Hao Qiang stayed at home, and more than ten days passed in a flash.

A few days ago, Wu Hai came to his house to deliver field mouse meat, allowing Hao Qiang’s family to taste the delicacy.

On June 25,

the scores of the college entrance examination in Guangxi Province were announced, and Hao Qiang left home again.

His father asked him to call the village store to inform him after learning the scores.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Hao Qiang stepped into the school and felt a strange atmosphere. He was both nervous and full of expectations.

When passing through the teaching building, he found that many classmates were queuing outside the head teacher’s office, waiting to receive their score slips.

Hao Qiang first put his backpack back to the dormitory and found that there was no one in the dormitory. The other dormitories in the class seemed particularly quiet.

When he walked towards the teaching building again, he met a classmate who had returned to school and greeted each other.

“Hao Qiang, have you checked your scores? How did you do?”

“No, I’ll check it now. Have you checked it?”

“I just arrived at school. Too many people are checking. I’ll put my backpack down first.”

When Hao Qiang walked to the head teacher’s office, his classmates saw him and showed envy and congratulated him.

“Hao Qiang, you are awesome!”

“Hao Qiang is a student who is amazing when he makes a splash!”

“I ranked first in the province in a single subject, but I did poorly in other subjects. What a pity.”

Seeing that everyone’s eyes were focused on him, Hao Qiang was also a little confused.

I ranked first in the province in a single subject?

Did I do poorly in other subjects?

Hao Qiang was both surprised and worried (because the standard score was used in Guangxi Province in 2004, the explanation is too complicated, and the original score of 150 is used in the text)

Chinese or English?

It seems that English is not good enough. Could it be Chinese?

“Hao Qiang is here, come in first!”

Teacher Wei Rong in the office heard from students that Hao Qiang had arrived, and called him to go in first. Other students made way for Hao Qiang to lead the way.

Hao Qiang heard the head teacher calling him, and he said to the students around him: “Thank you, classmates, I won’t be polite then!”

“Come in quickly, this is a special treatment for the top students.”

“Haha, that’s right, why are you being polite? If I get a high score, I’ll be more impressive than you.” A classmate joked to Hao Qiang.

More than a dozen students gathered at the scene, some of whom had already received their score slips. Some were surprised, some were disappointed, and they were all listening to the head teacher’s chat.

Hao Qiang squeezed into the office and saw Wei Rong with a gentle smile on his face. He said to him: “You kid launched a big satellite, which is shocking!

Chinese actually won the first place in the province!

When the Chinese teacher knew about it, he was very happy.

The results of other subjects were also good, but it was a pity, but with 657 points, ranking 660th in the province, you can apply for a good 985 university. Here, this is your score slip.”

The classmates around saw that the head teacher was very polite to Hao Qiang, and felt that he was more enthusiastic than the school leaders.

Damn, this is the treatment of a top student.

Hao Qiang didn’t feel surprised when he heard the ranking. He thanked first: “Thanks to the teaching of Teacher Wei and teachers of various subjects, students can get this score.”

He took the score slip and looked at it carefully. Chinese scored 142 points, English scored 145 points, mathematics scored 130 points, physics scored 110 points, and chemistry scored 130 points. The total score on the paper was 657 points.

[Guangxi Province’s 2004 3+X model, science students can choose any two subjects from biology and chemistry, and choose physics + chemistry, and do not need to take biology, which is different from the national 3+ comprehensive model. The total score is also 750 points]

This year’s math and chemistry questions are too simple. Those who usually score more than 90 points can get 120+ in the college entrance examination, and the difficult ones are super difficult. This is unlucky for top-level candidates like Hao Qiang, and the score gap cannot be widened.

The physics questions are more difficult. Although Hao Qiang got the basic points, he still can’t face the super difficult questions.

In other words, even if the difficulty of the math and chemistry questions is the same as the mock exam, Hao Qiang is confident that he can get 130 points.

Alas, his foundation is too poor. It’s less than two months since he was reborn to the college entrance examination. The time he has to review is too short.

If he is given another month, even if the attribute value does not increase, he is confident that he can increase the total score of the paper by another 20 or 30 points.

According to this year’s question situation, if the paper score reaches 680 points, the ranking may be around the top 100 in the province.

However, if you want to be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University, you must be among the top 50 in the province, and you have to take on super difficult questions. The difference in each subject is just a few points.

Wei Rong heard this, his eyes full of admiration: “Haha, you’re welcome, it seems that you are not satisfied with your scores.

This year’s math and chemistry questions are indeed relatively easy. Judging from your three mock exam results, you are indeed at a disadvantage.”

He didn’t expect Hao Qiang to score so high in Chinese and English, especially Chinese. It was a big surprise. I guess he wrote a very good essay.

As for math, physics and chemistry, Wei Rong felt that the questions were a bit strange. If they were more normal, he wouldI think Hao Qiang can do better.

Seeing Hao Qiang’s smile and calm expression, Wei Rong guessed that he was not satisfied with his scores in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

How much strength does this guy have hidden?

He deliberately failed the exams, showed his strength of 5 points in the three mock tests, and tried his best to cope with the college entrance examination. This guy is really good at playing.

“It’s normal, it’s a foregone conclusion, how about the score line?”

Hao Qiang just smiled faintly. He was generally satisfied, but it was not a big surprise. It was a normal performance.

If he takes the test again, he will definitely not get a high score in Chinese.

It was difficult for him to get an undergraduate degree. If it weren’t for the golden finger, this total score would be a luxury for him.

As long as he can be admitted to a 985 university, the free attribute points are +3 anyway.

The students who did badly in the college entrance examination have already cried secretly and were extremely depressed. Comparing Hao Qiang’s results with Guangyao, they felt that the gap was too big and they were even more disappointed.

Hao Qiang felt sympathy for those disappointed classmates. He had good grades, so he couldn’t express his joy, lest he be targeted.

The classmates around him were a little surprised when they heard the conversation between the head teacher and Hao Qiang. He had scored 657 points, but Hao Qiang was still not satisfied. He must have been hiding his strength.

However, some students thought that Hao Qiang was lucky and deliberately played the victim. In fact, he was very proud of it, but thinking that Hao Qiang did have the strength to show off, it was hard to say anything. He could only be jealous. If it were him, he would probably be even more proud.

“3+ Physics and Chemistry Group, the first batch of key lines is 525 points, and the second-class line is 480 points. This is the application form. Take it and study it first.” Wei Rong took a copy of the application form from the table and gave it to him. Each student will be given a copy. [Note: The standard score system is not described]

Han Qingying scored 640 points, ranking 1325th in the province.

Only 10 students in my class passed the undergraduate entrance examination, and there were 17 students in the other two key classes. Including repeaters, only 45 students in the science department of the whole school passed the undergraduate entrance examination.

Only four students in the science department passed the key entrance examination, and one student in the liberal arts department. Except for Hao Qiang and Han Qingying, not many other students passed the key entrance examination.

There were two students in my class who passed the key entrance examination, and they were both high scores. This was the most brilliant class for Wei Rong.

Especially the first place in the province in Chinese. No. 1 High School has not yet had the first place in the province in a single subject. The principal plans to promote it well.

Hao Qiang took the application materials and left the office in the envious eyes of his classmates. He planned to take it back to the classroom to read.

At this time, more than 30 students were already sitting in the classroom, gathered in groups of three or five, and enthusiastically discussed their scores and wishes.

The moment Hao Qiang walked into the classroom, they all cast envious and strange eyes at him. Many classmates were jealous. His score had spread in the class and even attracted the attention of students in other classes.

As soon as he sat down, his classmates who were close to him came over to congratulate him.

“Hao Qiang, you are amazing, 657 points, top ten in the county, key university for sure.”

“The most amazing is the champion in Chinese, I only got 90 points.”

“Brother Qiang, which university are you going to apply for?”

Before Hao Qiang spoke, the classmates around him chattered non-stop, many of them suggested that he apply for Beihang University, Wuhan University, Nanjing University, Beijing Institute of Technology, and even Jiaotong University.

In fact, they didn’t know much, it was pure nonsense!

As for majors, they didn’t understand them even more, such as civil engineering. High school students these days don’t know what to do after graduation. If they knew that even graduates from famous schools would be stationed at construction sites, the number of applicants would probably be reduced by more than half.

Hao Qiang smiled and said to the classmates around him: “I haven’t thought about it yet, let me take a look at the information first.”

Everyone saw Hao Qiang start to look through the information carefully and stopped disturbing him.

Hao Qiang read the information for half an hour, and combined with his previous life’s cognition, he gradually had a goal in mind.

Although he has never been to university, he has watched many videos of Mou Feng in his previous life. If he considers future employment, he will definitely prioritize his major and then choose a university.

With his score, it is easy for him to go to Sichuan University, but if he wants to go to Sichuan University’s hardcore professional eight-year clinical medicine, his score must be ranked within the top 300 in the province.

Last year, Qinghua’s science admission score in Guangxi Province was 685 points!

Even if he has the ability to be admitted to Qingbei, he would rather choose Jiaotong University than go to the imperial capital to study, or even go to Harbin Institute of Technology. It is too painful for southerners to study in the north.

The admission score of Jiaotong University is 675 points, but the admission score has no reference significance. If you want to enter steadily, you must rank in the top 100 in the province!

Although Hao Qiang yearns for Jiaotong University, the gap is too big, and he will most likely be rejected if he applies. Similarly, Zhejiang University and Nanjing University are also out of the question.

He mainly considers future entrepreneurship, so he only considers universities in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, and universities in the central and western regions and the imperial capital are not considered.

The two regions have complete industrial supporting facilities and many opportunities, which are very conducive to entrepreneurship.

Therefore, Hao Qiang can choose from four 985 universities, including Zhongda, Hua Nan University of Science and Technology, Tongji, and East China Normal University.

Tongji’s strengths are in architecture and civil engineering, and East China Normal University is needless to say. Neither of these two universities is suitable for Hao Qiang.

Zhongda focuses on liberal arts, and its strengths are in medicine, and science is also good; Hua Nan University of Science and Technology is strong in engineering.

Considering the future research and doctoral points, give priority to majors related to national key disciplines.

Therefore, choose one of the engineering majors of Hua Nan University of Science and Technology or the science majors of Zhongda.

He has a golden finger, so it doesn’t matter what major he chooses for undergraduate studies, but considering the future research and doctoral studies, he still chooses relevant ones. Experience and relationship resources are things that the golden finger cannot solve.

Hao Qiang put down his book and took a short break. Seeing Wu Hai sitting next to him with a sad face, he said distressedly:

“Qiangzi, you did so abnormally!

Alas, I am so pitiful. I only scored 435 points, which is still a long way from the undergraduate line.”

Hao Qiang heard this and comforted him for a while. Wu Hai’s score was slightly higher than in his previous life, but there was no qualitative improvement. He could only apply for a junior college. He asked: “Do you plan to repeat the year?”

Wu Hai looked depressed: “My family’s financial situation is not good. Even if I repeat a year, I don’t have the confidence to pass the undergraduate exam. Even if I pass, it will be the worst undergraduate. It is better to study in a junior college for three years and start working early. I don’t plan to continue studying.”

In fact, he saw that his friend did very well in the exam and was happy for Hao Qiang, but compared with himself, he felt that the gap was too big and was hit, and he was a little unbalanced.

In fact, he was quite satisfied with his score, but just wanted to complain and seek comfort.

“Take it one step at a time. Fill in your application form first and get the admission letter. Maybe things will get better by then. If you are really short of money, maybe I can lend you some money when I have a reward.” Hao Qiang suggested that according to Wu Hai’s current foundation, if he studies hard, there is only a 50% chance that he will pass the undergraduate line.

If he fails, he will not be willing to go to junior college.

But Wu Hai is right. Even if he passes, he can only go to a very low-level undergraduate program. It is better to go to a junior college with a good major, such as stomatology. There is not much difference between undergraduate and junior college.

Wu Hai felt much more comfortable after hearing Hao Qiang’s comforting words, and returned to his usual carefree appearance, saying:

“Of course, even if you don’t plan to study, it means that you have been admitted to a university, but you just don’t want to study. Which university do you plan to apply for?”

“I might go to Zhongda or Hua Nan University of Technology in Yuecheng. It is closer to home and the development there is not bad.” Hao Qiang replied.

“Then I also want to go to Yuecheng. What major do you think I should apply for?”

Hao Qiang was silent for a while, and recommended: “Stomatology. Don’t apply to schools with too high admission scores. Just apply for a good one. It’s easy to pass the dentist qualification certificate. The key is the technique.”

Wu Hai applied for a useless major in his previous life and couldn’t find a job after graduation.

Next, Hao Qiang analyzed with him the importance of choosing a major.

Many high school teachers don’t actually understand the actual situation of social employment. They often only pay attention to the admission rate and enrollment rate of famous schools, which can easily lead to guidance for students that deviates from reality or even blind guidance.

Of course, there are some experienced teachers who still understand, but they are afraid of thankless work and choose to remain silent. If students are not admitted or have poor employment, it is better not to blame them.

In fact, apart from civil servants and career staff, the most instructive thing is the recruitment website.

Information such as market demand, salary level and career development direction of each major can be learned on the recruitment website.

But there are no recruitment websites these days. Hao Qiang talked a lot with Wu Hai, and he listened.

“Qiang, I’m a little worried. If a beautiful woman comes to get her teeth done, I’ll smell bad breath. I’m afraid I’ll be immune to beautiful women in the future.”

“Now I’m worried that you’ll use your mouth on beautiful women to detect the disease.”

“Damn, good idea, then I’ve decided to apply for oral medicine!”

“Dead Sea, if you have connections, it’s not bad to work in a funeral home.”

“Damn, Qiangzi, don’t fool me. A funeral home, where can I work? I feel sick when I hear that.”

“Haha, you look down on this profession, Many people rushed to get in but had no way. Think about it, those surgeons, which one has not touched corpses, dismantled and sewed, sewed and dismantled, sewed and patched, the skin is eroded. ”

“Qiangzi, stop, don’t say it, I have no appetite for lunch, anyway, I am not suitable, I am suitable for oral medicine, only beauty work. Even if you can’t kiss, you have to hurt people and make them cry.”

“Pervert, hey, misleading.”

The two chatted nonsense, and unknowingly it was already 10:30 in the morning.

At this time, mostThe students have gathered in the classroom and have already known their scores.

What shocked the whole class was that Hao Qiang scored 657 points and ranked first in the province in Chinese! This result was unbelievable to everyone.

During the third mock test, Lin Fan said that Hao Qiang might have cheated. Now that he knew that he scored 657 points and he only scored 427 points, he was jealous, but he didn’t dare to say that he cheated.

Chen Mengqi scored 438 points. She felt that God was unfair to her. Why did the people she hated do so well? Why couldn’t she perform exceptionally well? Wasn’t she pitiful enough?

Han Qingying scored 640 points and was quite satisfied with this score. When she knew that Hao Qiang scored 657 points, her eyes sparkled with surprise and astonishment. She was thinking for a while. Some classmates said that Hao Qiang tried his best to pursue her. I don’t know if it’s true or not. I’m a little curious about which university he plans to apply for.

At eleven o’clock,

the school hung a large banner and a good news announcement “Congratulations to our student Hao Qiang for winning the first place in the province in Chinese in the 2004 college entrance examination”.

[Good news: Hao Qiang, a fresh graduate of our school, won the first place in the province in Chinese in the 2004 college entrance examination with amazing strength!

His scores in other subjects were also excellent… The total score was 657 points, ranking 660th in the province. We warmly congratulate Hao Qiang on his brilliant achievements, and hope that all students in our school can follow Hao Qiang’s example, work hard, and achieve better results.

Class teacher: Wei Rong; Chinese teacher: Li Jialing…]

This news was like a bomb, instantly detonating the whole school.

Before long, Hao Qiang’s reputation was well-known in the second high school, and even the cleaning lady and the doorman praised him highly.

In fact, when Li Jialing learned that her student won the first place in the province in Chinese, she was more surprised than anyone else: I don’t think I taught Hao Qiang anything, and I haven’t given him professional tutoring.

Colleagues in the Chinese language group congratulated her, but only Li Jialing herself knew the truth.

For the school, the first place in a single subject in the province will be rewarded and commended to both students and substitute teachers.

This kind of thing has never happened in the history of No. 2 High School. The school leaders came to her door and not only gave her high praise, but also communicated with her about publicity matters, hoping that she could actively cooperate.

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