Hao Qiang mainly brought some clothes home this time, while the blanket and mat were left at school.

To be honest, the mat that has been used for several years can be thrown away directly.

When passing by a bookstore, he bought a few books covering English, stock trading and business, which will come in handy in the future.

Wu Hai asked curiously: “Qiangzi, do you still have the heart to read books at home?”

“You have to find something to do. There is nothing to do at home. The rice will not be harvested until July. My family only has more than one acre of land, and it will be done in two days.”

“My family has more than two acres of land, and it will be done in a few days. I have nothing to do, so I plan to smoke field mice on the ridge of the field, or pull wires. I have an electronic mousetrap at home. I haven’t eaten mouse meat for a long time, and I am tired of eating school meals.” Wu Hai thought of the delicious stir-fried field mouse meat with soybeans and garlic sprouts, and couldn’t help licking his tongue.

The tenderness and fragrance of the meat are simply incomparable to pork and fish.

“Haha, that’s good. I haven’t eaten it for a long time.” Hao Qiang laughed heartily. He also missed the days of catching mice in home appliances.

In the local area, villagers are also keen on using electronic mousetraps to catch mice.

On the path where mice often appear, first wet the ground, then place small wooden sticks side by side, and then use bare iron wire to wrap around the insulator and the wooden sticks to set up a 100-meter encirclement area.

After the power is turned on, the mice passing by will be electrocuted, and many mice can be caught in one night.

There is a folk saying that “eating one mouse is equivalent to three chickens”, and people who have tasted it praise it.

Those who have not tasted it feel extremely disgusting when they hear it.

Can that thing be eaten?

“Okay, if I catch a lot, I will send you some after I prepare it.”

“Sure, remember to chop off the head and send it over.” Hao Qiang likes to eat field mouse meat, but doesn’t like to process it.

Those girls who like to eat lamb skewers are not happy to be processed, and they feel disgusted by the blood. In fact, it is the same reason.

So, humans are a very contradictory carbon-based creature.

Wu Hai and Hao Qiang’s homes are located on the west side of the county town, about 30 kilometers away from the county town and 50 kilometers away from the provincial capital.

Hao Qiang’s home is in Hualong Village, Lujing Town, and Wu Hai’s home is in Wu Village, Luancheng. The two towns are adjacent and only a few kilometers apart.

Local customs focus on human feelings and etiquette. During festivals, relatives and friends are invited to a banquet. It is usually held once a year. No red envelopes are required. It is best to bring some fruits and vegetables or chickens, ducks and fish raised at home. A banquet is held at home, with five or six tables of dishes, and the cost is not high.

Hao Qiang’s family holds a banquet on March 3, and Wu Hai’s family holds it on the Double Ninth Festival.

The two walked and talked, and arrived at the bus station after more than ten minutes. They waited for another half an hour before they waited for a bus passing by their hometown.

While waiting for the bus, Hao Qiang took out a pen and started writing. This move attracted the attention of the surrounding passengers, who felt that this student was really working hard to study. Wu Hai was accustomed to this.

After getting on the bus, Hao Qiang talked with Wu Hai while writing, and took a short rest when he was tired.

Hao Qiang didn’t want to waste every second, as if he was a machine that never stopped, eager to upgrade and open a technical store as soon as possible.

Starting from the bus station, after leaving the city, he drove west along National Highway 324. Along the way, you can see vast jasmine fields and busy flower farmers.

As you move forward, the jasmine fields gradually decrease, and hills and fast-growing eucalyptus forests begin to occupy the view.

The mountain road winds up, and eucalyptus trees are everywhere.

Some places do not allow the planting of eucalyptus, but in Guangxi Province, this is a feature, and it is still the case twenty years later.

After the car drove on the mountain road for more than ten minutes, the bus drove out of the hilly area. There were endless sugarcane fields on both sides of the road. Where the wind passed, the green waves were rippling, and the scenery was picturesque.

Half an hour later.

When the bus arrived at the intersection of Lujing Town and Luancheng Town, Wu Hai got off the bus and took a tricycle, while Hao Qiang had to continue to take the bus for two or three kilometers.

When he arrived at the intersection of Hualong Village, Hao Qiang asked the driver to stop.

He got off the car with his suitcase. There was still one or two miles to his home, so he pushed the suitcase and walked forward leisurely.

In this day and age, the village has not yet realized the realization of cement roads in every village. Fortunately, it has not rained in recent days. Hao Qiang pushed the suitcase and walked on the muddy ground quite conveniently. He hummed a little song and admired the familiar rural scenery around him. There was nothing else except rice fields and sugarcane fields.

The mountains in my hometown are not high. They are mainly hills and low mountains. It is more appropriate to describe them as “one mountain, one water and eight fields”.

The per capita arable land is one or two acres, and farming can only sustain a living. Most villagers choose to spend their time at home, eating, drinking and playing cards every day. There are no factories around, and the per capita income is much lower than other areas.

The village has a population of one or two thousand people, with surnames such as Hao, Chen, Lu, Liao, and Wei. There is no particularly wealthy family.

In this day and age, a family with assets of 100,000 yuan can definitely rank among the top five in the village. There are only two vans in the village, which are mainly used for operations.

The richest families have already bought land in the town to build houses and do business, but their assets do not exceed 300,000 yuan.Yuan.

To put it nicely, the gap between the rich and the poor in their village is very small.

So, if Hao Qiang’s personal wealth is exposed in the village, it will indeed cause a lot of shock.

In less than half a year, Hao Qiang will become the richest man in the village.

Of course, he will not be noticeable in the city.

“Alas, the village is poor!”

Hao Qiang lamented the economic situation in the village, but the villagers seemed to live happily. They can sleep until noon, or play until dawn, and only need to be busy with farm work for one or two months a year.

If you go to the city to work, you will work from 7 am to 9 pm. Men will become bald early, and women will have endocrine disorders, like social animals.

Since you can’t afford a house in the city, it’s better to stay in the countryside honestly. There’s nothing wrong with that. This is not irony, but when the real estate market is down, most young people see the essence of life.

In this day and age, the dowry for marrying a local wife is very low, two or three thousand yuan is enough, and other requirements are not high. The woman only asks the man to have a decent job and a building in the village.

Of course, as time goes by, the requirements are getting higher and higher, but it is still very low for some provinces.

In his previous life, Hao Qiang had too high standards and was arrogant, otherwise it would not be difficult to find a local girl to marry.

Hao Qiang pushed the suitcase and met many villagers on the way. Whether familiar or not, they greeted each other.

“Qiangzi, you are back from vacation, it seems a bit early.”

“Second Aunt, just finished the college entrance examination.”

“Handsome boy, where did you come back from working?”

“Uncle, I came back from school.”

After walking for a while, the village houses became clearer and clearer, and his house was vaguely visible.

“Homesickness” is what Hao Qiang felt at this time.

He missed his home and his parents.

More than ten minutes later, he entered the center of the village and passed by the village store.

Outside the village store, there is a big banyan tree, with tangled roots that block out the sun.

Under the shade of the tree, dozens of villagers gathered together to chat, play cards or mahjong. When they saw Hao Qiang coming back, the villagers playing cards glanced at him and continued, while the women who loved to chat found new topics to talk about.

“Isn’t this Hao Jianjun’s son? Is the school closed?”

“He is in the third year of high school in the second high school. I heard that he took the college entrance examination these days. I don’t know how he did.”

“I heard that his grades are not very good, just at the junior college level. In previous years, not many people who took the second college entrance examination were admitted to undergraduate programs.

Chen Ming, the son of Chen Zhen in our village, is studying in the first high school in the county. He is also in the third year of high school. His grades are amazing. I heard from his mother that he will definitely be admitted to undergraduate programs.”

“Yes, I heard that if you can’t get into undergraduate programs, there is no point in going to junior college. You’d better come out to work hard. The tuition for one year of college is not small. It’s meaningless to waste that money.”

This area is the news dissemination station for the whole village. Once there is new news, it will spread throughout the village quickly.

Hao Jianjun, who was watching others playing mahjong, suddenly heard someone discussing his son and saying that he was back. He quickly got out of the crowd and saw a familiar young figure in front of him, pushing a suitcase and walking forward slowly.

Isn’t this his son!

Hao Jianjun quickly stepped forward, walked to Hao Qiang, and called softly: “A Qiang.”

Hao Qiang heard the familiar and loud voice, turned his head, and saw his father walking towards him with a simple smile.

His father was slightly shorter than Hao Qiang and had dark skin. He wore a white coat, revealing a strong body, and slippers on his feet. Although he was in his forties, he was still strong due to long-term labor, but he looked old.

Hao Qiang took a look at the lively scene under the banyan tree and asked jokingly: “Dad, you don’t know how to play cards, do you?”

“No, I just watched it when I was free. How can I have money to play? They don’t play much either.”

“Have you played Luhecai recently?” Hao Qiang saw the lottery information in his father’s hand, and he could tell at a glance with such fancy printing fonts.

In recent years, this thing has been very popular in Guangdong and Guangxi. Almost every household in the nearby villages plays it. The police station only arrests the dealers and ignores the gamblers.

If they arrest gamblers, the prison can’t hold so many people.

Hao Qiang is particularly disgusted with this thing. Fortunately, his parents are just having fun.

“I play occasionally, just a few dollars. I recently won five dollars and won more than two hundred dollars. Haha, I should have invested more.”

“This thing is just for entertainment. You really believe that you can make a lot of money. I don’t know how many people in this village have lost money.”

“Yeah, that makes sense, so your dad only plays for entertainment occasionally.”

“Dad, I think if I catch you one day, shave your head and put you in a small dark room for half a month, you will wake up.”

“Is there anyone who curses your dad like you?”

Hao Jianjun didn’t expect his son to talk more than usual. He changed a lot. He was happy to be scolded by his son.

The father and son walked and chatted. Hao Jianjun didn’t ask his son about the college entrance examination. He rarely asked about it. He feltIt’s good enough to be able to go to college.

After a while, the father and son arrived home.

Hao Qiang’s home is a one-story building with an area of ​​about 80 square meters. There are three rough houses, a hall in the middle, two bedrooms, and a bathroom under the stairs; there are also two tiled houses, one of which is used as a kitchen and the other as a pig house, where four pigs are raised.

When building the building, it cost less than 20,000 yuan, and currently owes relatives and friends several thousand yuan.

In this year, Hao Qiang feels that his family is not shabby, at least there is a shelter from the wind and rain.

He still has grandparents, but the elderly live in the old house.

In terms of family, Hao Qiang also has a close uncle. The uncle has a son and a daughter, and the children are a few years older than Hao Qiang. His cousin Hao Jian works in Yuecheng, and his cousin Hao Xiaofeng just got married last year.

The relationship between the two families is quite good. It is normal to have a small quarrel occasionally when they reunite for dinner during the New Year and other festivals. Most of the time, the land and property divided by the elderly when the family was divided that year were slightly unfair.

In the past, Hao Qiang laughed at his cousin for not getting married after he turned 30, thinking that his cousin had a problem with his thinking. But when it came to himself, he felt that it was normal not to get married in his 30s.

Later, his cousin got married at the age of 32, and his sister-in-law actively introduced several people to Hao Qiang, but it didn’t work out. Instead, she nagged him to find a partner and get married as soon as possible.

It’s true that things change over time, and people can’t be happy too early.

As soon as Hao Qiang stepped into the gate of the courtyard, he saw his mother wearing rubber shoes and stepping on pickled kohlrabi in a clay pot.

Seeing her son coming back, she showed a warm smile on her slightly yellow and wrinkled face, and asked her son about his well-being.

Hao Qiang put the suitcase in his bedroom and chatted with his parents for a while.

Liu Fengqing asked with concern: “Son, how did you do in the exam? It’s okay if you can go to a junior college. You are a college student after all. Your father and I will work hard to support you. We can’t work hard like your cousin.”

Hao Qiang smiled and comforted his mother: “Mom, don’t worry, you will definitely pass the key line. The school will give rewards when the time comes. Maybe you don’t have to worry about tuition fees.”

His parents only have junior high school education and can’t provide much help for his studies.

“Is it true? You did so well in the exam. Are you kidding us?”

Hao Qiang’s words surprised his parents and made them look suspicious.

Liu Fengqing once attended the parent meeting when the college entrance examination was sworn in 100 days. At that time, she knew that her son’s grades were at the middle level in the class. She knew the difficulty of getting into an undergraduate program, not to mention the key line.

Every year, there are very few students who can pass the key line in the second high school. Is it really because of the smoke coming out of the ancestors’ graves?

Seeing his parents’ faces full of surprise and doubt, Hao Qiang explained: “I was among the top 100 in the county in the third mock test, and my college entrance examination score was even better. You will know when the scores come out at the end of the month.”

Liu Fengqing’s yellow and rough face was full of joy. She was so excited that she couldn’t close her mouth. She said to her husband sitting on the doorstep: “Jianjun, this is a big happy event. Kill a chicken to celebrate in the evening.”

“Well, okay, I’ll go to the village to buy some cooked vegetables, eat a little at noon, and eat a good meal in the evening.” Hao Jianjun touched his pocket and found that there was only more than ten yuan, and his brows could not help but frown.

Hao Qiang felt very sad when he saw his father’s tight appearance, and said: “Dad, I’ll go buy it. I still have a hundred yuan in my hand.”

After that, Hao Qiang went out without waiting for his father to answer.

Hao Qiang planned to go to the securities company in the provincial capital to open a stock trading account the day after tomorrow. After returning home, he would use the excuse of buying scratch cards to win 5,000 yuan to support the family’s economy first.

After starting his own business and making money, he will completely solve the poverty problem at home.

After the money is transferred to his parents, his personal wealth value will definitely decrease, but for Hao Qiang, it is all worth it to reduce the burden on his parents.

Ten minutes later, he came back and bought half a lemon duck and a pound of white wine.

His mother cooked rice with sugarcane leaves, and his father washed vegetables.

At lunch, the family of three happily gathered together to eat lunch, a plate of stir-fried vegetables, a bowl of tomato egg soup, and lemon duck.

After lunch, Hao Qiang made his bed and took a short rest, then continued to copy books.

Now he just wants to upgrade, collect 60 points of the four-dimensional attributes as soon as possible, and open the technology store.

At dinner, Hao Qiang called his grandparents to his house for dinner, saying that he had killed a chicken.

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