Rebirth 2003

Chapter 688: Brother! You are so shameless!

The silver-gray Land Rover stopped at the entrance of N University and Dongdaemun. Yin Qingying, Wang Xiaomin, Pang Yishan and Tang Zheng got out of the car one after another. Yin Qingying waved to He Baiming and smiled and said, "Thank you Miss He for sending us back. Go back! Thank you!"

Pang Yishan and Wang Xiaomin reacted and hurriedly said goodbye to He Baiming. Only Tang Zheng took a look at He Baiming and did not say any kind words to the crowd.

Maybe in his opinion, He Baiming is just a bodyguard, he doesn't need to be so polite, maybe it's just his character.

He Baiming was still as indifferent as before, nodded to a few people, then turned around and quickly left.

"Two younger brothers and younger sisters! I still have something to do, let's see you here! Bye!"

Yin Qingying smiled and waved to the three of them. After all of them responded, she smiled and nodded and turned and walked to a small street outside the school.

Pang Yishan, Wang Xiaomin, and Tang Zheng remained silent for a while.

It was Wang Xiaomin who broke the silence first, only to hear her sigh softly: "Oh! I really envy Lu Ying! There is such a great brother! I can't catch up with her if I try my best in this life! God! Why don't I have one like this? Where's the great brother? Naive, it's not fair!"

Just coming back from Lu Yang’s villa and getting off the car, the three of them couldn’t help feeling a sense of a gap. They felt that they had just returned to the original world from one world, and in the original world, they were still freshmen from three small county towns. Villas, good cars, and delicious food do not belong to them. What awaits them is the iron bed in the dormitory, the steamed buns and food in the cafeteria that are said to kill people...

Pang Yishan smiled suddenly. Said: "Xiao Min classmate! Don't be so envious! This is not envious! Let's all go in! It's dead in the sun!"

Tang Zheng's narrow Dan Feng glanced at Pang Yishan, meaning he smiled inexplicably, and walked to the school gate first without saying a word.


Years ago. Lu Yang is also such a poor student. He hates and envy the rich people outside the school.

Now, he has become the object of envy and jealousy of others.

There are some advantages, at least now his sister no longer has to be like him, only envy and jealous of others.

Lu Yang was very relieved to see his sister's happy smile.

afternoon. When the sun wasn't strong outside, Lu Yang drove his sister out to do what she wanted. I bought her a lot of food, food, and clothing.

As long as his sister wants, he will be satisfied one by one.

This is also the gift he promised to give his sister to the university before. This year, the brother and sister were on the phone before the college entrance examination. In order to encourage her sister, Lu Yang promised that as long as she passed the entrance examination, she would go shopping with her and let her choose. Today is the time to fulfill her promise.

After shopping around three o'clock in the afternoon, the brothers and sisters walked into the clothing store with the English name. They looked good. As for the meaning of the English name?

Feel sorry. Lu Yang's English has never been very good, even after rebirth, his memory can hardly be forgotten, because his interest is not above it. I haven't studied it carefully.

Seeing the English signboard above the store, Lu Yang's first reaction was to look away. Seeing that his sister seemed to be interested in the clothes in this women's clothing store, Lu Yang led her in.

Picking and choosing, Lu Ying quickly fancyed a white dress, watching her under the guidance of the salesperson. Entering the fitting room to try on, Lu Yang glanced more at the white dress in her hand.

I wondered if my sister was imitating Cao Xue's dressing style. Thinking about it this way, Lu Yang found that it seemed to be true. My younger sister seemed to like to wear white clothes for the past year or two.

"you are the wind I am the sand……"

An unfamiliar cell phone ringing suddenly rang at Lu Yang's hand, and it stopped after one ringing. It should be a text message.

Lu Yang's gaze fell, and he landed on the mobile phone beside him just before his sister went to the fitting room. My sister had just entered university and hadn't developed the habit of using a satchel. Just now, the mobile phone was always held in hand.

As for the things bought before entering this store, most of them were in Lu Yang's car, and the rest were carried by Lu Yang just now.

My sister's mobile phone was also given to her by Lu Yang when she went back to attend her school promotion banquet last time.

Lu Ying in the fitting room seemed to hear her mobile phone ring, and shouted in the fitting room: "Big Brother! You can help me see who's the text message!"


Lu Yang responded. As for the code lock for his sister's mobile phone, he knew it. Speaking of the code lock, he helped her set it up the day she gave the phone to her sister.

With a promise, Lu Yang picked up his sister's phone and swiped his right thumb on the screen twice to unlock the phone screen, and then he saw that the new text message was sent by Pang Yishan.

Seeing the name Pang Yishan, Lu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. When he saw Pang Yishan at the station today, Lu Yang realized that he seemed to have some interest in his sister.

At this moment, he just saw the text message he had just sent, and his younger sister let him read it again. Lu Yang narrowed his eyes and clicked on the message.

"Lu Ying! What are you doing? Thank you for your eldest brother's hospitality today!"

A seemingly unusual text message didn't let Lu Yang discover anything.

Just then Lu Ying asked who had sent a text message in the fitting room. Lu Yang didn't hide her from her, so she told the truth.

Just as he was about to put down his sister's cell phone, the phone rang again. Lu Yang thought it was from Pang Yishan. He glanced around at random, but saw that it was from Tang Zheng, who was a boy and a girl.

Lu Yang smiled faintly, and clicked on the text message.

"Lu Ying! Do you have time tomorrow? If you have time, how about we go strolling around Shanghai together?"

The content of this short message made Lu Yang's eyes startled.

He originally thought that Pang Yishan was interesting to his sister, and the text messages he sent might have that meaning. He didn't expect Pang Yishan's text messages to be quite satisfactory. Tang Zheng, who had always been relatively taciturn before, sent a message to invite his sister to visit Shanghai...

what's the situation?

Lu Yang blinked, a little puzzled.

After thinking about it, he still put down his sister's mobile phone. As the eldest brother, he cared about his sister's emotional life. But for the time being, there is no intention to interfere.

He also came from his sister's age, knowing that by her age, it is inevitable to fall in love. Both men and women want to be with the people they like. What he can fancy, but his sister may not like it. Therefore, he didn't intend to interfere with his sister's emotional life, but it is inevitable that there is some worry that her sister will be harmed.

"Big brother! Help me see! How is it?"

Lu Yang just put down his sister's mobile phone. My sister came out of the fitting room, her face flushed. Seems to be waiting for him to praise.

Lu Yang smiled and looked carefully.

It's okay indeed!

My younger sister is also a big girl now, and the eighteenth woman is much more prettier than before. I just saw the white dress on her. Lu Yang inevitably thought of Cao Xue.

"Not bad! Very beautiful! If you like it, buy it!"

Lu Yang said with a smile.

Lu Ying heard the compliment as she wished, and her smile on her face was even brighter, but she deliberately said: "Hey, brother! This one is a bit expensive! More than a thousand!"

The salesperson hurriedly explained a sentence beside: "Beauty! Handsome! We are a big brand! Look at the selection and workmanship of this dress! If you really want to buy, I can help you with the store manager to apply for a call..."

The saleswoman spoke very fast, but she hadn't said how much discount she would get. Lu Yang waved her hand and said, "It doesn't matter! The waiter has wrapped up this dress!"

A thousand yuan, it is really nothing in Lu Yang's mind now.

It's not that he deliberately put on ostentation. But seeing his sister in a white dress reminded him of Cao Xue, and his mood was a little affected. I'm not in the mood to discuss the price with the salesperson.

At the same time, he suddenly realized that his heart seemed to be really old.

When he saw Yin Qingying today, he always thought of Tong Yaqian, but when he saw his sister wearing this white dress, he couldn't help but think of Cao Xue.

Isn’t a very important criterion for a person’s mentality to be old or not to see if he always falls into memories?


Come out of this clothing store. Lu Yang went to some shopping malls with his sister again, and kept driving her back after satisfying her desire to shop.

Back to the villa. After dinner, the siblings went to Lu Yang's master bedroom on the second floor together, waiting for the first episode of "Where Are You Going, Dad" premiered.

Lu Yang wanted his sister to come over on the first day of the day and stay with her for a while. By the way, he would like to see how the filming of "Where Are You Going Dad", which was born ahead of time because of him, was done. Why is it so difficult for book fans, the image of the village chief in this show.

My younger sister, Lu Ying, is purely because the excitement of today has not I just heard that the show planned by my elder brother was broadcast for the first time today, and I really wanted to watch it.

In addition to a large bed, Lu Yang's bedroom also had a set of high-end fabric sofas. Lu Yang was sitting in the middle of the sofa holding his purple teapot, and his sister was nestling next to him like a bunny.

The first sixty-inch large LCD TV is still broadcasting news broadcasts, but at this time, the domestic people are very happy and the leaders are very busy. The link has been broadcast, and the link where foreign people are living in dire straits is being broadcast.

Without looking at the time, Lu Yang knew that today's news broadcast was about to end.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the news of another country's turmoil to be broadcasted, and today's news broadcast ended.

As early as when the TV was turned on, Lu Yang had already tuned the TV to Nanhu Satellite TV.

What surprised Lu Yang was that just after the news broadcast, only three consecutive commercials were broadcast, and Nanhu Satellite TV began to broadcast the first issue of "Where Are You Going, Dad".

There are so few ads after the news network?

It seems that Nanhu Satellite TV attaches great importance to this program?

When Lu Yang was so emotional, the show began.

"Welcome to watch "Where Are You Going Dad" broadcasted by the best software for dating and interaction-**! Dear viewers! You are watching "Where are Dad Going" on Nanhu Satellite TV! Welcome!"

Such an appealing title advertisement made Lu Yang smile all over his face. His younger sister Lu Yang gave him a funny look and said, "Big Brother! Did you write this ad? You are so shameless!"

Lu Yang laughed. (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to the crazy readers 007, dyw83673046, the secret little fat for rewarding 100 points, thanks to Su Xianye for rewarding 300 points, and thanks for watching intoxicated and rewarding 588 points! R752

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