Rebirth 2003

Chapter 268: Gossip

By the time Cao Xueyi reluctantly boarded back on the plane, three days had passed since the one-week holiday that Lu Yang had requested. Lu Yang went back to school and reported to Vice Principal Sun that afternoon. . .


When Lu Yang walked into the office building and saw his teacher, most of them smiled meaningfully. Occasionally I met a few interns and looked at him with similar eyes. Only when I met Xu Xiaoman, He greeted him, then approached him, and while heading to the office building with Lu Yang, he whispered, "Lu Yang! Why are you three days late? You know how many people have been on three long vacations in a row. Are you talking about you behind your back? You dare to come back three days later this time. You don't want to continue this internship?"


   Lu Yang smiled slightly, and changed the subject: "Have you finished your public class assessment? How did you perform? It should be good, right?"


Xu Xiaoman looked at him speechlessly as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and shook his head: "You still have the mood to care about my performance? You should think about how to face the censure of the leader! You this time In these days when you asked for leave, many people were talking about you behind their backs. These three days of being late have made you unable to listen to what you said. I am afraid that you may not be able to pass the test this time!"


   "Such a serious problem?" Lu Yang still smiled awkwardly.


   "It will only be more serious!" Xu Xiaoman said solemnly.


   The two of them walked into the office building without saying a few words, facing a long corridor. The office of the leader was on the east of the corridor, and the office of the ordinary teacher was on the west of the corridor.


   Here, Xu Xiaoman stands still. Watching Lu Yang's warning seriously, "When you enter Principal Sun's office, you should be better at admitting your mistakes! Even if Principal Sun scolds you as a grandson, you should be obediently not telling you back! Try to let Principal Sun let you go this time! Got it No?"


   This teaching Lu Yang seems to be Lu Yang's girlfriend. Lu Yang knew that she really cared about herself. People who really cared about him like this were probably the only ones in this school except Tong Yaqian. Lu Yang was not angry and smiled and said, "I see."


   then nodded. Xu Xiaoman walked to the east of the corridor with Xu Xiaoman's worried gaze, and looked at some teachers as if they were watching a play. Walked to the door of Vice President Sun's office and knocked on the door.


"Come in!"


  Vice Principal Sun’s voice was as steady as usual. Lu Yang opened the door and walked in. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Vice Principal Sun’s office. Except for Vice Principal Sun. Sitting on the sofa was Chen Jian, the director of the Academic Affairs Office.


As soon as Lu Yang came in, Chen Jian who was talking stopped and looked at Lu Yang together with Vice Principal Sun. Chen Jian frowned, and the smile on Vice Principal Sun's face faded, but his tone was still calm. Looking flatly at Lu Yang, he smiled and said, "Ms. Xiaolu is back? There are still many days left this month. Why don't you come back after all the rest?"


Chen Jian: "Mr. Lu! What kind of leave did you take? Seven days! Principal Sun approved you seven days of leave, plus the first two. That's 21 days! You took 21 consecutive days of leave in such a short period of time. Isn’t that enough? Do you want to extend the three days without permission? If you don’t say hello, just extend the three-day holiday. Do you know what you are doing?"


Before Lu Yang could answer, Chen Jian had already slapped the solid wood coffee table in front of the sofa, and said angrily: "You are asking Bawang for leave! Okay, you! How many old teachers have been working here for so many years and dare not ask Bawang for leave, you Do you dare to ask Bawang to leave during your internship? Do you really think this is your own home? Come and leave as long as you want? Is there any leader in your eyes? Is there any organizational discipline?"


Lu Yang remained quiet, and Vice President Sun did not speak either. The two listened to Chen Jian's anger there. After Chen Jian's words were all vented, Lu Yang said, "This time it is my fault. I have no opinion. !"


   Chen Jian looked at Vice Principal Sun, and said: "Principal! How do you punish?"


Vice President Sun lightly tapped an index finger on the desk, then smiled and said: "It seems that Director Chen is very angry! Teacher Xiaolu, you are indeed too much this time. Many teachers in the school have made it clear. Dissatisfaction, demands purge of discipline, the school is a big family, without discipline, it will become a mess! So! This punishment is definitely unavoidable, just right! Recently I heard that many people questioned your request for leave this time to avoid publicity The assessment of the class has been assessed by other intern teachers. You should prepare well this afternoon. For self-study tomorrow morning, we will gather all the teachers and listen to your open class in the small conference room. The punishment for you this time depends on you. It depends on the quality of the open class! How? Any comments?"


   Lu Yang nodded and smiled: "Okay! Thank you principal!" After a pause, Lu Yang said to Chen Jian: "Thank you, Director Chen!"


   This is the most basic courtesy.


If Lu Yang was the pre-rebirth Lu Yang, he would definitely not be confident that most of the teachers would be satisfied in this public class, but the fact is not. He had learned his knowledge of history from the beginning, and the typhoon of the lecture had already exercised. When he came out, Lu Yang felt confident in his heart when he said yes and thanked him.


At Lu Yang’s confident and calm expression, Vice President Sun nodded with a smile, but Chen Jian, the dean of academic affairs, frowned. He did not believe that Lu Yang could teach public lectures well. He had doubts about Lu Yang’s teaching ability. Lu Yang had an average score of only 37 for the first time. Although it was 93 for the second time, he was obviously more willing to believe that Lu Yang could only get 37,93? There are so many old teachers in the elementary school, and no one can reach it. Can Lu Yang, an intern, have this level? Is it so popular with students?


  The other teachers did not believe it, nor did Chen Jian.


   It was a coincidence that Lu Yang took this long vacation. What's more, the appraisal of this batch of interns was not finished for a week. The last one, the appraisal just ended yesterday.


   The last one just ended yesterday, and Lu Yang came back today, but he and the teachers were seriously suspicious.


   Lu Yang didn't know what he thought, and didn't care about what he thought, so he said to Vice Principal Sun, "Then I go back to work?"


   Vice President Sun gave permission, and Lu Yang left the office of Vice President Sun.


Public class? Study time tomorrow morning?


   Lu Yang smiled slightly when he walked out of Vice Principal Sun’s office. The people here questioned his ability to lecture for too long, it is time to prove his ability.


   On the way back to the office, I met colleagues and alumni. They all had strange gazes, just as they happened to meet Qian Xiaoyu who came out of the office.


   When they walked into the office, everyone looked over. Tong Yaqian looked worried, with a smile on her face, but a reluctant smile. I don't know if she is worried about how Lu Yang will be punished this time, or because Cao Xue is here this time, she can only avoid seeing her. Maybe it's both!


   "Yeah? Lu Yang, are you finally willing to come back? It's not easy!"


   Xu Heng, the second, everyone did not speak, he was the first to mock. The gloating look on his face. It's so cheap that people want to go straight up and smoke him.


   Lu Yang, when he was farting, just sitting behind his desk with a smile on his face, a female teacher smiled and curiously asked Lu Yang: "Mr. Lu! Have you reported to Lao Sun?"


   Lu Yang smiled and nodded, and then saw her smile and continued to ask: "How did the grandson punishing you? You said you, isn't it just an open class! Teacher Xu Heng dared to attend, why didn't you dare?"


   These words have already determined that Lu Yang took leave this time to escape the public class. The office was quiet, but most of the people watched with a smile.


   Tong Yaqian pursed her mouth. "Dare Xu Heng? Why would he dare to go after Lu Yang to take a long vacation? Principal Sun didn't approve it!"


   A word made Xu Heng smile froze on his face. The other teachers laughed loudly. Xu Heng opened his mouth to curse, but he met Lu Yang's half-squinted eyes. The cold light in his eyes made Xu Heng dare not say what he said.


He usually dared to make Lu Yang's jokes, and occasionally dared to stab Lu Yang, but in a few seconds the last time Lu Yang brought down Zhou Shaofeng who was practicing taekwondo twice, he also had marks in his heart. At this time, he saw Lu. The smile on Yang's face disappeared, and his eyes were half-squinted at him. If he wanted to scold him, he wouldn't dare to scold him. How close Tong Yaqian and Lu Yang were, not only him, but the teachers in this school are watching In my eyes, I usually see Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman walking with Lu Yang. Tong Yaqian was obviously helping Lu Yang just now. If he abused Tong Yaqian at this time, he was not sure whether Lu Yang would beat him.


   Xu Heng went dumb, Lu Yangyou returned to smile, and said, "I will study by myself tomorrow morning. I will teach an open class. Principal Sun has already decided."


   Just this sentence, Lu Yang didn't magnify the words, saying that he would open everyone's eyes or something, there was no need.


   Hearing the words, several people in the office exchanged glances with smiles around their mouths. Although it was a bit surprised that Lu Yang's face was calm, everyone still expressed anticipation for tomorrow.


   A male teacher said with a smile, "Then I will learn from Teacher Lu tomorrow! 93 points! There must be something extraordinary!"


   The female teacher said: "Mr. Lu! Come on tomorrow! We look forward to your performance!"


   Xu Heng: "Hehe! Hehe!"


   Hehe twice, plus the look of expectation, not to mention other things, everyone already understands what he meant.


   The class bell rang in the afternoon. When only Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian were left in the office, Tong Yaqian asked worriedly: "Are you going to give a public class tomorrow?"


   Lu Yang looked at her funny and smiled: "You have no confidence in me too?"


   Tong Yaqian: "I have confidence in your ability to write novels."


   did not say the following words, but the meaning of the words was already obvious, Lu Yang smiled lightly and did not refute, only said: "Is it okay, I can't escape tomorrow, don't worry about it!"




   Returned to the residence at night, Lu Yang coded as usual, Tong Yaqian sent a message and said, let him prepare tonight, she won't be here tonight.


  She couldn't come, just so that Lu Yang could write quietly. Recently, I stopped writing for too long. There are only 20,000 characters left on hand. Publishing houses in Taiwan and the mainland have reminded him. (To be continued, please search Leduwo, the novel is better and updated faster!


  Ps: Thank you for the reward of 100 points from Changkuaihu, thank you for being upset, and rewarding 4364 points again for becoming the third guardian in this book. Thank you for your support. Another: Under the suggestion of being upset, I made the first book friend group in this book. Well, not surprisingly, it will be the only one. The group number is 114573786. The group number is only announced here. It doesn’t matter if there are fewer people. , I believe those who can see here are real book fans, this group is built for you.

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