Rebirth 2003

Chapter 269: Lu Yang's Open Class

At 6 o’clock the next morning, Lu Yang woke up in the alarm of his mobile phone. In order to improve his energy during the public class today, at least he did not have dark circles under his eyes. Lu Yang went to bed at 11:30 last night, at 11:30. For many people, it is already late at night, and for codeword writers, it is definitely an early bedtime, and Lu Yang is no exception.


  Get up, wash, and put on a clean suit. Lu Yang went out and had some breakfast downstairs. By the time he arrived at the office, it was already half past six.


   I met several teachers on the road. Some people sneered and did not speak or nod their heads. Two of them said hello to Lu Yang. They also said: "Mr. Lu! I heard that you are going to give a public class soon? Haha! Wait and see!"


   Or else: "Hehe! Is Mrs. Lu ready? A 93-point intern teacher, I have been teaching for so many years, this is the first time I have seen you! I will study with Mrs. Lu today!"


   When he arrived at the office, Lu Yang heard a similar greeting again. In this regard, Lu Yang could only say that he was speechless. Two student ratings and three long vacations had already made so many teachers uncomfortable with him.


   If it hadn't been for Vice Principal Sun to be tolerant of him, he would have been driven away if he was replaced by a more temperamental principal.


   Before 7 o'clock, under the organization of the Academic Affairs Office, all the leaders and teachers of the junior high school were seated in the small conference room, and Lu Yang walked onto the podium with a smile with both hands.


   "He went empty-handed?"


   "Is it nervous forgotten, right?"


   "Off-line lectures? He thought he was a super teacher?"


   "Pretend to be!"


   "Hehe! I watched a show..."


   Seeing Lu Yang stepping onto the stage with his hands empty, many people started talking quietly. Because the leaders are there, there is not much discussion.


   Chen Jian: "Since everyone is here! Teacher Lu Yang, let's start!"


   This small meeting room is a bit informal, it was originally just an ordinary classroom. In normal meetings, the desks must be spliced ​​to serve as seats for the leaders. Recently, when the public class assessment was made, the leadership seat was removed. Only one desk was left in the front, used as a podium, and a green blackboard behind the podium. There are blackboard erasers, chalk, rags, etc. on the podium.


   When Lu Yang was on the podium with his hands empty just now, not only the other teachers were talking in low voices. Most of the leaders frowned. The newly appointed school affairs director Ji Deping frowned and whispered next to Vice Principal Zhou: "Is this a broken jar?"


  Vice Principal Zhou originally had a good impression of Lu Yang, but recently he had three consecutive long vacations. The last time it was extended for three days without authorization. It also made his impression of Lu Yang worsened a lot. Lu Yang was brought by him. Lu Yang behaved like this and his face was dull. At this time, he pursed his lips and did not speak, but his brows were also The same wrinkled.


   On the stage, Lu Yang heard Chen Jian talking about the beginning. He put his hands on the podium and smiled and said: "First of all. I apologize to everyone! I have taken a lot of leave recently, which has caused some bad effects in the school. Here I solemnly apologize!"


   said, Lu Yang folded his hands together and bowed to everyone.


   is indeed what he did wrong, Lu Yang will not shy away from it.


Lu Yang apologized. The faces of some of the teachers below looked better. Vice Principal Sun also nodded slightly. Vice Principal Lu, who was sitting with Vice Principal Sun, looked at him blankly. There was no response. Chen Jian and Ji Deping did not respond. So, look at Lu Yang with a cold eye on how to teach this class.


   The bad influence has been caused. It is completely impossible to completely eliminate it with a single apology.


   Below, several teachers were chatting and laughing.


   Someone said: "I apologized at this time? Ha ha! Is it useful? I can't give a lesson right away, let's see how he died!"


   Someone answered, "Remedy? Can you make it?".


   Someone else said: "Acknowledged? If you don't bring textbooks and preparation notes, do you want to go on with just an apology? Haha!"


   On the podium, Lu Yang smiled and watched everyone's reaction. He put his hands on the podium again. He could have an apology, but he really didn't feel nervous.


"Recently, many teachers questioned my teaching ability. Today is the time for everyone to test it. Therefore, I will let everyone present the content of today's lecture! The history textbook of the first year of junior high school. I will tell you wherever you want to listen to me! If you have any questions, you can ask them at any time!"


   Lu Yang said this with a smile, and the following immediately became messy.


   An intern went to the podium with his hands free, and told a group of leaders and teachers that he would talk whatever he wanted to hear. This was maddeningly endless.


   "The cowhide is blown up, right?"


   "This is too crazy!"


   "Is this brain flooded?".


   "I think it was caught by the door panel!"


   "I dare not say such a thing..."


   "Look at how old grandson keeps him this time..."


  As soon as Lu Yang's remarks came out, everything was said below. In the quiet small conference room, the sound suddenly became louder and messy, not much different from the vegetable market.


At this time, the leaders all frowned, and Vice President Lu, who had been expressionless, slapped the pen in his hand on the table. His expression was already very impatient. If it weren't for the public class, he might have gotten up. left.


The dozen or so interns sitting in the last row looked at each other. Except for Xu Xiaoman and Tong Yaqian frowning and worrying, everyone else was talking about it, like Zhou Shaofeng, Xu Heng, Shao Dahai and others. Already sneered, Lu Yang actually dared to let go of such wild words. They have been studying for more than ten years. Who has seen such an awesome teacher? Lu Yang, an intern, can surpass all the teachers they have met in more than ten years?


Chen Jian suddenly patted the table, and the discussion in the small conference room quickly disappeared. Chen Jian stared at Lu Yang on the podium seriously and said, "Mr. Lu! This is your public class assessment! Not a cowhide conference! You put it in. Big words, be responsible!"


   Everyone looked at what Lu Yang said on the podium.


   Lu Yang didn't say anything, just smiled and said, "Please ask questions!"


Chen Jian stared at Lu Yang, who was still smiling and composed on the podium, gritted his teeth and looked at Vice President Sun. Vice President Sun also took a deep look at Lu Yang, without turning his head back to a history teacher. The old teacher said: "Teacher Yan! Come and write the question!"


   Yan Maolin, the oldest history teacher in junior high school. He was also very dissatisfied in his heart when an intern Lu Yang made such a big talk in an open class when he was nearly fifty years old. He had never done anything like this. Although he was confident that he could do it, an intern did it in the first public class. He absolutely did not believe that the other party could do it. Therefore, Vice President Sun spoke up. He coughed, leaned back on the chair, and said solemnly, "Mr. Lu! Since you are so confident. Then tell us about the 12th lesson of Unit 3!"


   Yan Maolin ends here.


  Many teachers have not realized the difficulties for a while, only a few of them frowned or smiled gloating.


   Yan Maolin’s topic seems simple, if Lu Yang brought the textbooks and lesson preparation notes. Look through the book. You know what the 12th lesson of the third unit is, but Lu Yang went up with his hands empty today! Just talk about the twelfth lesson of the third unit, without a textbook, how many people can think of what is going to be said here?


   You must know the general content, at least you must be very familiar with the history textbook in the first volume of junior high school, at least you must remember the title of each lesson in all units, otherwise you don't know what the content of this third unit and twelfth lesson is.


   Needle falling in the small meeting room can be heard. Everyone looked at Lu Yang on the podium with different expressions, but saw Lu Yang not frowning. Still smiling and nodding: "Okay! Then we will talk about the third unit and the twelfth lesson in this class!"


   As he said, Lu Yang picked up a piece of chalk, turned around and wrote the name of this lesson on the blackboard behind him—Unit Three: The Establishment of a Unified State—Lesson Twelfth, The Unified Han Dynasty.


Most of the teachers below are not teaching history, and so are the leaders. Seeing Lu Yang writing this title on the blackboard, everyone subconsciously looked at Yan Maolin sitting in the middle of the conference room, but saw that Yan Maolin frowned and did not speak. Chen Jian couldn’t bear it. He said, "Ms. Yan! Right?"


   Yan Maolin nodded.


   Following Yan Maolin nodded, everyone was surprised when you look at me and I look at you.


   "No way? Does he really remember?"


   "Such a good memory?"


   "Isn't it a coincidence?"


   "You happened to show me?"


   "Don't worry! Remember that the title is nothing. Since he dared to let everyone ask questions, remember that dozens of titles are nothing, see what he says later..."


   "Does Mr. Lu really remember everything in the textbook?"


   "Are college students so awesome nowadays?".


   "How is it possible? Haven't you heard the open class of a dozen interns?"


   The suppressed discussion came out again, and the faces of the leaders sitting in front were better, but they were also surprised. Vice President Lu, who had already thought of leaving just now, frowned and picked up the pen on the table again.


   Dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at Lu Yang who was still smiling on the podium. After the title was written, Lu Yang began to give a lecture. As soon as he spoke, he shook the following old history teachers.


Just listening to Lu Yang’s opening is the preface to this lesson, saying: "In May 202 BC, to celebrate the establishment of the Han Dynasty, the Han emperor Liu Bang feasted on the ministers in Luoyang. At the banquet, he asked the ministers to talk about his victory. The reasons for the king of the Chu King Xiang Yu, the ministers have their own opinions, but Liu Bang thinks that they have not mentioned the point. Liu Bang himself said:'Military planning, I am not as good as Zhang Liang; governing the country, I am not as good as Xiao He; Inferior to Han Xin, these three are the heroes of the world. I can use them to defeat Xiang Yu. On the other hand, Xiang Yu can’t even be credited with a persuasive Fan Zeng. Therefore, he failed, and Liu Bang succeeded. ..."


   A history teacher who came with the first year history textbook looked at the textbook. The preface of the twelfth lesson was dumbfounded. Lu Yang gave a lecture, and he could say almost every word. It was not over yet.


After   , Lu Yang wrote on the black list-Wenjing Zhizhi.


Then smiled and read out the text section by section, plus some explanations of my own. The history teachers were stunned. In fact, it was not just the history teachers who were stunned. The scene Almost all teachers and leaders were dumbfounded.


   It's not that Lu Yang's explanation is so wonderful, so wonderful that it opened their eyes. It is that after Lu Yang's unwritten, such a back-to-back explanation, it is too subverted in their minds for the ability of interns.


  The dozen or so interns sitting at the back were all dumbfounded. Before, no one believed that Lu Yang could pass this public class, but now? People come with open mouth, no textbooks and preparation notes are needed at all. When others say the number of units and chapters, he can talk endlessly. How powerful is this memory?


They’ve all heard of the great memory. According to rumors, Wang Ming, who had seized the leadership of the Communist Party, could memorize a brick-like "Das Kapital" upside down, but in life, a few people have seen such a perversion with their own eyes. ?


The thickness of the textbook in the first year of junior high school history is completely incomparable with "Das Kapital". For Lu Yang's current memory, it can be memorized in a few hours. This hand, ordinary people can't do it, so when Lu Yang showed Everyone was shocked when he had this kind of skill.


Seeing that Lu Yang had already talked about halfway through this lesson, Yan Maolin, who had been listening silently, suddenly interrupted Lu Yang's lecture and said, "Mr. Lu! Can you tell us the 20th lesson of Unit 4?" .


   The history of the first semester of junior high, there are only four units of 22 lessons in total. This semester has only passed most of the time. Yan Maolin asked Lu Yang to teach the 20th lesson of Unit 4, which obviously had the meaning of making things difficult.


   Because at this time, it is impossible for Lu Yang to have already told the students about this. It is very likely that he hasn't even done the lesson preparation.


   Teachers and leaders who don't teach history didn't realize this for a while, but several teachers who taught history immediately reacted. Several pairs of eyes looked at Yan Maolin, but they just glanced at it and did not speak.


   They also wanted to see if Lu Yang, an intern, could do it. Before Lu Yang gave the lecture, he told them to ask questions at will. Naturally, the twentieth lesson of Unit 4 is within the scope of random questions.




On the podium Lu Yang promised with a smile, picked up the eraser and erased all the text on the blackboard, and then wrote down the name of Unit 4, Lesson 20 on it-Fourth Unit political separation and national integration, the 20th lesson, the great integration of northern nationalities.


   Then Lu Yang began to recite the preface of this lesson with a smile. Originally, he would not show off his memory ability like this in his lectures, but today is like everyone proves his ability, Lu Yang just wants to show off his memory.


"In ancient China, there were several well-known empress dowagers who were very accomplished. For example, the Queen Mother Feng of the Northern Wei Dynasty, she is one of them. Empress Dowager Feng is a Han nationality, knowledgeable, intelligent and decisive! When she reigned, the emperor was young, and Empress Feng He was in charge of the dynasty and was in charge of the Northern Wei Dynasty for more than 20 years..."


   All the leaders and teachers below are completely speechless.


   Who is this? What unit and chapter content, all open your mouth? Wouldn’t you die if you were not so perverted? (To be continued...)


PS: Thank you Shuihong persimmon and Aku you are so handsome for rewarding 100 coins, thank you for rewarding 200 coins, thanks to the car on the asphalt road for rewarding 1888 coins, and everyone's monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket. 34 votes have arrived. , Plus more will be served.


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