Rebirth 2003

Chapter 270: 2 happy events


    Lu Yang's public class soon ended. Lu Yang was still talking on it. Next, Vice President Sun glanced at the time on the phone and saw that half an hour had passed, and suddenly coughed. With a sound, he interrupted Lu Yang and said: "Okay! Teacher Xiaolu will stop here today! What do you think of Teacher Xiaolu's lecture?"    The last sentence, Vice President Sun I raised my voice and asked all the teachers in the meeting room. There was silence in the meeting room, as if cold. Just when Vice President Sun frowned slightly and Lu Yang was still smiling on the podium, he asked Lu Yang twice before. Teacher Yan Maolin applauded suddenly, one person’s applause echoed in the small conference room, and then several other history teachers also began to applaud. Tong Yaqian, Xu Xiaoman, Zhao Xuebing, Qian Xiaoyu and others followed and applauded. Almost all the teachers and leaders in the conference room began to applaud.     Chen Jian, the dean of academic affairs, Ji Deping, the dean of school affairs, and the vice-principal Lu Minghui, Zhou Kang and others all smiled, applauded together, and applauded. No matter what everyone thinks of Lu Yang before, today Seeing Lu Yang's strong professional skills, everyone has nothing to say.     At this level, the student score is only 37? No one believes it anymore! 93. At this moment, it seems to everyone that there is no water.     When all the applause fell, Vice Principal Sun smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao Lu is indeed the most recognized talent among your interns! No wonder the 37 points announced by the Office of Academic Affairs last time. Convinced, if I have your ability and give me such a low score, I will not be convinced! However, you always ask for leave, especially the habit of taking leave of Bawang to change! As long as this point is changed, I will rate your internship Give you full marks! The internship is over. You will definitely be officially hired! Keep going!" After that, Vice President Sun looked at the Vice President Lu next to him and said with a smile: "Old Lu! You! Also say a few words?" At this time, Vice Principal Lu also had an appreciative smile on his face. At their age, sitting in their current position, it is actually very annoying for the intrigue below. There are only two things that I want to see most. The first is of course that students’ grades are getting better and better. The second is that the level of teachers is getting higher and higher.     Especially young teachers, they will not be stingy in training when they encounter real talents.     At this time, the meeting room was very quiet, waiting for the vice principal Lu to speak. Vice-President Lu always shows people with seriousness, and he usually speaks critics, and rarely praises anyone.     Vice President Lu showed a smile on his serious face, and said: "Yes! You have the hope of becoming an excellent teacher! Lao Zhou's vision is also very good! I hope you guard against arrogance and rashness! Work hard!" Lao Zhou’s vision naturally meant that Vice Principal Zhou, Lu Yang and his group of interns were all recruited by Vice Principal Zhou.     At this time, the face of Vice Principal Zhou finally returned to smile, when Lu Yang was talking loudly. He felt dull.     Chen Jian, who has been targeting Lu Yang before, has nothing to say at this time. A new teacher who has not passed the internship period can have such a performance. What thorn can he pick?     Everyone soon dispersed. Vice President Sun didn't mention how to punish Lu Yang's overlord's falsehood. No one else mentioned it, so it seemed to be forgotten.     Lu Yang slowed down and walked to the end as usual at every regular meeting. Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman also intentionally stopped for a while. Finally walked out of the meeting room with Lu Yang, eh. When he went out, Mr. Fu, the secretary of the Academic Affairs Office who was in charge of locking the door, was still there. Mr. Fu looked at Lu Yang with a smile. When Lu Yang went out, he gave a thumbs up.     Vice President Sun has already expressed his opinion on the spot today. As long as Lu Yang no longer asks for leave all the time, especially the Bawang leave, after the internship is over, Lu Yang will be officially turned into a regular position. Teacher Fu, an academic affairs office officer, naturally wouldn't show Lu Yang anymore.     Once the interns ends their internship, as long as they are appreciated by the leaders, they will be promoted sooner or later. No one wants to offend such potential stocks.     Unfortunately, they didn't know that Lu Yang had planned to stop teaching once the internship was over.     Walking back to the office, Tong Yaqian smiled, as if she was the one who was praised today, and she was the one who was the limelight. Xu Xiaoman said: "Okay, Lu Yang! When will you be professional? Is the knowledge so solid? It seems that when you were in school before, you hid it? If you knew it, I, the study committee member, would let you go! Ha ha! "Thank you! I also remember Better!"    The three chatted and laughed, returned to their respective offices, and back here, no one said that Lu Yang asked for leave this time to escape the public class assessment, Xu Heng this In Form Two, he didn't use Lu Yang anymore. When Lu Yang came in, he lowered his head and didn't feel embarrassed to look at Lu Yang again.     Shortly after returning to her seat, Tong Yaqian took out her mobile phone and quietly sent a message to Lu Yang. He felt the phone vibrate. Lu Yang glanced at Tong Yaqian who was looking at him with a smile on the other side, and knew it was her. It's coming.     The two sat face to face, but she always liked to chat with him via text messages. Lu Yang took out her phone from her pants pocket amused, and saw the message content from Tong Yaqian: "Vice principal Sun said yes I’ll get you regular. Will you leave after the internship?"    Seeing this question, Lu Yang didn’t think much about it, and replied: "Well, I don’t want to be so tired."    ; Works* hours a day, leaving him too little time for codewords, not to mention that during the summer vacation, I have agreed with Wushun and others that I will do another thing together after graduation.     Tong Yaqian looked at this reply, pursed her lips, and said nothing.     ……    After this public class, Lu Yang finally did not give him a roll of eyes in this school, but the number of people who looked at him strangely did not decrease. It's just that the strange eyes this time are different from the previous ones.     Walking on campus every day, the number of teachers I met to greet him suddenly increased.     Lu Yang's internship career has finally become satisfactory.     Unfortunately, on the monthly ticket list in December, "The Magic Sword Eternal" has fallen to third place. ", the two authors are trying to update the monthly pass. Lu Yang has nothing to save. These two works are vigorous again, and Lu Yang also puts out the desire to win, and updates two chapters every day, no more or less, and more writing. The manuscripts that came out are slowly accumulating, and now the serialization on the Internet is almost the same as that of the publishing house, and the reminders of the two publishing houses cannot be ignored.     Many book fans of "Magic Sword Eternal" expressed disappointment about this. Many people also wanted to support Lu Yang's monthly pass this month. The honor of five consecutive monthly passes did not satisfy everyone. Instead, I want to win six consecutive titles, or even seven consecutive titles, and eight consecutive titles. Unfortunately, Lu Yang stopped fighting. With two chapters and six thousand words updated every day, most readers' enthusiasm for voting dropped sharply. There are many shouts in the book review area every day. Wen Chou added more voice.     Some readers even *naked: "Wen University! As long as you dare to burst, we dare to give you a monthly pass! Now just ask Wen University, do you dare? Dare you?"     Every time Lu Yang sees similar remarks in the book review area or in the book fan group, Lu Yang can only smile bitterly. In many cases, it is not just a determination and an idea.     He also wants to win six consecutive championships and seven consecutive championships. However, there is no deposit on hand, and the publisher sent a reminder, saying it was a reminder, which was almost a warning.     No manuscript has been saved, how can you compete for the first place with two popular works that are vigorous and vigorous?     Gradually, Lu Yang didn't dare to read the book review area anymore, and seldom went in the book fans group. Occasionally, when he encountered readers sending him private messages, he tried to respond as concisely as possible.     It's a pity that you can't continue to be on the monthly ticket list, but there are two things to be happy about.     One is that the children's literature and art publishing house of Province e on the mainland has transferred to Lu Yang the royalties of the previous half year of "Magic Sword Eternity", a total of more than 640,000, so that Lu Yang’s bank deposits More, it also reminded Lu Yang of the 600,000 loan from the bank last time.     If you repay the loan now, the 640,000 yuan will be gone soon. If it is the previous character and the loan owed to the bank, Lu Yang will definitely repay it as soon as possible, but this time, watch Lu Yang thought about the balance in the account. He didn't plan to return it to the bank now. He knew several stocks that could make money outside. He invested all the money in the stock market, and he was afraid that the money he made in the future would not be able to pay the bank. Interest?     Getting out of the bank, Lu Yang thoughtfully took out his half-old mobile phone, and his thoughts of buying Apple stock appeared again.     In my memory, the Apple mobile phone will be released early next year, an epoch-making mobile phone revolution! I heard in my previous life that before the release of Apple’s mobile phones, Apple’s stock was very cheap. It seemed to have reached the lowest point ever. It seemed that the news broke that Apple President Joe’s Gangzhu was seriously ill, causing investors to abandon Apple’s stock.     At this time, it should be the best time to buy into Apple’s stock?     However, sixty-four thousand seems to be too little? Even if you add in the original deposit in his account and the November draft fee that will be credited to the account in a few days, I am afraid it will be about 1 million.     Apple is about to be released, and the stock is at its lowest point. At this time, I only bought one million. Will I regret it in the future?     How to raise more money?     This question began to occupy Lu Yang's mind. How much money is spent writing novels for a year? As long as you buy more Apple stocks at this time, you won't really be trapped by money in your life, right?     When Lu Yang was planning how to raise more money, Teng Hu brought him the second piece of good news. Lu Yang asked him to collect the secrets of boxing from various schools. He has almost done it, and more than a dozen well-known boxing techniques have been sent to Lu Yang's mailbox.     Received the message, Lu Yang hurried back to his residence, turned on the computer, logged in to the mailbox, and saw an email from Teng Hu.     The data was made into an attachment. When Lu Yang downloaded this attachment, he saw the above such as Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan, Hongquan, Wing Chun, Dasheng Pihang, Iron Monkey While waiting for detailed Lu Yang's face bloomed with a smile.     With these information, these secrets, he is absolutely confident to write a wonderful work of Chinese martial arts. (To be continued)    ps: Thanks, Xiaocao’s pride for rewarding 100 points, thanks to Xueluoyiwuhen for rewarding 588 points, and thanks to Pan Niu for rewarding 1888 points. This is a monthly pass that is promised to everyone, please check it! There will be 54 monthly tickets for the next change.

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