The next day, Hao Qiang continued to stay at home and copy books.

There was not much farm work at home, his parents were idle at home, and there was no factory nearby, so he had no place to work.

His father liked to join in the fun and chat at the big banyan tree in the village. During the chat, he revealed that his son had passed the key line in the college entrance examination, and he couldn’t keep it secret at all.

This kind of news spread quickly in the village, one person told ten people, ten people told a hundred people, and it spread throughout the village like the wind.

Some villagers congratulated him and said they would have a banquet after getting the notice, but they still had some doubts in their hearts.

But some villagers, who couldn’t stand seeing others doing well, were jealous, and some villagers spoke more directly, even harshly.

“Jianjun, you are not bragging again, are you? I heard that your son’s grades are not very good, and it is good enough that he can be admitted to a junior college.”

“Yeah, every year, only a few dozen students from the second high school can pass the undergraduate line, and there are not many students who can pass the key line. Even in the first high school, there are not many students who can pass the key line. How can it be so easy.”

“Maybe Hao Qiang fooled him, comforting his parents, and then he can say that the estimated score is wrong, isn’t it, haha.”

“Haha, it’s probably just a daydream.”

Hao Jianjun has long been accustomed to those doubts and even sarcasm. This time he chose not to argue.

He knew that when the scores were actually announced, everything would be clear, and those doubts would naturally disappear.

Now, he chose to remain silent because he really couldn’t prove anything at this time.

He maintained an optimistic attitude in his heart and firmly believed that his son could get good grades. Even if the results were not satisfactory, he believed that his son could successfully enter a junior college.

That night, Chen Zhen, who had been watching the excitement under the big banyan tree, returned home. During dinner, he shared the news he had heard during the day with his family:

“I heard from Hao Jianjun that his son might pass the key score line in the college entrance examination.”

Hearing this, Chen Ming asked in confusion: “Dad, you are talking about Hao Qiang, right?”

“Well, aren’t you and him classmates in junior high school?”

“Yes, just in different classes.”

“Son, it’s hard to pass the key score line, right? Is Hao Qiang’s score good?”

“In previous years, only a few candidates in the second high school could pass the key line, and there are only more than 100 in our school.

Hao Qiang’s score is at the upper-middle level in the key class of the second high school. It’s a bit difficult to get into undergraduate studies. It’s possible that his father heard it wrong. The scores will be announced at the end of the month to know whether it’s true or not.” Chen Ming still didn’t believe that Hao Qiang could get such a high score. According to the school ranking, he estimated that it would not be a problem for him to pass the undergraduate line, but he would not reach the key line level.

The two families were quite close to each other, and there was a rice field next to each other. When Chen Ming was in elementary school, he could still play with Hao Qiang. Since they entered junior high school, they were in different classes and their relationship gradually became distant.

Four years ago, the two families quarreled over the rice field ridges and almost fought, and the relationship between the two families became worse.

Since then, Chen Ming and Hao Qiang would not say hello when they met, and just treated each other as air.

In middle school, Chen Ming’s grades were always better than Hao Qiang’s.

Usually, the village often compared the two of them.

If Hao Qiang’s college entrance examination score was really higher than his, Chen Ming would inevitably feel a little disappointed, and his parents would be ridiculed by the same villagers.

People live by their faces, and trees live by their skins. He also has self-esteem.

So, this breath still needs to be fought for.

Three years ago, Chen Ming was admitted to a high school, but Hao Qiang was not, so he won.

The results of the college entrance examination this time have been taken. I performed normally and there is no possibility of any accidents.

Hearing his son say this, Chen Zhen smiled and joked: “Haha, it seems that Jianjun, the bragging king, is bragging!

I said that it is not so easy to get into the key line. You are not sure. If he passes, it will be my son.

His son wants to pass the exam, he is dreaming in the daytime.”

“Yes, if he passes, it will be my son. What a crappy school the second high school is.” Chen Ming’s mother still holds a grudge against Hao Qiang’s family because of the ridge incident. She feels that her family has suffered a loss and often curses Hao Qiang’s parents.

Once she holds a grudge, it is really difficult to forget.

“Dad, Mom, you can’t say that. There are still many very good students in the second high school, but they didn’t do well in the high school entrance examination.” Chen Ming does not want students from the same village to do better than him, but he is not so arrogant that he thinks that the students of the second high school are all bad.

The first high school admits the top 350 students in the high school entrance examination, while the second high school admits 351-800 students.

Each class of the two schools has 600 to 700 new students. The other half of the students need to pay school selection fees. The lower the score, the higher the school selection fee.

Some students are admitted to the second high school but not the first high school. Parents spend money to enter the first high school, resulting in the overall poor performance of the second high school.

In addition, the teaching resources of the first high school are better than those of the first high school.Some, so the college entrance examination results are much better than those of the second high school.

In addition to Chen Zhen’s family, many villagers in Hualong Village also heatedly discussed Hao Qiang’s college entrance examination situation. Most people think that Hao Jianjun is exaggerating.

There are few college students in Hualong Village, and only a few candidates can be admitted to college every year. Among them, most are junior college students, and it is not easy to be admitted to undergraduates.

Looking back a few years ago, the admission rate of colleges was even lower, and being able to be admitted to junior colleges was already a very remarkable achievement.

For the villagers of Hualong Village, being admitted to college means that they will have the opportunity to jump out of this small village and become city dwellers, with a broader future and development opportunities.

June 12, early morning.

The crowing of chickens and barking of dogs awakened the sleeping village.

Hao Qiang also woke up, refreshed, and had to say the benefits of living in the countryside, quiet, excellent ventilation in the building, fresh and pleasant air, and naturally good sleep quality.

Walking out of the room, he heard the cheerful humming coming from the pigsty, and as far as he could see, several chickens were happily pecking at corn in the yard.

In the distance, the sun gradually dispelled the mist and gently sprinkled on the golden rice fields and the green sugarcane forests.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, with only the sounds of nature and the beautiful scenery, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Last night, Hao Qiang told his parents that he would go to the provincial capital to buy some study materials today.

Before going out, he dressed up a little to make himself look more like a young man in society.

At more than eight o’clock in the morning, Hao Qiang went out lightly, carrying only his ID card, bank card and the remaining 70 or 80 yuan.

He walked to the entrance of the village and waited for a while, and happened to meet a bus from the county to the provincial capital. He waved his hand, and got on the bus after the vehicle stopped steadily. The fare was 12 yuan.

About 45 minutes later, the bus arrived at the Langdong Bus Station in the provincial capital smoothly.

Hao Qiang had never been to a securities company in the provincial capital. After leaving the bus station, he took a taxi and told the driver to go to the nearby Guoxin Securities. He asked the fare first and got on the car only when he felt he was not being ripped off.

“Brother, do you want to buy stocks?”

After getting on the car, Hao Qiang heard the driver curiously ask, and smiled and replied: “Master, I don’t buy stocks, I just want to meet a friend.”

“Oh, brother, you have friends in the securities company, that’s amazing, it’s hard not to make money by stock trading.”

“How can it be so easy.” Hao Qiang smiled, and he didn’t expect that the driver suddenly became polite after he said it casually, and kept asking questions.

After a few minutes, they arrived at Guoxin Securities, and the driver handed Hao Qiang a business card.

Watching the taxi go farther and farther, Hao Qiang glanced at the phone number on the business card, and then threw it gently, and the business card flew accurately into the trash can.

He calmly walked into the gate of the securities company that had just started business and walked towards the counter of the sales department.

He discussed the commission discount with the staff, saying that he had more than hundreds of thousands of yuan in funds and frequent transactions, so he could easily get a low-commission account, and the staff was more enthusiastic about Hao Qiang.

Next, Hao Qiang handed in his ID card, filled in the information, opened a fund account number, and the bank used his newly applied bank card.

These days, mobile stock trading software is not yet popular, and trading is extremely inconvenient.

According to the account manager, online trading software has been opened. They distribute “securities trading cards” to customers. After completion, you can download the online trading software designated by the securities company, transfer money from the bank to the securities company’s fund account through the online trading system or telephone trading system, and then you can buy and sell stocks, and you don’t have to go to the stock exchange or securities company every time you buy and sell stocks.

Hao Qiang opened an account number in Shenzhen A and Shanghai A respectively. There were many procedures and many questions. It took more than an hour to complete the whole process.

By the way, the problem of opening a Hong Kong stock account is more troublesome. Hao Qiang plans to handle it after going to school in the new city.

He currently has 85,000 yuan in unwithdrawn money, all of which has been withdrawn to the bank card.

Securities companies can entrust the buying and selling of stocks, otherwise, Hao Qiang would have to go to the Internet cafe to download trading software.

It was less than eleven o’clock at this time, and Hao Qiang followed the market and entrusted the broker to trade. Ten minutes later, the transaction was successful.

The purchase price was 41.50 yuan, 100 shares per lot, Hao Qiang bought a total of 19 lots, the stock cost was 78,850 yuan, and the stock transaction fee was about 22 yuan.

Hao Qiang planned to continue to invest the money earned from writing in Moutai stocks. He was looking forward to how much money he could make after school started.

Hao Qiang still had more than 6,000 yuan to withdraw. After leaving the securities company, he went to a nearby bank to withdraw 5,000 yuan and planned to give the money to his parents.

He went to the bookstore to buy two books, and at five o’clock in the afternoon, he returned home.

After dinner, Hao Qiang went back to the bedroom to take out the 5,000 yuan, a stack of 50 hundred-yuan bills, and gently placed them on the dining table, instantly turning the money his parents had given him into a pile of 100-yuan bills.Stunned.

Looking at the shocked expressions of his parents, Hao Qiang had expected it. He pretended to smile proudly and said, “I went to the provincial capital today and spent 20 yuan to buy a scratch lottery ticket. I didn’t expect to be so lucky. I won 5,000 yuan and exchanged it on the spot. Hehe.”

The parents were shocked by the sudden stack of money. After a while, Hao Jianjun picked up the money, licked his tongue, counted it one by one, and said after counting, “It’s really 5,000 yuan, son, you didn’t steal or rob it, right?

This is not a trivial matter. If you stole or robbed it, you have to give it back.”

“Dad, don’t worry, I won the lottery. Stealing or robbing would ruin my future. I’m not that stupid. I still want to go to college.”

Hearing his son’s explanation, and considering that his character would not do bad things, Hao Jianjun and Liu Fengqing finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, their smiles blooming like peach blossoms.

Especially Hao Jianjun, with the corners of his mouth curled up, he chuckled a few times, picked up the money and counted it again, confirming this unexpected wealth.

The family’s financial situation has always been very tight, and they still owe brothers and relatives thousands of yuan. They were worried about their son’s tuition before, but now their son has solved it himself.

“Save this money for college, son, do you have any objections?”

“I have no objection, but it’s best not to tell others, so that others won’t be jealous and even come to borrow money.” Hao Qiang nodded, took out a bill and put it in his pocket, “I’ll keep some for myself, and let mom keep this money. Dad, don’t use it to play the lottery.”

“Jianjun, you see, your son is more sensible than you. I told you not to play the lottery a long time ago. You lose more than you win, how can you beat the dealer.” Liu Fengqing smiled and picked up the money on the table and took it into the bedroom for storage.

“Yes, yes, my son won the lottery and did well in the college entrance examination. Our family has changed. We will not play anymore.”

Hao Jianjun, who was criticized, did not refute. He kept smiling foolishly. He had studied lottery for so many years, but he was not as good as his son.

He dared not touch his son’s money. If he lost, where could he borrow money to support him to go to college?

Only when you have borrowed money, you will know the warmth and coldness of human feelings and the fickleness of the world.

In fact, sometimes, when he played the lottery, there was still a trace of self-esteem. Seeing that Chen Zhen won ten yuan several times and his son’s grades were better than his own son’s, and under the instigation of the villagers, he could not help but gamble a few times, but he lost more than he won.

If his son really passed the key line in this college entrance examination, he would really save the situation.

Although people do not live for others, people who live in the village are always compared with the villagers, which is naturally a bit uncomfortable.

“Dad, you’re not just talking, are you? I’m serious. That thing is addictive and can ruin your family. If people know you have money, they will set you up to get you into the trap. No matter how much money you have, it’s not enough to play.” Hao Qiang reminded.

“Well, no matter how much you win, you’re still giving money to the dealer. I really don’t want to play anymore. I’ll burn all the information now.” Hao Jianjun made up his mind that his son had a promising future and he couldn’t hold him back. He stood up and collected the lottery information.

Seeing his father tear up the lottery information, Hao Qiang joked, “Dad, if you like to show off, I’ll buy you a car when I make a lot of money in the future and put it at the entrance of the village.”

“Haha, this is a good idea. My son still understands me.” Hao Jianjun didn’t hide his inner vanity.

Seeing his parents’ happy expressions, his father woke up two years earlier than in his previous life, and Hao Qiang felt less guilty.

In his previous life, he didn’t get into college and failed his parents’ expectations, even though his parents didn’t say much about him.

I can’t make money from working, and I can’t share my parents’ worries. Whenever the villagers talk about themselves, my parents are always laughed at.

Whose son has made a lot of money from working, married a wife, and had grandchildren.

Every Chinese New Year, when Hao Qiang comes back from working outside, the villagers will inevitably give him a cold shoulder, asking him if he has found a wife, if he has made money from working, and these questions are repeated over and over again. Seeing that you are not doing well, they are even happier.

Do your own thing and let others judge!

It’s easy to say, but people are emotional animals, and life cannot be separated from these circles. Who doesn’t want to go home for the Chinese New Year in glory and bring honor to the family?

Complaining about others’ love of showing off is actually a lot of envy and jealousy. If you have it yourself, don’t show off, just look at it optimistically.

When resting at night, Hao Qiang felt his mood suddenly brightened.

Even if he lived to be 38 years old in his previous life, he was still a loser and could not reach the level of “not being happy with things, not being sad with himself”. Now that he has achieved a little success, he will be proud of it.

Tonight, seeing his parents’ surprised look at the money, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a silly smile.

That night, he fell into a deep sleep, and the dream was sweet.

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