Rebirth 2003

Chapter 291: Disagreement


   "Huh? Is there a clinic ahead?"


   Qian Xiaoyu was a little surprised. After being here for a few months, neither she nor Wang Cuicui had ever been sick, and this street was not frequent. I really didn’t know there was a clinic nearby. Fastest chapter update


   "Then let's go quickly?" Wang Cuicui suggested, and Zhou Shaofeng said another word: "Yes!"


   Lu Yang was originally going to go there. Seeing that the three of them had no objections, they continued to walk there. Wang Cuicui and Zhou Shaofeng followed Qian Xiaoyu with one arm and followed Lu Yang.


Along the way, Lu Yang's injured right arm was dripping with blood. If he were a timid boy, he might have yelled a long time ago, but Lu Yang is not that temperament. Although the pain keeps coming from the injury, he can feel himself. His blood was dripping, but he just frowned slightly, and he could feel his wounds. When he was injured just now, Lu Yang knew that it was just a little fleshy wound. Maybe the wound looked scary, maybe it would bleed a lot of blood. , But as long as he doesn't die or become disabled, it doesn't matter if he shed a little blood for a man of his character.


   On the contrary, it was Qian Xiaoyu who twisted his ankle. Every step he took, he was so painful that he gasped with air-conditioning and twisted his brows.


   Lu Yang didn't pay attention to her, but just casually asked: "The last time someone came out at night and was robbed, why did you dare to come out tonight?"


   Wang Cuicui blurted out: "Didn't you come out too?"


Lu Yang glanced at her and did not speak. Zhou Shaofeng has been extremely silent since Lu Yang appeared. He did not speak at this time. Qian Xiaoyu answered, "Today is my birthday. They both accompany me out to celebrate. Just now I'm ready to go back. I didn't expect to run into those knife holders. The public security here is really bad at night! I used to go out to play at night in my hometown and city H. Where would I encounter such a thing..."


  Wang Cuicui: "What a bad luck! I just scared me to death!"


   Zhou Shaofeng remained silent.


   Lu Yang smiled silently, and did not say "It's better not to come out at night". After what happened tonight, I believe normal people will try to avoid coming out at night.


   The clinic is not far away. A few people arrived soon and walked into the brightly lit clinic. Qian Xiaoyu and others could clearly see how scary the wound on Lu Yang's right arm was. There was a three-inch-long slit on the sleeve of his sleeve, which cut two layers of clothes. The flesh inside was cut and rolled up, and the blood had almost soaked the entire forearm.


   Qian Xiaoyu exclaimed as soon as he saw the injury, and tightly covered his mouth with a small hand. The eyes are red. Not knowing how she was so emotional, Wang Cuicui was also taken aback, and subconsciously stepped back two steps, looking at Lu Yang's injured right arm from a distance, while Zhou Shaofeng looked at Lu Yang's injured area with complicated eyes. Looking at Lu Yang's calm face.


   As for the owner of the clinic, he had already ran over in surprise, while running over here. He was surprised and said: "Oh! What's the matter with you, boy? You shed so much blood? Didn’t it hurt the aorta? Let me see! Let me see! If the aorta is injured, go to the big hospital. Ah! My little clinic can't cure such troublesome trauma..."


   at the boss. With the help of the uncle who was also the doctor at the clinic, Lu Yang took off his coat and rolled up the sleeve on his right arm. A long wound and flesh and blood appeared in the eyes of several people. Lu Yang glanced at it and moved calmly. Opening their eyes, Qian Xiaoyu and Wang Cuicui both covered their mouths, a little afraid to look, Zhou Shaofeng jumped around the corner of his eyes and looked away.


It was the clinic owner who saw the wound, but he sighed in relief, sighed, and smiled: "It’s okay! It’s just a skin injury, it’s just bleeding a little, it looks scary, and I’ll seal a few needles for you. , Some medicine, it won't be a big problem!"


   The words of the clinic owner naturally aroused the surprise of Qian Xiaoyu and others, but Lu Yang knew that it was just a skin injury and his expression was not fluctuating. He just urged the boss to make him hurry up.


   A few of them talked, but they shed Lu Yang's blood.


   The boss promised with a smile, and hurried to get the medicine box and other items, and skillfully helped Lu Yang quickly deal with the wound. He sewed the needle, applied the medicine, and wrapped it tightly with gauze.


After   , I got a belt and hung Lu Yang's injured forearm around his neck, in a posture of a seriously injured person. Then he dealt with Qian Xiaoyu's sprained ankle. After some tossing, more than an hour passed.


Qian Xiaoyu paid for the treatment. She wanted to pay with Lu Yang's money, but found that she only had a few dozen yuan on her body. She blushed and pulled Wang Cuicui aside. Dozens of yuan, looking at Zhou Shaofeng, Zhou Shaofeng's face blushed, and he only took out a few dozen yuan.


   The three people's money is only in their early 100s. When treating Lu Yang's wound just now, the clinic owner used anesthetics, which is not cheap.


   I don’t know if it’s because of the lax border control, or the clinic in 2006 had anesthetics. Anyway, the owner of the clinic just used this stuff for Lu Yang.


   Lu Yang saw the embarrassment of a few people in his eyes. The clinic owner who had been busy for more than an hour, wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiled unnaturally, wanted to get angry but embarrassed.


The corners of Lu Yang's mouth curled up, and he took out the wallet from the jacket he had taken off before. As soon as the wallet was opened, including the clinic owner, he was stunned. This unsurprisingly-looking young man actually contained red hundred yuan bills in his wallet. , A rough estimate, at least two to three thousand.


   These days, young people carrying two or three thousand cash with them are rare.


   Then, the smile on the face of the clinic owner became natural again. As long as he can pay for his treatment, his attitude will not be any problem.




When several people came out of the clinic, except for Lu Yang’s expressions, the expressions of Qian Xiaoyu, Wang Cuicui, and Zhou Shaofeng were all a little different. One is because Lu Yang was injured this time to save them. As a result, not only The treatment fee was paid by Lu Yang himself, and he also helped Qian Xiaoyu pay the bill. Second, it was because they had seen Lu Yang’s financial resources intuitively for the first time. Money, but imagination and guessing are not as intuitive as what I saw with my own eyes. I carry two or three thousand in cash with me, and there are bank cards in my wallet...


   And these ordinary students, living expenses for a semester. It's about two to three thousand, watching Lu Yang take out a few from his wallet and ask the clinic owner how much he needs. That way of indifferent is not pretending to be better than pretending to be forced!


   After coming out of the clinic and walking on a deserted street, the eyes of the three of them still couldn't help but glance at the calm Lu Yang from time to time.


After walking several tens of meters, Qian Xiaoyu broke the silence and said to Lu Yang with a blushing face: "Teacher Lu! Thank you for tonight, um. I will pay you back for the treatment fee just now, and , You are injured. Don't go to work for the next week, right? We ask for leave for you, and Principal Sun should approve it."


   Zhou Shaofeng: "Qian Xiaoyu! I will return the money to Lu Yang, don't worry about it!"


  Wang Cuicui: "Xiaoyu! Last time Xu Heng and the others were robbed and reported to the leaders. They were criticized by Principal Sun..."


   The meaning of Wang Cuicui's words is obvious. I just don't want to report this incident, for fear that it will affect their internship scores and even cause them to stay in school after the internship is over.


   Not all interns are like Lu Yang who don't care if they can stay.


   But if you don’t mention tonight’s matter and Lu Yang’s injury, it’s hard to explain. Vice President Sun’s vacation may not be approved. You must know that Lu Yang had taken three long vacations before. I asked again recently, please now? Will Vice President Sun agree?


   Lu Yang made no sound. Qian Xiaoyu bit her thin lower lip, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said, "Don't worry! When asking for leave, I told the principal that Lu Yang is the only one who rescued tonight, and I won't mention you two!"


  Wang Cuicui: "Xiaoyu! I didn't mean that. How can you carry this kind of thing alone? Besides, if you say you come out to celebrate your birthday alone, who will believe it?"


Zhou Shaofeng has been silent until now, and finally said: "Qian Xiaoyu! I don't think Lu Yang's injury is serious. Just now the clinic owner said it was just a skin injury and shouldn't affect work? Anyway, we usually go to work for a week. In just two or three classes, the training in the office is almost the same..."


Qian Xiaoyu: "No! I said that I won't mention the two of you, what else do you guys say? At most, I don't mention that I am out to celebrate my birthday tonight. I said, can I buy cold medicine? There happens to be a clinic on the street!"


   Wang Cuicui: "But you don't have a cold! Do you want to tell the principal that you took cold medicine tonight and you will be completely cured the next day? The cold is not so fast!"


   Qian Xiaoyu: "Then I say..."


When Lu Yang heard that he was tired now, he reached out and interrupted Qian Xiaoyu's already angry words, and said calmly: "Okay! Needless to say, I will go to work as usual, and I will only get hurt. Also, you should go back! I still have to buy something."


   As he said, Lu Yang turned to another street and fought against the five gangsters. After being injured, he was still upset, and he still wanted to drink some alcohol alone.


  At this time, Qian Xiaoyu and others discovered that when they were arguing, they had come to the intersection of two streets. At this time, they watched Lu Yang walk up to another street, his figure drifting away in the night.


   The three of them were silent for a while, and then Qian Xiaoyu suddenly said, "I'm going back first! Do whatever you want!"


After finishing, she turned away the hands of the two holding her with an ugly expression, limped and speeded up towards the school, leaving Wang Cuicui and Zhou Shaofeng standing at the intersection, their faces a little embarrassed .


Both of them knew that they should help Lu Yang ask for this leave, but they both had their own considerations. Wang Cuicui asked herself whether she was not beautiful, she didn't have amazing talents, and she didn't have a deep family. Background, after graduation, she really wants to stay in this fairly good middle school to teach, so she definitely doesn't want to leave any stains during the internship.


Zhou Shaofeng’s concerns are even simpler. He knows that Qian Xiaoyu intends to stay here to teach after graduation, and because he rushed into Shao Dahai and Lu Yang’s dormitory last time and beat Shao Dahai, he also started with Lu Yang. The leader left a bad impression. In addition to the last time the student scores, his score is almost the bottom. If the leader knows this time, he feels that after the internship is over, he wants to stay here and he will basically be out of play. . (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to Fuji Snack Food and Rain. Tianqing, Feng~~ brother, blood wolf, drunk lying and enjoying the scenery rewards 100 coins, thanks to Lizhi Township, Dongguo Taixuan Jun, heart for the wind rewards 200 coins, thanks to looking for joy 2009 rewards 1000 coins, Thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket.

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