Rebirth 2003

Chapter 290: Hurt


Zhou Shaofeng first ran past Lu Yang, followed by Wang Cuicui. Facts have proved that beautiful women can't run fast. Qian Xiaoyu proved this truth with his own speed. When he ran to Lu Yang, he might be too anxious. Qian Xiaoyu exclaimed, twisted her right foot, and rushed to the ground. If this is a scene of a hero saving the beauty, Lu Yang should take advantage of the situation and hold her in his arms at this time. Unfortunately, reality is not making a movie. A gangster with a knife would not give Lu Yangxiu romantic time. Lu Yang was not in that mood at this time. He let Qian Xiaoyu fall to the ground. Lu Yang rushed past her with a gust of wind, and was facing him. The hideous-faced big man with a knife, the other four also rushed over with knives from the other four directions angrily at this time. This article is by. . Starting


Lu Yang's eyes were almost narrowed into a seam. The moment he was about to collide with the oncoming man with a knife, Lu Yang suddenly took a step and dashed past the man's side, because Lu Yang changed direction too fast. Hurry, the long knife in the big man's hand did not have time to swipe it, and at this moment, Lu Yang has rushed behind several big guys. The five big guys were not far apart from each other. Lu Yang surpassed the front one, and instantly Over the other four, before the five of them could react, Lu Yang turned around and kicked a big man's calf.


Everyone knows that any calf bend is suddenly kicked, and it is impossible not to kneel. The man with a knife was kicked to his knees. At this time, Lu Yang had already slashed, his shoulder hitting the other side. There was a muffled sound on the back of a big man, and the big man who was rushing forward flew out.


   At this time, in the blink of an eye. Of the five big men, one knelt and the other was knocked out. The remaining three big guys were shocked. The first time they turned around, they subconsciously stepped back. At this time, Lu Yang didn't chase them, but stomped on his knees and knelt hard. On the tar-faced face, the big man grinning and his face twisted on his back. He stomped him on the asphalt road with a kick, bleeding from his face, and instantly disintegrated the person's combat effectiveness.


at this time. Lu Yang stopped and looked at the other three with vigilant eyes, the other big man who was knocked out, the knife also fell. Pounce on the hard road. Can't get up for a long time crying in pain.


   Said that it was late and fast. All of this happened when Lu Yang rushed behind a few people in an instant.


   At this time, Qian Xiaoyu, who had just twisted his foot and fell to the ground, had not gotten up yet. Looking back, Lu Yang had already put the two of them down, and his mouth opened slightly in surprise. I forgot to get up for a while.


   Zhou Shaofeng and Wang Cuicui had run more than ten meters, and heard movement behind them. He turned his head quickly and saw this scene, and they all subconsciously stopped running for their lives one after another, looked at Lu Yang's side, and looked at Qian Xiaoyu who fell to the ground, hesitating whether to come back and help her.


The remaining three gangsters were all tense at this time, and they moved subconsciously one by one, trying to surround Lu Yang among the three. As long as the circle was 10%, Lu Yang would definitely be able to guard the left side and not the right side. It can be guarded from left and right, and can't guard against a knife pierced in the third direction.


   For these gangsters with knives, as long as they succeed with a single knife, all problems can be solved.


This is also the biggest difference between the gangsters in the border cities and the inland cities. These people are real desperadoes. Even if they kill people, they will be able to escape the border within two or three hours. When the time comes, what The sin is gone.


   They only ask for money and don’t care if they hurt or kill.


   Lu Yang and their internship here for a few months, basically every day they can see in the local newspaper where there is a car accident and where someone is killed.


   Lu Yang is not a fool, how could he let these three people surround him?


   In the past few years of practicing Baji, I have known for a long time that there is a very important technique and tactics in martial arts-I am straightforward!


   The meaning of these four words is very simple, that is, in actual combat, by changing the position, try to keep yourself in an easy-to-play position, and at the same time, by moving the position, so that the opponent is always in a difficult-to-play position.


   In the first moment of the fight against these five people just now, Lu Yang used this technique and tactics to instantly knock one person down and fly into the air.


   When you appear behind the enemy, you can make any move. The enemy can make a move, but it is almost impossible. Unless you are a master of kung fu, with a scorpion-tailed assassin, you will be defeated.


   The three gangsters were moving, Lu Yang half-squinted his eyes, and followed the movement, never letting himself be in the circle of the three.


   And at this time, the big guy who was knocked out before was slightly injured and was already struggling to get up.


   Lu Yang glanced over there, and the three gangsters who were surrounded by him seized the opportunity. The three immediately swarmed, and three dim but extremely sharp long knives all stabbed at Lu Yang.


   When he glanced at the three gangsters, Lu Yang's body suddenly tightened, and instead of retreating, he moved forward. Once he took the wrong footsteps, he rushed towards the gangster closest to him.


  In an instant, Lu Yang rushed to the gangster, but at the same time he widened the distance from the other two gangsters.


   It seems that the danger has become smaller, but because it has already narrowed the distance with the gangster in front of him, it has brought the danger closer to the next second.


This gangster was also a ruthless person. Suddenly he saw Lu Yang rushing towards him. Not only did he not retreat, he bit his teeth, and stabbed the long knife in his hand at Lu Yang more quickly. This kind of ethnic minority knife has a sharp head and can Chop can stab, as long as you get stabbed, the battle will be over almost immediately.


With a stab, the knife struck Lu Yang's right arm, and a burst of blood splashed out instantly, but Lu Yang had already rushed behind the person. His right arm suddenly slammed into the gangster’s throat with a violent impact. The gangster was knocked into the air, his feet were off the ground, and the whole person suddenly fell back, like a person rushing forward, suddenly his neck hit a crossbar, no matter how fast it is, it is impossible to rush over. .


With a touch, the gangster fell to the ground on his back. The other two uninjured gangsters were finally scared. They saw Lu Yang suddenly turn around and stamped his foot on the chest of his companion who had just fallen on the face. Stopped subconsciously.


   On this section of the street, the plane trees on both sides are particularly luxuriant, and the dim street lights can't illuminate the faces of a few people. This is one of the main reasons why these people choose to commit crimes here.


   Is there a better environment for crime in the suburbs, at night, and in the dark shade of trees?


The remaining two could not see Lu Yang’s face clearly, but only through these two brief encounters, they knew enough that this person was not easy to provoke and must have practiced Kung Fu. In less than two minutes, five Three brothers have fallen, only two are left, and they can't surround this young man if they want to surround them.


After the remaining two gangsters stopped, they looked at each other, and then suddenly rushed towards Lu Yang at the same time. The two of them stabbed with two knives at the same time. Of course, Lu Yang stepped back subconsciously, and the two of them were in Lu. After Yang retreated, but did not continue to rush, one person, one hand, and after quickly pulling the man who fell on his back from the ground, all three of them watched Lu Yang vigilantly while speeding up their steps, and headed towards the other two. An injured companion retreated.


   actually retreated like this?


Under the gloomy shade of the tree, Lu Yang took a step forward. After thinking about it, he didn't pursue it anymore. These five people were all gangsters playing with knives. He was so anxious that he was not sure that he could put it down unharmed. Five, not to mention, his right arm had been injured just now.


   Seeing that Lu Yang did not continue to chase, the five gangsters helped each other and hurried away.


   Until this time, seeing that they were completely safe, Zhou Shaofeng and Wang Cuicui who had just ran ahead did they breathe a sigh of relief, and ran to help Qian Xiaoyu who had not yet risen from the ground.


   "Ms. Lu! Thank you this time!"


   Qian Xiaoyu just got up, and turned around to thank Lu Yang. Compared with her, Zhou Shaofeng and Wang Cuicui's performance was much worse. After Qian Xiaoyu thanked him, Wang Cuicui hesitated and said, "Thank you!"


   And Zhou Shaofeng looked at Lu Yang with a complicated expression, and said nothing.


   Maybe he still couldn't forget the last time that Lu Yang was brought down twice in a row, and he still had a sorrow.


   Lu Yang nodded, said nothing, turned around and left. There is always a clinic near the school. Lu Yang remembers that there is one in front of him. Now he needs to go and bandage.


Lu Yang just left. Zhou Shaofeng and Wang Cuicui hadn't reacted yet, but Qian Xiaoyu, who had a sprained foot, limped to Lu Yang's side and shouted: "Mr. Lu! Teacher Lu, wait a minute! "


   Hearing the sound, Lu Yang stopped, turned around and asked, "What else is there?"


   Qian Xiaoyu came after him, Zhou Shaofeng and Wang Cuicui subconsciously caught up and continued to support Qian Xiaoyu.


   Qian Xiaoyu's eyes were on Lu Yang's injured right arm, and he frowned and asked: "Mr. Lu! You were injured just now?"


   This is a nonsense, to Lu Yang.




Lu Yang continued to walk to the Xiaoyu speeded up a few steps, limped to the side of Lu Yang, reached out and grabbed Lu Yang’s right arm, depending on Lu Yang’s injury .


   Lu Yang gave in, but still let her grab the injured right arm. Under the dim street lamp light, the injury was vaguely seen on the forearm of the right arm. Two layers of clothing were torn and blood dripping underneath.


   "Is it so badly injured?" Qian Xiaoyu stayed for a while, frowning tightly, and Zhou Shaofeng and Wang Cuicui who followed at this time also had complex expressions.


   Speaking of it, Lu Yang had been doing internships with them for so long. In fact, he didn't have much friendship. He even had hands with Zhou Shaofeng. No one would have thought that they were saved by Lu Yang when they encountered something like this tonight.


   Until then, seeing Lu Yang's injured arm, Zhou Shaofeng, an unruly fellow, moved his lips and said in a low voice, "Thank you."


   Lu Yang glanced at him, took his arm out of Qian Xiaoyu's hand, and said, "You have also sprained your foot. Come with me to the front clinic for a look!" (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you Yuan Ge for the reward of 1888 points, thank you for your monthly pass!

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