Rebirth 2003

Chapter 689: Different "Where is Dad"

  &Nbsp;   The first issue of "Where Are You Going Dad" is very novel in Lu Ying's eyes.     At the beginning of the show, two hosts, one fat and one thin, appeared in the camera. These two were not the hosts of Nanhu TV that Lu Ying knew, but one was fat and one thin. The contrast, the appearance of two images of honesty and seriousness together, immediately made her happy.     Especially when the fat host introduced himself that he was called Xiong Er, and when the thin host was named Xiong Da, Lu Ying was eating melon seeds and sprayed all the melon seeds out of his mouth. .     The original time and space of "Bear Infestation" appeared in 2012, but now "Bear Infestation" has not appeared yet, Lu Yang has returned from the past, so Xiong Da and Xiong Er are both naive His name became the stage name of the two hosts of "Where Are You Going, Dad".     After Xiong Da and Xiong Er gag for a while, the two got out of the babysitter car that had just been stable, and rushed into the airport lobby with a wave of joy, Xiong Er followed Xiong Da and rushed into the airport lobby. He winked at the camera and said, "Dear and lovely friends! Xiong Da told me early this morning that there will be a mysterious guest attending today. Who is it? Xiong Er, I am very curious! Everyone! Are you dear and lovely friends curious? Ok! Now everyone comes with me to reveal the mysterious celebrity guest! Hope not to let me down! Don’t let down your dear and lovely friends! Hey..."     Lu Yang smiled and watched. He didn’t know exactly who the five invited guests were in the first period. He only knew two, and the other three. Lu Yang asked the program team on the phone. director. Director Hong Tao mysteriously said that it would be kept secret for the time being, to leave him with some expectations and surprises.     I don’t know if he can surprise him today...    Lu Ying’s head rested on Lu Yang’s shoulder, and a small hand kept throwing melon seeds into his mouth. Knocked very joyfully and hilariously.     On the TV screen, Xiong Da and Xiong Er are already in their positions, eagerly looking at the white cloud sky, waiting for the plane to arrive.     At this time, a montage cut appeared in the footage, and the two of them looked at the sky eagerly for a while, scratching their heads and scratching their cheeks boringly for a while. The chubby Xiong Er looks more mischievous because he is boring. He started looking for fun.     After a while, he quietly reached out to the other side of the bear’s head and patted it suddenly, then quickly shrank his hand, standing next to the bear and looking at the sky in a daze. The bear who was attacked suddenly turned his head and glanced. A kid next to him. The child was sitting on a man's shoulder, smiling at him.     In the first round, Xiong Er successfully blamed the attack on a three- or four-year-old boy.     Xiong opened his mouth wide, and in the end he was not embarrassed to care about the three or four-year-old boy. He gave the boy a vicious look, then looked back at the sky and scratched his head unconsciously. .     At this moment, Xiong Er, who tasted the sweetness, quickly shot again and slapped Xiong Da's head quickly again. The place to start is still on the other side.     Just turned around, Xiong Da suddenly turned his head and stared at the little boy, who was still smiling at first. As a result, the time Xiong stared at was obviously a bit too long, the smile on the little boy's face gradually disappeared, his mouth tilted, and he cried.     The little boy’s father quickly put the little boy down and coaxed him in a low voice, and glanced suspiciously at Xiongda who had returned to his normal expression.     Xiong Da is a little at a loss, Xiong Er is facing Xiong Da with his back next to Xiong Da. Fat shoulders shrugged and giggled.     In front of the TV, Lu Ying chuckled and cursed: "This fat man is too overcast!". But I watched it with gusto.     The little boy was put on the ground, Xiong Er lost the object of the blame, and was unable to attack Xiong Da for a while, and fell into a boring time.     At this time, on the screen, Xiong Er's figure walking back and forth with a faint afterimage, which proves that his boring wandering time is much longer than the screen playback time.     Soon after, Xiong Er found fun again.     The little boy was taken a little further away by his father, and he no longer stood next to Xiongda. After the father and son had been empty for a while, he came one with a moustache Bald man.     The man's bald head is shining, as if oiled, and there is not a few taels of meat on the bald head, so the eyes under the thick eyebrows appear to be very large, and they are flexible to turn around.     The bald head is wearing a pair of sunglasses, and the corner of his mouth is slightly upturned with a slight beating, which looks like I am very sexy.     Xiong Er’s gaze suddenly fell on his bald head, his small eyeballs rolled a few times, and suddenly he stretched out his hand and quickly patted the back of the bald head with a slap, and quickly recovered the criminal. Blackhand, with his cute little eyes blinking and staring at the sky as before.     The chubby round face seems to say: I am cute! Absolutely harmless!     But Lu Ying, who is not a big smile, was successfully amused by him again.     Bald head turned his head blankly and stared at Xiong Da, because Xiong Da, the unlucky child, also frowned at this time and turned to look at Bald head.     I have to say that although Xiong Da is thin, his face and arms are all exposed, plus a pair of frowning eyebrows, which is a bit murderous.     The bald head looked at Xiong for a long time, but he finally retracted his gaze and looked ahead again.     Both Xiong and Bald did not notice, and Xiong Er, who was standing on the other side of Xiong Da, shrugged his shoulders and snickered. No one else seemed to notice. Well, only he was planted before. The little boy of is looking at Xiong Er with his innocent eyes wide open and laughing there.     Unfortunately, this child is still too young, only knowing that he stared at him with wide eyes, and did not expose Xiong Er.     "Smack!"    Xiong Er succeeded again. When Bald head turned to look at Xiong Da this time, he had already gritted his teeth a bit. The funny thing is that Xiong Da was very timely and cooperative again. Frowning and looking at the bald head.     "Hit my bald head? You..."    The bald head gritted his teeth and was about to make a few ruthless words. Before, everyone was waiting for the plane that was not there for a long time, but here Slowly descended to the airport and flew in.     The noise during take-off and landing of planes is always loud, and the harsh sound of air breaking instantly covered the cruel words behind the bald head. On the TV, he could only see him moving his lips through gritted teeth, but He can no longer be heard.     So Xiong Er snickered next to him again.     These two pranks made by Xiong Er seem to be very long to describe. In fact, when the picture on the TV screen is combined with the sound, the two pranks are not enough. It's over in five minutes.     These two pranks are the product of Lu Yang's spoofing mentality for a while.     Lu Yang arranges the three classic characters from "Bears In and Out" in his memory-Xiong Da, Xiong Er and Bald Qiang, at the beginning of the show "Where are you going, Dad".     Looking at her sister Lu Ying always being amused, she seems to be very successful.     In just two pranks, Xiong Da's seriousness and Xiong Er's inattention were vividly presented to the audience.     ……    The montage clip appeared again. The plane that was just landing has been stabilized on the airport, and the passengers on the plane filed out, one by one from the cabin door. Come down with your luggage.     Xiong Er can't wait, jumping on tiptoe to see the passengers appearing one after another in the cabin door, he is still muttering: "Who Nirvana? Xiong Da! Who Nirvana? Who? Is it our mysterious big coffee guest today? How come I haven’t seen the pinch yet?"    Xiong Er seemed to be excited, he spit out the local accent of his hometown, so that he had already adapted to him. Lu Ying smiled again in her language accent.     Lu Yang couldn't help but smile.     After growing up, Lu Yang stopped watching cartoons for many years, but shortly after the original time-space "Bears Infested" appeared, he accidentally watched "Bears infested" on TV for a while, and immediately I like it!     Always pretends to be a clever, wise, brave and domineering Xiong Da, always inconspicuous, greedy but lazy, and loves to play Xiong II, and has been played miserably, but he can’t die anyway. The bald head is strong.     The one that Lu Yang loves most is Xiong Er, who has a naive accent.     Many of the lines that are originally very common, once Xiong Er’s funny accent is spoken, they are very funny.     ……    Finally, in the camera, Xiong Da’s eyes lit up, and suddenly he snapped his fingers: “Come! Mysterious celebrities are finally here! "&Nbsp;   "There was a loud noise in the sky, and I made my debut?"    Xiong Er heard this subconsciously, but his eyes widened to see that he had just appeared in the cabin door One of them-little girl.     A little girl about five years old?     A little girl about five years old?     Xiong Er was messed up in the wind for an instant, staring blankly at the little girl who stopped slightly in the hatch, and murmured: "Xiong Da! It's really mysterious! But she... Where is it? Saying good Dagani? Saying good Dagani?"    The sentence repeated later is obviously full of the anger in Xiong Er's chest, accompanied by this sudden increase in volume. He asked, Xiong Er suddenly turned his head and stared at Xiong Da who seemed to have deceived his pure feelings.     In front of the TV, Lu Ying was already on the sofa with a staggering laugh after a moment of stunned.     In front of the camera, Xiong Da ignored Xiong Er at all, speeding up his pace and ran towards the aircraft ramp with the microphone.     If Lu Yang came back from 2014, he would probably add a line to Xiong here-"Run! Brother!"    Unfortunately, Lu Yang From 2013.    So, when Xiong Da ran out, there was no line, Xiong Er only felt a gust of wind rushing past his eyes, and the hair on his forehead was blown and fluttered, and his reaction was a bit slow. Pat the floor slowly turning his head to look at the plane door again.     A punk man whose hair seemed to have been violently blown by a hurricane appeared in the cabin door. He put his hands on the shoulders of the little girl before, with a bright smile, waving his hands downwards.     Xiong Er’s small eyes suddenly widened, and Lu Ying, who was leaning on Lu Yang’s shoulders in front of the TV, also widened his eyes suddenly, sat up straight, and exclaimed at the same time as Xiong Er: “Ren Xianqi?"    Lu Yang is slightly is also a little surprised.     Unexpectedly, Ren Xianqi, who had never appeared in the program "Where Are You Going Dad", was also one of the important guests in the first issue of "Where Are You Going Dad". (To be continued)    ps: Thank you for wanting to represent the country, you can’t reward 100 points, thank you for chasing the sun, Jiao Yazi rewards 588 points, thanks for the answer 0377 rewards 1888 Count coins, thank you for your monthly pass!

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