, then glanced at Teacher Fu's face a few meters away, and walked out of the Academic Affairs Office.


   Who is yin himself?


Lu Yang did not dare to assert that on the surface, from the situation just now, the problem should be with Teacher Wu, but he is not a three-year-old child. Many things in the office are not what you see with your eyes but the truth. Among the dozens of teachers, none of the teachers who climbed to the position of the dean of the Academic Affairs Office could not act. They said they could not make a ghost. It was not Mr. Wu but Mr. Fu. No one could say.


   After coming out of the Office of Academic Affairs, Lu Yang passed by several teachers along the way. When almost everyone saw him, they would look at him more meaningfully. Obviously they knew that he had the lowest score this time.


   When you are in school, the one with the worst grades will be looked down upon by others, and if you go to work, those who are at the bottom of the assessment will not have any status. Everyone who sees you has a sense of superiority.


   Lu Yang didn't say anything. He always didn't care what other people think of him. What's more, he didn't believe in the first and third grade students at all. He only gave him such a point. A confident person would not care about other people's eyes.


   It's just that, who is yin him, but you have to slowly figure it out. Don't blame him for his teeth for teeth.


When I walked into my office, I happened to hear Xu Heng grinning there and saying, "I'm not like Lu Yang! I didn't do well in class, and the students didn't like it. I have nothing to say. If the score is low, the score is low! Lu! Young also questioned the problem with the score? Haha! What did Marx say? The internal reason is the key to the development of things! If the lecture is not in the lecture, you can find the reason from other places? Can the Academic Affairs Office wronged him?"


   Hearing these words, Lu Yang narrowed his eyes and paused a little, wanting to hear who else said something.


Sure enough, after Xu Heng's remarks, an old teacher said: "I have always heard that Mr. Lu Yang has a high level of education. It seems that he is the kind of teapot with dumplings in his stomach, but he can't pour them out. !Ha ha!"


   Then I heard a female teacher say: "This is also normal! Knowing how to learn may not necessarily be able to teach! Are there few people filling dumplings in the teapot?".


   Lu Yang sneered, and walked into the office with an indifferent expression. He glanced at Xu Heng and the two teachers with an indifferent look. He didn't say anything. He didn't bother to do anything that was profitable.


   As for the Office of Academic Affairs could not find out the question about his survey form, and he was not interested in mentioning it to these people. Others look down on you, and you can't solve it by explaining it.


   Lu Yang is now waiting for an explanation from the Office of Academic Affairs. If the Office of Academic Affairs cannot figure out the cause, he will look for it slowly. It will be a long time in the future, and he will never show off his feet if he does not believe in him.


   Seeing Lu Yang entering the door, except for Xu Heng, the second grader, who was still watching Lu Yang with a smile, the other two teachers lowered their heads to do their own things, as if they were not saying the last two sentences just now.


   Xu Xiaoman was not there, maybe it was going to class. Tong Yaqian sat behind her desk and looked at Lu Yang with worry. Lu Yang smiled at her and didn't explain to her.


   was sitting behind his desk, his eyes seemed to be looking at the draft paper on the desk, but Lu Yang was already guessing in his heart who was blaming him.


   Although Lu Yang didn't say anything on his mouth, he had already delineated a few suspects in his heart. Who is yin him? Lu Yang analyzed several reasons in his heart.


First Naturally, people are getting enemies with him. Others are using this survey to retaliate against him. Speaking of the people who get revenge, it is nothing more than Shao Dahai, Zhou Shaofeng and the one who asked him to contribute to the publishing house. , But Mr. Mei was rejected by him. From these three people, seven or eight people can be extended, such as Shao Dahai. During this period of time, he may have a private relationship with a teacher who was rated in this survey. Asking that teacher for help, he was overcast.


Zhou Shaofeng also has suspicions. Although he is not very popular in this school, there is also the possibility of making a certain teacher in private. Another possibility is Qian Xiaoyu, whom Zhou Shaofeng has been pursuing. After all, Zhou Shaofeng has been chasing her from university to this place. On the other hand, Zhou Shaofeng helped her out, but Lu Yang fell to the ground twice. It’s hard to say whether she was helping Zhou Shaofeng this time. With Qian Xiaoyu’s beauty, she met a teacher who could influence this score. Not impossible.


   As for the teacher Mei...


   She is an old teacher here. Last time, in order to get her novel to be published, she hinted at Lu Yang to repay her like that. Lu Yang didn't believe that she was a jade-guarded woman and had a private relationship with a few male teachers. It was all too normal. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you, Ian Fanai for a reward of 100 points.


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