The second high school is the test site, and candidates from this school do not need to travel to other schools to take the test.

The day before the test, candidates were prohibited from entering the teaching area. Hao Qiang stayed alone in the Internet cafe to polish his prepared essay again, striving to get a high score.

What made him a little worried was whether history would change its direction because of his rebirth and produce a butterfly effect.

The next day, June 7, the prelude to the college entrance examination officially kicked off.

[The 3+2 model of the 2004 college entrance examination in Guangxi Province, biology and chemistry are optional 2 subjects, each with a full score of 150 points, which is different from the national biology and chemistry comprehensive science model of 300 points; most science students choose physics + chemistry]

Hao Qiang held a transparent bag in his hand, which contained the stationery and admission ticket he needed for the exam, and five black neutral pens alone.

In order to get a high score in the essay, he specially bought two pens. Writing with a fountain pen can better show the changes and details of the strokes, and it is more beautiful.

Although Hao Qiang was full of confidence in himself, he still made meticulous preparations.

When the entrance time came, Hao Qiang followed the nervous flow of people into the unfamiliar classroom.

Looking around, he found that there were unfamiliar students around him, and only two or three were from his class.

In the examination room, the atmosphere was solemn and solemn.

The candidates sat in their seats, concentrating on preparing for the upcoming exam.

The two invigilators had sharp eyes and seriously inspected every detail of the examination room, not letting go of any violations.

The entire examination room was filled with tension and oppression, as if even the air was frozen.

At nearly nine o’clock, the invigilator read out the examination rules. When the time came, the test papers were distributed. The atmosphere in the examination room became more solemn and quiet.

The moment he got the test paper, Hao Qiang, like other students, first looked at the composition topic.

“Go your own way and let others talk!” Choose your own style (or except poetry).

Seeing this topic, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the teacher announced that it was time to start writing, the classroom immediately rang with a rustling sound, and the pen tips of each candidate moved quickly on the paper.

Hao Qiang wrote the composition first, using a fountain pen to trace the official script that he had just learned.

There was no need to think about the composition, as it was already in his mind. Only if you can shock the Chinese teacher who is reviewing the composition, you have the possibility of getting a high score, and it is good to write in classical Chinese.

“Do what you want, and let others comment on you.

Since ancient times, heroes have suffered many hardships. Life is long and difficult, and setbacks are inevitable.

Some are trapped by the criticism of the world, or bound by the rules of heaven and earth. But how can a true hero stop because of what others say?

Do what you want, and let others comment on you. This is what a real man does.

In the past, Qu Yuan was in a high position in the temple, and he was worried about the world. However, he was envied by his colleagues and was demoted to Miluo. However, his ambition did not change, and he finally threw himself into the river to show his ambition. His “Li Sao” says: “It is also what my heart likes, even if I die nine times, I still don’t regret it.” What a magnificent statement!

Even if the world does not understand, why doesn’t it prevent him from doing what he wants?…

Look at the world’s affairs lightly, and be free and easy in the world!”

For this essay, Hao Qiang prepared for a long time. There is no reference essay on the Internet, and it is an ancient Chinese essay, so he can only rely on himself to accumulate materials.

Quoting classics, citing a wide range of sources, the conception is ingenious, the logic is rigorous, the viewpoints are clear, and the insights are unique.

In addition, it is written in official script, which makes it feel like the poems written by a great poet. Not only is it well written, but it is also elegant.

Chu Yangzhi is a Chinese teacher at the No. 1 High School in the county. This time he was sent to the No. 2 High School to be an invigilator. After handing out the test papers, he patrolled normally.

Thirty minutes after the opening of the exam, he suddenly found that a student had actually written the composition first and was almost finished.

Writing the composition first is not a rare thing. What surprised Chu Yangzhi was that this student actually wrote the composition in classical Chinese!

If you don’t have a deep foundation in classical Chinese, you dare not show off. Even a professor of Chinese literature in a prestigious school with decades of attainments in classical Chinese may fail.

However, if you have enough strength, it may be easier to get high scores or even full marks if you write in classical Chinese, because the examiner has read too many ordinary style essays and is already a little bored. Suddenly, he finds a good classical Chinese essay and his eyes light up. He will definitely read it carefully.

Chu Yangzhi couldn’t help but stand behind the student and watch. The more he watched, the more shocked he became.

Not only was the writing fluent, but the words were also precise and ancient, which was breathtaking.

Especially the ending “look at human affairs lightly, and be free and unrestrained in the world”, which was free and easy.

The school itself is also a place of fame and fortune, full of various competitions and disputes. If you don’t understand and master the ways of the world, it is difficult to gain a foothold in this environment.

Chu Yangzhi is a graduate of a prestigious school, but he is not familiar with this, so he is only an ordinary Chinese teacher in the first high school.

“Look at human affairs lightly, and be free and unrestrained in the world” This poem directly touched the arrogant string in his heart,His mind suddenly opened up, and he inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief.

Teacher Chu continued to patrol, standing on the podium, occasionally looking at this student, his heart full of admiration and curiosity.

Students from the first high school took the exam in the school examination room, and those who took the exam in the second high school, in addition to the students of the second high school, there were also candidates from the third and fourth high schools, and the source of students in these schools was even worse.

It seems that this candidate is most likely a student from the second high school.

That essay, needless to say, is very literary, and it is closely related to the theme, positive and upbeat, and the font is good, neat, and the layout is neat, it is not an exaggeration to give it a full score.

Looking at him tracing stroke by stroke, it seems that he has not learned official script for a long time.

Teacher Chu patrolled again, and when he walked behind Hao Qiang, he paused for a while, looked carefully, and finally saw the name and school: Hengxian No. 2 High School, Hao Qiang.

Chu Yangzhi couldn’t help but sigh, I didn’t expect that the second high school would have such an outstanding student.

At this time, Hao Qiang was writing in regular script and had answered five multiple-choice questions, all of which were in line with Chu Yangzhi’s answers.

With twenty minutes left before the exam, Hao Qiang finished answering the questions. He checked twice and found that there were no problems. There were still ten minutes left before the end of the exam, so he simply handed in the paper and left the classroom, and went back to study other subjects.

In some provinces, students cannot leave the classroom without permission after handing in the paper in advance, but in Guangxi Province, it is allowed.

When other candidates saw that some candidates handed in the paper in advance, they couldn’t help but curse in their hearts: beast!

They were still thinking hard about the composition, and they might not even finish it. The invigilator just reminded them that there were only fifteen minutes left in the exam.

Chu Yangzhi took Hao Qiang’s test paper and appreciated the composition up close. The more he read, the more he liked it.

Another invigilator also noticed it. He was also very shocked to see that the composition was written in classical Chinese. He looked at it a few more times and could barely understand it. There were many references, so he had to read a lot of books.

I couldn’t help but whisper to Chu Yangzhi: “This candidate is amazing!”

“Yeah, quite awesome!” Chu Yangzhi nodded in agreement. If they couldn’t give full marks, the teachers who were responsible for reviewing the questions would be blind.

As time passed, the bell for the end of the exam finally rang.

The next two days passed in a flash, and the college entrance examination was finally over.

“Hey, the exam is finally over!”

Hao Qiang breathed a sigh of relief and felt particularly comfortable.

The end of the college entrance examination also meant that he could make the next plan, no longer limited to the high school campus.

Outside the examination room, students gathered in groups of three or two, excitedly talking about the exam that had just ended. Their faces showed both relaxation after tension and expectations and anxiety about the future.

Whether the results are good or bad, we will know at the end of the month.

Wu Hai saw Hao Qiang standing under a tree to cool off, so he walked over and said, “Qiangzi, how did you do in the exam? What’s your estimated score?”

Hao Qiang was chewing grass roots for fun, and smiled lightly, “I didn’t estimate the score. Anyway, I’ll know the score at the end of the month, so I’m too lazy to estimate it. I think it’s okay.”

“I think I did well in the exam, and the essay is easy to write. Which province do you plan to study in?”

“Let’s look at the score first. I haven’t decided yet. I prefer a province closer to home.” Hao Qiang replied that he needed to think about this issue carefully.

For him, school is not the most important thing, but choosing a city suitable for his entrepreneurship and development is crucial.

After the college entrance examination, he plans to open a stock account and use the money to buy Moutai shares first. This stock is currently in an upward stage.

Tengxun shares will not be listed until June 16, and there will be a lot of bumps when they are listed. It will not have much impact if they are listed a few months later. In addition, it is very troublesome to open a Hong Kong stock account in China, and the requirements are relatively high.

It’s also okay to buy Moutai shares first, and then cash out after he decides what to do.

At present, Hao Qiang has a personal wealth of 82,000 yuan, which is just a drop in the bucket for starting a business, but it is enough if he chooses to do some small business.

If he only does small business, it is better to quietly copy books or write words to make money quickly, earning two to three thousand yuan a day, and learning knowledge.

Moreover, he is more looking forward to the opening of the technology store to see what is inside, and then decide how to start a business. There is no need to rush for a while, after all, starting a business is not something that can be done overnight.

He expects to upgrade his writing level to level 5 in mid-July;

It will take until September to get the four-dimensional attribute value to 60 points to open the technology store.

Memory above 20, each upgrade requires more free attribute points. For Hao Qiang, the current memory is enough to cope with future learning, and he will focus on improving other attribute values ​​next.

Higher physical attribute values ​​mean stronger physical fitness, better resistance to disease invasion, and also directly affect one’s own safety.

For a long time, the acne and pimples on his face have been bothering him. Perhaps improving appearance can improve skin condition. A healthy skinSkin can not only improve personal image, but also enhance one’s affinity and temperament.

In business dealings, high appearance will undoubtedly bring him more opportunities and advantages.

Hao Qiang is looking forward to the handsome guy who is rich and handsome.

Of course, thinking ability is the top priority. If the brain is easy to use, you will not panic when encountering things, and you can better deal with various challenges and problems.

At the same time, the reasonable allocation of free attribute points will upgrade the four-dimensional attribute level faster, which is directly related to the technical store.

Several classmates around heard Hao Qiang say that he did well in the exam and congratulated him.

After the candidates finished the exam, it means graduation. In the afternoon, the school notified the candidates to return to school on June 25 to get the score results and fill in the volunteers at school. It is estimated that they will stay in school for two or three days. Remind students not to take all the bedding and mats home.

Hao Qiang and his roommates were sorting books in the dormitory. There was an aunt outside the dormitory who was recycling discarded books at 40 cents per pound.

Hao Qiang sold all the books he no longer needed. There was nothing worth remembering, and it was also troublesome to take them home.

At around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Wu Hai found Hao Qiang and excitedly said that he had sold books for more than 40 yuan.

Hao Qiang was a little curious: “Where did you get so many books?”

“Some idiots throw books around, so I pick them up and sell them. Of course I don’t have so many books.”

“No wonder you are so proud, you thought you found your wife.” Hao Qiang said.

After sorting out, Hao Qiang, Wu Hai, and several classmates who got along well went out of school to eat, surf the Internet, and add each other on QQ.

The next morning, Hao Qiang packed his luggage, said hello to other roommates, and prepared to leave school with Wu Hai.

At this time, Lin Fan came to the door.

After Lin Fan found Hao Qiang, he plucked up his courage and said bluntly, regardless of the classmates around him: “Hao Qiang, I feel that you don’t like Chen Mengqi, and Chen Mengqi doesn’t like you either, so don’t delay her. I have liked her for six years, and I am sincere.”

Since he met Chen Mengqi and Hao Qiang together in Happy Internet Cafe, Lin Fan has been very painful during this period and has not taken the initiative to talk to Chen Mengqi.

But what surprised him was that Chen Mengqi and Hao Qiang had no intersection and were immersed in preparing for the exam. Lin Fan thought he still had a chance.

Taking advantage of graduation, he planned to confess to Chen Mengqi.

However, he had to find out whether Hao Qiang, the bastard, would intervene. He always felt that Hao Qiang was deceiving Chen Mengqi and playing hard to get. Otherwise, why would he scold Chen Mengqi and continue to contact her?

Hao Qiang frowned upon hearing this, looked directly at the other party, and said coldly: “Lin Fan, I think you have a problem with your brain. You want to be Chen Mengqi’s licker, I won’t stop you, I have nothing to do with her, you have no right to order me to do anything, understand!”

“Hao Qiang, I tell you, I’m not a licker! I’m not a licker!”

Lin Fan loudly refuted, staring at Hao Qiang angrily.

When Lin Fan first heard “licker”, he didn’t know what licker meant, but he knew it later.

Seeing his angry look, Hao Qiang couldn’t help laughing: “If you are not a licker, then what are you? The average lifespan of a dog is only ten years, and you have been chasing her for six years!

Six years, haha.

She may not agree to you, you want to lick her until death.

It’s true that you are a licker, your whole body is full of tongues, and your mouth is the hardest.

However, I admire you very much. Unlike me, I don’t even have the courage to be a spare tire, so I can’t be a licker.”

Looking at Lin Fan’s eyes wide open, his face livid, and speechless rebuttal, Hao Qiang said with a smile: “Do you understand? You want to chase her, it’s none of my business!”

After saying that, he patted his shaking shoulders, and then left with Wu Hai carrying the luggage.

The students around couldn’t help laughing when they heard the conversation between the two, and Lin Fan just walked away cursing.

After walking for a while, Wu Hai said to Hao Qiang next to him with admiration: “Qiangzi, I admire your level of scolding. Lin Fan was so angry that he didn’t know how to fight back.

This guy is afraid of you, haha.

But do you think Lin Fan will confess to Chen Mengqi, and will Chen Mengqi agree?”

“You love gossip so much. When you return to school at the end of the month, you can find out by asking.

But, Dead Sea, if you have a girl you like, confess boldly. If you don’t fall in love during your student days, you can only talk about cars and gifts after graduation.”

“That makes sense, then why don’t you fall in love?”

Hao Qiang smiled, did not answer, and strode forward.

He believed in the existence of love, but he didn’t believe it would happen to him.

If a marriage is maintained by love, then there will be a divorce one day. It is not as reliable as a sense of responsibility, interests and marriage law.

To be more reliable, wealth is the foundation of love, so love is only the patent of a few people.

People without money may not even have family affection.

He doesn’t want to fall in love, but prefers the process of having children.

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